Who is the strongest person in the world in the history of mankind? TOP-10 of the strongest athletes in the world

Who is the strongest person in the world in the history of mankind? TOP-10 of the strongest athletes in the world

Who is the strongest person on earth? You will learn about this from the article.

People with physical strength have always been an object of universal attention. They admired, tried to imitate, turned to help in difficult situations. A beautiful, muscular male body is delighted with the female half of the population.

Men more weak physically try to be like their idols, visit gym halls in order to pump up their muscles. Nevertheless, athletes are considered the strongest in the world. There are ten strongest people on Earth.

Rating of the most powerful people of the planet: TOP-10 strongest

Strong people were always on Earth. In almost all fairy tales and epics there are heroes who come to the rescue at the right moment. Nowadays, there are also people strong in spirit and physically. Who are these people? These are athletes devoting themselves to the entire sport and achieved high results.

Here is a list of these strong and courageous people:

  1. The strongest man in the world is considered Ladurunas Savitski.
  2. He goes after him Mariusz Pudzyanovsky.
  3. The third place is given Vasily Virastyuk.
  4. Brian show It takes fourth place.
  5. The fifth is coming Benedict Magnusson.
  6. On the sixth Yuko Ahola.
  7. The seventh place takes Bruce Wilhelm.
  8. The eighth strong man is considered John Paul Sigmarson.
  9. The ninth strong man on the planet is Mark Henry.
  10. Bekka Svensonit is considered the strongest woman and she is given the tenth place in the men's list.

Now let's look at the sports merits of everyone in detail. Since it is customary to let women go forward, let's start with Becky. Although it is very strong and in terms of physique is more like a man, all the same, Svenson is a woman.

Bekka Svenson

It is difficult to call it a weak floor, Becca does not look weak and defenseless at all. Rather, on the contrary, many men look defenseless next to her. She can easily overcome several representatives of a strong half. The strength from America is really "the strongest woman in the world." She won more than one victory in the triathum.

The strongest woman
The strongest woman

In 2002, participating in the competition "The strongest woman" won. Svevens can raise the severity that not every man will raise. Lying she can squeeze a bar with 270 kilograms, and in a ride 387 kilograms. Although she is already over thirty, she still continues to engage in Troeoborye.

Mark Henry

The athlete from Texas in 1992 participated in the Olympics took tenth place. In the summer of the 96th, he again decided to participate in the games and he got the fourteenth place. In 1995, participating in Panmeric Games Henry took silver. In 2002, having won the struggle of Randon Orton received the title of heavyweight champion.


Later in the battle with Big show, Henry was disqualified, for the blow inflicted by the opponent in the groin. In 2011, Mark lost the show of the show by giving him the title of champion. Mark Henry found himself in Troeoborye, heavy athletics, painting and cinema.

John Paul Sigmarsson

John became interested in bodybuilding and triathli, called the “most powerful man” 4 times. In the 84th, John won the bodybuilding competitions in Iceland. In the 83rd he became the “strongest man in the world”, taking 2nd place.

Strong man
Strong man

Then in the 86th, having suffered several defeats, he again regained this title. In the 93rd, John passed away, the cause of death was a sudden arrest.

Bruce Wilhelm

Bruce is not only a strong person, but also a writer. He wrote more than one athletics book. In addition to heavy athletics, the strongman was also engaged in struggle, metal disk and nucleus. As a student of the Frimon school, he was fond of athletics.

A strong writer
A strong writer

In the 75th, Bruce won in heavy athletics competitions, and in the 76th at the Olympics in Montreal he took 5th place. In the 77th and 78th years, he is “the strongest man of the planet”, having won the competition.

Yuko Ahola

The athlete from Finland Yuko Ahola, the winner of the competition “Hercules holds” and “Atlas Stones”. In the late 90s, two years in a row he was recognized as "the strongest person in Europe."

Like Hercules
Like Hercules

Now the athlete is being shot in films and sits in the judicial commission at the competition "The strongest man of the world."

Benedict Magnusson

Benedict began playing sports at sixteen. The coach noted that Magnusson is well given in becoming a deadlift, began to train him in this direction from a weight of 120 kg. But two days later, Benedict raised the bar, which exceeded twenty kilograms of his own weight.

Intensely playing sports from his youth
Intensely playing sports from his youth

In 2003, he got the tenth place at the World Cup in Troeoborye, and in 2005 in Finland he got the sixth place. In 2011, Magnusson broke the Enthi Balton record in an empty thrust raising a bar weighing 460 kg.

Brian show  

The American began to play sports as a child. At the end of school, he was two -meter -meter and weighed more than a hundred kilograms. His hobby in his school years was water sports and basketball. After school, Brian felt that he likes heavy athletics.

He is engaged in heavy athletics
He is engaged in heavy athletics

In 2009-2010, he took part in the competition “The strongest man in the world” and took first third, and then second place. In 2011, the show became the champion, winning the competitions of Jews Savitskas. 2012 was losing for Brian, but a year later I was able to regain the champion title.

Vasily Virastyuk

The Ukrainian athlete graduated from a physical education college in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. After graduation, he worked as a coach in athletics and was engaged in pushing the nucleus until 2000. In 2004 and 2007, he broke all world records and was recognized as the strongest on the planet.

Speech Ukrainian
Speech Ukrainian

Virastyuk is an honored master of sports of Ukraine, the world champion in the power all -around, actor. In 2004, Virastyuk took part in the game Fort Boyard.

Mariusz Pudzyanovsky

The Polish strongman is a five -time winner in the competition "The strongest person in the world." Mariusz at the beginning was engaged in karate and received the 4th Dan in sports. At the age of thirteen, his hobby was the triathlon, and at fifteen he was attracted by boxing.

5-time strongman
5-time strongman

In the 99th, athletics competitions, the athlete takes first place, and in 2012 he was awarded the title “The strongest man of the planet”, which remains with him for four years.

Ladurunas Savitskas

The athlete from Lithuania Lida Savitskas is leading among the strongest people. He repeatedly won the competition "The strongest man of the planet." Jewelurunas began sports from the age of fourteen, in the 92nd at the Strongest Maine competitions he got the tenth place. In 2002, 2003 and 2008, in the same competitions from the tenth, he rises to second place. From 2009 to 2012, Savitskas becomes a champion among the "most powerful people on the planet."


And yet, an unsurpassed strongman in the history of mankind was the Korean Masutatsu Oyam. He was so successful in the style of Karate Kekusenkai, who himself founded that no one could defeat him. He spent twelve hours a day honing his skills.

If after reading this article, there was a desire to become at least a little like one of the above-list, get up from the couch and go to the gym. But, in order to achieve the result, you will also have to abandon bad habits that do not combine with playing sports.

Video: The Rating of the strongest

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