How to force yourself to play sports: 14 tips for professional athletes for playing sports at home, advantages of sports, the effect of sports on the body

How to force yourself to play sports: 14 tips for professional athletes for playing sports at home, advantages of sports, the effect of sports on the body

In this article, we will consider methods that will help you stimulate yourself in sports.

Sport is an important component of the life of active people. A simple and effective means to improve health. Constantly performing physical exercises, you feel more vigorous and more active. A fit and strong body increases self -esteem and raises the mood.

How to force yourself to play sports: dispel myths, motivation

Each person repeatedly makes attempts to physical activity. Starting to classes, everyone wants to get the result as quickly as possible. An erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bsports prevents the achievement of the desired effect. In sports, not only desire is important, but also self -discipline, so do not be lazy, but make yourself playing sports. There are myths about sports that interfere with the correct perception and achievement of a positive result.

  • Physical activity is severe exhausting training in the hall.

You need to start playing sports, fitness with simple exercises without load. There is a lot of sports equipment that will replace the simulators in the complex. Home training will perfectly complement dumbbells, horizontal bar, fitball or elastic tape. There are many sports in which there is no heavy physical activity. You can do yoga or run in the morning, ride a bicycle or swim in the pool.

  • A long break does not affect physical shape.

To maintain the form, you must systematically engage. One week is enough without sports to lose the result. With chaotic training, muscles lose their strength and endurance. There is a high probability of returning to the previous level.

Proceeding sports
Proceeding sports
  • Sports is the best tool for weight loss.

To get rid of excess weight, first of all you need to reconsider your diet. Compliance with a diet in a complex with sports will help to say goodbye to unnecessary kilograms. Losing weight due to nutrition is achieved by reducing fat deposits and muscle mass. As a result, there is an energy loss. Exercise will help maintain energy and pump up muscles.

  • Power exercises are needed only by men.

Women should not avoid exercises to build muscle. It is enough to follow the recommendations, and your body will acquire moderate relief. Do not pump only one part of the body. As a result, you will receive disproportionate areas. The female sex is quite difficult to withstand strength training. It is necessary to show perseverance and concentrate on the work done.

  • Muscle pain is the best indicator of the result.

A painful sensation appears as a result of microscopic muscle ruptures. After the first exercises, we notice a little discomfort in the body. If severe pain is concerned, then there is a high probability that you were injured. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the intensity of training.

  • Before training, you need stretching.

To achieve the best result, before starting the exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. At the beginning of the workout, give a few minutes to warm up. In this case, stretching does not bring any effect. You can include several elements of stretching in the warm -up, this is more than enough.

Make oneself playing sports
Make oneself playing sports
  • Pregnancy and lactation - contraindications for sports.

The correctly selected set of exercises will not harm either you or your child. The normalized load will benefit your body and will not affect the quality of your lactation.

  • The age indicator does not matter.

Do not avoid sports due to age-related restrictions. You can always choose a set of exercises taking into account your individual characteristics.

14 tips for professional athletes for sports at home every day with pleasure

Why is it so difficult to start leading a sports lifestyle? How to force yourself to play sports with pleasure, every day? Consider the advice of professional athletes.

  1. Choose a sport that you will like and inspire the result.

Do not want to run - jump on a rope. 15 minutes of jumping replaces half an hour running. It is boring to do yoga - sign up for stretching classes and get the desired flexibility without meditation. Do not want to visit the gym - pump the body at home.

  1. Positive mood.

Think about the final result, imagine your body “before” and “after”. Think about what you are doing for. Make up your mood with sportswear. Train to the sounds of dynamic music.

  1. Encourage your actions.

Do not turn the training into routine. Turn yourself with something tasty after class. Engage in anticipation of subsequent events - an evening walk, a warm bath or watching your favorite series.

  1. Find a sports partner.

Find a company for joint training. A joint discussion of classes and the results achieved will give you an additional incentive. Compete among yourself. Thus, you motivate not only yourself, but also a partner.

Find a partner
Find a partner
  1. Buy a subscription.

Buying a subscription will be a significant argument for regular training. Classes under the guidance of a coach will form a sense of responsibility with you.

  1. Form your ideal.

Listen to the advice of people leading an active lifestyle. Inspired by the forms and results of like -minded people. View photos and motivating videos on the Internet. Strive to become the owner of forms that cause an enthusiastic look of others.

  1. Combine pleasant with useful.

If you do not have enough time, then manage to combine several classes. You can perform a set of exercises without looking up from watching your favorite film. Ride a bicycle in order to visit the store. Combine a run with a dog walk.

  1. Put your relatives.

People around you should be aware of your aspirations. Then they will be able to support your restrictions on food, without seducing you with “yummy” at the wrong time. Interest in your successes is able to motivate you even more. They should be the first to notice your progress and not skimp on praise.

  1. Provide yourself to additional efforts.

Set real goals. To lose a few kilograms - to get into smaller clothes. Run a few minutes longer - to get to the desired object. Swell a big distance - to wipe your nose to a partner. Adjust the forms to the beach season.

Achieve goals
Achieve goals
  1. Useful and healthy food.

Review your diet. In order for the body to make up for the spent energy, fruits, vegetables, and grain cereals should be present in your menu. It is also necessary to turn on the products rich in protein and carbohydrates.

  1. Complicate the tasks.

Do not stand still. Increase the loads, lengthen the distances. Perform more complex tasks. Diversify your classes with a new set of exercises. Master various sports.

  1. Fix your results.

Follow your achievements. Fix each of your progress. Write down your impressions. Make and write down a new menu. Form a schedule of classes and mark its compliance.

Follow the results
Follow the results
  1. Be more cunning and resourceful.

Overwhelm yourself. With unwillingness to do, try to do with a small scum. Having started to work, the processes in the body will start and a second wind will open. You will find the strength to continue training.

  1. Start each training with your own thoughts.

You clearly know what you are doing. What goals do you want to achieve. Ignore your weaknesses and start classes with mental motivation.

How to force yourself to play sports at home: practical advice

In the absence of the opportunity to visit sports halls and sections, it is necessary to create all the conditions for sports at home. To overcome your laziness and start training at home, use tested methods.

  1. We make a schedule.

In order not to be distracted by household chores and not to give training a chaotic character, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule. Only in this case, your classes will become systemic.

  1. Sports Equipment.

In the absence of simulators, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to purchase sports equipment. Using a ball or dumbbells, you will increase the load on the muscles. Dressing sportswear, get rid of discomfort. When practicing on a special rug, avoid spinal injuries.

  1. Set specific goals.

Specify your desires. If you strive for weight loss, decide how many kilograms you need to reset and for what period. The numbers should be real and reached, do not overdo it. Start with small achievements and, imperceptibly for you, come to the maximum. Reaching the result within the allotted time, you motivate yourself for further actions.

Set goals
Set goals
  1. No excuses.

Take a rule to yourself - never tolerate training the next day, a week, etc. They decided to do it - proceed immediately.

  1. Create an atmosphere.

Organize workspace, start training with positive emotions. Do not perceive classes as hard labor. Consider them as a unique opportunity to be alone with you.

  1. Competent selection of a set of exercises.

Before starting training, take the time to select the right set of exercises. View books, sometimes on the Internet, consult your professionals. Information will ensure the achievement of the result, eliminate injuries and stretching.

We study at home
We study at home
  1. Form a habit.

Do not stop classes until you have a habit of playing sports. Gradually, your sports training will become an integral part of everyday life. There will no longer be necessary to persuade or force yourself. Sport will become an active part of your life.

Advantages of playing sports

Stable playing sports fuel your body of energies. Your appearance is changing - it becomes more attractive to others. Subject to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, your forms become slimmer and tighter. To motivate yourself even more, consider the advantages of sports.

  1. A slender figure and external attractiveness.

In the process of sports, you become the owner of a slender fit body. This gives confidence and eliminates unnecessary complexes.

  1. The ability to influence the course of the disease.

Thanks to various exercises, you can improve various physical deviations and help the body defeat some ailments. There are sports for people with disabilities.

  1. Strong and healthy sleep.

The sports load positively affects the metabolic processes in the body. Regular load improves blood circulation and eliminates the nervous stress. All this provides a full sleep.

  1. Sport develops discipline and trains endurance.

Thanks to training, you have the daily routine. You adjust your lifestyle for the better. The achieved results turn into victories on themselves.

Great forms are the main advantage
Great forms are the main advantage
  1. Participation in competitions.

A serious attitude makes it possible to demonstrate your achievements in competitions. This will expand your circle of communication and open up new opportunities for you. Will bring you moral satisfaction.

  1. Motivation of others.

Sports people are always an example for others. It's nice when they respect your family of classes and do not hide their admiration.

  1. Sexual activity.

It is scientifically proven that sport, regardless of age, increases sexual desire. Performing physical exercises, you increase the tone and elasticity of muscles. This will positively affect sexual relations.

The effect of sports on the body

In order to maintain your health, you just need to perform physical exercises. This will help to extend your life. Exclude undesirable diseases. Sport directly affects mood and well -being. We are not talking about prolonged exhausting loads or endurance training.

  • A positive effect is has a positive effect. The scientifically known fact is that systematic sports reduce the likelihood of many diseases.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, our body becomes flabby, the amount of fat deposits increases. The performance is reduced. The work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed. Daily run will help to avoid stroke and heart attack.
  • Insufficient activity is reflected in the fragility of bones. Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, bone tissue does not receive the necessary nutrients.
  • Sports improve the operation of the respiratory system. The cells are more actively saturated with oxygen. During pregnancy, the flow of oxygen to the child improves.
  • With the help of physical activity, diseases such as osteochondrosis and osteoporosis can be prevented. Exclude the formation of hernias and the deposition of salts.
Sport has a lot of positive body results
Sport has a lot of positive body results
  • Sport has an impact on the nervous system and helps to cope with depressive disorders. Yoga classes exclude stressful situations.
  • Team sports train brain activity. Speed, dexterity and fast reaction develops. Classes in the gym increase the production of endorphins, which contributes to a good mood.
  • Regular training reduce the risk of oncological diseases. Prevents the appearance of cancer of the colon and breast cancer.

With an active lifestyle, it is enough to allocate for classes for 20 minutes a day. Having made little efforts, your body will benefit. Perform exercises at an individual pace without exceeding the permissible load. Sport will be a great solution to health problems and bring new colors to your everyday life.

Video: How to force yourself to play sports?

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  1. I try to walk with my friend, then more fun. You motivate and encourage each other. And even better to start not with a strong load, but with a small one. And in order that the muscles were not sick and the effectiveness of classes I bought myself (my girlfriend also buys myself) Tablets of the alpha-lipoic acid turboschem and L-carnitine, it accelerates metabolism, burns fat and lose weight even better. The result is immediately visible how the body is pulled up and you are already more motivated for training

  2. I try to fuck with my friend, then more fun. You motivate and encourage each other. And even better to start not with a strong load, but with a small one. And so that the dick does not hurt much and increase the effectiveness of classes for myself (my girlfriend is also myself), it accelerates metabolism, burns fat and lose weight even better. The result is immediately visible how the body is pulled up and you are already going for training without spermatoxicosis

  3. I, too, began to go to the gym, there was no strength at all. Fortunately, the coach recommended Milronat to take and everything went with me. And strength and endurance appeared. Now classes in the hall are pleasure, according to a few approach of lunges? Yes Easy!!

  4. Yeah .. actively familiar problem. In such cases, the sport expert Energy-energy-energy helps me so natural. And I don’t worry about health, and really more strength appears ....

  5. At home, it is quite possible to lose weight on your own. There is simply an unrealistic number of videos on the Internet, which can be engaged on your own. And if you buy some other sports equipment, then weight loss will be even more effective. For example, among the DFC simulators you can find mini-steppepers or ellipses also, in any sports store there are rope, hoops with which calories are also well burned. And the pool, bike rods ...

  6. I like the option when the girls begin to train together. They agree that they will eat right, exchange photo reports, train together ... They buy some kind of sports equipment ... I would also love to buy something from the DFC simulators in Yekaterinburg. It will be necessary to somehow sit down and read that it is best to buy for home.

  7. thank you for the article!

  8. I usually had the reason that there was not enough energy ... Well, there is no strength on the train and that's it, even though you are cracking. Recently, I began to take L-Karnitin (from the sports expert)-I will also replace its coffee. And now everything is fine with energy and endurance ... You don’t even have to force yourself)

  9. Life Stone is a sculptor. Damage is an occasion to get up.
    Powerful charge of motivation for sports

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