Sports nutrition for joints and ligaments: composition, best drugs, recommendations of specialists

Sports nutrition for joints and ligaments: composition, best drugs, recommendations of specialists

In this article, we will consider proper sports nutrition for joints and ligaments, starting from the proper composition.

Not always the right diet is enough to strengthen such fragile structures as joints and ligaments. And constant loads often lead to violations and pain in these areas. In addition to the loads, another factor, which often affects the cartilage, is injuries. But before going for a purchase of sports nutrition for joints and ligaments, you should figure out which of them have the best effect, and what you need to focus on when choosing.

The composition of sports nutrition for joints and ligaments: what to look for?

Similar additives have not been on the market not so long ago, but have already managed to gain popularity among professional athletes. If we talk specifically about sports additives for joints and ligaments, it should be mentioned that this group also has an effect on concomitant fabrics. And this is an important aspect for a good result.

Important: For those who are skeptical, it is worth explaining that modern additives have nothing to do with steroids and other chemicals, which were previously often used by athletes (especially bodybuilders) for rapid muscle growth. Modern sports nutrition for joints and ligaments, and not only, includes the necessary trace elements that contribute to one or another process in the athlete's body during physical exertion.

Sportpit gives the body all the necessary nutritional nodes
Sportpit gives the body all the necessary nutritional nodes

Sports nutrition core components for joints and ligaments

  • Glucosamine sulfate- This element has excellent effectiveness in strengthening and increasing the elasticity of ligaments and joints. Moreover, it is the most important component in the production of cartilage and bone tissues. It will also help get rid of articular crunch.
  • Khondroitin sulfate- This component accelerates the regeneration of bone and cartilage, and also is responsible for their elasticity. But the most important role of this element is an increase in resistance and strength to various deformations and loads. Moreover, it also prevents the friction of the joints with each other, due to the presence of dense jelly -like synovia in its composition. And the element protects the joints from breaks.
  • Collagen- The component is known to many and, perhaps, many people know that it is contained in the human body. Collagen is responsible not only for maintaining, strengthening and regeneration of parts of joint, but also for increasing muscle tone and healing of the skin properties. Thus, collagen helps reduce the risk of injuries of the skin, as well as fractures and cracks in bones.
  • Calcium and vitamin D. The deficiency of these important vitamins leads to the rapid destruction of the joints and the susceptibility of bones to fragility, as well as to a decrease in injuries. In addition, the lack of vitamin D causes inflammation of the ligaments and joints, as well as many other disorders in the body.

Important: Both of these elements must be consumed together. Indeed, separately, they are poorly absorbed by the body. This is especially true for those who live in the northern climate, where there is a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Important components are responsible for the condition of the ligaments and joints

Auxiliary elements in the composition of sports nutrition for joints and ligaments

  • S-adenosylmetionine - This supplement itself is very effective in the treatment of joint diseases, and also has a small antidepressant effect. But in order for this additive to show the necessary attending response, it must be consumed in an amount of up to 1,500 mg per day.
  • Omega 3 - This substance has a very important impact on maintaining a normal state and healing of the joints with great physical exertion. In addition, omega 3 has an analgesic effect and improves joint mobility in their disease. However, the effect cannot be called high, it remains moderate with constant use. Experts insist that, despite the existence of such an additive, it is still the best source of it is oily fish.
  • Bromelain- This substance is of plant origin and is ideal as a symptomatic agent with the only injury or acute phase of joint inflammation.
  • Kurkumin - Many people know this supplement as a seasoning. But few guess that this plant extract has, albeit a weak, but good ability to reduce the inflammatory process. It is good to take it rather as a prevention of inflammation than with its acute phase.
  • Methyl sulfonylmetatan - It is not a healing and restoring component. Therefore, it can be attributed to symptomatic substances that allow you to temporarily relieve discomfort and pain.
  • Vitamins and minerals - These substances have a very important role in the restoration of bone and binding tissues during constant loads and injuries. Vitamins B6, E and S. are especially effective to minerals, which have good effect in this regard, include zinc, niacin, selenium and magnesium. Moreover, they act as some natural preservatives, which allows them to produce a protective effect, maintaining the entire body in freshness and youth.
But do not forget about the accusitor components
But do not forget about the accusitor components

The best sports nutrition preparations for joints and ligaments: List

When sport turns into a profession, you should think to help your body withstand heavy loads. After all, proper nutrition supports the body, all this structures and systems. Therefore, we offer you better sports supplements for joints and ligaments, based on the composition of the composition for obtaining proper components.

  1. UniversalAnimalFlex. Bright and bold packaging with the same main composition of the first two components that complement the complex of necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as hyaluronic acid and shark shark. Suitable for any classes, because it takes off the pain very well. Also increases the resistance to loads.
  2. Glucosamine Flex. The drug that helps restore joints and other cartilaginous tissues. And also provide proper lubrication.
  3. Ultimate Nutrition Glucosamine-Chondroitine-MSM. The product, in addition to the two main components, also has methyl sulfonylmetatan, which dulls soreness. These tablets relieve inflammatory processes well and restore bruised joints and ligaments.
  4. CollaregenTitanium fromOLIMP. Suitable in heavy loads, protecting the ligaments from stretch marks. Other trace elements contribute to the formation of collagen in cartilage cells, and also protect collagen fibers from malicious substances.
  5. LabradaElastiJoint. The drug strengthens the joint tissue, making them more flexible and resistant to loads. The presence of gelatin contributes to the production of collagen. Glucosamine and chondroitin improve cartilage synthesis, increasing its strength and elasticity. MSM accelerates the regeneration process, as well as the recovery process after training or even injuries. It is produced in powder and has relatively many dosages. Also, one cannot fail to highlight that it is even suitable for older people to improve their condition.
One of the most popular drugs
One of the most popular drugs

Recommendations of experts regarding sports nutrition for joints and ligaments

At the end of all, experts called the basic rules that help to support ligaments and joints in good shape. Of course, professional athletes are already aware of them, but it will never be superfluous to remind.

  • You should adhere to such simple rules:
    • follow the technique of exercises to avoid injuries. Never do not let the muscles warm up and ligaments in the form of a warm -up;
    • if the ligaments or joints are already damaged or inflamed, then facilitate the load on them and temporarily switch to lighter exercises until complete recovery;
    • do not load yourself with lifts of too much weight;
    • and also make sure that the body develops harmoniously;
    • do not forget that the weight should correspond to the power load;
    • be sure to consult a doctor in case of injuries or inflammation, and act according to his prescriptions.
Do not forget about natural products
Do not forget about natural products
  • Do not forget about proper nutrition:
    • exclude fatty, fried and smoked food as much as possible. After all, it provokes inflammation;
    • naturally, preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives should be avoided;
    • hot drinks in the form of tea and coffee do not in the best way affect the mobility of the joints, because they provoke the deposition of urea acid. By the way, coffee still does not allow the necessary calcium;
    • but its reserves must be regularly replenished, because it is not deposited in the body. Therefore, eat more dairy products, herbs and green vegetables;
    • porridge, nuts and dried fruits, especially prunes, are rich in potassium. And it helps in collagen synthesis;
    • do not forget about ascorbic acid, which is many in citrus fruits and other fruits to enhance the growth of cartilage tissues and improve their resistance to loads.

Professional sport is always the risk of overloading the body and connective tissues, so it is worth taking care of this in advance, and not only when inflammation already takes place. It is worth regular and properly eating not only sports additives for joints and ligaments, but also in natural products. In order for the body to have all the necessary elements that will help it withstand large loads and frequent training. Then the risk of a possible negative impact of frequent training will decrease significantly, and the sport will only bring pleasure.

Video: All about sports nutrition for joints and ligaments - the best additives

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Comments K. article

  1. To be honest, I'm not a fan of such additives. You just need a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

  2. You are not right, joints and ligaments are very suffering during training .... Proceedings are needed, I accept Sama, I accept sports expert Glucosamine Chondroitin and try to eat more religious jolks, how almost have never been in 10 years. And this is already a reason for pride

  3. I tried Animal Flex, Ultimate Nutrition and Colleregen Titanium. On drying, you can’t do without sports at all, and with active cardio and power joints you must definitely maintain. As a result - the price of the animal is terribly biting, Ultimate Nutrition is not bad, price/quality, like chondroprotectors, but without collagen, and collargen titanum in the end - very tired of breeding this powder, the dosage of collagen is not clear, as well as it is not clear what is not clear what This is the type of collagen - it is simply not written, it ends quickly. Instead, I recommend a trade union in liquid form, firstly, the release form is convenient-a liquid collagen (exactly the one that is needed for the joints) in small bottles, and secondly, the effectiveness and digestibility is good, I began to train much more comfortable.

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