Tonsillitis, sore throat - the same thing or not: how to distinguish when antibiotics are prescribed?

Tonsillitis, sore throat - the same thing or not: how to distinguish when antibiotics are prescribed?

Many of us do not know - tonsillitis, tonsillitis is one and the same or not. The article describes in detail.

Angina and tonsillitis - what is it? Two different names of one disease, or still two different, independent of each other, nosological units in medical practice. When an adult is sick, especially attention as the name is not paid to such trifles as the name. The throat hurts, red, possibly with abscesses. One doctor believes that this is an Angina, the other, that it is tonsillitis.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Angina in adults". You will learn how to rinse the throat, and you will also find recipes for rinse and inhalation solutions.

When children are sick, parents pay attention to the very little things. Any, mom or dad, disorders the child’s health in panic, and if the disease is characterized by an rise in temperature to maximum numbers, also in a stupor. Therefore, it is important for parents to understand: how the tonsillitis differs from tonsillitis and how to help her child at a crucial moment. In order to find out the differences and similarities between these pathologies, it is worthwhile to disassemble their etiology. Read further.

What is angina - catarrhal, lacunar, follicular: symptoms, development mechanism


Angina - This is an inflammation of the tonsils (mainly palatine) and a winding lymphoid ring. Less commonly with angina, there is inflammation of the palatine rollers and adenoids.

Angina happens:

  1. One -sided - one palatine of the tonsil on the right, or on the left, is inflamed
  2. Bilateral - both tonsils on both sides are inflamed

Most often bacterial sore throat children are sick 5-15 years, and viral sore throat - children up to 5 years.

Types of sore throat:

  • Catarrhal - The tonsils are inflamed and enlarged, red, but without plaque. This is the easiest shape.
  • Folicular - A small -point purulent plaque is added to the red throat and tonsils.
  • Lacunar - The pus is added to all the previously, which fills the gaps on the tonsils.

Than caused:

  • Viruses - most often adenovirus, virus of herpes simplex, enterovirus and Koksaki virus
  • Bacteria-the most common B-hemolytic streptococcus of group A. rarely staphylococcus and very rarely pneumococcus
  • Mushrooms - genus Candida
  • Decreased immunity, hypothermia


  • Sore throat - first manifests itself when swallowing, and then acquires a constant character and can even give to the ear
  • A fever of body temperature to 39 ° C
  • Chills
  • Weakness
  • Increased lymph nodes and their soreness

Angina development mechanism:

  • The input gate for infection is the lymphoid tonsil tissue.
  • In case of infection, the causative agent spreads, its toxins and decay products are released.
  • The immunity is activated and begins to fight. Because of this, there is an inflammation and an increase in the lymph nodes and the tonsils themselves.

The angina is transmitted by airborne droplets when sneezing and coughing. Also with touching, that is, contact.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Angina in children: treatment of children's tonsillitis without antibiotics with folk remedies". You will also find the methods of the folk treatment of sore throat.

What is tonsillitis: symptoms, mechanism of development


Tonsillitis - This is an inflammation of the tonsils and lymphoid tissue of the outbuilding ring. The tonsils warn the infection in the bronchi and the lungs, but sometimes they themselves can be infected. Most often, tonsillitis is associated with the chronic course of the disease. This is when pathology is associated with prolonged existence in the tonsils and lymphoid tissue of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of tonsillitis depend on the form and the spread of infection:

  • Sore throat when swallowing
  • Fever and fever
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Reduction of appetite
  • Redness and edema of the tonsils, also the appearance of plaque and purulent traffic jams
  • Hoarse voice
  • Cough
  • Increase in cervical and submandibular lymph nodes


  • Viruses - adenovirus, Hermes virus, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus and Epstein-barra
  • Bacteria - Staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus
  • Candida - Most often in small children


  • Spicy - Catarrhal, follicular, lacunar.
  • Chronic - It is characterized by the duration of the disease and a small difference in treatment. Patients have periodic exacerbations.

During the period of chronic tonsillitis, the temperature rises, fatigue, weakness appears. Mental and physical disability is reduced. Disorders and appetite.

The mechanism of the development of tonsillitis is the same as that of the sore throat:

  • Getting infection in the throat and tonsils
  • Reproduction of the pathogen and the release of their toxins
  • The development of inflammation due to the activation of the body's immune cells

The shape and severity of the disease directly depends on the human immune response. If the immunity is strong, it will kill the infection at the initial stage and the disease will pass in a mild form. But if the immunity is weak, a severe form of the disease will develop, up to the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Read more read about chronic and acute tonsillitis in another article on our website. You will find out whether it is contradicted how it is transmitted, what is dangerous, how much is treated, what complications and consequences. Also in the article there is information about whether it is necessary to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, whether it is possible to heat the throat, go to the bathhouse, which cannot be eaten.

Streptococcal tonsillitis and acute tonsillitis - is this the same thing?

Having dismantled the two these diseases - tonsillitis and tonsillitis separately, you can easily answer the question whether this is the same or not.

  • Angina is an acute disease.
  • Symptoms, mechanism of development, and the causes of angina and acute tonsillitis are the same.
  • So we can conclude that tonsillitis and acute stage of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) is the same thing.

Streptococcal sore throat and streptococcal acute tonsillitis - this is also the same thing. These two names of the same disease.

Is chronic tonsillitis or not or not?

Purcher's tonsils are chronic tonsillitis, this is not an angina
Purcher's tonsils are chronic tonsillitis, this is not an angina

Chronic tonsillitis and angina have certain differences. Similar symptoms, the same etiology and transmission mechanism are all that tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis have in common. Acute sore throat can be cured once and for all, but chronic tonsillitis has a long course (periods of exacerbation and remission). From time to time, it repeats and exacerbates human health. He carries great complications and a threat to human health: joints of mainly knees, disorders in the work of the heart and kidneys suffer.

What is the difference between acute tonsillitis and purulent sore throat: how to distinguish, photo

Purulent sore throat differs from acute tonsillitis only in the shape of the latter in an exacerbation stage. If it is acute tonsillitis, then it can be purulent tonsillitis. If a person has acute tonsillitis with inflammation of the gaps, then this is purulent sore throat.

Important: Only a doctor will be able to prescribe the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment!

Chronic tonsillitis differs from the purulent sore throat only in that it has the stages of exacerbation and remission (lull). Tonsillitis is also treated for a long time.

Here are a photo of acute tonsillitis:

Acute tonsillitis
Acute tonsillitis

Catarrhal sore throat:

Catarrhal sore throat
Catarrhal sore throat

Photo of purulent sore throat:

Purulent sore throat
Purulent sore throat
Purulent sore throat
Purulent sore throat

Can chronic tonsillitis go to tonsillitis, can there be tonsillitis after tonsillitis?

Can chronic tonsillitis go to tonsillitis?

  • When a person is diagnosed "Chronic tonsillitis", then this remains with every second disease, only write "Chronic tonsillitis in the aggravation stage".
  • But if you look from the other side, then chronic tonsillitis in the exacerbation stage is the most ordinary sore throat.

Could there be chronic tonsillitis after tonsillitis? Yes maybe.

  • When the angina is repeated several times in a short period of time, it is considered chronic tonsillitis.

Then there are purulent “plugs” that are removed independently or can be removed mechanically, using a simple pressure on this area.

Can Klebsiella oxitock cause tonsillitis, tonsillitis?

Klebsiella oxitock is a type of gram -negative anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria belong to the Enterobacteria family. It has a pronounced biochemical activity. It is found in feces, on the skin of a person. And also on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Due to the presence of a capsule, stable in the environment.

It is worth knowing: Klebsiella causes pneumonia, urogenital diseases, sepsis, meningitis and other pathologies.

Klebsiella oxytok can be the causative agent of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, only this is extremely rare and is difficult to treat. Very often, this is a nosocomial infection and is found in people with low resistance (resistance) of the body to this bacteria.

How to treat angina and tonsillitis: when are antibiotics prescribed?

The treatment of both tonsillitis and tonsillitis, especially in the acute stage, should be treated very seriously, as there may be complications. First of all, it is appointed:

  • Bed rest
  • Abundant warm drink
  • Balanced diet
  • Sparing diet (exclude sharp, very salty and hot)
  • Antiseptic in different forms: candies, tablets, sprays. Some of them have an anesthetic effect.
  • Antipyretic with an increase in temperature

In most cases, the doctor prescribes etiotropic therapy. This therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of pathology. If these are bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus and others), then antibiotics are prescribed, if the causative agent is a virus, then antiviral drugs. Also sometimes the doctor prescribes antimicrobial drugs.

Important: When taking antibiotics, you need to undergo a full course in order to completely destroy the pathogenic bacterium and prevent relapse and the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Therefore, follow all the instructions of the doctor.

Chronic tonsillitis without sore throats: what medicines, tablets are prescribed?

Vitamins to increase immunity with tonsillitis
Vitamins to increase immunity with tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis in the exacerbation stage has the same treatment as tonsillitis - antibiotics, medicines for lowering temperature, antiseptics, etc. In the remission stage, it is worth taking care of increasing immunity:

  • Reception of vitamin complexes
  • Proceeding sports
  • Balanced diet
  • Personal hygiene
  • Timely sanitation of foci of infection (for example, tooth decay)

Complications that may occur due to an uncertain troops or tonsillitis:

  • Rheumatism and rheumatoid fever
  • Infectious toxic myocarditis with heart valves damage
  • Polyarthritis (joint pain in different groups)
  • Glomerulonephritis (lower back pain, changes in urine analysis, renal failure)
  • Hall abscess

If complications have already appeared, then you should turn to a highly specialized specialist. For example, if the heart is worried, then to the cardiologist, if there are problems with the kidneys, then to the urologist, with the joints - to the surgeon. The doctor will diagnose, prescribe tablets, and indicate the importance of mandatory elimination of the main problem - tonsillitis. If it often exacerbates (more than 2-3 times a year), then it is possible that tonsils must be removed.

It is worth noting that with angina, subject to prescriptions and recommendations of a doctor, it is already better for the patient on the 2-3rd day. BUT by the 10th day There is a complete recovery. Be healthy and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

Video: Purulent sore throat. How to treat chronic tonsillitis?

Video: effective methods of treating chronic tonicillitis. Chronic tonsillitis treatment

Video: Health. Chronic tonsillitis. Removing tonsils can be avoided!

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