Is it possible to infect a child’s purulent sore throat if mom or family members are sick? Is purulent tonsillitis infectious?

Is it possible to infect a child’s purulent sore throat if mom or family members are sick? Is purulent tonsillitis infectious?

Methods of infection with purulent sore throat.

Angina is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. Very often, people with a sore throat are placed in an infectious department at the hospital. This suggests that the disease is contagious. In this article, we will tell you how the tonsillitis is transmitted. 

Purulent sore throat is infectious?

Almost all varieties of tonsillitis are very contagious, and are transmitted by airborne droplets. Most people believe that for infection you need to drink with a patient from the same dishes, or kiss. However, in fact, even conversation with each other is enough for pathogenic microorganisms to get into the respiratory system and infect. Accordingly, it is recommended during the off -season, as well as when communicating with contagious people, to wear a mask.

Manifestations of purulent sore throat
Manifestations of purulent sore throat

Purulent sore throat is infectious:

  • It is best if the patient puts it on himself, it will be much more effective, which prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora around. Often the question arises, is the catarrhal sore throat transmitted?
  • This is tonsillitis, during which light, grayish plaque, redness forms on the tonsils. In this case, the mucous membrane is not disturbed, pain in the throat is observed, sometimes the temperature rises. However, it is usually not very high, reaches 38 degrees.
  • If such a sore throat is not treated, then follicular. During this ailment, bubbles filled with pus appear on the surface of the tonsils. In this case, the mucous membrane is disturbed and damaged. The infection penetrates into the deeper layers of the organ, which makes treatment difficult. Follicular sore throat is more contagious than catarrhal.
  • This is due to the fact that a huge number of leukocytes with pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the papules, bubbles. It is worth noting that Angina is most often caused by streptococci, staphylococci, viruses and mushrooms. Depending on this, the treatment methodology is selected. Many parents, as soon as they saw the first symptoms of tonsillitis, begin to give children antibiotics.
  • Practice shows that often the disease starts, goes into the next stage. Indeed, if the child is ill with a viral sore throat, which is triggered by the Coksaki virus or herpes, then it makes no sense to treat such a disease with antibiotics. 
Sore throat
Sore throat

How can you get an infection with a purulent sore throat?

Angina is very quickly transmitted, which is provoked by bacteria and viruses. Among them, coksaki can be distinguished, as well as herpes virus. It is very contagious, and viruses can survive for a long time on surrounding objects.

How can you get an infection with a purulent sore throat:

  • It is quite realistic to get an angina somewhere in public transport, touching a handrail, and then just scratch his eyes. The mucous membrane is an open gate for a variety of infections, viruses and bacteria.
  • That is why they often suffer from a whole team, which often happens in kindergartens, schools and workplaces when labor activity is connected with staying in a stuffy room.
  • In this case, really pathogenic microorganisms often settle on things that a large number of office employees can use. The same thing happens with children at school and kindergarten. 
Types of tonsillitis
Types of tonsillitis

Purulent sore throat - how not to infect a child?

Many questions arise in young mothers who breastfeed children. After all, often such women can get sore throat, and do not want to stop breastfeeding. That is unnecessary. Most often, angina is treated with anti -inflammatory drugs, as well as antibiotics, most of which penetrates into breast milk.

A small amount of antibiotics in breast milk is less harmful than the transfer of the baby to the mixture. Therefore, if you are very worried about the health of the child, you can, for the duration of the illness and taking antibiotics, express breast milk and pour it, the baby is temporarily transferred to the mixture. 

Purulent sore throat, how not to infect a child:

  • After the disease passes, the child can start breastfeed again. Please note that most children reluctantly take their breasts after the bottle, which is associated with the severity of milk sucking. That is why, for the period of feeding the child, try to manipulate using a spoon, not a bottle of dummy.
  • Please note that tonsillitis is not transmitted through breast milk, but is perfectly spreading with airborne droplets. Therefore, try to determine the child in a separate room, and entrust the care of him for someone from close relatives.
  • It can be a mother or father of a child. Try during feeding, put on a fresh mask. It is impossible to re -use the same mask several times, since microorganisms accumulate on it, their growth can begin directly on the fabric. Wet breathing, heat and elevated temperature create excellent conditions for the propagation of microorganisms on the mask.
  • Thus, it will not become a means of protection, but a very dangerous item, which can cause the rapid infection of the child tonsillitis. Be sure, before taking the child, you need to wash your hands with soap so that in no case do not touch the baby. This is due to the fact that pathogens of the disease, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, may remain in hand. According to studies, most often the causative agent of the sore throat is the hemolytic streptococcus of the group B.
  • This is conditionally pathogenic microorganism, but when the immunity is weakened, very often causes inflammation on the tonsils. With the growth of the colonies of these microorganisms, there are a lot of them, so the child and all loved ones in the house can become infected with a disease. 

Is it possible to become infected with a purulent sore throat?

Purulent sore throat- this is A dangerous infectious disease, which is very easily transmitted due to the fact that the pus contains a lot of the causative agent of the disease. Many believe that it is enough to observe the simplest measures and it will be impossible to become infected with angina.

Is it possible to become infected with a purulent sore throat:

  • However, it is best if a family member is being moved to a separate room, personal products of personal care, towels, as well as dishes, and cups will be allocated. Try to wipe your pens several times a day with chlorine so that one of the other family members does not take up it and does not infect.
  • According to many, Angina cannot be transferred if the pathogen is outside the human body. Some types of tonsillitis pathogens are very stable in relation to temperature changes, so a long period of time can be stored on furniture, door handles, as well as dishes.
  • In order to live a short period of time, the causative agents of the sore throat is not necessary. 
Sore throat
Sore throat

That is why try so that the children do not exchange their toys, and do not share goodies. Because it is through children's toys and treats that pathogens can be transmitted. 

Video: ways to infect a purulent sore throat

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me any sore throat is infectious, do not kiss the children and try not to be near. Although we were sick with the child. It is good to dissolve Lizocymic Square, it kills microbes and viruses in the oral cavity, and supports the immunity of the throat. I ordered on the site, everything was quickly delivered. By the way, these tablets are allowed to children from three years old. Then rinsing must, a warm drink, raspberry jar ate while treated.

  2. Well, of course, a mother can infect both the child and all other members of the family. Angina is not a joke at all, so it is better to isolate children until you recover. And if there is no such possibility, then to be treated intensely and to contact less. Rinse the throat, absorb the pastries of the anti-angon formula, even if the antibiotic is required, then you need to take it.

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