Angina in children. Treatment of children's tonsillitis without antibiotics with folk remedies. Folk treatment of tonsillitis

Angina in children. Treatment of children's tonsillitis without antibiotics with folk remedies. Folk treatment of tonsillitis

Many parents know about the disease-ante. The main method of treatment is antibiotic therapy. In this article, we will discuss possible alternative methods of therapy for this inflammatory disease at home.

How does angina flow in children?

How does angina flow in children?

It is worth starting with the fact that the etiology of the disease can be bacterial or viral. This is important and this distinguishes the course of the disease, and distinguishes the manifestation Symptoms.

The main visual difference between tonsillitis in bacterial genesis is the presence of a whitish plaque on the tonsils. With viral damage, a cough, runny nose and other signs of colds are also observed.

The common signs of the disease are:
• increase in body temperature (37-39 degrees c)
• General weakness
• sore throat both at rest and when swallowing
• The period of development of the disease up to 7 days
• There may be vomiting
• Reducing appetite
• Bad sleep

And naturally, the treatment of the disease is selected only by finding out the etiology of the pathogen, since with viral sore throat it is impossible to carry out treatment with antibacterial therapy.

It is also worth knowing the stages of the development of this disease and its forms:

How does angina flow in children?

1. Catarrhal (stage of edema, redness without purulent raids)
2. Purulent (follicular or lacunar)
3. Herpetic sore throat
4. Fibrous tonsillitis

The cause of the child’s disease is most often contact with the infection carrier or a sick person. At the same time, we know that the child’s immunity is not always sufficiently formed in order to withstand infections.

Manifestations of viral sore throat can be observed as a result of a common cold against the background respiratory diseases.

This disease is quite difficult to tolerate children. Elevated temperature and weakness exhaust the child, the inability to swallow food normally and drink-all This brings pain.

Important! Remember that not proper treatment of the disease can cause serious complications to the myocardium and the skeleton system.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis in children

Diagnosis of tonsillitis in children
  • You can only a child’s diagnosis on your own yourself subjectively, based on the manifestations of symptoms and the general condition of the child
  • If you suspected that your baby is sick, you need to contact an otolaryngologist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe further therapy
  • Doctor , In turn, a survey will, collecting general information, will do a general examination of the child and make a fence of material from the tonsils patients (smear) to determine the pathogen. All this is necessary for the further adequate treatment of your child
  • If your baby has a high temperature, do not drag it to the clinic, call the local pediatrician home. Visiting a narrow specialist ( Laura) can be delayed until the removal of hyperthermia
  • If the child complains of sore throat, then at home you can measure the temperature and examine the throat. If you see that the neck blushed, or white dots appeared and (or) the plaque is angina. Do not delay a visit to a doctor, at the initial stages of the disease to cope with her much easier

Can I cure an sore throat without antibiotics in a child? Folk Angina funds in children

Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics
  • This question is quite controversial. Of course, you can answer it in the affirmative, but only if the tonsillitis is caused by the virus. But in this case, you need to understand that taking antiviral drugs is inevitable
  • The bacterial form of tonsillitis cannot be treated without the use of antibacterial drugs. This rule concerns children's age, due to the possible development of serious complications
  • It is also impossible to select an antibiotic on your own, since we are not able to do without a laboratory determination of the pathogen (using a smear from a pharynx). All antibiotics are different and act on a certain microflora, and choosing the product not suitable for this type of disease, you risk not just do not cure the child, but also weaken his body even more
  • No one canceled the bacterial sore throat without an antibiotic, but no one canceled the methods of treating traditional medicine. It can come to you to revenue in the form of antiseptic rinses and general strengthening means

Remember! Any warming procedures, whether rubbish, compresses or hot inhalations are strictly prohibited. Inflammation cannot be heated, this will lead to the progression of the disease and the development of complications.

We will consider precisely those recipes of popular treatment that are not contraindicated and will help to cope with the disease.

What is the best way to rinse the throat with a tonsillitis to the child? Folk recipes

What is the best way to rinse the throat with a tonsillitis to the child? Folk recipes

On pharmacy shelves today a large number of antiseptic agents for rinsing or irrigation of inflamed throat are presented. But we all remember that most of these drugs were made precisely on the basis of healing herbs.

We offer several recipes for rinsing the throat at sore throat:

• Recipe 1: juice beetroot is A good antiseptic that is easy enough to cook yourself. Beetroot juice has an anti -inflammatory effect, helping to relieve swelling with tonsils And reduce the pain. For cooking, you need grate the root crop into a fine grater (or pass through a meat grinder), and squeeze the juice. Add vinegar 6% to the juice in a ratio of 100 ml of juice per 10 ml of vinegar. Half up an inflamed throat with a similar tool is recommended every hour

• Recipe 2: a rinse solution is called "sea water". For cooking, it is necessary in a glass of warm water (not hot) to dilute 1 teaspoon of salt and soda and add 5 drops of iodine to the solution. The resulting liquid must rinse the throat to 6-8 times a day. As a replacement, you can use sea salt to prepare

• Recipe 3: This tool is prepared from propolis. To do this, purchase propolis tincture in a pharmacy. 1 tbsp. Dilute tinctures in a glass of water, a solution must be rinsed with an inflamed throat as often as possible

• Recipe 4: Preparing a herbal decoction of eucalyptus, chamomile and nail flowers in a proportion of 1 tbsp. a mixture of herbs per 1 cup boiling water, a decoction must be boiled for 2 minutes And insist in a thermos (or wrapped) for half an hour. Strain the decoction and rinse the throat 2 times a day

What inhalations to make a child with angina?

What inhalations to make a child with angina?

To carry out the inhalation procedure at home, you must have a personal home device-Ingalator.
This procedure is very effective in angina and should be part of a complex treatment.

In the treatment of the disease at home, they often use infusions and decoctions of various medicinal plants. They have a good anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effect, facilitating the breath and general condition of the child.

Inhalations are prohibited at:

• A fever of body temperature
• the presence of neoplasms
• pathologies of the cardiovascular system
• risk of developing bleeding in the respiratory tract
• with arterial hypertension

Inhalations can be carried out using essential oils of eucalyptus, calendulas and other medicinal plants.

Angina: How to feed a child? Diet for a child with angina

At the time when the child is sick, his swallowing is difficult and painful. Taking this symptoms of a child, this symptoms should be based on dishes and foods that do not cause irritation.

The following products cannot be introduced into the diet:
• sour
• Sharp
• hot or cold (food should be warm)
• gross dry food (which can mechanically damage the mucous membranes when swallowing)

You can prepare a child with a variety of cereals, diet soups, mashed potatoes, meat or steamed fish. It all depends on your imagination.

Chronic sore throat: treatment with folk remedies

Chronic sore throat: treatment with folk remedies

The presence of chronic tonsillitis The child talks about incomplete Diseases in the past . A similar condition is characterized by constant relapses of tonsil inflammation. In the future, this can lead to complications from the cardiovascular system, according to this, doctors recommend that time be carried out in a timely manner tonsillectomy.

In case of abandonment of surgery during periods of exacerbation, adequate methods of therapy must be carried out. From traditional medicine - it can be rinsing, inhalation and taking means to increase immunity.

Treatment herpes Angines in children with folk remedies

  • This type of sore throat is distinguished by a sharp increase in body temperature, general sweetness, vomiting, muscle pain, an increase in regional lymph nodes. On the tonsils Children may have point hemorrhages. Children can suffer from seizures
  • It should be noted that the herpes virus is very aggressive not only for children, but And for adults. He is able to affect the nervous system and lead to disability
  • Do not try to treat this form of tonsillitis yourself, antiviral drugs are required
  • Many sites mention methods of treating herpetic sore throat on their own, but this can bring your child to a wheelchair

Purulent sore throat in children, treatment with folk remedies

Purulent sore throat in children, treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of purulent infectious tonsillitis is based on relief of symptoms and the antiseptic property of folk herbs and plants. Above, we wrote about the recipes of solutions for rinsing an inflamed throat, add them.
Recipe : It is necessary to squeeze the juice of half the lemon and, a little heated, rinse the throat. Repeat the procedure two hours later.

Treatment of children's tonsillitis with folk methods: tips and reviews

In this section, it should be noted that traditional medicine helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease, but not independently, but in combination with adequate maecamentous therapy , prescribed in accordance with the etiology of the disease.

Video: Angina - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article.
    Most patients are one hundred percent confident that tonsillitis can be cured exclusively by antibiotics. I hasten to convince you of the opposite. Angina is treated without antibiotics. Moreover, you can treat angina even without pills. A good option is solutions and candies. Lollows can be of different tastes - you are presented with a wide range of aromas and smells - with raspberries, with lemon, mint and honey, eucalyptus and banana

  2. It seems to me to treat angina, if it is accurately confirmed, it is necessary to antibiotics, but if the throat is simply sick, then folk remedies and other medicines do not pull.

  3. I absolutely agree with you, so as soon as I start to fade the throat, I begin to absorb the pastries of the anti-angin formula. The pain decreases, which immediately affects positively on well -being.

  4. It seems to me everything depends on the degree of illness and on the decision of the doctor. We, too, went without antibiotics. I gave the child an Square with a lysozyme to absorb, microbes and viruses in the throat kills, helps to overcome the sore throat. It is allowed from three years. More warm drink. I tried to smear Lugol, but his gag reflex is triggered.

  5. If the initial stage, tonsil tissue helps well. Fights with all the unpleasant symptoms of tonsillitis. The throat passes in 5 days, if the tonsillitis is not neglected. From the age of 2, I already gave my daughter these pills.

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