What is chronic and acute tonsillitis, is it contrast, how is it transmitted, what is dangerous, how much is treated, what complications and consequences? Is it necessary to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, is it possible to warm your throat, go to the bathhouse, which can not be eaten?

What is chronic and acute tonsillitis, is it contrast, how is it transmitted, what is dangerous, how much is treated, what complications and consequences? Is it necessary to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, is it possible to warm your throat, go to the bathhouse, which can not be eaten?

One of the severe complications of colds and inflammation of the throat is tonsillitis. This disease should be treated comprehensively.

What is chronic and acute tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis - an unpleasant disease that is infectious. It is capable hit one or several tonsils at once (There are only six of them). The tonsils of palatine, which are the first to be the first to be the first to bacteria and viruses. The main and most “bright” symptom of tonsillitis is discomfort and acute pain that affects the throat.

Interesting: tonsils are considered an internal organ of a person and part of his immune system. They are consist of lymphoid tissues, being part of the lymphatic system. The tonsils are located in the oral cavity (the so -called, the palatine ring) and in the nasopharynx. A person has paired palatine tonsils, paired tubular tonsils, unpaired pharyngeal tonsils and lingeline.

The location of the tonsils

The function of the tonsils is very simple and understandable - they they serve as a kind of barrierwhich does not allow various infections to penetrate deeper in internal organs And in the respiratory tract. But, along with this, if the tonsils are not treated (or do it wrong), over time they themselves they can turn into a "source of problems."

Important: advanced inflamed tonsils can spread infection throughout the body.

Human can two types of tonsillitis. The disease has acute and chronic form:

  • Acute tonsillitis - The consequence of direct contact with the infection. The disease can have complications if a person receives hypothermia, has weak immunity or is often in a state of stress, as well as overwork. If in time not to get rid of acute tonsillitis, it can quite really develop into a chronic disease. Many people know such tonsillitis in everyday life as tonsillitis.
  • Chronic tonsillitis - The consequences of acute inflammation of the tonsils of the pharyngeal, as well as palatine tonsils. Most often, this complication develops after a sore throat or any other diseases in which the mucous membrane is affected by an infection (for example: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria). There is a toxic-allergic variety of this disease, when high temperature, inflammation of the lymph, and complications of the heart are joined to the main symptom (sore throat). The complex form of chronic tonsillitis is characterized by the spread of inflammatory processes on the ears, into the nasal sinuses, the development of lymph abscesses, and the defeat of internal organs.

Where does tonsillitis come from, how is it transmitted?

This disease is different the ability to easily be transmitted from person to person. The most common causes of tonsillitis:

  • The presence of an infection or virus in the external environment (quarantine period).
  • The transmission of the disease from a sick person to a healthy person with an airborne route: a kiss, cough, sneezing and other methods.
  • Through food, dishes and cutlery (the virus remains in saliva).
  • If a person has any “hearth” of an inflammatory disease (caries, sinusitis or others), self -infection can occur, that is, the disease flows from one system to another.

Important: tonsillitis excites a bacterium, most often owned by a streptococcal group “A”. Also, the causes of the disease can be seasonal viruses, mycoplasmas and less often chlamydia.

How can you get tonsillitis?

Chronic tonsillitis: is contrast or not?

Chronic tonsillitis - These are the consequences of acute tonsillitis, which often occurs in the offseason (with high humidity, temperature changes). The disease is characterized prolonged inflammatory processes of tonsils, tonsillitis significantly lowers the protective function of the immune system, a person feels bad, feels weak.

Such diseases as::

  • Sinusites - inflammation of the nasal sinuses
  • Angina - sore throat
  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
  • Caries, stomatitis and periodontal disease - infections in the oral cavity.

If these diseases do not cure these diseases in time, as well as often subject your body to seasonal viruses and infections, A person can find a chronic form of tonsillitis. Chronic tonsillitis - a disease that is not recovered to the end and occurs every time when weakening immunity. You can become infected with acute tonsillitis, and eventually acquire a chronic shape.

Chronic and acute forms of the disease

Tonsillitis: Psychosomatics of the disease

Tonsillitis - a disease, having a psychosomatic basis. In particular, there is a medical opinion claiming that any disease occurs on the basis of nervous disorders. That is, tonsillitis can appear due to negative emotions and feelings, depressing you for a very long time.

The connection of psychosomatics and diseases of the throat is very understandable, because its main function is reproduce a voice for communication and expression of personal emotions. In such situations, when a person holds back his feelings, does not allow himself to say excess, feels unfairly, in his body there is a lot of physiological processes that do not experience their implementation.

Not rare tonsillitis occurs in children experiencing excessive custody of parents. This is because mom or dad often take on the obligation to decide and speak for her child. As a result, the baby does not learn to express his own thoughts and suffers from his state of mind.

If human ligaments are strained, and the brain gives a clear command to “be silent”, the human voice organ can very often "suffer" And be predisposed to tonsillitis for psychological reasons.

Psychosomatics and tonsillitis are closely connected

Than tonsillitis is dangerous: the consequences of the disease

Tonsillitis - dangerous disease for humans. First of all, it is extremely negatively affects the human immune system. Tonsillitis affects the palatine tonsils that can to aggravate the work of not only the respiratory, but also the digestive system.

During the treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to qualitatively engage in the complete elimination of the disease and exclude absolutely everything negative factors:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Cold air
  • The presence of inflammatory gum diseases

If you start the inflammatory process of the tonsils, they suppuration will begin and then tonsillitis will contribute to the formation of such unpleasant consequences, like:

  • Acute sore throat
  • Abscesses
  • Purulent traffic jams
  • Hyperemia of the tonsils
  • Elevated temperature
  • Increase in the lymph nodes

Important: only a professional doctor is capable of determining the method of treating tonsillitis. It is he who prescribes treatment: general or surgical intervention.

The abscess tonsils

Tonsillitis in pregnant women, how does the disease affect the fetus?

Unfortunately, tonsillitis is very dangerous disease for women in position at any gestational age. The disease can To cause irreparable harm not only to the woman herself, but also to the fetus in the womb.

Important: tonsillitis that occurs in the late stages often provokes the appearance of toxicosis. In the early stages - it is not rarely caused by miscarriage.

Tonsillitis is capable infect the fetus in intranotone. First of all, the disease makes The immunity of women is very weak And unable to resist other serious diseases. He is capable provoke a premature birth in a woman or vice versa, "Slow down" birth activity.

In the presence of tonsillitis in a woman in a position, she should have a full observation of the attending physician. Often infected patients assign a cesarean sectioninstead of natural birth.

That is why pregnant women should be extremely be attentive to your health, carefully cure colds, do not subject yourself to hypothermia, once again not to risk the health of the unborn child. If the disease still struck you, do not get a self-medication, seek help from a specialist.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy

Tonsillitis: How much is treated?

It is quite difficult to heal chronic tonsillitis, it is difficult and the process itself takes a lot of time. The treatment of the disease consists not only in taking drugs, but also in the subsequent "care" about its health.

Most often, patients without contraindications surgical intervention is prescribed And just remove the tonsils. General treatment It consists of taking antibiotics, immunostimulants, anti -allergic drugs. To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor must completely study the microflora of the nasopharynx and the patient's sensitivity to some antibiotics. Ultrasonic and ultraviolet is not rarely prescribed physiotherapy.

Important: depending on the complexity of the disease, its neglect and state of health of the patient, the course of tonsillitis treatment can take from three weeks to two months.

Treatment of tonsillitis

Complications after tonsillitis, what are there?

Unpleasant tonsillitis complications:

  • Excessive increase in tonsils, their loose condition, expanded channels. This will contribute to the fact that pieces of food can get stuck in the throat and esophagus, and then rot and make a fetid smell.
  • Tonsils that are often inflamed are capable of highlight a special secret. This secret forms traffic jams (lumps) blocking breathing and publishing unpleasant odor.
  • Pus, which is distinguished by enlarged tonsils, enters the stomach (A person swallows him). Pus violates the functioning of the stomach and becomes the causes of disorders, gastric pain, and poor smell.
  • Not only tonsils, but all the lymph nodes can become inflamed. In particular, this can be the cause of the pain of the language.
  • Chronic tonsillitis is often The reason for the sore throat, a planted voice, the sensation of a strangled throat.
The consequences of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sore throat: what's the difference?

The symptoms of chronic and acute tonsillitis are very specific and in any case it is due to inflammatory processes in the throat and damage to the tonsils.

All features of inflammatory processes in the throat should be distinguished:

  • Pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx
  • Laryngitis (sore throat) - inflammation of the larynx
  • Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils

These diseases have one similarity - The cause of their occurrence is viruses and bacteria. It is also possible to note the difference in the symptoms between pharyngitis and laryngitis, which manifest during breathing and eating:

  • During tonsillitis, very It hurts to eat
  • In the presence of tonsillitis, you can visually easily diagnose increased red tonsils.
  • Tonsillitis is sometimes characterized the presence of white plaque in the sky.
  • With tonsillitis often breathing problems occur, the lungs receive little air.
  • Pharyngitis is characterized swelling of the pharynx
  • Throat with pharyngitis red
  • With pharyngitis Lymph nodes are noticeably increasing
  • With pharyngitis and tonsillitis the temperature rises bodies (tonsillitis are characterized by high temperatures).
  • In both cases, it can cough, snoring, expectorant appear.

How to smear tonsils with tonsillitis?

High -quality treatment of tonsillitis involves the internal intake of drugs and external treatment, which has many advantages:

  • The ability to anesthetize
  • Clear the tonsils of pus
  • Such treatment is harmless
  • It is effective, because the medicine penetrates deeply and fights with bacteria locally.
  • Such treatment does not require antibiotics
  • Lubrication "cauterizes" infected areas of tonsils.
  • Treatment reduces the risk of surgical removal of tonsils

How can I lubricate the tonsils with tonsillitis:

  • Collargol - astringent, antiseptic
  • Lugol -A powerful antiseptic in infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Iodinol solution or iodinol spray - Antibiotic with suppuration of tonsils.
  • Carotilin - Nights the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation.
Do I need to lubricate the tonsils?

How do tonsils wash with tonsillitis?

Rinsing and rinsing - An important procedure for healing tonsillitis. It will help to remove pus from inflamed tonsils, residual foods, viral microorganisms and foreign substances.

Washing has a lot of advantages:

  • This is safe, since the procedure is carried out using special solutions and drugs.
  • The procedure has high efficiency. Washing with high quality removes even the deepest deposits of pathological contents.
  • You can only limit yourself to washing in the treatment of not a difficult stage of the disease and not take antibiotics.
  • Washing promotes exclusion of the development of fungal microflora.
  • Washing - budget treatment procedure
  • Washing can exclude surgical removal of tonsils.
  • Washing it has no contraindications.

Washing can be done in two ways:

  • On one's own - The procedure is ineffective, often used at home.
  • Vacuum washing - It is carried out using special equipment in the clinic, has high performance in the treatment of the disease.
Washing and rinsing the throat with tonsillitis

Do I need to remove the tonsils with chronic tonsillitis?

Frequent sore throats lead to the fact that a person gains chronic tonsillitis. This disease is frightened by the fact that it requires mandatory removal of the glands. But, any doctor will say that there are no extra organs in the human body and therefore their removal can contribute to the acquisition of negative consequences.

When should be removed the tonsils:

  • If a person is constantly sick with angina and this happens more often than four times a year.
  • If there are pathological processes that affect internal organs.
  • If the abscess and inflammation go beyond the boundaries
  • If there is no effect from the treatment of tonsillitis
Removal of the tonsils

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis: consequences

The tonsils are a fabric included in the lymphoid ring of the throat. They are needed in order to to detain an infection that can enter the human body with food or air. If a person’s immunity is weakened, this organ ceases to perform its functions, the tonsils become inflamed, the development of the disease begins.

Increased tonsils make it difficult to breathe. Because of them, a person can snore loudly at night. The inflammatory process takes place with increasing body temperature, general malaise, sore throat.

It is believed that tonsils do not need an adult at all and they actively function only up to the age of five. That is why they are removed by children aged three to five years.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to make such a decision yourself. Only an ENT doctor should talk about the need for the procedure, based on the patient’s clinical card. It is he who determines the need for partial or complete removal of tonsils.

Removing tonsils has its advantages:

  • Complications of inflammation that affect the internal organs disappear
  • A person does not "capture" the sore throat
  • The source of infections no longer bothers a person
  • The process of full swallowing is restored

Removing tonsils has its disadvantages:

  • The operation can go unsuccessfully, which will lead to abundant bleeding.
  • Lymphoid tissue can grow again
  • Instead of a sore throat, a person can often suffer from diseases of the internal respiratory tract.
Surgical removal of tonsils

Do you need physiotherapy for tonsillitis?

Important: physiotherapy is very useful in the treatment of tonsillitis, as it is able to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment.

Types of physiotherapy for tonsillitis:

  • UHF - Therapy relieves swelling of the lymphoid tissue
  • Ultrasound - reduces the inflammatory process in the tonsils.
  • Ultraviolet - reorganizes the tonsils, killing infections.
  • Laser - reduces swelling, sanitizes tonsils

Only a professional doctor should prescribe any of these procedures. The course of physiotherapy can last from ten to fourteen sessions. Physiotherapy for people suffering from chronic tonsillitis is recommended at least once a year.

Therapy does not completely cure the disease, but helps to improve well -being and reduce the number of relapses.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of tonsillitis

Is it possible to warm the throat with tonsillitis, go to the bathhouse?

  • In the treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to know that the tonsils themselves should not be warmed up. This can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process to a greater extent.
  • You can not warm your throat, if a person has a very sore throat and angina is pronounced.
  • Not favorable on tonsillitis can affect and going to the bathhouse. Especially if there is a possibility of having a fever in the body. In this case, the bathhouse will be able to “catch up” her even more.
  • Numbering must not be allowed After being in a hot bath, bath or soul.
  • You can not drink burning tea, it should be a sufficiently warm temperature. It is best to warm the throat from the outside, wrapping it in a scarf.
How to treat the throat?

What can not be eaten with chronic tonsillitis?

If a person suffers from chronic tonsillitis, he should adhere to a certain dietcalculated for people suffering from inflammatory diseases. You should eat only warm dishes, exclude cold food.

Food for tonsillitis should be saturate with vitamins (in particular, vitamins B, R and C). You should also choose products that reduce an allergic reaction And capable of reducing the inflammatory process. Food should have a large amount of fats and proteins. But, the amount of salt entering the body should be reduced so that it does not delay moisture.

Due to the fact that tonsillitis gives a complication on the throat, food should not be rude. It is best to eat soups and mashed potatoes that facilitate swallowing. In addition, the patient should drink a lot of fluids (not cold!), Cable to increase sweating, which means to reduce temperature and remove toxins from the body.

Tonsillitis smell from the mouth: how to fight, how to get rid?

The tonsils have a kind of porosity. The recesses that are on their surface serve as a kind of "traps" capable of came harmful microorganisms. In addition to microbes, these recesses fall into the microparticles of food, rotting over time.

How to get rid of the smell from the mouth with tonsillitis:

  • Regularly brush your teeth and oral cavity from bacteria
  • Clean the tonsils with a sterile cloth moistened in a special solution or ointment.
  • Rinse the throat twice a day. This can be done both by special healing solutions and ordinary warm water and salt.
How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth with tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis tests: which should be taken?

A complete clinical picture of the disease for which for which will help to prescribe effective treatment for tonsillitis all important tests should be taken:

  • Tonsil's surface smear-analysis will help determine the exciter bacterium.
  • A blood test will help determine the nature of an infectious disease.
  • A cytological smear will study the intensity of the disease.
  • An analysis of urine will determine the toxic and allergic features of the body affected by tonsillitis.

How to cure tonsillitis once and for all?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure completely chronic tonsillitis. It can only be allowed. To do this, you should regularly monitor your health, exclude colds and hypothermia, the virus enters the body.

Only a sharp form of tonsillitis can be treated, resorting to this to antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures.

How to harden the throat in chronic tonsillitis?

In order for the body to learn to resist some diseases, it can be tempered. This should be done very carefully so as not to incur even greater problems.

How to harden your throat:

  • Water. This occurs in the form of rinses, in which the water temperature from 26 degrees drops to 2 and again grows to 8 degrees.
  • Contrast rinsing water (warm, cold). It should be borne in mind that such rinses are very harmful to the teeth.
  • Resorption of an ice cube. To do this, keep a cube in the mouth for 10-15 seconds for three to four days to a row.
  • Navel in water temperature up to 1 degree of 30 seconds per day.

Video: "Chronic tonsillitis"

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Comments K. article

  1. thanks for the article, I will add from myself that iodangin always helps me with sore throat, calms, softens, disinfects.

  2. And I treat my throat as a rule with rinses, the more often, the better. And I also absorb the anti-angon of the formula, they are also quite effective with diseases of the throat, the pain decreases gradually. The main thing is to start the treatment right away!

  3. For several years, chronic tonsillitis has been tormented. Antibiotics and local anesthetics are already poorly helped. As intended, Laura is now using tonsilotar. I get less sick and the recedifies have become less common.

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