An essay on the topic “Why is it important to help people”: arguments, examples from literature and life

An essay on the topic “Why is it important to help people”: arguments, examples from literature and life

In this article you will find several works on the topic “Why is it important to help people?”.

Help is different. Sometimes she really saves a person life, and sometimes only harms. But this does not mean that no one needs to help anyone. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that there are “bear services” that a person did not ask for, but they helped him that he did not need.

Support, mutual assistance is the moral choice of each person. Why do people need to help? Such a question is often asked to schoolchildren in the form of a topic for essay. Below you will find an answer to it, as well as several creations for students. Read further.

Composition-reasoning on the topic “Moral choice. Why is it important to help people? ”: Arguments, examples from literature for the OGE, exam

Moral choice, it is important to help people
Moral choice, it is important to help people

People really need to help. This not only “cleanses” the conscience of a person, not only makes him a highly moraine personality, but also leaves a bright and kind mark about him in the memory of people. Here is an essay-reasoning on the topic “Moral choice. Why is it important to help people? " with arguments, examples from literature for OGE, exam:

Everyone should remember that you should not do good deeds with selfish goals so that you are praised or given some kind of reward. In fact, you need to help at the call of the heart, not counting on some bonuses.

An example of kindness and help to people is perfectly described in the literature:

  • Andrey Stolz From the novel Goncharova "Oblomov". This is a very kind and responsive person who tried to show the lazy and apatient Ilya Ilyich Real life, a wonderful world in all its diversity.

Despite the fact that attempts could not change the protagonist, Stolz We must pay tribute. Everything did not work out because Oblomov himself could not step over himself. However, it is thanks to Andrey He first experienced a feeling of love to Olga and acquired a decent number of bright memories.

In the novel "Hunger Games" S. Collins There are also a lot of examples of responsive behavior:

  • For example, Pete Helps Kitniss, as a result of which it does not allow to die.
  • And then Kitniss, wanting to repay Pete for good, helps him.
  • The help of Pete was that when the family of the girl was starving, he overexposed bread on purpose.
  • Then, when the loafs were burned, he did not throw treats to pigs, but gave the poor family.

It is also very important to help people when they are in trouble or a step from death. However, in this case, it all depends on moral qualities. There are very insensitive personalities who are not capable of manifestation of humanity, even if they see the torment of anyone.

Why is it important to help older people - I want to go to the team: examples from life, composition

It is important to help older people
It is important to help older people

Older people are limited in their physical capabilities. What is given to the young is easy for them to be difficult. However, you should never laugh at it. On the contrary, it is worth helping older people - because they lived all their lives and worked for the good of the country and the people, have done a lot of things in their lives. Why is it important to help older people? “I want to go to the team” - examples from life, composition:

I believe that every person’s duty to provide all possible assistance to grandparents. As a rule, for this you do not need to have a lot of money. Even if you help bring the bag to the house or go to the store for products, this will already be a big plus for a person. Everyone knows the feat of Timur from the work "Timur and his team". He, along with the rest of the children, created a team that helped older people and all those families who needed help.

It is important to realize: Help for older people is an indicator of human morality. If he is able to enter their position and empathize, then this means that he has a kind and open soul.

In order to understand why to help older people, it is worth introducing your grandmother or your grandfather in a difficult situation and put yourself in their place. Once my friend and I saw a grandmother lying on the street. No one approached her, thinking that a man was drunk, although she asked for help. As it turned out, about half an hour ago, three guys took her bag from her and beat her.

It is possible, if she had not resisted the robbers, and immediately gave the bag, then they would not have been angry and would not inflict the injuries to her. But the grandmother was "fighting." And the fact that she tried to fight back from three young guys played a cruel joke. It was beaten quite strongly. We helped her rise, provided first aid and called an ambulance. Grandma was very grateful to us.

It is amazing that at that time it was crowded, and a lot of people passed past the beaten grandmother. Everyone could, if not to accompany the old woman to the hospital, then at least get the phone and call an ambulance. It was enough to at least ask what happened to her, and why she was in this state. But no one but us did this.

And if with their mother or grandmother, when she was returning home, this happened? Why didn’t anyone think about it? By the way, a week later we met her again. It’s good that everything worked out. Despite the rather strong beatings, the old women did not find any vital injuries. That is why it is important to help older people.

"Why is it important to help people": essay 9.3 in the text of Paustovsky

Paustovsky: It is important to help people
Paustovsky: It is important to help people

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - This is a great Russian writer, screenwriter and journalist. His arsenal has a text on the topic "Why is it important to help people?". According to it, they often ask in schools to write an essay or presentation. Here, for example, the final essay 9.3 in the text Paustovsky:

The question of helping neighbor has been observed more than once K.G. Paustovsky. Suppose one of the heroines, learning about the need experienced by a handler and that his assistant had died, bought him a new parrot.

By the way, the storyteller’s mother very often helps the poor and is compassion for compassion - while the rest of the people even disgusting to these “ragged people”.

I believe that if a person needs help, he needs to help regardless of his social status. For some reason, many people relate to the poor very biased, and they cause their disgust and hostility. But in fact, not all the poor are alcoholics and parasites.

There are situations when a person really falls to the bottom as a result of unfair life circumstances, and then for a long time cannot again “enter the rut”. This must be understood and never turn away from those in need, if there is an opportunity to return them to a normal life. A person who helps others makes the world better.

Video: You need to help everyone

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