Analysis of the poem "Monument" by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: plan, questions, most important for essay, artistic means, composition

Analysis of the poem

The analysis of the poem "Monument" by Pushkin will help write an essay and prepare for the presentation.

Poem "Monument" It is famous for the fact that it was created a year before the death of the great poet. Writers gave him the name of a spiritual testament Pushkin. The analysis that is carried out in this article on this work will help to understand why this creation is prophetic. You can use it to write an essay or to prepare for a presentation for a lesson in literature. Read further.

Plan for the poem "Monument" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: Questions

The poem
The poem "Monument" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

During the life of the poet, this creation was not known to anyone. It appeared in the light already in 1841. To write an essay on this creation, you must first draw up a plan. Here are questions about the plan to the poem "Monument" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin:

  1. What to do with the work have Derzhavin and Delvig?
  2. Why a poem "Monument" called prophetic?
  3. What is the role of the poet in public life in the understanding of Pushkin?
  4. Why is the writer immortal?
  5. What is the peculiarity of the composition of the poem?
  6. What means of the work of the work achieved?

At the end, it is necessary to conclude. How to write it correctly, look at the bottom of the article. Read further.

Analysis of the poem “I erected a monument to myself unfortunate” by the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin in literature: briefly, most importantly according to plan, 9, grade 10

The poem
The poem "Monument" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Pushkin wrote this poem in 1836. Subsequently, it was published, but after the death of the author. It is noteworthy that Zhukovsky somewhat corrected the poem - but, “within”, so that the general meaning was not lost. Here is an analysis of the poem "I erected a monument to myself unmarried" poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin in literature - briefly, the most important thing according to the above plan for 9, 10 classes:

The role of the Creator in the life of society, the importance of his mission is considered. However, this topic in the poet’s work is a kind of leitmotif. Used pyatostrophic model poetry.

  • The first stanza It makes it clear that a person who knows how to create is much higher than “ordinary” people.
  • Last He says that this is not just arrogance, but a gift of God, thanks to which the poet can express his thoughts and his worldview, his consciousness has been expanded, and awareness is much higher than the usual members of society.

Analyzing the genre affiliation, We can say that this is an ode written by a iamb. Anaphoras are also present. They form a rhythmic component.

Fine means:

  • "The folk trail will not overgrow" - This is a metaphor.
  • « Monument to the miraculous "," Proud grandson " - These are epithets.
  • There are also inversions, among which "The head of the rebellious" etc.

A striking example of anaphora “That good feelings I awakened Lira, that in my cruel century I glorified freedom.”

Comparative, comparative analysis of the poems "Monument" - Lomonosov, Derzhavin and Pushkin: a table for presentation

Comparative, comparative analysis of the poems
Comparative, comparative analysis of the poems "Monument" - Lomonosov, Derzhavin and Pushkin

Poem "Monument" Equally beautifully written in Pushkin, Derzhavin, and Lomonosov. These great people seemed to prophesied with the help of their works that they would be immortalized. Below we published a comparative, comparative analysis of poems "Monument" - Lomonosov, Derzhavin and Pushkin In the form of a table. From it you can take information for essay or presentation:

Lomonosov Derzhavin Pushkin
The merit of the poet No (Horace adapted the creation) There is There is (personal composition, without borrowing)
Composition 5 stanza Similarly Similarly
The plan of the narrative

Description of the monument.

The theme of immortality of the poet, homeland, folk memory, achievement of creators, appeal to the muse.

Similarly Similarly
How is the theme of immortality revealed? Creativity has meaning and goal, while people are alive. Similarly Similarly
How is the image of the Motherland revealed? The boundaries are indicated using rivers. He is in solidarity with Lomonosov Turns to different nations: "And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and Finn, and now Wild Tungus, and a friend of the steppes of Kalmyk."
Attitude to creativity The main thing is new approaches and ideas The main thing is truth Humanism is the basis of all the foundations
Muse Wears the crown Wears the crown It does not wear a crown
Who is the muse for the poets? Goddesses Goddesses Girlfriends
How do muses relate to wrong? Condemn Dispute Indifferent

A complete, comprehensive analysis of the poem “Monument” of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: the history of creation, genre, idea, theme

Analysis of the poem
Analysis of the poem "Monument" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

We can say that there are a fairly large number of common features with the creation of Derzhavin. But, at the same time, historical facts are attributed to Delvig - perhaps this is the poet’s answer to the work of a friend. Here is a complete, comprehensive analysis of the poem "Monument" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin With the history of creation, genre, idea and topic:

It is noteworthy that the poet died a year after writing a poem. Some critics tend to consider "Monument" a kind of testament and prediction. After all, people, as a rule, anticipate their death. During life, the lines were not published. Only then, after adjustment Zhukovsky, this work A.S. Pushkin I saw the light. Was printed in the collection.

The basic theme is what mission every poet carries, what role he occupies in society, how he can influence society as a whole, and what responsibility on his shoulders lies. Moreover, Pushkin is sure that the fact that a person is endowed with a poetic gift cannot refute the fact that he is a citizen of his country who should try to change reality for the better. The poem belongs to the genre of ode.

The hero of creation is a poet. He is above all people. Moreover, thanks to the soul that is enclosed in the coveted lyre, he cannot die. More precisely, the physical body retains this feature. But in terms of cultural heritage, each creator remains in the memory of people not only for years, but also for centuries.

However, the muse is changeable and it must be obeyed. Also, stupid people should not be condemned, noble to take both laudatory odes and censure. Of course, the poet should not “demand a crown” - that is, he must create for people, for the sake of improving the world, and not just to become famous and get rich. Nobody needs such creativity. The mission of the poet is fully disclosed.

Poem by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin “Monument” - analysis: artistic means, composition

Poem by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Poem by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "Monument" - Analysis

None of the stanzas of the poem by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin “Monument” cannot be “thrown away” - we can say that the action develops gradually. Here is an analysis of creation with artistic means and composition:

Pushkin uses an interesting technique. Looking closely, you can notice that in the first three lines of the YAMB three -foot, and in the fourth - four -foot. It can be seen that this is not a mistake and not an accident. Alexander Sergeevich does it intentionally.

As for structuresShe is this:

  • The Creator is the highest being.
  • The appointment of a poet and a creative person is to.
  • Manual muse.

Slavism Increase the pathos of creation. It is like a solemn speech, a manifesto that expresses the position of the poet.

Interesting techniques, characteristic of great writers, quite a lot was used. Metaphors deserve special attention, among which:

  • "The folk crowd will not overgrow."

Antitheses Like phrases:

  • "Praise and slander."


  • “I woke up the kind lyre that I glorified freedom into my cruel century.”


  • "The head of the rebellious."
  • "And I will be glorious ...".


  • "The monument is not commercial."
  • "People's Trail."
  • "Proud grandson."

The fourth stanza contains the very “grain”, which forms the meaning. You can distinguish information about what role Pushkin himself gave himself in Russian poetry. This is emphasized by Anaphora. But the appeal to the muse is filled with high -part and “ideal” - it seems that the poet addresses not only the deity, but also to all those whom she visits. Alexander Sergeyevich, believes that real work does not encourage personal shortcomings, it obeys only the Lord. This submission is a certain fee for a great gift.

Written poetic analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Monument”: by stanzas, quatrains

Written poetic analysis of Pushkin's poem
Written poetic analysis of Pushkin's poem "Monument"

If you need to do homework on literature on the work of the “Monument” of Pushkin, then you cannot do without help. Here is a written poetic analysis of the poem by stanzas, quatrains:

"I erected a monument to myself unmarried, the national trail will not overgrow to it" - There is a metaphor.

  • Of course, this fact means that the poet will not forget after death, the memory of him and the fruits of his work will live in the souls of people.
  • Speech not only concerns the path to the burial site.
  • There are many great people, but not all their fans were in the places where they rest. The author means that creative people are eternal.

"No, I won’t die all - the soul in the treasured lyre" " - Metaphor.

  • Pushkin implies that poems are the means that makes their writers eternal.
  • They will not be forgotten even after death and will be transmitted from mouth to mouth.

"And I will be glorious, dook in the subwine world, at least one PIT will live".

  • The author hints that there is a connection between the creators.
  • And while not only a lover of poetry, but also the poet, the predecessors will remember.

"Both the proud grandson of the Slavs and Finn."

  • The image of the homeland is revealed.
  • The idea is also traced that true work will be understood anywhere in the globe, without even knowing the language, thanks to some higher message and energy, which came from the author.

"That I glorified freedom into my cruel century" - Anaphora.

  • There are not many of them in the text, but still without them the creation would not have acquired that emotional and semantic coloring that fully reveals the topic.

"Resentment is not afraid, not demanding a crown."

  • An appeal to the muse can be interpreted as a wish to the poet himself.

Thought in owl develops from the first stanza to the last. Its main purpose is the motivation of good in people and the poet is well achieved.

Analysis of the poem "Monument" of the poet Pushkin: conclusion

Analysis of the poem
Analysis of the poem "Monument" of the poet Pushkin

At the end of the essay, you should write a conclusion on the analysis described above. Here's what you need to indicate:

Poem "Monument" poet Pushkin It is not only a cultural heritage. It is also a dedication and edification of contemporaries and followers, and a certain will of the poet, as well as an omen. We can say that it reflects the essence of creativity and the role of the Creator, gives peculiar instructions about how a person who has a talent should treat him.

Moreover, it clearly shows that the Creator should not be afraid of the death - because in the folk lips he will always be eternal.

Video: Poem by A.S. Pushkin "I erected a monument to myself unmarried"

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