Analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev" A.S. Pushkin: the history of the creation, characteristic of the lyrical hero, topic, composition

Analysis of the poem

This article made a brief and complete analysis of Pushkin’s poem “To Chaadaev”.

Poem "To Chaadaev" Pushkinhe played a key role both in the fate of the poet himself and in the lives of his close friends. It is not surprising that it also had an influence on the movement of the Decembrists as a whole. "To Chaadaev" Refers to those creations of the poet who were written in the early period. We can say that this is a message to a friend and an ally. Below you will find an analysis of this verse with a description of the main thought, the disclosure of the direction, the genre, themes and ideas. Read further.

The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin: plan, text

The poet did not want to publish his creation "To Chaadaev"since he understood that the work is very provocative. Nevertheless, the poem has become widespread regardless of his desire. By the way, it is thanks to the content of this creation, control over the poet Pushkin Tighten, and he was sent into exile. However, after the exile, the poet began to write the lyrics, for example, "I loved you" and others.

Plan of the verse:

  1. What does the poet associate young fun with?
  2. What are the Decembrists awaiting "under the nest of fatal power"?
  3. To whom does the author calls to devote the beautiful impulses of the soul?
  4. Where did Pushkin expect to see the names - his own and his friends?

Here is the text of this well -known creation:

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

A brief, small analysis of the poem “To Chaadaev” by the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin-7, 8, 9th grade: history of creation, genre, size, direction for the presentation, an analysis lesson

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

The story of the creation of each work of Pushkin is interesting. Some creations appeared when the poet was in exile, others in a fit of soul, and others - some time after writing. Here is a short, small analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev" poet Alexandra Sergeyevich Pushkin - 7, 8, 9th grade, with the history of the creation, description of the genre, size, directions for presentation and analysis lesson:

The creation was written at that time when Pushkin has not yet spread out in my eyes with his senior comrade, Peter Chaadaev, but on the contrary, I saw in him a mentor, a person more wise life. It is worth noting that freedom and united these people. By the way, Chaadaev He was a member of the Decembrist organization, and for his “philosophical letter” was completely declared mentally ill. As for Pushkin, then he was in the Green Lamp, and also criticized the existing regime of the emperor.

As for the genre, the work can be attributed to civilian lyrics that glorify freedom and freedom. That is why it was rightfully considered the real anthem of the Decembrists. However, there is also a friendly tone - however, it borders on a firm and persistent civil position.

Pushkin does not cheat on himself and writes the usual four -foot iambic, with his already loved means of expressiveness. It is very interesting that the friendliness with which he addresses the poem to his comrade -in -arms borders on the freedom -loving thoughts of a real “revolutionary” and a fighter.

Poemage analysis of the freedom -loving lyrics “To Chaadaev” by the poet Aleksand Sergeyevich Pushkin: topic, idea, composition

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

Of course, every thinking person understands that the main theme of this creation is not friendship at all. The poet chants freedom, believes that justice will triumph, that it will reign, that the country will wake up from sleep and heal the best life. That is why the main line is political. By the way, this material is quite like campaigning. Something similar is in another creation of the author "Anchar" - this work you will find at this link

Although Pushkin He uses a simple syllable, he manages to concerns his position concisely, as well as views on the future. However, such thoughts were shared by all the Decembrists of that time. Here is a poetic analysis of free -loving lyrics "To Chaadaev"poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin With a description of the idea and composition:

It can be seen that the writer is saturated with the spirit of freedom, believes in changes, and, if necessary, he will sacrifice his principles for the sake of great ideals and the liberation of the country. As for the composition, the verse is divided into three sections:

  1. In the first - A naive and young author dreams of love and glory. His illusions are scattered like a fog. This is logical - after all, there is internal and external growing up.
  2. In the second part, he got rid of youthful naivety, but did not come to terms with what was happening in the country. He hopes for the correction of all political errors and a happy outcome, realizing that water does not flow under a lying stone, therefore, it is necessary to fight.
  3. But in the third piece The poet is already looking into the future, sees Russia updated, awakened. And yourself and other fighters - perpetuated.

By the way, such a fact does not look like a manifestation of narcissism. But the composition is looped - this happens because the motive of awakening is available in both the third and in the first part.

Emotions are also changing - at first the hero is sad (because youthful hopes were in vain). However, closer to the end of the poem, the mood replaces to the combat - the poet believes that everything is possible, but you need to stand in a united front, combine efforts and fight for the happiness of the state.

No doubt, autobiographical creation - after all, it displays the position of the very Alexandra Sergeevich In those years, his protest against the existing reality and the desire to change the situation at all costs. The hero believes that Russia It can become a great power, but for this you need to change the "system" and change in the root. Otherwise, progress will be unattainable.

Analysis of the poem “To Chaadaev” by the poet A.S. Pushkin: means of expressiveness

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

Means of expression in the poem "To Chaadaev" poet A.S. Pushkin represented widely. There are even oxymorons ("quiet glory"). They immediately catch your eye:

  • Comparison - "Like a dream, like a morning fog", "How is the lover of a young moment of the right date await."
  • Appeal - "my friend".
  • Inversion - “fatal authorities”, epithets “young fun”, “morning fog”.
  • There is only one metaphor - "The desire is still burning".
  • Metonymy - "Star of captivating happiness".

The four -foot iambic gives persuasiveness. The poet expresses the thought brightly, sweeping. The last stanza stands out, since it consists of five lines.

Analysis of the verse “To Chaadaev” by the poet A.S. Pushkin: Characterization of the lyrical hero, problem, criticism

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

Often in his works the poet A.S. Pushkin I represented himself in the image of the hero. There is such a technique in the verse "To Chaadaev". Here is an analysis of this creation with a characteristic of a lyrical hero, a problem and criticism:

Without a doubt, the lyrical hero in this work is himself Pushkin. Turning to his friend and ally (or rather, even to the senior comrade and mentor), he expresses not only his thoughts, but also a direct call for action. At the very beginning, he makes it clear that what he dreamed about in his young years did not find incarnation.

In the second part, the hero replaces a sad tone to a more peppy one. He believes that hopes can still be brought closer. However, for this you need to fight, do not stand still. He believes that together with like -minded people will be able to bring the hour happy for the state. Similar thoughts gradually flow into thoughts about the future of Russia, which he sees for the pervasion.

Full, complex, detailed, ideological and artistic, written analysis of the lyrical poem by the poet Pushkin “To Chaadaev”: Composition

The poem
The poem "To Chaadaev" by the poet Pushkin

Write essays on the topic of poems Pushkin simply. After all, all the works of the author are understandable and always sink into the soul after the first reading. Here is an essay in the form of a complete, integrated, detailed, ideological and artistic, written analysis of the lyrical poem of the poet Pushkin "To Chaadaev»:

In the creation, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe formation of both the state and the individual personality, which is a patriot and citizen, is considered. In it, both disappointment from the unfulfilled hopes of the past years, and an unquenched desire to fight, live on. Given how naive young people are, it is not surprising that the hopes were deceiving.

The author is wise - he believes that for freedom and glory you need to fight, they are not given to anyone just like that. By the way, most contemporaries believe that the poem belongs to the era of government, Alexander I, a fierce liberal. There is an antithesis and it is enclosed in the second part. The hero is impatient. His soul trembles. It is infected with freedom, and is ready to spread this virus everywhere so that every citizen experiences such emotions and joins, becomes the same “liberator of Russia”.

It is noteworthy that resorting to epithets, comparisons, inversions, Pushkin He defends in the creation primarily state interests, and not his own. Own needs in this case are secondary. When will the country be able to wake up? In fact, she will do this if everyone ceases to be indifferent and begins not only to think about the state, but also to do anything. Moreover, the manifestations of “holy liberty” can be considered the maturity of every citizen.

Despite the young age, Pushkin He understood that the enemies would not give up, would impede the revival of Russia. However, he was ready for battle. Moreover, the poet believed that the best years should be devoted to the struggle for the homeland and perfectly understood that some may not return from this “battle” - "Our names will write on the wreckage of autocracy".

Analysis of the poem “To Chaadaev” by the poet A.S. Pushkin: Conclusion

Analysis of the poem “To Chaadaev” by the poet A.S. Pushkin
Analysis of the poem “To Chaadaev” by the poet A.S. Pushkin

The conclusion to any essay or story should also be bright and memorable. Here is a conclusion on the analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev" poet A.S. Pushkin:

In creation, the poet appeals not only to a friend and all the Decembrists, but also to the consciousness of every Russian. He is sure that the hopes of youth come true, efforts should be made and fighting the existing state system.

The verse is written in a friendly manner with elements of appeal to a person, and then, on the contrary, goes into a kind of “ode of freedom” and a call similar to revolutionary hymns. The author uses various means of expression, but moderately. Does not abound with them. Despite the fact that the creation was written in young years, it feels civic maturity.

Video: Audio-book-Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin-to Chaadaev

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