Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Anchar": composition, plan, vocabulary, composition, conclusion

Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin

This article describes a complete and brief analysis of the poem "Anchar" Pushkin. It will help write a competent essay in 7, 8, 9, 10 of grade.

Works A.S. Pushkin - This is a rich cultural heritage and property of our country. The poet all his life turned his feelings into the lines, creating masterpieces that are still appreciated.

One of the most thoughtful creations Alexandra Sergeevich - this is "Anchar". It is studied in schools in a literature lesson, memorizing and thinking about a figurative sense and associations in this verse, which the poet tries to convey in his lines, and he can perfectly succeed. Below you will find an analysis of the work "Anchar" With the theme and idea for presentation, final works and the exam. Also, the composition and means of expression will be disclosed here. Read further.

"Anchar" Pushkin: plan, text

"Anchar" It can be called one of the most famous creations of the author. This poem is allegorical. After all, in fact, Pushkin He sets out his social position, and speaks more about the imperfections of society than about the actually existing poisonous tree.

Here's a plan:

  1. With whom it is associated Pushkin Anchar and what is his role in this creation?
  2. Who gave it?
  3. Why does Anchar avoids all living things on the planet?
  4. What did the man returned with who was sent to this malicious tree?
  5. Why was I needed poison with Antchar Vladyka?
  6. Is it possible to perceive creation in a figurative sense?

According to this plan, just write an essay or answer orally at the board, telling about what the poet wanted to convey to society. Here is the text of this poem:

The text of the poem

A brief analysis of the lyrical poem by Alexander Pushkin “Anchar” according to plan 7, 8 grade: history of creation, means of artistic expressiveness

Analysis of the poem

It is not easy to analyze any creation of the poet, since it is necessary to delve into his meaning. Below you will find a brief analysis of the lyrical poem Alexandra Pushkin "Anchar" According to plan 7, 8 grade.

History of creation:

  • "Anchar" I saw the light in 1828.
  • The poet returns from exile, passes almost 2 years. It would seem that staying in harsh conditions was supposed to break it.
  • Censorship also closely followed his work. However Alexander Sergeevich He did not reconcile - although he pours out his own sadness in the text, it is clear that this is far from the end.
  • The main problems can be called the destructiveness of power. There are no barriers for senior faces - they can do everything that will please. But will it be unpunished?

Means of artistic expression:

  • The creation seems to be very deep, because the poet felt all these social imperfections on himself and knows what he was talking about.
  • "Anchar" consists of two parts. At first, the poet describes a tree that is filled with poison. And then he talks about the fact that the master sent his slave for a deadly resin. However, after her he died.
  • Work can be called lyrical. But there are elements of the ballad. As before, the author does not change his beloved four -foot iamba.

The work often uses metaphors:

  • "Obediently flowing on the road, the vihor black on the tree of death will run"
  • "The nature of thirsty steppes gave him anger on a day of anger"


  • "Anchar, like a formidable sentry"


  • "Thick transparent resin"
  • "Vikhor Black"
  • "Greens are dead"

All these metaphors and comparisons help to trace that the poem is written with the soul, in the form of a ballad.

Composition-analysis of the lyrical poem by Alexander Pushkin “Anchar” 1828 according to plan: 9, 10 grade

Analysis of the lyrical poem by Alexander Pushkin
Analysis of the lyrical poem

AT 9th and 10th grade Schoolchildren write essays in the form of analysis according to Pushkin’s poems. This helps to learn how to see the main idea. Here is an analysis of the lyrical poem Alexandra Pushkin "Anchar" 1828 According to the plan that was described above:

Every person longs for power. But what happens to him if the powers are unlimited? Will his behavior be natural, will the soul remain virgin? Hardly. From time immemorial, it is known that excessive power destroys and blinds a person, deprives him of all that bright that was in his soul. Such a personality becomes arrogant, arrogant, ruthless. She is able to go to everything for her goal, marking everything human, and thinking only about her own thirst for profit.

Having power considers himself omnipotent. He thinks that he has the right to dispose of the lives and fate of other people, although, in fact, no one gave him such a right.

That's Pushkin In creation "Anchar" It implies that unlimited power destroys a person. While all living beings were afraid to even touch the tree, Vladyka believes that the law was not written for him. Such a ruler considers himself truly invincible.

However, the slave who brought him the resin dies. Nevertheless, the lord does not stop, but continues to bear death further. It turns out that it poses for the world an even greater danger than a tree filled with poison.

A written analysis of the philosophical poem "Anchar" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: topic, idea, main idea

"Anchar" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Shocks for creating "Anchara" u Pushkin There were several. Firstly, the case is against the author of Gavriliada, and secondly, legends about a poisonous tree. He also investigated Dr. Foucher. However, the creation is allegorical - Pushkin simply vials the thought so that the reader can find out the information between the lines. Here is a written analysis of a philosophical poem "Antchar" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin withtopic, idea, main thought:

The poet aims to show how destructive the power of those who believe that he is omnipotent is sometimes. And not only that the very tyranny itself is caused only by harm. It is also a shame that society can suffer, and in some cases humanity.

Power in the understanding of the poet Pagubna. Vladyka committed great stupidity, acting self -confidently and unnaturally. In fact, there are things that even people with a very influential name cannot change. And if the poisonous tree causes harm, only when you touch it, then the narcissistic ruler-nurezh can destroy thousands, or even millions of people with their actions. And all thanks to their own stupidity.

Techniques for revealing images on the topic of the poem "Anchar" Pushkin 1828: for presentation, composition

"Anchar" Pushkin 1828

The author uses all the versatility of the Russian language. Indeed, in addition to the transfer of psychological and ideological sending, you need to reveal the images. In addition to the above metaphors and inversions, Pushkin Uses the Tsar-Rab antithesis, which, and reveals the essence of the heroes. Moreover, he calls Vladyka invincible (but, most likely, not to enhance the effect). In his understanding, this is irony. In this case, the word “invincible” is sarcasm, a slight mockery.

The ruler himself considers himself such, but Anchar indicates the opposite. The poison that he exudes will not disappear if someone “great” or the “Messenger of the Great” approaches him. Death from poison is the same for everyone, regardless of the social situation. Anyone who thinks differently is just stupid.

As for the slave, his Pushkin He calls the "poor." There are many meanings: both financial situation and low social status, hint of lawlessness, animal humility, lack of their opinion and following the king’s instructions, the inability to disobey.

Of course, in the understanding of the poet Anchar and the king are equally deadly concepts, however, if you look closely, the ruler is much more dangerous. The tree at least stands still and does not give orders, but only wounds those who try to approach it.

A detailed and complete literary analysis of the philosophical poem of A.S. Pushkin “Anchar” by stanzas: the lyrical hero is completely for the final composition, means of expression, vocabulary, composition

"Anchar" Pushkin

If we talk about a literary analysis of a philosophical poem 1828 A.S. Pushkin "Anchar", then in terms of composition it can be divided into three equal parts by stanzas. These include the plot tie, the main actions (in fact, conflict) and the denouement. It all starts with the descriptions of the poisonous tree, which all living things are afraid of:

“In the desert stunted and stingy,
On soil, hot heat,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
Standing - one in the whole universe ".

It is noteworthy that the “sentry” itself does not touch anyone. However, the animals are afraid of it, because they know that the tree is poisonous. Nevertheless, the law is not written to man. The ruler asks the slave to get the poison and he fulfills the request. This is the conflict of power and personality. A person knows that he goes to death, but he has no choice. After all, it is the authorities who behave him to do this.

In the poem "Anchar" Pushkin Comparisons are strong enough and expressive enough: "Like a formidable sentry". Read more in the analysis of creation with a description of the means of expression, vocabulary, compositions for the final composition or to prepare for the literature lesson, which you will find below:

The author in almost every line uses expressive means. For example, the desert calls the stingy and stunted, speaks of the soil, which he has heated the heat. This gives the creation of incredible colorfulness.

He also shows the loneliness of Anchar. After all, few risks approaching him.

"Nature of thirsty steppes
He gave rise to anger on the day of anger
And the greens of the dead branches
And I drove the roots with poison. ”

"Dead Greens" in this case inversion. There are also quite colorful, “figurative means” that enhance perception, add colors: "The nature of the thirsty steppes drove the roots with poison."

The day on which the tree was born, the poet calls "Day of anger", showing all its danger to others. However, the king is also dangerous for society - after the death of the slave, he wants to bring death to his neighbors. We can say that evil is considered in two planes - ontological and universal. Pushkin sees it with an indispensable attribute of civilization, a negative phenomenon, but, alas, eternal.

“On the tree of death will run -
And rushing away, already cordial. ”

This is an interesting personification. The poet goes "from the contrary." While the phrase “Tree of life” exists, Pushkin transfers this concept to his work. Only now its goal is different - it is necessary to emphasize the danger and destructiveness. He turns the “Tree of Life” into “Tree of Death” - and the meaning is now quite suitable for topics and problems "Anchara".

"Obediently flowing on the road" - This metaphor shows that the slave sent for poison may have realized his death, and perhaps he simply did not try to rush. After all, he performed not his will, but the will of another person, even if a high -ranking person. Therefore, Pushkin introduces the word “flowing” to show the leisurely movement of the forced person who is forced to fulfill someone else's will and act contrary to his desires. By the way, "Burnt", "flowing", "invest" - These are Slavism. Therefore, from "Anchara" blows the spirit of parables.

"And the poor slave died at the feet of an invincible lord" - Pushkin again emphasizes the “invented” status of the king. The latter does not understand that the death of the slave clearly shows the fact that he is not so omnipotent, not so invincible.

The feeling of tragedy add:

  • Epithets: "Soil hot", "transparent resin"
  • Metaphors: "Nature gave rise to"
  • Contrast: "Slave" - \u200b\u200b"lord"

We can say that the image of the tree of death is quite poetic. It seems like a real cold and the spirit of human death from him. Here is another interesting epithet:

  • "And the king fluttered his obedient arrows with that poison"

Unlike slaves, arrows will always be obedient, because they do not know how to think and go where the shooter will direct them.

"He sent out" - It is noteworthy that the author compares the death that the lord with the postal pigeons carries, mentioning the word "sent". That is, the king does not think whether he does correctly, destroying someone. He simply has this action to automatism.

The conclusion on the analysis of the verse "Anchar" A.S. Pushkin: What is the tragedy?

The conclusion on the analysis of the verse
The conclusion on the analysis of the verse "Anchar" A.S. Pushkin

Verse " Anchar "  A.S. Pushkin Poetic rather poetic, but at the same time, acutely social. Here is a conclusion on the analysis of this creation:

The poet condemns the tyranny of power, indicates that it is excessive, thoughtless, undiluted. This is a real poison that can destroy not only one person, but also entire nations.

The images of the narcissistic lord and the disenfranchised slave are described vividly and quite well - despite the fact that the appearance remains “behind the scenes”. However, in this case, it is not important. After all, the meaning of the poem is not at all.

The author resorts to successful epithets, metaphors, inversions. The creation has a ballad spirit and is written inherent Pushkin Yamb. The messenger of death, in this case, is not Anchar himself (which poisons only those who are nearby), but rather a ruler. After all, the tree does not go beyond the limits of its territory in order to bring to someone the death. And he can direct his troops to any country and destroy local residents. Alas, a poem Pushkin It remains relevant in our time. After all, only technologies are changing, and the very essence of the rulers remains the same.

Video: Pushkin - Anchar

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