A newborn child in Islam. Muslim rites after the birth of a child

A newborn child in Islam. Muslim rites after the birth of a child

Regardless of what religion the baby’s parents profess, his birth is always the most important joyful event. And in order to cultivate the future Muslim correctly, parents must feel their responsibility not only to the baby, but also to Allah.

It is for them that the tips and recommendations given below are intended, as well as clarification of the significance of the main Muslim rites related to the sacrament of birth.

What do they do at the birth of a child in Islam in Sunnah: Muslim rituals at the birth of a boy and girl

In addition to the main sacred to each Muslim book of the Koran, there is also a Sunnah, which gives examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammad, which are a model and guide to how to do in a particular situation.

The child is in Islam
The child is in Islam

According to the Sunnah, after the child is born in the family, it is necessary to perform the following mandatory actions:

  1. To inform the joyful news to everyone who is a relative or just a person close to a family. And everyone who learned about this happy event should congratulate parents on the birth of a baby.
  2. It is imperative to comply with the order of the Prophet Muhammad specified in the Sunnah, namely, to read the newborn to the right ear - Azan, and in the left - Ikamat, so that the sacred words become the first to be heard.
  3. To prepare the baby to take the breasts of the mother, for which carefully crushed (best - chewed, as sharia requires), in a small amount, they put in the mouth a baby and with a finger with massaging movements spread throughout the mouth.
  4. 7 days after the birth of the child, his head must be shaved and, having weighed shaved hair, the same amount of grams of gold or silver is distributed as alms.
  5. The rite of adhesion, which is most often carried out on the seventh day after birth, is accompanied by sacrifice.
  6. The sacrifice, which, as already mentioned, is established on the seventh day after birth (if for good reason this cannot be done, the victim can be brought the next day). One lamb is stained for the girl, for the boy - two.
  7. Cutting, according to Sunnah, is best carried out in the first days after the birth of the boy. In general, this rite should be carried out before it reaches adulthood.

How do newborn girls and boys make Muslims?

  • If Christianity uses baptism, then this is not like that in Islam. For boys, dedication to Islam becomes cutting rite (He is called Sennat). Nowadays, it is carried out using anesthesia, as a rule, in infancy, so that all the consequences of surgical intervention heal before the baby will learn to crawl and then walk.
  • In former times, this rite could be held at a later date, and then the tradition was to visit a friend: peers came to a newly -minted Muslim with gifts that were given for courage.
  • It is also customary to distribute to the sadaka in honor of this rite - this is the name of voluntary alms, which the Muslim gives those who, in his opinion, are most in need. As in Orthodoxy, the baby has “godparents” - as a rule, these are women: older sisters (but not relatives), relatives or a mother of mom. They are called Apa - Chacha and Tesha. They are supposed to take care of the baby in every way, in their duties it is to demonstrate the first erased teeth, cut off the first lock.
  • Sometimes a child can be born with natural circumcision. It is believed that in this way Allah shows her special mercy to him. The rite of cutting a child in Islam is the command of the Lord.

What do they read to the newborn in Islam's ear?

  • The born child in Islam, both a boy and a girl, is the one who is present during childbirth, reads Azan in his right ear, and in the left - Ikamat, just as it is done during prayer. This is stated in the hadith transmitted by the imam of Tirmizi. It is believed that if you do this, the genie will not be able to harm him. Ibn Hajarv al-Hights says that Sura al-Gilyas was read to the newborn in the ear.
  • The meaning of the rite, which is Sunnah, is that the first heard words of the child are related to Allah, which gives the newborn defense of the Almighty, the call for Islam and the obligation to perform prayer.
  • Not necessarily a loud reading of Azan - it is allowed to pronounce a quiet voice, including in the record. In the event that for any reason the baby was not read at birth, you need to visit the mosque with the baby and read the azan there.

In what terms should the child be given to the child according to Muslim customs, is it possible to give a name to the newborn in the evening?

  • One of the most important rites in Islam is to named the child. According to Sharia, it is carried out no later than on the fortieth day after the birth of a child. The traditions of Islam are prescribed to do this usually on the seventh day after the child was born - as it is said in the Most Holy Sunnah.
  • At the same time, there are also interpretations of some reliable hadiths that say that Muhammad himself conducted a name on the same day when the child was born. Therefore, at this time, in Islam, they seek to conduct a rite of namedness in the first seven days of life.
  • It is important to the name the child has gained as early as possible - So, along with sacred words, he will receive the first concepts of Islam and protection from evil spirits. If the parents could not give the baby a name in the first days of life - they can do this at another time, just as a person can change the name himself, taking Islam in adulthood.

How to give a name to the child in Sunnah, and who should give the name to the child?

  • A long -standing tradition assumes that the choice of a name for a newborn is the prerogative of the oldest members of the family, moreover, from the father. Sometimes, on the contrary, the right to choose a name is given to children (cousins \u200b\u200band brothers, and also from the father). But relatives on the maternal line are deprived of such a right.
  • On the occasion of the rite of name the family carefully removes the homein which all relatives gather. During the rite of name (in Islam, it is called "Azan Shakyruv") is cut by a ram that all those present are treated. At the same time, alcohol is not put on the table. The name of the child is supposed to pronounce either the oldest relative or the imam who takes the child in his arms, turns his face in the direction of the kybla and reads Azan, pronouncing the name of the baby three times to the right ear.
  • In the same way, Ikamat read the baby’s left ear, after which the name of the newborn is once again repeated again. Then they read the Surah “Fatikha” and Dua, in which all sorts of benefits and mercy of Allah wish the child and his close relatives. The baby is transferred into the hands of his father, after which he is taken by his mother.
  • Mother and in general for women, no matter how pious they are, this ritual cannot be carried out. The pronunciation of Azan and Ikamat is not laid on women, so a man should still call the baby in a name, and it is best if it is imam.
  • The name of the child in Islam can also take place within a later date, in the case when at birth the child received a name that does not correspond to Muslim traditions. Then the imam can call him again, and the name can be chosen not only by relatives, but also by the imam himself. The rite also consists in a triple pronunciation of the name "before Allah" in each ear. Often a child of imam gives a piece of bread at the same time, so that the baby receives his first bread “from a pure person”. And, of course, generously give the child and imam himself.
  • The name can also be changed - they do so often if the child grows painful. The ceremony is repeated, at the same time, the imam gives his family a dua written by him, which the child after will wear in a leather bag as an amulet.

Why do Muslim relatives give money to newborn children?

  • The first visits to relatives begin 40 days after the birth of the baby. Among the gifts that give a newborn, there is always money that is usually put directly in the cradle. Muslims believe that in this way they not only attract prosperity in the house, but also make the child’s subsequent life comfortable.
  • When the child takes the first step - This is also a holiday for the whole family in Islam. Often the ceremony devoted to this is combined with the moment of the first anniversary. To do this, knead the sweet dough (use honey or saturated sugar syrup), from which balls roll, folding them on the dish.
  • Then the dish should be put on a low table, and there are various things nearby: a dagger or knife, book, money, a toy machine, a pen, a mirror, etc. Having tied symbolic bonds on the legs, the child is brought to this table. Depending on what he will reach for, and interpret his future fate. Money in this case indicates a happy, comfortable life that will be destined for the newborn. The ceremony ends with a cutting of the Put (usually the grandmother does it) and universal treats.

Why do Muslims shave babies, who shakes and what do they do with the hair of a newborn in Islam?

  • As already mentioned, shaving the head at the end of the first week of the child's life - One of the rites of Sunnah in Islam. After the baby’s hair is suspended, silver or gold of the same weight is counted and distributed, shaved hair is recommended to bury in a secluded place where it is clean and quiet.
  • The value of this rite is great. This is not only the physical benefit for strengthening the scalp and hair itself (it is also noted to improve olfactory, auditory and visual qualities), but also a great moral force. Shaving of the head is cleansing and becomes the initial stage of the subsequent fulfillment of the Sunnah, and the distributed alms (Garden) helps those who need Muslims.
Shaving babies - mandatory procedure
Shaving babies - mandatory procedure

The importance of shaving is emphasized in the hadith, which was transferred to Ali Ibn Abu Talib.

  • For different Muslim peoples, different people conduct a shaving ceremony. The Nogais trust this process to the brother of the mother (native or cousin), which has healthy hair.

The hair itself is not thrown away - it is stored in a special box.

  • Adyghe residents invite a special person, the Karachais - grandfather from his father, Abazina - a relative from the mother. Everyone who shaves the hair of the baby will definitely receive gifts

How many times do you need to shave a child in Islam?

  • The most common opinion in Sharia is that the child is shaved 40 times. The book "Bushra al-Karim" Imam Said Baisn al-Hadami says that the one who does so on Wednesdays will be able to become a fakih (i.e. an expert on Islam and rights).
  • It is considered mandatory to shave the heads for boys, as for girls - there is no single dogma in this regard, so everything is done at the discretion of the parents. Most often, girls in Islam are shaking once.

What do the child give for azan?

  • A child in Sunnah received his first gift for Azan from a prophet, who was singing a white diaper of his newborn grandson Hussein. Therefore, such a swaddling white diaper has long been a Sunny messenger of the Almighty.
  • Another gift to the child in Islam, having symbolic value, is sweetnessto which the gums of the baby is wiped - this is how he feels the sweetness of not only his life that has begun, but also the faith, which is his reading of Azan. Therefore, it is important that the reading of Azan, like the rite of wiping gums, is carried out by a person who sincerely believes and kind.
  • And, of course, the first words heard that Allah exalt are called for growing in piety and kindness, do not allow to approach the newborn unclean spirits, are also a significant gift in their power.
  • The born child receives sacrifice, the best day for which is the seventh from birth. It also gives the baby the protection of Allah. Usually, a ram is stained for this: one - in the case of the birth of a girl, two - if a boy was born.

When you can cut the nails to the newborn in Islam and is it necessary to store the nails of the newborn?

  • Hadis, transmitted by Aisha, says that testing nails on Fridays keeps a Muslim from evil. This can be done on other days, at any time, because all it belongs to Allah.
  • The tutters of the nails to the child in Islam begin with the index finger on the right hand and continue to the little finger, and the last to process the thumb. The left hand begins with the little finger, moving to the thumb. Then they cut the nails on the legs, from the right little finger to the left, cutting down the nails alternately.
  • Sharia says that the knotted nails, like hair, should be burying in the ground. This helps to avoid damage that sorcerers can lead.

Can a baby show people on Islam and when can it be?

  • Before the child is 40 days, it is not shown to people as usual. This period has great importance: 40 days are considered a very important stage in the life of a newborn, it can be called a second birth. This is due to the fact that the soul, according to the Muslim faith, is up to the expiration of 40 days in space uniting two worlds.
  • And only on the fortieth day a special holiday is celebrated, when a child can already be shown to strangers. Response women conduct a special rite, cutting the baby nails, cutting their hair. In addition, the child is bathed using forty tablespoons of water, and the spoon itself must be silver. The child is shown in a shirt specially sewn for this day, which is then transmitted to a woman who cannot conceive. It is believed that this will contribute to conception
  • The term of 40 days, during which the newborn is not shown to people in Islam, is withstanding so that the baby is not sick and is calm.
The kid is not immediately shown to everyone
The kid is not immediately shown to everyone

When to bathe a newborn in Islam?

  • Before the spent, mother bathes the baby every day, alternately in salt water and ordinary, using soap. At the same time, silver products or coins are laid out at the bottom of the bath for bathing so that they purify water and protect the child from evil spirits that are afraid of silver.
  • On the fortieth day, the baby’s bathing in Islam is a rite. At the same time, it is permissible to bathe the boy 2-3 days earlier, and the girl later. Silver things are also laid out in boiled water, and 40 beans are lowered into it (if they bathe a girl) or playing bones (when bathing a boy).
  • The baby is watered from a spoon 40 times, accompanying each watering with some good good wish. At the end of the bathing, venerable women who conducted the ceremony are rewarded with silver, which was in the bath.

What to do with the child’s navel in Islam?

  • The umbilical cord is treated with all due respect, since it is part of the body.
  • Therefore, it can neither be burned, nor even more - to throw away how it is unacceptable in Islam with a dead human body. The umbilical cord, like the placenta, is carefully buried in the ground.

What do Mullah give for reading azan to a child?

  • Mullah usually holds Azan along with two witnesses, there are also all invited guests - this is how it is appropriate to the Qur'an. This sacred ceremony passes in the afternoon in the parental house. Bread and salt, honey and water are laid out on the table, put and light 2 candles. The child is laid on the table so that his head is turned to Mecca.
  • After prayer, Mullah announces the name of the child and takes his index finger. Holding the baby by the finger, he pronounces Shahad seven times (or, other words, evidence). After the re -prayer of Mullah, holding the newborn by the right ear, says Azan, followed by a special spell - a kamet, which orders the child to store the name until the Day of Judgment comes. Then Mullah takes the Rebank by the left ear and reads a special prayer, which ends the ritual.
  • At the end, Mullah is presented with an offering - most often they give him a scarf, and everyone sits down for the treat. They start with white bread with cheese and honey, then go to tea drinking with sweets and fruits. At the end of this rite in Islam, the child is completely under the protection of the Almighty.

When is a walk with a newborn in Islam?

  • Walks with newborns are allowed in the daytime of the day, the Muslim religion prohibits the baby to take out the street after sunrise. At night, it is also forbidden to hang out the clothes of a newborn for drying.
  • In the customs of Islam, up to 40 days, the child used to not be taken out of the house. There is no strictly ban on this - the whole point is that until 40 days the baby is trying to protect as much as possible from someone else's gaze and possible negative influence. Definitely do not recommend going out with the newborn to the street during this period if the child is weak.
  • Today, mothers are not so strictly adhere to this rule. But still, if a walk is planned, the child’s face must be covered so that outsiders do not look. Pins with special stones that protect against the evil eye will not hurt.
The walk is allowed no earlier than forty days
The walk is allowed no earlier than forty days

How is 40 days of a newborn in Islam?

  • 40 days are a real representation of a newborn to society in Islam. At this time, the child became stronger, in addition, his soul was already fully fixed in the body of the baby. The rite consists of ritual bathing, which is described above.
  • The child is taken to the gathered guests in clean elegant clothing, from relatives they present him a basket with gifts. After the rituals of washing, accompanied by healthcares, the baby and hair, the baby is dressed in a new shirt, and his clothes, which he wore the previous forty days, give to childless women.
  • Parents give a gift to each of the guests, and they invite all those present at the table, which awaits a plentiful treat.
  • If for the boy a ritual later, then he will grow up with an indecisive quiet - this is how signs say. And if the girl is shown to people before, her character will be frivolous. Another interpretation of this Muslim signs - the boy, deciding to marry, pays a lesser ransom for the bride, and the girl, becoming a bride, on the contrary, will be worthy of a large kalym.

Moon on the head of a child in Islam

  • There are no interpretations about this in Islam. Therefore, most interpreters of Islam converge in the fact that the moon on the child’s head is an absolutely explained natural phenomenon associated with the fact that the baby spends a lot of time lying on the pillow. Usually, after shaving the head and the further development of the baby, when he begins to turn his head, change the position of the body, this proloshin in the form of a crescent is overgrown with itself.
  • The crescent on the back of the head can also be a sign of the initial stage of such a disease as rickets. In this case, a doctor’s consultation and taking prescribed drugs and vitamins are necessary.
  • Old beliefs sometimes associate the appearance of the moon on the head of the child, followed by a possible strabismus, but, as practice shows, no connection actually exists. According to Islam, one should strictly adhere to the rules of Islam, read prayers, make a dua and ask for help from the Almighty - and then everything will be in order with the child.

The child cries and does not cry at birth: meaning in Islam

  • There is a version that the newborn cries due to the touch of the shaitan. This is also stated in the hadith of Abu Huraira, which says that the devil touches every son of Adam at birth.
  • Scientists call the reason for the crying of a newborn, and theologians are sure that the baby feels the upcoming difficulties that are waiting for him in further life.
  • Islam, saying that people are experienced and tempted by shaitan all their lives, emphasizes the importance of pronouncing prayers and dua, which would protect the child from the influence of evil spirits, and charitable moral behavior, observing the norm of Sharia.

How to congratulate a newborn in Islam?

  • Congratulations related to the birth of a child are encouraged in Islam. For this, the wishes are usually used to observe the righteousness associated with blessing and well -being, of course, in order to grow in obedience. Imam al-Navavi has words for parents and relatives, asking for the blessings of Allah for the one he granted them.
  • Visiting a mother and providing her all kinds of assistance is encouraged, reading a dua for the well -being and health of parents and a newborn. The child himself is called the blessed gift of Allah and wish him to grow in righteousness.
  • Gifts in the birth of a baby in Islam are not an revered custom. They are not forbidden to give, but they are not considered mandatory.

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