What permits and bans exist among Muslims: customs and traditions

What permits and bans exist among Muslims: customs and traditions

Today, the question of faith is no longer so acute. Each person has the right to choose their religious views, and not follow the religion that is prescribed to him by the nationality or place of birth.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Islam and Islam - is this one too or not?". You will find out what is the difference between Islam and Islam, how they are different.

That is why many people (even Slavic origin) come to the realization of what they want to become Muslims. And no one forbids them to begin to confess this religion. But what is needed for this? Is the consent of parents and other family members necessarily? The article below will help to understand such matters. Read further.

Is it possible to accept Islam without the permission of parents?

If a person has not accepted Islam From birth, but wants to do this already at a more conscious age, a number of questions arise. Very often those whose parents and ancestors were not and are not Muslims are worried about how relatives react to their choice. But is the consent of the father and mother necessary that the adult man becomes a Muslim? Is it possible to accept without the permission of parents Islam?

  • From the actual point of view, it is possible to become a Muslim without devoting any strangers to this. The rite lasts only a few minutes. This is faster than Orthodox baptism. The newly -minted Muslim must pronounce aloud Shahada. But at the same time, there should be two faithful Muslims and three unauthorized Muslim. Only then will the certificate of faith enter into force.
  • From a moral point of view, it is recommended to at least try to talk with family members that a person wants to change faith. If they understand and make this decision, it will not be superfluous to devote them to the foundations of religious teaching. After all, the adoption of Islam under the full ban on parents and provided that the hatred of other family members to this religion is undesirable. Nevertheless, even if the whole world is against his choice, a person can become a Muslim based only on their desire, if the will Allah.

We are talking about capable, adults. The situation with children is somewhat different. Indeed, until a certain age, parents make a choice. That is why, if a minor wants to become a Muslim contrary to the will of his parents, there are two ways: to convince them that this desire is a balanced, reasonable, necessary and to achieve their blessing or to wait for adulthood.

In general, in order to accept Islam, the consent of the parents is optional. But from a moral point of view, their approval or at least a condescending attitude to the choice of a newly -made Muslim is desirable. The procedure for taking Islam is very simple. By her own Shahada Also, it does not cause difficulties in pronunciation. However, it should be said with a pure heart, good thoughts and confidence that from now on a person will profess this religion until the end of his days.

Koran about marriage
Koran about marriage

Shahada for the adoption of Islam: Words

Certificate of faith (Shahada) for acceptance Islam It sounds as follows - words:

  • “I testify that there is no true God, except Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God”-“Ashhada Alla Ilyakh Illya-Llah, wa Ashhada Anna Muhammad Rasul-Llah.”

But the meaning of these words must be passed through your soul, and not just pronounced. A person needs to believe what he says. Only if there is a complete conviction in his certificate, can one assume that a new Muslim was born. Shahada It is necessary to memorize, as well as be sure to ask the correct pronunciation.

Shahada States that God is One. And it is Allah. He has no apostles, sons, associates. And only he is worthy of worship. Muhammad is a prophet and his envoy. He was directed by Allah in order to bring the leadership to the people.

Permission of intimacy in Islam: Rules

A beautiful pair of Muslims
A beautiful pair of Muslims

The question of the relationship of sexes is quite acute in all existing religions. On the one hand, this is a sin. On the other hand, the only opportunity to continue the genus. In Islam, there are also a number of permissible and unreasonable. Below are the resolutions of intimacy in Muslims.

A person enters into an intimate connection not for the sake of his base desires, but for the sake of Allah. He does this in order to protect himself and his spouse from forbidden actions. A reward from the Almighty is possible only if everything happens according to the rules:

  • In the room where sexual intercourse will occur, there should be the smell of saffron or musk.
  • The bed must be clean.
  • The spouses are also required to remain in a good mood.
  • The use of incense is considered Sunnaya.
  • It is advisable to refrain for several days so that the seed is more active, and the pleasure is full -fledged. But you should not refrain for too long - it will negatively affect health.
  • Sunnaya is also considered a prelude. You need to proceed when a woman is ready for the process. Kisses and affectionate words are possible. Islam believes that a wife is a kind of field for her husband, which needs to be used when he wishes.
  • Muslims are also sure that the child, conceived as a result of sexual intercourse with a prelude, will be more beautiful, healthy and happy.
  • In the process of sexual intercourse with his wife, the Muslim should listen primarily to her desires and needs.
  • The ban is considered selfishness and the delivery of pleasure only to oneself. It is believed that if a man thinks only about his pleasure in intima, then this will negatively affect marriage, on the subsequent life of a couple.

The following words can be said before intimacy:

  • « In the name of Allah. Oh Allah! Guard us from Shaitan and take the shaitan from what you reward (our children)».

Islam is a patriarchal religion. But you never need to force your wife to intimacy. If a child is born as a result of compulsory sex, then he will be underdeveloped, will have mental retardation or simply unlucky fate. Muslims try to avoid this.

Bans of intimacy in Islam: customs

Before intimacy, a man calls on the Almighty. Since it is believed that Satan (Shaitan) is present in male dignity. It is necessary to read the words that are written above in the text before the act. The task of the couple is to prevent Shaitan from participating in the process. But all this is allegorical. In the literal sense, it means that the spouses intend to enter into an intimate connection, deprived of lust. The process occurs in the name Allah, love, continuation of the genus. What other prohibitions of intimacy in Islam exist? Here's what the customs say:

  • Before intercourse, reads surah "al-Iilyas".
Before intercourse, Surah Al-IiLas is read
Before intercourse, Surah Al-IiLas is read
Before intercourse, Surah Al-IiLas is read
Before intercourse, Surah Al-IiLas is read
  • It is impossible to talk during sexual relations. You need to be silent. It is believed that if conversations occur during intimacy, the son or daughter will be born of dumb.
  • During intercourse, Muslims do not look at each other's “causal places”. Otherwise, blind or forgetful babies can be born. It is recommended to engage in "love" covered. By the way, the Prophet Muhammad and his wife never looked at each other's genitals. However, this issue is not considered a dogma. Many modern Islamists are sure that looking at the genitals is not forbidden if this enhances desire.
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse is allowed in cases where the couple does not plan a child. Contraception is also allowed. But a woman should give permission to use a condom.
  • The main goal of Islamic intimacy is the birth of children. That is why safe sex is not recommended. Moreover, he will not bring full pleasure to his wife. This is also worth remembering.
  • Muslims should not mention the details of intimacy by a friend to people. This is not said. Even if an Islamic man leads a dialogue with close friends, he should not speak when and how his intimacy with his wife occurs.

During sexual intercourse, the direction should be avoided towards the cyblae. Also, the couple should remember hygiene. After sexual intercourse has already occurred, you need to celebrate a small need. This prevents male diseases. A wash should also be accomplished. But not cold water and you should not urinate in the bathroom - this can instill doubts about the soul of the believer. Also, you do not need to use one towel for two. Each spouse should have their own.

The position of a woman in Islam
The position of a woman in Islam

Important prohibitions in Islam: traditions

Before each new copulation, it is necessary to accompany the genitals. In terms of etiquette, it is considered correct to take a nap after proximity on the right side. But this can only be done after hygiene procedures. What other traditions exist?

Important prohibitions in Islam:

  • You can not perform sexual intercourse in a bad mood and sorrow, under the influence of alcohol. Both spouses should be sober.
  • You should wait for the digestion of food before entering into a connection.
  • You can not look at the genitals and seeds of a man. This can lead to a deterioration in brain activity.
  • Do not completely undress, possibly the appearance of shameless children.
  • Anal proximity is prohibited - it is believed that it is dirty, unnatural and immoral. It is believed that the intercourse of a Muslim with his wife occurs exclusively with orientation to the organ that is intended for this. This type of proximity is considered a sin, equivalent to homosexuality. But regarding oral sex there are no strict prohibitions. However, he is also undesirable.
  • It is forbidden to engage in intimacy on the first, fifteenth and last night of every month.
  • Sexual intercourse should not occur in public.
  • Sexual intercourse without marriage is prohibited. This is regarded as adultery. If a man has several wives, he should not enter into group intimacy.
  • Under the ban, sexual contact during menstruation. In order not to provoke a man, his wife is recommended not to use cosmetics during menstruation and dress more modestly.
  • During the first wedding night, a young, inexperienced wife should not be scared.

Islam provides for many intimate prohibitions. You can enter into proximity only in certain conditions, on specific days and in permissible poses. All these rules are not invented by the clergy, but are prescribed by Allah. And every self -respecting Muslim should observe them.

Muslim marriage permission

Beautiful couple of Muslims entering into marriage
Beautiful couple of Muslims entering into marriage

Marriage in Islam is a sacred concept. It is believed that the correct Muslim should have sex only in marriage and only to continue the genus. It is also very important to achieve marriage permission. Under what conditions does the couple have the right to combine? Read more:

  • The bride and groom are not close relatives - in other words, they should have a common ancestor. This applies to both legal and illegitimate people. The bride cannot be a sister, aunt, wife’s sister, etc.
  • You can’t take a woman in a wife who is in mourning or less than three months, as it is divorced.
  • Taking a pregnant woman as a wife, you can get a marriage permit simultaneously with the birth of a child.
  • Do not take as a wife, both native daughters and adoptive ones.
  • A marriage concluded in violation of the conditions is considered invalid.
  • When marrying, it does not provide for its term.
  • The bride should have a guardian - it is believed that the girl does not marry herself. And another woman should not give her out.
  • There should be witnesses at the ceremony.
  • The marriage should be concluded by mutual agreement, without coercion.
  • Payment of Makra (wedding gift of the groom to the bride).
  • None of the spouses should have an obstacle to a medical nature.
  • There should be no secret conspiracy.

Allah encourages marriage unions built on love, respect and trust. Spouses should retain their moral appearance, being married and fulfill all the covenants described in the Qur'an.

Important traditions of Islam

What should the Muslim wife be?
What should the Muslim wife be?

The Muslim must be responsible for all his deeds. He is obliged to read Allah and fulfill all the rules prescribed by his faith. Five times a day, a prayer is performed. This is a special prayer. The Muslim should also go to the mosque every Friday. At the same time, men take off their shoes. As for women, they are required to wear a scarf. The dressed should be in closed clothes (even hide your legs). Here are what important traditions of Islam exist:

  • Muslims do not have many religious holidays: Kurban Bayram and Ramadan Bayram. Ramadan is the first day after a month. The post should be sacredly observed. This is a rejection of any kind of pleasure and bad habits, food and drink. Participation in other celebrations is prohibited. Even if these are the holidays of representatives of a different faith.
  • Both in Ramadan and Kurban Bayram should read Koran, engage in charity. Muslims also try to avoid foul language and the opportunity to offend someone. The dates of Muslim holidays are changing every year. Friday (Juma) is a vacation day.
  • The duty of every Muslimhajj. This is a visit to Mecca and her environs. At least once in a life, every adherent of Islam must go there.
  • Also mandatory when meeting greeting And the answer to him: "Assalam Aleikum" - "Vaaleikum Assalam".
  • Allah must be mentioned before eating. Also, only the right hand is used during the meal.
  • It is forbidden to shave faces, armpits and pubis. Cutting is practiced.
  • In all Muslim toilets there is a bidet. Mandatory is considered to be washed after defecation.
  • Wedding traditions are very rich. The “mehendi” pattern is applied to the feet and palms of the bride. The dress should close the hands and feet.
  • The birth of a child should be reported as many people as possible. On the seventh day, the child is shaking his head. It is necessary to give out as much gold and silver as his hair weighs. They also carefully choose a name. Basically, they give the names of the prophets and angels. Previously, they sacrificed rams. Today it is rarely done. They gave two for the boy, and for the girl - one.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that a Muslim should be decent, developed spiritually and physically. He must be a full -fledged member of society. He is obliged to know perfectly the laws of Sharia. The Muslim from childhood is obedient and hardworking, he respects the elders and honors traditions. He is clean bodily and spiritually, lives with Allah in his heart, strictly following the instructions Allah And his prophet, Muhammad.

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