Islam and Islam - is this one too or not? What is the difference between Islam and Islam: what is the difference?

Islam and Islam - is this one too or not? What is the difference between Islam and Islam: what is the difference?

Islam and Islam are synonyms. Read more in the article.

Many women and men who are not particularly versed in the topic of Islam and Islam are wondering: is there a difference between these concepts? Or are these synonyms?

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From this article you will learn, religion of Islam or Islam - how to say correctly, and in general, what it is and what is the difference. Read further.

Islam and Islam: what is it, a little from history, briefly

Muslim and Islam
Muslim and Islam

Islamic religion - One of the three most famous on the planet (the other two are Buddhism and Christianity). Islam is considered an Abrahamic religion, that is, it originates with spiritual traditions dating back to the Semitic Patriarch Abraham (in Arabic - Ibrahim). Next, you can find out whether the terminology is distinguished by something "Islam" and "Islam". But first, we will make a brief excursion to historical data. Islam and Islam - what it is?

  • The Islamic religion originates in the seventh century AD on the Arabian Peninsula.
  • The tribes that then inhabited him were not united into one state and worshiped different deities.
  • According to different legends, in 610. Prophet Muhammad, saw one of the angels located next to Allahwho told the Prophet of Revelations recorded in the first chapters Koran.
  • Thereafter Muhammadlike the messenger of himself Allah, began to preach a new religion among his fellow tribesmen.
  • Fulfilling his prophetic mission, he urged everyone to believe in the only God is Allah And thus get salvation.

The ruling authorities of that time did not approve of what he was doing MuhammadTherefore, he faced many difficulties. AT 622 He had to run away from Mecc's hometown to Medina, where he continued to preach and he was accepted with greater favor. From this year, the Muslim chronology begins. Later Prophet Muhammad Together with their supporters, they strengthened their influence and returned to Mecca with a victory. After some time, most Arabic tribes ceased to worship their deities and accepted Islam.

After death Muhammad The Arab conquerors spread the Islamic religion in the Middle East, Iran, part of the Transcaucasia, Central Asia and North Africa, as well as almost throughout the Pyrenee peninsula (the territory of modern Spain and Portugal). Later, history made its adjustments to the map of the influence of Muslims. They were expelled from the Spanish territory, but expanded their influence in other places, such as, for example, islands in the southeast of Asia.

The religion of Islam or Islam: how right?

The religion of Islam
The religion of Islam

Both words that call this religion are synonyms and are used to designate one concept. Term "Islam" comes from the Arabic word "ISLAM"which translates from Arabic as "Submissiveness"(or "Submission to the will of God"). It is this word that is the original, main and correct name of the religion of Muslims.

It is worth noting that the terminology will be used more correctly "Islam"because it is the official name of this type of belief. It is Islam that is represented in the sacred book of the Qur'an as the only and completed faith, as well as mercy for all of mankind.

It is worth knowing: Islam is not a kind of Islam, it will be incorrect to interpret these words in this way.

Arabs have such a term as "Islam" It simply does not exist, but in Russian this word means adherents of Islam. Choosing which word to use, it is better to give preference to terminology "Islam", since this is what this religion is called and this officially has great prevalence throughout the Earth.

The religion of Islam and Islam - is this one too or not: what is the difference, what is the difference?

People who preach Islam are Muslims, so there can be no differences in the meaning of terminology, the essence is the origin of these word forms. What is the difference, what is the difference?

Arabic word forms "Islam" and "Islam"have the same meaning. They mean religion, the beginning of which Prophet Muhammad In the city of Mecca in the 7th century AD. Why, then, is this religion called differently? Language features played a role here. The words "Islam" and "Islam" With the same meaning, it turns out, have minor semantic discrepancies, as well as different origin.

  • From the very beginning, religion was called "Islam"what is translated from Arabic as "Submissiveness". A person professing such a faith was called "Muslim" ("Follower of Islam").
  • Writing the terms in Arabic is very similar, but adaptation to European languages, including Russian, led to such a discrepancy.
  • Many linguists will indicate that these words have a conventional meaning, since both in one and the second there is a certain sequence of consonant sounds - [s], [l], [m], moreover, they are used to refer to the same concept .

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Pillars of Islam

Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam

Islam has 5 main creedsor PillarsIn which the moral values \u200b\u200bof this religion are expressed. Thanks to them, self -awareness of believers, as well as a religious conscience, is formed. The pillars of Islam contain the main provisions of the laws called "Sharia":

  1. The first pillar is Shahada, the same formula of monotheism or dogma that everyone who accepts Islam must say. Only having committed this ritual, he can call himself a Muslim.
  2. The second pillar of Islam means that all Muslims are obliged to make a prayer with a prayer of Allah daily.
  3. The third pillar is considered the annual taxation "Zakat", which is intended in order to assist everyone who needs it.
  4. The fourth pillar is a post called Urazawhich must be followed by adherents of this religion in a month Ramadan - 9th month in the Muslim calendar.
  5. The fifth pillar is considered a pilgrimage or "Hajj", which all Muslims are obliged to commit to the city of Mecca, where the main Islamic shrine is located Kaaba.

There are also six pillars "Iman" - faith in Allah And the truth of the Islamic religion. They include Muslim faith in:

6 pillars
6 pillars "Iman"

If even one of these teachings is not recognized as a Muslim, then ultimately - his faith will be considered invalid.

Video: What is the difference between Islam and Islam?

Video: What is Islam?

Video: Islam and life. The essence of faith in Allah

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