Fairy Tale “Three Girls” for adults-a selection for noisy holidays and corporate parties

Fairy Tale “Three Girls” for adults-a selection for noisy holidays and corporate parties

A selection of various options for a fairy tale “Three girls” for adults.

Fairy Tale-Three Girls for Adults

Fairy Tale Alteration Three girls for adults
Fairy Tale-Three Girls for Adults

Fairy Tale-transmission "Three girls" for adults:

Three maidens by the window
Dreamed in the evening.
Although now twenty -first centuries,
Those remained the same problems -
A man how to lure, nand to get married yourself,
So that he lives with his wife alone
And did not go to the women.

If I was the queen
Say the younger sister, -
It would be not laziness
To please both night and day.

I read in the press for a long time -
Marriages are kept on sex.
There is no sex - there is no marriage,
Here is where the dog is buried.

I'm already talking about this business
I watched a bunch of films.
My husband I will kiss like that -
He will not look at the other.

If I was the queen, -
The average sister echoes, -
I put her husband
From Versace and Carden
He will be a different example
The most stylish gentleman.
He would never get down
From the pages of newspapers, magazines.

Glory to Zaitsev would be sewn to him
Socks, T -shirts and panties.
If you are dressed best, -
Here is the marriage success.

Sisters, what kind of nonsense
The eldest screams in response -
One husband dresses
And the other strips.

I am about what I dream about-
If I become a queen,
I do not bother my spouse
Inspect the whole ball.

We would go to the cruise.
At first, know, Paris,
Saint-Germain and Notre Dame,
Then Vienna, Amsterdam.

Far from our hut
Himalayas and Carpathians.
We would have seen this
That Heyerdal did not dream of.

Just relax a little,
As time again on the road.
There will be bonds of Himenaeus
With each place, everything is stronger.

The sisters were just about to sleep
How the mother returned home.
Our light, mother, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth,

With a man what to do,
So that he does not run to the left?
Ilter or dress,
In Europe, what, whether to roll?

Their mother answered them so, -
I didn't finish gymnasiums
And not special for this part.
I'm more on the household.

But having lived for many years,
I can give one advice.
So that your dog does not bite
The bull did not throw it at people,

So that your cat is caught by mice,
And not to the contrary,
So that the rooster stamps properly
Chickens left and right,

So that a goat is such a freak,
Did not go into the neighboring garden,
So that the farm lives together, -
Then you need to feed the cattle!

New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" about fidelity

New fairy tale three girls under the window about fidelity
New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" about fidelity

New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" about fidelity:

Three girls gathered,
Drink coffee, or water,
What is stronger than coffee, be,
For conversation, a little bit

Became the first girl
Say a speech about what is dreaming:
“- If I were a queen,
I would be for the father of the king,
She sang the day of the day of the ORYA.
Because he is already old
And his deaf dendraium. "

«- If I was a queen -
The second girl said,
I would be for the father of the king,
And score outfits
I would danced in front of him
And fluttered and flew. "

Here is the third girl
I said so as not to be embarrassed:
“- I would be for the father of the king,
Give birth to a hero! "
Then I would be on the throne
It would be a companion with him "
True, there is no certainty
What is capable of being a bull,
He's old, decrepit all,
Well, where does that arrogance come from? "

The king swayed quietly,
And he said: “- Here, dear,
Sing me songs, not Ory
I hear everything! " - Clouded,
Tsar’s pipe in his hands, -
" - I am deliberately deaf,
To hear what is in the walls "

«- Well, and you dance me day,
Maybe naked at night
I'll look at you
I will give something ...
You pouted your body,
Silicone fanned everything,
Look, the destructors dismissed
Well, and boobs are just an udder! ”

“- Well, you, my beauty-
He said the third, very in vain ...
You doubt me! -
Go to the bedroom, on the tour!
We will do as you want
I carried it so that, by the way,
Here you look who is weak here,
You can stand it, I'll take it to the state! "

The girls almost choked,
They just looked around among themselves,
There is nothing to do, to go,
Well, if so, so be!
First, Muson turned on,
I already started to sing songs.
And the second that is poured -
Dance dance of the abdomen!

The king took the third girl,
Those bedrooms, intimate, note,
"Undress!" - ordered
Well, he himself began to undress ...
Put it on the bed
And he threw off his clothes,
Then the girl opened her mouth ...
The king is our young man!

He took off his beard, and now -
This is necessary - turn!
A young man before her
Better than any husbands!
He is not quite young, cool,
Everything is with him, well, just a grapefruit!

What happened! You will not describe!
The girl is barely breathing
But all the priest of the king,
Asks that more, grief
Our poor king is all right,
But he could not leave
Until the morning, the bed creaked,
All the girl sang behind the wall.
Silikonova, danced,
Only the music sounded.

In the morning, King owl order:
“- I'm leaving, here's a fairy tale
Nine months I will be
Make a currency.
Who can't stand it, go
Who will wait, don't judge
In the kingdom, I am in my yard
I'll find the place soon.

Our king did not say "advanced"
The choice makes on that
What was his dream
After all, it is not for nothing that he is in mansions
He called the one that weighing everyone ...

Nine months have passed
Soon, as happened,
Yes, the king already brought
He sees the picture -
In the royal garden, the princess,
(Our king is all in adrenaline)
And in a stroller, a cradle with his son,
Sangs quietly above him.

There are no girls - everyone ran away
The girls did not wait for the king.

The king was glad! The dream came true.
And the family was already created
And those two ..., but God is with them,
Let go, and with gifts with good,
He opened one studio,
I fell off the second money,
So that she puts it in order
I was indecent.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
That's how our king experienced,
He dreamed of fidelity
After all, in love everything is more expensive,
At least on the royal volume
At least over poverty, at least as-
And without fidelity - nothing!

"Three girls"-a love fairy tale love

Three girls - Fairy tale love
"Three girls"-a love fairy tale love

"Three girls"-Fairy Tale Love:

Three girls in the evening
Gathered to a friend in the house:

Licked through the catalog,
They drank to the stake, cognac.
Unsheated, dreamed,
Slowly got sick

One girl says:
- “If I met the prince,

I would be for him for everything -
The kid gave birth!
But first - a fur coat, a wheelbarrow,
Well, and on Rublevka a summer house! "

A friend answered her:
- “Exactly from an oak you fell!
Today the princes are not in honor,
We need a "papa" to the mouth!

So that the "beaver" be with gray hair,
Idle so that or the widow,
To keep the bank solid,
To enter the club elite!

If I got this
He rolled a feast with a mountain!
To in the evening a wife,
And in the morning the widow! "

The third girl got up:
- “So girls, not suitable!
And there will be no use in life
Without love, but by calculation!

Let not the prince of elite blood,
And not a solid beaver!
If only he believed and love
And the family cherished! "

Two friends laughed
The third hole was called.
We sat, laughed
Well, and for the time being broke up.

Five years have passed since then
How that conversation went.

And by pike
Ile of fate by vile
Again friends met,
Well, they remained to chat.

He says the first girl:
- “I wanted, fool, prince!

There is a fur coat, there is a wheelbarrow,
There is a summer house on Rublevka.
Only I'm on the summer house
Like a golden cage!

No friends and friends,
A crowd of guards around!
I was ill with boredom Day-Day
In this cage golden! "

-“Yes,” the second answered,
-If I once knew

What is worse than everything in the world
To be for the life of the "beaver" in the answer!
Mountains of Zlata promised me
And he slipped two contracts,

By which do not believe
I will cure the door naked!
And now at least a wolf howl
God forbid me to become a widow! "

The third said the girl:
- “Yes, it’s not sweet to you, sisters!
My Vanyusha is not like that -
Hard and simple.

People are in a bit of held held in high esteem
Our son is growing and a daughter.
In the house we live our own
And we are doing things together!

Here it is, easy
Together with a daughter with his son.
Well, girlfriends, I have to go!
You, no fluff, no pen! "

She gave her hand to her husband
I hugged my son and daughter,
Sat in white "Mercedes",
Here and the fairy tale is the end!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Young offspring a lesson!
Let us remind you again and again:
Happiness where there is love!

Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Three Maidens" - a festive scenario

Tale in a new way of three girls - a festive scenario
Fairy Tale in the New Lad "Three Maidens" - a festive scenario

A fairy tale in a new way "Three girls" - a festive scenario:

Action I

Three maidens by the window
They talked about one thing:
The groom is to pick up
To make it better to live.

(1 girl)
I wanted, girl
Life to live like all queens.
Husband to get better dressed,
Every day to entertain
He performed all whims,
And sad so that he does not give.

(2 girls)
Groom will find such a thing
In the full sense of the gold,
So that I had a huge cottage,
"Merce" cool, not at all modest,
I would take me around the world,
He wore his hands.

(3 girls)
It is not a sin to fly in the clouds,
But will success come to you?
Where will you find such
Modest, smart, gold?
Life is not a fairy tale, girl!
It is worth hoping!

Guys are all fools!
To argue with you is not with your hands!

Groom, of course you need!
You need to try together.
The goal is set - forward!
Good luck is waiting for us!

Action II

Only could finish
Someone began to call them all.
“Hey, Marina, Tanya, Ksyusha!
I am your friend, Andryusha!
Are you bored to sit there?
Isn't it time to warm the legs?
We are my dude
We ask you to take a walk with us
For deeds, for words
Swing a ball in a bowling. ”

“Ah, you are our dear, Andryusha!
How nice to listen to you!
Everyone is ready to play
We will come at exactly five! ”

“Everything is noticeable, girls! (Andrew)
The guys will wait for all of you! "
(1 girl)
“Well, good luck has flooded!
So that all of us is ozolov! "

(2 girls)
We must work hard,
Add good

(3 girls)
And let the cilia,
So as not to take the eye.

Here are all three girls,
Like beautiful queen ...
And ready for the battle of the lioness!
The main thing is not to be too lazy
And hand over the guys everyone,
So that it is impossible to stop loving!

Action III

That's time to have fun
To love and make friends.
They played in bowling
And then they danced
All for the late, everyone walked
And the character agreed,
And in the morning they parted.

How much did friendship last?
Maybe a month, maybe a year ...
The relationship was strengthened
The case goes to the wedding ...

So the weddings took off
All the people remembered for a long time.
Where are our three girls?
What awaits them all now?

Our first girl
She became a glorious queen.
From Carden - stylish, you can see!
And it is enviable to all friends.
Every day only entertainment,
And sweets and cookies,
They sent their life
They forgot about reality ...
She's tired of everything quickly,
Suddenly the whole was cooled to her husband
He dreams of something else now
The husband of the new wishes ...

Our second girl
Young men, blueberries
Everything is what the soul wants
And the cottage is cool, huge!
Only happiness is so far away
She is terribly lonely ...
There is only one in the tower,
Even the husband does not need it.
Flies around the world, swims
And she doesn’t take her.

Our third girl
He does not get bored, fun ...
The house is filled with noise, laughter
He is not a hindrance at all ...
She has both a son and a daughter.
There is no quiet night.
Beloved husband at hand,
Only money is not a river ...
There is always not enough money,
He scolds her husband.

Life lived - do not regret it!
Everything is not OK!
Gorky pepper - sweet honey ...
Who will not understand this?
To laughter always add to the slas
Whirlpool in a storm, in the sun dreams ...
So that it is not boring to live,
Nothing to forget!
And to amuse yourself!

New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" in roles

New fairy tale three girls under the window in roles
New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" in roles

New fairy tale "Three girls under the window" on roles:

Somehow summer evening
Gathered under the window
Chat about this
Virgins are old three.
And they decided to guess -
To learn about your fate,
Chat about men.

It was those girls years old
Together a thousand at lunch.
Everything happens in life
But does not lose hope,
The one who is born for love.

One girl says:

If I could fall in love
I have never old!
All in the fire of love burned.
There is one old stump here -
Only lazy to contact.

Collective farmer:
I would be silent, Lacher,
There, the whole powder crumbled,
And there is a male!

Who will look at one
Blue, thin,
All the water is smoked,
Who will fuck such a woman?

Do not quarrel the girlsbe a god of God!
I am so short ...
I remember gave me flowers
Prince of heavenly beauty
He kissed my hands, shed tears, shed passions.

Do not mix me, beauty!
He kissed her hand,
Yes, composed romances ...

Eh, the life of May is a tin!
I live like in a swamp
And where is the prince to find?
Where - well, his mother!

Collective farmer:
Full Virgin, do not revise
Do not tear my soul.
To love myself will be glad
Only I don't need a hemp.
It is necessary that the owner be
I brought a lot of money.
So as not to drink, I don't beat me,
And gave me a new thing.
I will tell you frankly:
I go to such shit ...

There is no need to shake his underpants here!
They do not smell of chocolate.

So I got on yesterdaysyzing Orel.
I drank a bottle - he was like that.
No pants, no grooms,not funny fun
There is no love - one hangover.

Ah, I was felt!
And I could the kingintoxicate with love love.

Everyone approaches a man:

Calm down, don't let me die,
Heat and care
Yes, give a glass!

The fairy tale "Three girls and mirror" in ditties

Tale three girls and mirror in ditties
The fairy tale "Three girls and mirror" in ditties

The fairy tale "Three girls and mirror" in ditties:

Three maidens by the window,
Late sat in the evening,
Not a girl, but a queen,
You take a look, even sweatflowing ...

All forms are not for the Promise,
Bumper, and buffer,
Such norms surpassed
I would like towith a bang ...

Somewhere whereholster,
The heat flares up
And the cartridges crackled
Yes, come on, come onit's time ...

Timid to the guy is not a sister
Tomorrow will not be yesterday
I knock me in the window,
And they will open, thenhurrah ….

The knock of beauties did not embarrass
And the gatekeeper let into the house,
And I'm already standing before them,
I light up from everyonestrength ...

Yes, your appearance confused me
I would muddle with such
And beauties, not embarrassed,
So I would immediately andasked ...

And with which he picked up
You would start all this
With the one that is apparently built,
Come on, scream soonon the bed ....

And then I will do another
Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh, oh, oh,
Finally, and the turn
To the third, toosuitable ...

Well, give you talent,
This is apparently a giant,
Well, let's start, and the first time,
Startgod give you ...

First, well, well, my friend,
Let's drink something on the staff,
Cover the baptized feast,
And I will give upfor 100 lire...
Well, give me something prince,
I have, yes,
Shish got confused in his pocket,
I have two of twohe will pull ....

I'll start with the second now
And she leads to the window
He says so that until the morning
A backpack brought herof good …
Velvet, silk, canvases,
Oh, yes I will go alone,
And where to get it from
The backpacks are herecarry ...

The third came the turn
She takes her hand,
And leads to the feasts of white,
Now he is his ownwill take ...
In anticipation, even drunk,
Silently touches his pocket
Checks, everything is in place,
I would be for couragecup …

And saliva, already a full mouth,
For her sides takes her,
And sides, ham,
You are smearing, he feelshand ….
Well, and the breasts, like melons,
How I saw the pictures yesterday,
So two would have grabbed
If only there was enoughstrength ....

And she, with a sweet smile,
Voluptuous, not bashful,
Directly, marveling into the eyes,
Exactly, thundersthunderstorm …
Says, oh, my dear,
Only give me a vow
In the morning to marry me,
You will be in the morningmuzhenek ...
And for fidelity now,
Sign here, decree,
What is ready to marry me,
Take it with childrenat a time ...

No, not many those ate
Now I will count, at once,
Neither ten nor nine, no
That's one for youthe order ....
Sweat struck, as much as eight times,
Wow, frame,
For minutes of pleasure,
Here is suchraskolbas ...

I was mistaken in you,
I looked, the flame of bright eyes
And he went in, but there are no matches,
In our sakla, lightwent out ....

The converted fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

Reduced fairy tale three girls under the window
The converted fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

The converted fairy tale "Three girls under the window":

Three girls knocked under the window ...
If I was a queen.
I would be a hangover: Tynza Tynza!
If I was the queen, said her sister.
However, what to imagine here, the third is still giving birth!
If I was the queen, the third was said by the sister,
I would give birth to the king for the priest ... goalkeeper!
Here in the ward enters intocrustacean.
The sides of that ...The head doctor!
You, by the end of September, are to me ...Gate!
Well, Father, after all, August?
I'm afraid I won’t manage ...

Although there was a small term, the queen gave birth on time ...
The king once ...
He drank a month, sobered up and joked.
Roll up, he says, you are the princess, how to give birth.
And the queen, at the same hour, was put in a barrel with her son, sophisticated, swayed.
The label on the side, the inscription "in its own juice"!
Days and nights fly ...
The boy grew up in the shape of a barrel ...
The wind walks along the sea ...
And the boat does not insert ... yes ...
Persons.Guests to the queen.
King Saltan calls them.Creatures !!!
Oh, you are guests, gentlemen, have you traveled for a long time.
Where, damn it! Remove your hands!
King Saltan tells them: okay for the sea, or bad?

Shipbuilders in response.
We traveled all the light! Sveta is very clockwork,
Tanya is also clockwork, there is another Elvira ...
In the light, what a marvel ... is the island at sea,
The table city is standing on it, and King Guidon lives there.
He does not agree with the rhyme!
In general, they spoke for a long time, but the king was not surprised.
And already pretty drunk, Saltan asks again ...
Hu, okay for the sea, il is bad, and what is the miracle in the light?
Guidon has a protein.
Does Guidon have a squirrel?
Yes ... Squirrel sings songs, but nuts.
Yes, nuts!
Nucleus-Chistan emerald!
It smells so that horses are dying ...

King Sultan.
The sclerotic was.
And he asked the guests again.
Okay for the sea, Ile is bad?!
This is what a miracle in the light! The sea is swollen, boil, boil
Will lift the howl, pour on the shore of empty, run away in a noisy running
And they will find themselves on Brega, in scales, like heat.
Members of the Zarya Society!
All are equal, as for selection, with them an uncle.
Uncle and aunt!King Saltan.Tire Sklerosis.
Again asks the question: dear experts,
Attention, the question: "What is the miracle in the light?" Time!
Together: Ha ha. It is also an option…
So, time. Who will answer?
Shipbuilders will answer!
Shipbuilders in response: Here's another marvel!
There is a 25th frame that you can’t take your eyes off.
He penetrates in consciousness and weanes from vodka.
Here are the times! Can't be!!! We drank, damn it, and we will drink!
Here's another marvel! They say that there is a princess that it is not possible.
No need!And I would like ...Yes, where ....
A month under the scythe shines ...
For a month - you figure out!

Here's another marvel, you can say fairly.
Nokia Connectin Pipple!
King Saltan precipitated!
Here's another marvel: eight beer revolutions, toilets like bio ....
After the Stoshedim Diva, the king demanded a valve!
Everyone left the restaurant ...
Town to King Saltan.
A weaver with a cook.
Fucking Baba-Empatrich ...

And I was there ...And I was there ...
And you were there?Where have you been?
Honey, beer ....uuuu ... ..Yeees…..
We finish our plot.
Lets us go already ...

The fairy tale "Three girls" - a selection of instructive options

Fairy tale joke three girls - a selection of fun options
The fairy tale "Three girls" - a selection of instructive options

The fairy tale "Three girls" - a selection of instructive options:

Three girls in the evening
They drank beer under the window.
Says one girl;
- At least in the soul I am a bitch, lioness
With the oligarch together, I
I would have lived for three years.
I rode a cool car,
On the hood I would have gotten away.
For any oligarch
There is no more sexual gift!

Her sister interrupted,
Cobcking girl:
- Oligarchs, nonsense.
I would go for the minister.
In the ministerial office
I will be in authority!
Though it is difficult with him morally
And oral-vaginal
I'm ready for everything
Just to please him.

The third said the girl:
- I would not go for the prince
For the minister, the oligarch,
For the director, monarch ..
If the husband is the president!
This is my answer for everyone.
I would give birth to sons
Thirty -three heroes.
And for full set
Another uncle of Chernomor!

At this time, Mikhail
I went near the house.
As a groom - in a cool car,
Music yells out the window.
He has cool cars
Aircraft, money, house.
But with the people in the heart he is.

To be closer to the people
He threw a car in front of the entrance.
The tie dragged on the same
Yes, he stepped into the neighboring courtyard.
Looks at the girls point blank
He listens to their conversation.
The last speech, all over
I fell in love with him.
I scratched Tream silently
There is potential in this.
In the political game
There is a prospect, quite!

He went to those sisters
He speaks; -Hi the girl!
Oligarch, twisting man
And handsome businessman.
And when spring comes,
I will become the president.
There is only one trouble
I need a spouse.
For marriage, I matured
Yes, I did not have time to marry!
And so the girls
I must urgently get married.
In my business, success,
I'll take everyone at once.

“He lives well,
Who has one leg-
Less shoes fight
And Sthaninina is celest. "
Here at least like a cool one,
If the wife is three at once!
So that one is officially
The rest is so; orally,
Vaginal and anal.
If the presidential rear,
This is a friendly family -
More fun and more interesting
The whole country will live.

- I am an authoritative man!
There is its own circle in politics.
But for you I'm just Misha
You are a loving spouse!

Three girls were blown up
Everyone was getting married
Recalled whistles
They wound the curlers!
Yes, to the spouse, went to the house.
We went into an expensive salon
And the solarium visited.
Either reception, then a reception.
Life beats with a gold key!

Yes, the spouse is waiting for business
It’s time to fly to Courchevel.
There is Russian all the bomond
He drinks vodka, girls.
Hotels are buzzing crazy
Even the skis are instilled!
All in business and bustle
The husband forgot about the family!
There is nothing for him a family
There are girls and lads.
There is nothing to have, in kind,
The samovar is personal in Tula!

Once, he is from a wise
Sends a messenger to the house.
Here the messenger returned our
And he started such a story.
- The family lives well,
Hello everyone with a bow.
He loves, he will wait
Sons to give birth to you.
Penalized about five!
Everyone is pregnant again.

Then the husband clamped his fist
Squeezed;- So, so, t-ak ..
Tell the messenger now
Who is the father of those children?
I am leading to the bazaar
Can I adopt everyone?

Not a surprise from his wife a gift! -
Drunk Misha reasoned.

There would be fairy tales to the end
But everything has its own crown in everything.
Kohl flew under the clouds
There is nothing for you to have a family.
Though not bad PR, -
Women always have a deception.
So that women love
The eyes of lovers did not take
You both in summer and winter
Stay idle.

Later in the evening, three girls of a young man,
They began to think and dream, as if with a degree of water,
Urgent it would be so to get, they decided to guess!
On young people - cool, love love to read ...

The first said the girl: “I dream so sisters
You will order a young, but beautiful, I will order this!
I will become a Virgin: Villa, dollars, car.
And outfits, and fun, rest only - this is the top!

The second was said by the girl: “I am in a completely different dream.
I am an artist in Hollywood, and everyone leaned towards a star.
Everyone licks the pen for me, and everyone offers to marry.
I am in my mind, I am waiting for the ruler of the country, they play dreams in my head ...

The third said the girl: “I will say modest dreams.
You are my girlfriends, boldly ... I want love flowers.
My wonderful friend will come, and the ring will bring
He will bend to my parents, he calls me married!

So midnight, the clock is beating, the conspiracies are all ready!
The girls laugh, the potion in the cold is carried under the arches.
Each glass puts, and wants his dreams,
Betrothed! Virgin dresses the dress and puts on the shirt.

The magic night passes, the girls go out into the yard.
They chose one girl, the one that finds flowers in love.
The men do not want to know the girls, they are smart!
Choose: beautiful, smart, what would be true to them!

Tales "Three girls" - funny alterations for adults

Tale three girls - funny alteration for adults
Tales "Three girls" - funny alterations for adults

Tales "Three girls" - funny alteration for adults:

Three girls in the evening
They drank coffee with cognac.
The conversation was not new -
About men and upgrades.

Whether there was little coffee
Is there a lot of cognac,
But one suddenly told
About her native husband.

“Imagine, girls,
How can I not be angry,
The whole house was already
Fume and wine.

He drinks from morning to late at night,
The eyes did not look at all.
I don't know what to do with it ...
Then the second said:

“I even imagine.
I myself, dear,
With a husband, trouble from troubles -
Does not live without cigarettes.

And as soon as it enters the house
Smoke above it stands a pillar.
With a cigarette and in bed.
I can’t breathe already. ”

The third said to them like this:
“Your troubles are all a trifle.
Mine does not smoke or drink,
But not at night ... (sleeps tightly).

Well, I am alone all night
And I turn without sleep.
I will not find a place for myself
For the third year I live without sex. ”

The girls gasped in chorus:
“How can you put up?
Then how will you live?
Better to walk alone.

That's the trouble is so trouble
Our troubles are wrong.
You can endure everything,
But without sex? This is death. "

Three girls tete-a-tete
We looked on the Internet.
Logged in as it should
And entered the forum.net

Discussing suitors:
Who is ready, who is not ready
For joint intimacy.
I mean, weddings and flowers.

- If I were the groom, -
One of them writes there -
I would all beautiful women
Showed fat fig!

- If I were the groom, -
The other was echoed, -
I would all rich girls
From the capitals - and all things!

- Exactly! Yes Yes! Hooray! -
The first writes again, -
Per hundred first kilometers
And - milk cows in the morning!

- Then all the grooms
To the registry office by dragging, and flowers
Let's fuck a whole bunch! -
The second writes to her again.

... Well, the third girl
Read, and - to the capital,
Directly to Van in Cadillac.
The Internet is garbage. Like this!

The fairy tale "Three girls" is an original alteration of King Covida

Tale Three girls - original alteration of King Covida
The fairy tale "Three girls" is an original alteration of King Covida

The fairy tale "Three girls" is an original alteration of King Covida:

Three Echidna under the window
Called together with difficulty ...
If I was Covidna,
Says the first echidna,
I would, apparently
Rested at home
If I was Covidna,
Says sister - Ychidna
I wore it every day
Mask - right on the muzzle
« If I was Covidna,
The third was said to the sessile
I would take the vaccine
Born - antibodies

I only managed to utter
The door creaked softly
And he enters the Svetlitsa:
The whole country is the excellency
All the time
He stood the pose of the fence;
And decided to take a bet
From Ychidna number three.
“Hello, dear Echidna!
Undress, if it's not a shame
From chills and snot
I will drive you to the files
Here is the portion of the vaccine
From Russian medicine
I have already wanted a long time
Enthih the most antibodies
You, darling-echids
(That are scary and illiquid)
Forest, field and puddle
To the clinic - on foot
There, in public Geenna
You will be enlightened on X -ray
In bustle and darkness
Maybe they will make Katya
Fight for two weeks
So you want to die
But! You will survive
For the sake of schedules of crooked!

Noise yes all Europe
The king is in the ass
Not for yourself, but that girl
That "ready to get sattered"
She lay down on the couch:
In the priest - a thin needle:
“All the sorrows quarreled
And if I, if I! "
The king applied the vaccine
I twisted all ministers
And back - to your world
Warm, modest bunker
Two sessiles are so offensive
(They are sausage, obviously)
To live to the echidas is reluctant
Then a smoke, thennausea
From a cold directly to die
And the analysis is not taken!

From Vladimirovich -
No carriage, no doctor
And their eye socket is getting
You can’t get anywhere
And there are no places in hospitals
500 km surroundings
And the yield number three
In the sanatorium, in Tver
For participation in the test
On three meals a day
Next to her a doctor
From night right until the morning
With temperament hotel
Waiting for the treasured antibodies

Chu! Analyzes ripened:
Echidna, in a delicate body -
These are, brother.
Antibodies were born
The glorious Barvikha dances
Dance Baba Babarich
And buchi (slugan)
A messenger is sent along Vatsapa:
Gaves birth at night
What can help everyone:
Both mouse and frog
And an unknown animal
It will help everyone! Here and there
But first - only to you!
As the king-father heard
Came out! To people, finally
And let them smile
And squeeze from the bars
Check the oligarchs
In the rivers to dive into the rivers.
Demonstrate techniques
And arrange receptions
The puck threw, the ball kicked
Merkel deftly under ... st.
Look - what is it?

The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults funny

Tale three girls - alteration for adults funny
The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults funny

The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults is funny:

« We are in vain make Barbarossa plans
And we catch on live bait in the library,
And "grooms" run to discos
And they are looking for women of increased demand ... "

"Girl without complexes"

Since friends, in the evening,
We sat for the "Seagull",
All the girl comforted
Grooms were selected for her ...

First (girl - battle)
The advice gives her this:
- Invurable pride
Hold it, if a man
You decided to put the networks.
Well, what a man in the world
Voluntarily, from the first days,
Under the heel to his wife
Will it go? You do not rush
Show your affection
You’ll give a listen to
And then - turn as you want.

Here the second first echoes:
- In order to overeat a man
You need to sweat a lot -
Look at fashion magazines!
It is necessary that the "strong floor"
Behind you went to the trail.
How do they meet? On clothes!
Capture more fashionable than earrings,
With a fashionable neckline bluson,
And the man is taken in full!
Plus perfumes, intimate tone
And your fan is struck!
And introduce this to rage
Makeup helps!

The third was not behind either
And such a council gave:
- Lapushka, remember!
Invite him for tea.
No matter how angry he is
From the kitchen, the smell is spiritual
Clobs any instantly -
Loves a man of goodies!
After all, what does an eccentric need -
A quarter of a glass of cognac
Yes with fantasy salad
And you yourself are not a brother.
After the soup, chebureks,
And your slave forever
He is ready to become now,
Since you put it to sleep
And give a newspaper in your hands ...
All! Victoria! He is ours!

So they reasoned cute
Tea with jam drank ...

The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults cool

Tale three girls - alteration for adults cool
The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults cool

The fairy tale "Three girls" - alteration for adults cool:

Three maidens by the window
They spun the yarn in the evening.
Well, to cheer up
The craftswomen joined.
To disperse boredom,
They began to dream of the king ...
- The king is our father
And lucky and cunning ...

Like this king
Pick up in your hands, quietly? -

One girl said ...

- Isn't I a craftswoman?
Whether to spin yarn, al knit,
Ali sing, Ali dance!

I can do everything - how to drink!
The whole world can weave!
The king will be pleased to be advantageous
Maybe stock up on me!

- Not sometimes stupid, girlfriend,
Eco marvelous - canvas!
All kings on the ento business
Already not floating for a long time!

The path to a man is a clear thing!
For a long time and for all,
It runs through the womb!
That is, the main thing is food!

What will please the stomach
That will delight the king.
Isn't I a craftswoman?
Coar, what's the call?

I will give a nude of the consumption of overseas.
I bake the whole world!
He will be full of belly
Visiting a wonderful feast!

And then it will notice
He is my high breasts
I apologize for the immodesty
But, after all, there is something to look at?

- No, girlfriends, root of the essence
You cannot see
Man to please
To sing over another song!

That's it, if to mei had to
Sit with him next to him,
I would be at the hem
The baby could bring!

Only the third girl
She said her speech
Look! The king enters the light!
Personally! Without an ambassador!

- All girls are good!
Well, and you are for me for the soul
So go to me soon!
Be a spouse of my! -

He answers the last ...

- The rest ... I note ...
They will weave and cook
At court ....

This is what to be! My royal command!

This order is unchanged!
By force will come from this day!

Here is my spouse!

The word is firm! Choice too!

Hey servant, lay the bed!
For me!And quickly!

Be my spouse
I command the third virgin!

To be more rather in the womb
My son, al daughter ...

I said! And I put the point!

The rest hurry
Buy everything for the wedding,
So that the feast is thundered by the mountain!
And the wine flowed to the river!

Cook and weaver,
Get started!

Will be dashing
Look after the girlfriend
Do a service for her ...

The dishes are different and eat,
Well, and also fuck ...
Fabric wealth into the house ...
Get started!Yes, okay!

Do not hack and do not argue
And prepare for conscience ...

What you wanted - get!

Perform!Get started!

Well, you, the third girl,
Hurry up to me insvetlitsa!

We will be famous with you
You will be a wife.
Tomorrow we’ll take the wedding
And we will heal happily!

- Here we are two suckers with you, -
Annexed two girlfriends,
- It was necessary to blurt out, too!
About food ...

Now on the bed I would be
Not a sister -
Red -cheeked cunning, -

The cook grumbled,
Pulling the weaver with him.

- Well, let's go ... you have to batrait.
They volunteered! ...For uncle!

Idiots! Not that word!
It was necessary to blurt out!

You will have to be slaves ...

So, Virgo ... does not live
We are happy in this world ...

Who knew that the word is “children” ...
They will attract the king's attention

Like this is a spell
I knew the third girl

And now she is in Svetlitsa
The king is frolicing with the priest,
And not that we are dumbasses!

The wedding of the lush was brought down
And the son lived ....
A fairy tale - a lie,
Yes, it has a hint ...
To whom is it not ...
How to attract kings to themselves
And what kind of speech should be ...
Cooks and weaver
Know the pole and sit quietly.
Cook cooks of cabbage soup,
And the weavers should spin the thread.
Who wants to become a queen ...

Know what speeches to rule
And what word to insert ...
The rest, let them decide
They blame themselves ...
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Stupid girls - a lesson!

The fairy tale "Three girls" - a script for a corporate party

Tale three girls - a script for a corporate party
The fairy tale "Three girls" - a script for a corporate party

The fairy tale "Three girls" - a script for a corporate party:

We will tell you a fairy tale for you,
Let it lie through the valves and fields,
We will lead the fairy tale from Pushkin,
Only new motives in it.
Three maidens by the window
They spoke in the evening.
He says the first girl.

1 girl:
If I was a queen
I would have to twist Max
To marry him.
Huge house with mesonin,
Near the house of Topol,
There are carpets and piano
How much in the hill of crystal!
Polish furniture in the kitchen,
Things super-duper, yes!
The wallet from the money will chop
Six hundredth Mercedes!
Mom Max-Super Ladies,
Dad is a new businessman.
Oh, I would have a max,
To marry him,
He, in my opinion, is not stingy,
Charming and not stupid.

Says the middle girl.

2 girl:
If I was a queen
I would be at any time of the year
She was engaged only in fashion.
In its figure is thin,
Three sheepskin coats borrowed:
Mini, maxi, which is more abrupt,
And the perfumes are only gucci

And tell me, girl, to us
Is there finance to your dreams?

2 girl:
I - Mom alone,
I - Daddy's alone.
They themselves are very happy
Buy me all outfits!

Says the third girl.

3 girl:
Once in the lesson, from longing,
I noticed the teacher at the board
I listened, suddenly began to understand
And something in the notebook is reasonable to write,
At home I decided to open a textbook,
To take an offset the topic to teach,
And somehow strange, it became interesting to me,
And “Troyak” seemed little to get.
So, I'm only tired of walking,
Dance under the "acid" in disco.
I do not want to depend on dad and mom,
Or from the husband of Ivan-Bolvan.
I decided to study well
Open your own business and become a craftswoman.
And let the suitors dry and wait,
So far I will graduate from my institute.

In and a fairy tale end, inaM decide who well done!

The fairy tale "Three girls under the window" - a birthday scene, anniversary

Fairy Tale Three girls under the window - Birthday scene, anniversary
The fairy tale "Three girls under the window" - a birthday scene, anniversary

The fairy tale "Three girls under the window" is a birthday scene, anniversary:

Leading: Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening
And not so much they spun
How gloomy tongue!

1st: Something became boring to us!
Wouldn't the girls go
Are we today for guests?

Leading: Then the second picked up:

2nd: It would not be a sin to drink!
But where would we go
What would we all accept us?

Leading: The third did not guess for a long time,
The eyes became more fun ...

3rd: Do you go, girls,
Together for the anniversary?
As we arrive, let's say:
Well, pour us ____!

Leading: And we all went to __,
Celebrate birthday.
Now don't be surprised -
They will congratulate ___.

1st: Congratulations to the anniversary
Happy birthday from the heart!
Get gifts from us
They are very good:

2nd: So that the ailment does not take you -
We present this salt.
How I don't hold a seasoning,
And on the number of lodges.
From diseases of all in a row
Helps, they say!

3rd: I give you the paste,
And I will tell you the recipe:
Bather your teeth in the evening -
In the morning there will be no caries!

1st: You are with a gift by this
Do not grieve, do not discourage!
Slowly in his bathhouse
Grind every place!

2nd: Handle the hare drop ...
He is vigorous! He will pass!
And kuds are more healing honey,
At least to taste and not honey.

It tastes at least cool
And it happens to die from him,
Those who survive
Up to 100 years later they live!

3rd: On this bright, glorious day
We congratulate you!
And you all my heart
We devote a dance!

Fairy Tale-transmission "Three girls"-parody

Fairy Tale - three girls - parody
Fairy Tale-transmission "Three girls"-parody

Fairy Tale-transmission "Three girls"-a parody:

Three maidens by the window
Graduated in the evening.
Oh yes lit a cigarette
Yes, they spoke
Everything about something about your own.

If I were a girl, -
One of them says -
I would have abroad
The curly was the bridegroom.
Not Louis, well, Alberto,
Not Juan, so Manuel -
And I would, girls, this,
Like her - Madmoiselle.

We, of course, are fools-women-
And not in vain they call us so.
But I would not have lived
Not a minute here!

Look at what's going on -
Directly formed scandal!
We were abroad
Even those who did not leave.
Today in the near abroad -
His growing in the arc -
Our aunt in Zaporozhye
And sister in a crooked horn!

Three maidens by the window
Graduated in the evening.
Oh yes lit a cigarette
Yes, they spoke
Everything about something about your own.

If I were not left, -
The second maid says, -
I would still be in Soviet power
Sugar would have stocked up.
And now and now
I would weld the Pervach.
For whom?For Ilyich,
For Vladimir Ilyich.

And from that living water
He would rebel from the tomb
And, of course, I would be able to implement
In these, Dritsza-a-tsa! -
In these new structures,
Where now they are shy from the heart

Well we are already in the first place in the world -
That you are no longer no one for us! -
By the number of bankers,
Exchange, bourgeois and homeless people!
Oh, we would have a feast,
If Ilyich was resurrected!
Here is such a parsley
Here is such a half-litergeist!

Three maidens by the window
Graduated in the evening.
Oh yes lit a cigarette
Yes, they spoke
Everything about something about your own.

Eh, yes, if you start everything over again, -
The third girl cried out, -
I would not eat b, did not drink b -
The whole figure was saving b!
Who could have imagined
That we will live today,
Not to live with capeses,
And with eroticism and sex.

If you know in advance -
I sat in a bath for a year,
To just lose weight
And put on the bikini.
And from Miss Krivoy Rog
I would have risen to her by God,
I! I!To Miss Universe!

And now I'm so round
What could I help me
Only a ligament, where together
Kashpirovsky with Chumak!

Three maidens by the window
Graduated in the evening.
Oh yes lit a cigarette
Yes, they spoke
Everything about something about your own.

All the time
I was a pose
And from their Malbrah
It was bad for me all night.
But I told you
Those girls dreams and troubles -
Maybe there are sponsors
To help girls.

Tale for adults "Three girls and sultan"

Tale for adults three girls and sultan
Tale for adults "Three girls and sultan"

Tale for adults "Three girls and sultan":

“If I were a sultan,
I would have three wives ... "
Officer Oleg Treh
Walked from service, to dust and fluff
Damaged fate flaws,
Reasoning loudly out loud:
- If I were a sultan,
And not in the company captain ...
Why not be a sultan,
If in sex is tireless?

"Three maidens by the window
Spent late in the evening "
And they heard about the "strange"
About such an unknown.

They were alarmed like one:
- So you need a wife?
- Choose any of us!
- Here I want Ali she ... -

Our serving and sat down,
Face white, like chalk:
- Everyone is suitable, smeared
What do you know from business?

He says the first: "I can
I'm a mare on the run
Slow down with one hand,
And the second shore

To caress the desired
He will say: “You are dear, Kat ...
I would be happy to do it
Straighten the bed soon! "

Only caresses are not like that
Not for bread, not for a nickname,
And for a fur coat with sables.
You, I see, are not a fool!

If there are pearls,
I will not mention the horns
Because a prominent lady
Honor of the spouse Road! -

And the second says:
- I am archimandrite in love!
As I undress - the majestic
Until the morning I look!

Snow is like a temple.
You will be happy, my van Damme!
A volcano with boiling lava
Of course, I am in the morning.

For unprecedented passion
I will not demand sweetness
Not on the ears of the trinket,
And such as to fall off!

You, dear, bring me
Sarkozy Limousine:
To the leather pillows,
To 200 mud! -

The third is heard a monologue,
Having partially whispering the syllable:
- FTO Want, Ifpeku I -
Krandel, with a yoke pie ...

You are a phot as a background to me FPI,
And for this, bite
Teremok, mofnaya rifuya,
And computer, FTOB Ay Pi! -

The Sultan twisted,
Either I remembered about Putan -
The price is cheaper, like
And do not go on the heels.

The captain ducked into the bushes
Whispers in a voice simple:
- What am I, girls to you - Mavrodi?
Better I will be idle!

Short fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

Musical fairy tale three girls under the window
Short fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

Short fairy tale "Three girls under the window":

Three maidens by the window
Removeed by beer ...
It's a pity - the wobles did not get
They drink without a snack! Tired!

Three maidens by the window
In the evening they sat down ...
About a bad neighbor
Loudly sang songs.

Three maidens by the window
Only for a groovy evening
Stupid hopes!

Three maidens by the window
They were hanging out in the evening ...
They shouted loudly like that -
They were taken to the police!

Three maidens by the window -
We sing all ditties here ...
And the guys supported -
Two ran away at once!

Three maidens by the window
They are quietly looking for something ...
On knees along the grass
They crawl - they are whistling!

The Dolphin of Hummingbird fell in love -
And there were figs-migli ...
But when they merged in a fit -
That hummingbird drowned!

The Dolphin of Hummingbird fell in love -
Here is such a mezaliance ...
Figl-mile did not happen-
From the grief, both fell into a trance!

Dolphin Hummingbird fell in love ...
Where can I find a rhyme?
Friends on the Blitz Stybry -
There is no way to Vikepidi!

Drill, broom and frying pan -
From the mistress "Vitus" ...
What fell by my arm -
The husband was whipping out that!

Drill, broom and frying pan.
Beer, water, shnaps and vodka ...
What will come to my mind -
That will get into a ditty!

Drill, broom and frying pan ...
By nature, I am at least a meek -
If I get very angry -
I will fight anything!

Drill, broom and frying pan -
Here Olezhka wrapped!
What to do - I'm afraid, without vodka
My brain asks to give a ruin!

Drill, broom and pan
Vodka, beer and herring ...
Something rhyme does not go ...
Maybe someone will win back?

The rain is going on, and we will fade ...
That's a wise-oleg!
We will be stunned with this rhyme
Any strategist will not find!

The rain is going on, and we will fade ...
And we do not blow at all at all -
Even rhyme if not -
After all, everything will accept the Internet!

The rain is going on, and we will fade ...
The birch is lupim ... rake ...
It could be a broom -
So the partner came up with mine!

The rain is going on, and we will fade -
The hay will burn over the winter ...
True, we do not have a cow -
So do not care! Let it be!

The rain is going on, and we will fade -
Why don't it?
If only there was Milenok with .. brain!
There will be happiness - our mother!

The rain is going on, and we will fade ...
We contacted the stunned ...
What kind of rhyme is he supposed?
Instead of beer, he drank kvass!

The rain is going on, and we will fade -
We are not afraid of rain!
We’ll get anything -
Let at least no sense ... fig!

The rain is going on, and we will fade -
In strict hay we will put ...
And in the evening, Milena and I are
We will hide in the stack together!

Musical fairy tale "Three girls and Santa Claus" for adults

Tales of three girls and Santa Claus for adults
Musical fairy tale "Three girls and Santa Claus" for adults

Musical fairy tale "Three girls and Santa Claus" for adults:

Like a frosty evening
Girls wondered
For the gate shoe
Removing from the foot threw
New Year is coming again
It evokes dreams
I would like to become girls
Santa Claus's granddaughter

And here is the older sister
Marfushenka Darling
I went to the center and said
(1. And I'm only with frost)

Well, and the middle sister
I said bitterly
(2 loneliness bastard)

Alyonushka in response to them
(3. After all, I am so beautiful today)

Three sisters dressed up
And they decided to unwind
We dressed, flaunted
With their mirror talked
Martha goes to the mirror
And he asks his question:
“I am in the world sweeter than everyone
All blush and whiter? "
and her mirror in response
(4. Well, what are you terrible)

Nastya laughed at her
She rushed to the mirror:
"I'm not more beautiful than it"
And her mirror in response
(5. Oh, how did you get me)

And Alyonushka is the youngest
She modestly approached the mirror
And it sang to her
(6. You are the most beautiful)

Only the mirror sang
The door creaked softly
The floorboards creaked
Santa Claus enters the light
(7. Beard)
Three sisters modestly got up
And they gave him a bow

And the frost was an old grandfather
Dressed in a fur coat
He looked at the girls
Sang to himself in the shower
(8. Girls are different)

And the girls were fastened
But not at all confused
And Marfushenka is the eldest
She came up and said
(9. I'm so cool)

Santa Claus was okay
I even wanted to run away
But then Nastya jumped up
Marfushka was removed
And Santa Claus said
Wipe the tears quietly
(10. Honey was very sad for me)

And Alyonushka is a sister
The younger beauty
I gave him to get drunk
Looks smiling
(11. And I like him)

In the dance, they weaved here
Hurry up
(12 - Blue Moon)

Santa Claus got excited
Barely refrained
The mirror arrived here
He sang in his ear
That the younger sister
(13. Sex bomb)

Listen to frost my light
There is no more beautiful Alenki
Hour of the twelfth struck
The stars got into a round dance
Grandfather decided on joy
There will be a holiday - New Year

He gave all the gifts
I have not forgotten anyone
And Marfushenka the soul asked for frost
(14 black boomer)

Then Nastyusha ran up
I told him right in the forehead
(15. Best friends are diamonds)

And Alyonushka is modest
She does not need gifts
Santa Claus approached
For another reward
(16. I want, I want)

And the frost was completely confused
He wanted to please everyone
All girls are good
And he said from the heart
(17. If I were a sultan)

The mirror was indignant here
Bended over the frost
What are you hinting at what is it
You are a granddaughter, not your wife choose!

Santa Claus thought for a long time
Choosing a granddaughter for yourself
Rubbing a red nose
He suddenly said to the girls
(18. I have no money)

How the girls heard
There was no such sadness for them
And Nastyusha grinned
She turned away from the frost
Showed the door to the door
Screamed with all her strength

Then Marfusha jumped up
Grandfather Frost nearly knocked down
I waved hands
And told him in the eye
(20. I will send it on.)

Santa Claus understood everything here
In vain gifts brought them
New Year is already on the way
How can I find my granddaughter?

But, and the younger Alenka
She laughed loudly loudly
We will sing and dance
New Year together to celebrate
(21. Call me with you)

Grandfather looked at Alenka
There is no more beautiful girl
Enough to choose a granddaughter
She's time for her to become a Snow Maiden

Let's stand together in a round dance
Hello. Hello New Year!

Video: Three girls - how not to eat in the evening?

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