A fairy tale about “Red Red Riding Hood” for adults in a new way - a selection for holding fun holidays, corporate parties

A fairy tale about “Red Red Riding Hood” for adults in a new way - a selection for holding fun holidays, corporate parties

Different variations of the familiar children's fairy tale "Red Red Riding Hood" for adults. Tales-transfers are perfect for noisy and funny feasts.

Fairy Tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" in a new way

Fairy Tale about the red cap in a new way
Fairy Tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" in a new way

A fairy tale about the "Red Red Riding Hood" in a new way:

Once in the most beautiful day
Exactly in the middle
I showed up, suddenly a horse
In the city settlement.

A woman was sitting on a horse
And trembling intensely.
Helped that woman get down
And read the prayer.

The wolf met me on the road
I took my feet barely!
Who is that you are taking
What kind of bosom are you carrying?

I'm trembling with horror.
Now I will report toothy!
To the red hat jump.
The wolf is hoarse, I scream.

Report that she got sick
Her grandmother, aunt Vera,
That lives on the evictions.
It will not help - so he will die!

The wolf, suddenly, was very sustained,
I shouted at me:
- What is settled, that you are trembling
Who will you surprise with fear?

Here is the Pereglupoye Babier!
Well, download, find her!
Not wasting time in vain
I jumped on the horse!

Now with you
Clutching in just an hour!
You, girl, get out
Go to the grandmother Vera!

Red hat with mom lived.
She helped her sooner.
The stooped stove quickly inflated,
What would the cake of the grandmother Vera bake.

I cooked a soup, but porridge pot,
And from the cold she gave powder.
Kauu's horse into tremors harnessed,
But the red hat went as a foot.

She runs along the path soon,
But the elastic band broke at the skirt!
Naked ass so as not to sparkle
We need to sew elastic bands more reliably!

He sees a wolf run to her!
-So do not hide the Christmas tree: what is the use of this?
The red hat in the forest is not one,
But the white ass after the Christmas tree is visible!

The wolf with his appetite clicked his teeth,
He pushed the red hat into the bush.
Our girl, although small,
I understood the danger of the latter in a moment!

The wolf asked the question:
What the hell brought into this thicket?
As if to go to the grandmother faster,
At dusk, how would not you go astray?

The wolf described her a detailed route.
He ran shortly through the forest,
The ambulance quickly realized,
In the thicket of a forest with an arrow, cigked!

The wolf is already knocking on my grandmother:
- I, your granddaughter! - She tells her.
Old fool, believing him,
The doors opened her enemy!

It was immediately punished: it was cool:
She disappeared into the mouth of toothy!
The knock of a hurry rang out in the doorway.
A wolf lay in a bang in a hurry!

- Who is there - the furry deceiver asked.
- Your granddaughter - in response received.
- Red hat came to visit,
How to enter me, I could not find the key?

-Turnie the lace, -the door will open,
I can't get up, you really believe in the old one!
The cap in the hut entered without fear,
She found a grandmother in a bed lying.

- Dear grandmother, what's wrong with you,
What about your voice and head?
- Dear granddaughter, - gray bans
- The ears tortured: terrible otitis media.

- Such teeth, granny, why?
- So, I eat a red hat!
The wolf's mouth opened widely,
A good girl swallowed a moment!

Hunters in the forest walked by,
Grandmother's house was accidentally found.
They see in bed the wolf lies.
Fold, satisfied shamelessly snoring!

And covered the hunters of the evil
The shot followed the wolf in Hailo!
Spray on the walls from the wolf fly.
Grandmother and granddaughter are sitting on a bunk!

The cap from smoke is not visible not to the zgi,
But I did not forget my pies!
Together with men drinks milk,
Fun to everyone, good and easy

Grandmother for you in this fairy tale lesson:
Do not believe the wolf, do not let it on the threshold!
Mom will also think, let
How to send your children on the road!

Fairy Tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" for adults

Fairy Tale about the red cap for adults
Fairy Tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" for adults

A fairy tale about the "red cap" for adults:

There was a sweet, beautiful girl,
She lived with her mother, beloved in the village.
The angelic child was still from the diapers.
On birthday, grandmother wove her hat.
I fell in love with a gift, everywhere she wore a bunch,
By the color of her caps in the village, she was known.

Red, elegant, always neat everywhere
I went to my grandmother, brought the hotels,
I was interested in how things are going.
This was not the first time - a pot of oil in reserve
And delicious pies for your beloved grandmother.

Immediately on the edge of the granddaughter of the granddaughter, she lived,
Progress did not reach there, you need to stomp through the forest,
There are no lanterns, wolves howl to dawn,
And the dense forest is noisy, full of fears and miracles.
On her familiar path, where are birches and aspen,
A gray wolf met, who knew a lot about living creatures.

He sniffed food at once. “I will swallow,” thought, “at once a hat and its stock.”
But he twitched his left eye. The wolf saw a lumberjack.His ardor immediately faded away.
He began to fidget his tail, ask where Babkin was a house.
He offered to go together.I learned everything from the girl.
The brief path to the village chose this gray wolf.

He ran to the hut,
And he knocked on the window and, pretending to be a girl,
He said in a thin voice:
“This granddaughter came to you, but the hotels brought
Open, granny, the door, you will be glad now. ”
The grandmother answered, lying: "True for the rope stricter."

The wolf jerked that there was strength, and swallowed the grandmother.
He lay down on the bed, meet Babkin's granddaughter.
The red hat came and brought gifts,
She began to hug a woman, but to notice with her eyes,
What is happening with grannies: hands like a tigress,
His legs like a horse, ears just from an elephant,
The teeth are clearly crocodiles, and the eyes are like a reptilla.

The wolf opened widely to the cap in order to be a abyss in it.
Lumberjacks were close, the forest was chopped on a clearing,
A scream of hearing from the hut, they came to help the old woman.
The axes launched into the wolf of the stomach expansion,
And from there how to trample: grandmother, hat, pie, and oil pot
We rolled together in the house.
The wolf now nothing!

Russian fairy tale about Red Red Riding Hood for a noisy company

Russian fairy tale about a red cap for a noisy company
Russian fairy tale about Red Red Riding Hood for a noisy company

Russian fairy tale about the Red Hat for a noisy company:

The paths walked through the woods in a red new hat with paths,
Carried a wicker basket to the adjacent village of Babka
With a pot of oil and baked in a basket pies,
When I suddenly saw a wolf rushing to her with jumps.

She froze, being almost at the forest on the edge
- Isn't it scary? The wolf asked.
- Why suddenly? I know the forest. I love sex
“About sex later,” said the wolf. -
Where are you going now? To the old woman.
- Let's play the game who will come to the hut faster than us

- Let's! Answered, and the wolf rushed along the path of short
She dragged her with a shaky gait in a long song.
Of course, the first wolf appeared, knocking on the door: tuk-tuk-tuk
- Who's there? The grandmother asked, cautiously listening to the sound.

-Someone who is not a horse in a coat, but a granddaughter! Gray sparkled gently
“You are Derney by the rope-door and it will open.” - Scha!
The grandmother was unwell - she basked in bed.
The wolf jerked at the lace, bursting into the hut of Aki Satan.

He attacked his grandmother, instantly swallowed her:
Since I didn’t eat for three days, I ate without analysis with a rag
Then he, closing the door, climbed into the bed in the anticipation of a hat,
Which appeared an hour later with the hotels in an armful.

And, in the door, he tapped quietly, burst inside, pulling the rope.
In Volchar, not recognizing the grandmother, he became furious, pulling the blanket.
Surrendering vindictively, instantly climbed under him,
Having reminded the gray about sex, as the dominant was not confused.

When he fell asleep, his stomach was able to take him out, she managed to take out the grandmother.
... and it was for them to spit on the fact that the granddaughter had lost his hat

A fairy tale about the "red cap and gray wolf" cool

A fairy tale about the "red cap and gray wolf" cool

A fairy tale about the “Red Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf” cool:

Walked through the forest, red hat,
I admired the flowers
And in her basket, she
Curred pies.
Suddenly, where do not come from,
Gray Wolf and appear:

- Where are you and where,
You steer a red panama,
What are you carrying in a basket, and,
Crossed Madamka?

- I carry the pies to the granny,
And I will twist you - sulfate
- You do not flow with saliva,
Away from the road.

Well, damn it, red, give,
You are rude to the bazaar,
So you can run into
For the answer - the wolf of the brother.

- You do not throw the panta here,
I'm also samurai
Instead of the belt on me,
Red hat - in the fight.
I will charge you in my nose
And the whole question is exhausted.

- Well, well, do not make noise
You go to the grandmother,
And I'm here nearby
I will cover you with my side.
Otherwise it’s not in the forest
- Lumberjacks will not save ...

Suddenly you hook the dress for the bush,
The hat will take off the wind,
Or you will lose the basket,
Who will save you?
And I'm here, as it is here,
I will stretch the paw, or the rod.

-Something gray you darken
You speak painfully folding.
- I feel a hat, I'm a catch
Go away from the road - shaggy.

- Okay: Volchara thinks,
- I'll get to her
I swallow and grandmother - for nothing ...
Let's figure it out ... e-mine.

While the hat went to the grandmother,
Collected cornflowers,
Gray matter, the wolf steers,
He thinks the plan - “capture of the family”.

The hat is also not a fool
- Hang the plan,
Having received an order from the "guru",
She puts her trap.

After all, the girl is not a girl,
- Anticiller GRU,
Having received an order for a wolf,
The girl went to the "war" ....

And granny ... so cover,
Composed of specialtmes,
Bike, a fairy tale for the wolf,
In general - to take the eyes ....

Wolf - all plans are,
And in the forest, special forces walks.

Grandmother in the backyards,
Placed in dugouts
Mask shows with axes,
In the berets, on the crooked legs ....

The hat jumps through the forest
And the herbarium collects
And under every bush, to the place,
All traps are placed.

Wolf according to plan, paragraph "A",
Silently steers to the grandmother.
Relieves, to the edge of the edge,
To arrive faster, that - cups.

Here he is, already sweated,
He greeted the bell ...

Grandma mummies:
- Are you a granddaughter?
- I was waiting for you a bitch.
- Come on, come on soon
Do not stomp there at the door.

The wolf, he filled up in the light,
Ears, hid under the bandana,
Thoroughly fading the nose,
He was waiting for a grandmother from a grandmother.

Grandma says: - Sit down closer,
My hat is red,
I don't see you far away
Without glasses, I am nichrome

- I see that your nose has grown,
Was there rhinoplasty?
- How many grandmas fell off,
You are calling a surgeon ...?

Why face in bristles,
What, for a hormonal failure,
And the fangs stick out of the mouth,
Red hat, what's wrong with you?

- that the granny is not like - I like
My stylish image is
And in the jump, he gobbled up a grandmother,
The special forces of dashing was late ....

Red hat, arrived in time,
I knocked out the door with my foot
With a cry: - Your mother ....
I got it - a nominal edge of the steel.

The wolf choked on fright,
And from the wolf throat,
The grandmother is not having time to damp
The whole target came out.

Then the special forces fussed,
Not analysis, all on the floor,
Flooded, swept away:
-Come on, throw the girl the barrel.

- I'm my own: yells a hat to them,
- Documents, in pies,
I carry out a special task,
Call sign - "Cat in boots"

Commander, struck the device:
- There is one in the GRU:
- The hat is red, well, the bad ...,
I thought I would tear you ....

And on a note, with a math,
I finish the tale I have my own ...

Wolf in - “swallow” was tied up,
And they recruited special forces ...
The granddaughter with the grandmother was awarded,
Yes, they handed it out,
Gave the prize - to kvass,
A fairy tale is a past, this time.

Adult Tale of Red Red Riding Hood for a fun holiday

Adult fairy tale about a red hat for a fun holiday
Adult Tale of Red Red Riding Hood for a fun holiday

An adult fairy tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" for a fun holiday:

I don't understand what power
Take the pen?
I wrote to us a dear fairy tale
The well -known Charles Perrault.

I stole fairy tales links
I would know where to start
His daughter on his birthday
Mother gave the hat.

Well, mother, well, infection!
This hat is just a class.
I like it right away
This red atlas.

This is a daughter not on a ball
Work out, be ready
You will take the old woman
In the forest, dense cakes.

Our grandmother is all sweeter
Nefig spank me again,
Forty miles in dark more often
Peshkorel Kikandy.

I'm not cut, you don’t hear?
I'll figure it out now with you.
Grandma will write me with you
The house is wooden.

Quiet Mamanya, you make noise
Like tomorrow for war
I go, go, be silent,
Only the hat will stretch.

You go on the road, baby
I know you will be a lot about you
But keep in mind - it’s not rare in the forest
A lone wolf wanders.

It is toothy and fanged
And not a fool with a bit,
And look completely terrible
In a word, a spilled maniac.

You, mother, do not shout
Not a fig for yourself an example
He is the wolf, what is the gip
Or maybe a perfumer.

Waiting for its steel cage
And I'll tell you loving
Boston strangler, baby
Before him is a child.

And you don't have to meet him
Mother said, looking at the floor
I heard them once
Interpol was engaged.

Hundreds of three girls innocent
I dishonored and killed
The holder of the claws is long
The fan -tailed "Gamadril".

So you are careful
Do not go into the paws to him,
Suddenly it is impossible without a fight
Beat the drunk in the hump.

An hour came and, thank God
She set off on the road
A bright spot road
The moon illuminates her.

This is a fairy tale is not about the turnip
And far from the goal,
The hats hold fingers tightly:
Pies and milk.

The stars shine brightly yarko,
From above the height of heaven,
Hat with your gift
I wandered into the Bolest Forest.

In the thicket you can hide
Grenadiers are a whole regiment.
Branches and carefully
The wolf appeared from the bushes.

The wolf said: "Hello, girl!"
And I thought: too much!
Two ribs, one collarbone
Just a soup set.

The girl said boldly:
"I'm not fighting wolves"
I carry a grandmother on the case
Milk and pies.

The wolf thought: these bones
I can't cheat at all
Squeezed the jaw with anger
And I decided not to take risks.

Better eat it, I'm a grandmother
This old star
The wolf thought: and the hat?
A hat, well, her in ....

The wolf broke from the start
He chose the short path,
Red hat in excitement
Overtook for two hours.

Runned, knocks on the door
Grandma, they say, let me
This is me - do you not believe?
Granddaughter in a hat, your pancake.

You sleep, toad, here's misfortune
I stand on the porch
How to enter - tear to pieces
Your ass is fat.

Babkin voice rang out
Because of the locked door:
Turnny baby for a rope
Open the doors right away.

The wolf pulled and the door fell
His eyes lit up,
Grandma yelled in fear
So the walls shook.

The wolf jumped into the house and barked
Like a hungry crocodile
Babkin peignoir and apron
Together with the grandmother he swallowed.

Piercing and kapor
The wolf lay down on the bed
Putting paws under the cheek
He began to wait a hat.

A little time has passed
The hat in the door scraped out
Babs, let me, I see from the road
I was wicked.

What is granny with your eyes?
Che big as balls?
Maybe you are at night
Has mosquitoes bit?

You don't look like yourself
What is so big?
Maybe you, toad erysipelas
Balled anashoy?

And with ears, what, granny
Hairy What?
Maybe the draft was inflated?
Or did you eat the wrong one?

Well, and the nails like the harpies
Chur me granny, chur
That year probably in March
You did a manicure.

But what is this red?
Protruding pod
Why, granny is terrible
A hook sticks out between the legs?

You are not a grandmother- that's for sure
You give a lupus tooth
The grandmother ate a maniac vicious
I'll kill you now.

The head of the wolf bit
For the hanging end
Guess further yourself,
Here and the fairy tale is the end.

New fairy tale about Red Red Riding Hood for a corporate party

New fairy tale about Red Red Riding Hood for a corporate party

A new fairy tale about the Red Red Riding Hood for a corporate party:

Once upon a time there was a cheerful girl,
She wore a red skirt.
And her hat was red,
That bright color drove her crazy.

Once her daughter is an evil mother,
She said angrily: “Put Panama.
And well, I went to my grandmother! ”
Or maybe it was a stepmother?

-“I baked pies to granny,
Take them and rather run to her.
Bake, bake, and everything is not enough to my grandmother,
How all this has already got me! "

Put on the girl her hat
And a red, short skirt.
I took the basket, she went to the forest,
Behind the forest, her grandmother lived.

Of course a very strange family
The granny sits in a dirty quilted jacket.
What she does alone in the forest,
I won’t take it in any way.

So on the porch, the granddaughter is waiting,
And the pies in the basket cool.
There is a hat in the forest, sings,
But the gray wolf goes towards.

-“Hello, girl, how are you?
Where did you get the road? "
-"I'm going to my grandmother, I bring her pies",
-"And where the grandmother lives, tell me"

- “She lives almost in the forest, one
And she is waiting for me, she is. "
Then the wolf rather ran along the path,
He came to the granny and gobbled up.

I got dressed quickly in her clothes
And to break the hat did not lose hope.
Here the cap went to the house here
And with pies, she entered the house.

And the girl's vision is bad
And without glasses, the face does not see the evil.
-“Granny why such ears,
Shaggy and on the very top of the head? "

- “To hear better”- the wolf answers her,
And he already blinks his eyes.
The questions are tired of these wolf,
He said to the header: “They ate your grandmother.

Now the queue has come to you! "
But the cap was a karateist.
Twisted gray and, well, kick him
Then my grandmother jumped out again.

Zhvekhonka, she is a radish, she,
After all, the granddaughter saved her from trouble.
And here they twisted the wolf here,
And as a dog was put on a chain.

And the granddaughter stayed with my grandmother
And to the stepmother did not return home.
The wolf on the chain has been sitting for a long time,
Only at night does he howl on Lilith. (Moon)

A real fairy tale about "red hat" for adults

A real fairy tale about "red hat" for adults

A real fairy tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" for adults:

"Red hat Forever ..."

Somehow late in the spring
On the forest edge
Vnuchka to the Babushka home
It went to a sick old woman.

Mom baked a pies-
Slukes ran
I put it in the body.
And jam in the bag.

Daughter gave little
In the hat is dimensionless,
And he went home herself-
There are things, probably ...

Like a girl is hard
They would give a cart.
And the stomach has already brought it.
Is it a sweet tooth

Sweet with jam mothers
Can be dense in the forest
On ravines, buckets
And steep steel?

- An irresponsible mother!
So any teacher
He will tell you. Could give her
At least a guide!

Where is the school and the UN
Human right? -
Barely drags- a moan is heard ...-
She needs a pharmacy!

Not? Let it “sit on a stump
And take out the pie ",
And it flies with jam ...
Here in an instant.

... Dereza comes out here
And against the background of the choir
Dance. It is impossible without it. -
The daughter of the director.

Wolves, you know, grandchildren
Love under the side dish. -
Therefore, at first glance,
Will disperse the world.

Volk and vnuchka - without gun
But in the mouth with the cake ...
Only Awtorn, friends,
The heart is anxious.

Volk will promote five minutes
Finds out where they live
Mother, boyfriend, neighbor,

Babka ...
Red -cheeked vnuchka,
Will run (waiting for a VIP client!)
Volk through thorns.

Only wolves feed the legs.
They are not sewn hats,
Pirogov is not given
Kuzovkov and folders.

That's why Volk does not know
Pity for the weak neighbor,
Kohl does not see a lot about it
And he considers superfluous,

That's why the dry bone
Babok he is gloomy
Torment colic and anger
Volka finishes ...-

Who is guilty of oversight
In violation of rights and norms?
And where does the parliament look?
Must provide food.!

Avtor inserted his verdict.
The fairy tale will be ahead ...
Am I distracted, youth? -
Okay, finished Galdage ...

Volk, meanwhile, rushed
Without trying to open the castle,
(Not a punks!) I hiccuped, gathered
So that the whole back of the head is soaked,

Shook a little muscle,
Having made a rack and squeeze
(Feed is prepared for a snack
Wolves always have a regime.

The door is knocking (taught!),
Clasping your teeth
Wants to eat broth with Babka,
As we know with you ...

Oh, I didn't take it for the pen
The well -known Charles Perrault,
I would not write books
I did not scare the kids! ..

Babka could not be saved
Therefore - advertising,
To take the kids
Mom from the screen.

Carded could ...
Babka Volk bounced off,
Not for the euro - for rubles
Having rafting the Dead Souls.

He spat out that he was undergoing
Lie after brave deeds ....
Volk blurted out, put on a bathrobe,
(Here he is definitely to blame!)

Lay down in the bed, putting on a cap,
Vnuchka wait,
To eat, finally ...
What will happen, brothers?

Dereza is lying?
Clean the shows of the goat
There is an urgent question.

Zajka supported the goat. -
Opposition in the forest.
And the prince Elisej
I do not agree with her at all.

With a wolf, how - an approach is needed,
He states importantly.
- You will get to the princess to get into,
"That you can’t take the eye",

"He will carry it through the seas"
With the luggage of the hero. -
Do you want anyone, ask:
Wolves are better than a taxi.

They argued so broken hour ...-
"Time to continue the story",
After all, in the course of long plays
The viewer goes out of interest.

Closes his eyes
Who reads the verse from the end ...
What will happen to the baby? -
Horns only yes legs? ..

Vnuchka, facilitating bags,
Packed flowers
And having finished the Aperitif
On a forest pen,

Walked lightly,
Songs singing.
I woke everyone in the fishing line
"Volga, mother is native."

Dereza comes out here
And against the background of the choir
Dance. You can’t do it without NEN -
Director's daughter ...

Here is the grandmother's cottage.
Taking stones in a basket,
Vnuchka, that you are a little wandering
And bend your back? -

Conscience then gnaws at you
The Duma oppresses
Or “you feel what awaits
That's why gloomy?

“Not the wind is driving a branch ...” -
Choir: “Dirt is not for sneakers,
Then your heart groans,
With Pochvoj "feeling in touch."

Vnuchki howl against the background of choir
According to the director -
Passing time. Dereza
The dress should fit in

With honor to fulfill here
The play is the next sketch.
He is agreed with the author.
Really Avtor? Right, word ...

Choir: “Why are you hesitating, girl? -
It is better to repent in sins
Pies than choke. -
Maximum: get in the groin,

Remembering the hemp
About a cheerful day
And about a cake with jam ... "
Hey, “Stop, a moment.

Avtor - I. ... "And I was there,
And I saw this "oak stump,
Remembering word for word,
That Sh. Perro "told me."

And if only do not take into account
I am like a scientific contribution to me
I can only leave,
Leaving the troupe without salaries.

Dereza comes out here
And against the background of the choir
Dance. It is impossible without it -
Director's daughter ...

- I returned, gentlemen,
"Vester will judge us."
To the final and always
Avtor will be with you.

Something here we are distracted ...
What happened to Vnuchka?
How was her life?
Is everything safe? ..

He calls the door, behind the door Volk:
- Is that you, daughter?
Come in, I will cover the table,
I will flood the stove,

I got sick, alive
Only a pyramidon, -
Pulls the words of the words
Volk with a deep moan ...

Vnuchka "rises to the porch
And takes up the ring ",
Gathering the spirit:
- He will say that the old woman

Not seeing the pie
With poppy seeds and jam
Will she be strict
Or in impressive.

Granddaughter, granddaughter
Will not find the necessary words
Surprise the hat
And he won't tell dad? ..

The hat "What - yes it has a hint" -
Fully mother’s wallet
For your beloved daughter ...
Volka hunger sharpens.

Volku Babka Puzo presses,
Volka does not go.
And does not know the serge Volk
In French cuisine is a good thing.

How to cook, serve
Volk has no granddaughter ...
Cofiy, Babushka, in the bed? -
They sting the side of the thorns.

Closed to the skin? -
The remedy is de Yura!
Will not wait for changes
At dinner, a gentleman ...-

And quickly putting on glasses
Volk for Babkins dump
Vnuchka takes the hand,
Taking the basket "in advance".

He sat down with the Vnuchas at the table
Mom's products
Try. "Here the feast went."
Not reading the instructions

Immediately broke the jaw
O Wolf cake.
And he rode away from pain. -
Let them look for behind the scene.

The whole hall was agitated:
What happened? Straight scandal!
And the choir sings anxiously,
As the director conceived ...

-Here he is! - From the last forces
Still, Vnuchka swallowed. -
Volk does not forgive,
Even if a gentleman ...

Vnuchka with Babka fun -
For once sang a song
That - about Mother about Volg,
Drinkle Volka.

Volk lay down on the bed
And from "wild pain"
He began to "how to howl."
Nearby in the "Wild Field"

Flooded Ohotnik game. -
He loved animals.
Hearing the howl, he took a brick,
"Having had lunch tightly",

Continued and then
I ran into a haircut,
Turning into Prinza,
And burst into a peaceful house,

Waiting for a meeting
With a snake or a sorcerer,
With a tiger or with an elephant,
Ile is not easier ...

Prinz on white straight horse
To Babke enters the house ...
Eh, that would be me ...-
Everything happens in life.

Tears from the horse -look -seriy Volk
He holds on to the belly.
(Better to be villain regiment!)
Sery groans muffledly.

The ground Prinz "hit
And he burst into tears ":
It's a pity for the Sero, but you need a skin
It is necessary on the screwdrivers and the burka. -

Volka hit the brick
Fighting on the belly.
SERY, at least there was nothing
“He burst from embarrassment. "..

Babka with Vnuchka came out. Divo!
Babka is not sick, beautiful,
Young. I liked it

Prinz. “She is his joy.
What else is needed for the wedding? "
Only the passport is emphasized
Babka with Prinzem. So be it. -

Not high, "not from the Bulgarian"
And for Babki Prinz is not old,
Babka- Prima, after all, is Starr,
Not enough a blow.

The hat and coat are sewn,
Charf wedding
And pants so that no one
I did not divorce them forever.

With Prinzem soon down the aisle.
The hat will also grow up
With vnuchka. And now the end.
End. Do not Cry.

A fairy tale for the night about the "red hat" - alteration in a modern way

A fairy tale for the night about a red hat - alteration in a modern way
A fairy tale for the night about the "red hat" - alteration in a modern way

A fairy tale for the night about the “Red Red Riding Hood” - alteration in a modern way:

Once upon a time, mom and daughter
It is a pity that there was no son.
The husband also can not be seen ...
Daughter and mother did not push!
Mother kept the hotel,
The daughter in moderation helped ...
Guests are full of the yard,
Although, all the doors to the constipation!

Once on Domchkin's birthday
Guests are all, without exception
They brought gifts to her
Enough of them for many days ...
There were candles and toys
Gold rattles,
Perfumes, tights,
The jacket is not too fashionable
Dress, indoor slippers ...
But there is no better red hat,
What was her mother's brother brought her,
He is invented by the workshops ...

She loved her uncle like that
I wore a red hat
Constantly. Everything and mother,
They began to call a red hat.

As time went. Brand-girl
They lived with my mother very amicably.
The grandmother was still
She lived very close to them.
One day, the mother said:
“Something grandmother was gone,
And not in the area of \u200b\u200bthe phone,
Ay-oths are also unavailable ...
I need to visit my grandmother
Yes, to give a hotel to taste.
You find out what's what ...
And calmly I will fall asleep. "

And she slipped the basket
Heavy, right up ...
There were lemon, bananas,
Pies and marzipans,
Sugar-sand kilo,
(Well, mother suffered!),
Half a pound of smoked breasts,
Oil potted pots - in the load ...

That hotel from the forest
It was nearby.
But you can't take the car
You're walking on foot ...
And the grandmother lived
In a private house (everything is not enough for her!)
The house was dilapidated and small,
He was breathing all in the incense ...
Here, such an trouble ...
For granny, this is a summer house:
To knead the bones,
Put and drip ...
A path led to the house,
And I had to put on shoes
So as not to soak your legs:
It can be rain by chance ...

Red hat, perhaps
Mother said: “Caution
Walk alone through the forest!
The wolf is dull somewhere! ”
But the girl did not timid
I knew, if the essence and the matter,
Will not succumb to for nothing!
He knows sambo and judo!
On the tropinochka walked
And she sang quietly ...
Suddenly, to meet a gray wolf:
He knows a lot about girls!
“This hat is not simple,
Since the struggle knows the techniques.
So, we must take affection,
Il deceive, so to speak ... "

He opened his mouth, say: "Hello!",
And the girl immediately: “No!
No, you will not deceive me
Even if you become good.
I know everything in advance:
The wolf will come to that grandmother
And, having thought of evil revenge,
He wants to eat a grandmother! ”

The evil wolf was confused:
Suddenly ... a picture ...
We need to change tactics,
And start everything again ...
“I wanted to ask for work:
Pick up and renew you,
And plant potatoes,
So that it is easier for granny to live ”!
“If so, in the Pinates the world,
Come, talk ... " -
And she went to herself with a path.
And wolf back, back ...
Yes, fraudulent, all the way,
Faster in Babkin's house ...

Only at the door, they meet him:
Evil wolves are not welcomed ...
It can be seen from the gun:
"Wow family"!
He immediately retreated
But the seagull remained to drink ...
Explaining that to work
On the phase, passion is hunting!
Then the granddaughter came up:
“What kind of flirting? Didn't understand!
Why did you come here?
Al “Flyava” found here ”?

Grandma explained everything to her:
So and so ... he is very nice
I offered her services,
Well, of course, he served ...
We consulted decorously
And they decided: be an initiative
Not the earth and the garden,
And calmness is a stronghold.
Say, many foreigners:
British, Swiss, Germans
We came up again ...
We need to protect your house!

That's why they need a wolf.
So the Wolf will be the service:
At the gate to stand,
Who needs to be skipped!
That is, he will be a gatekeeper -
Gate guard. Well, that is more clear?
Then the mother rolled up:
“The wolf is a gatekeeper! This is cute!
The uniform will be a wolf,
People will be called!
Who has such a courage?
The wolf is a gatekeeper! This is a class "?

This contract was concluded,
All seized with seals
And with keys whole strand
They began to trust the wolf.

Well, the wolf became important!
His star hour has come!
Respect and honor ...
He knows everyone!
The whole galaxy of foreigners,
And the elite of the nobility of the local ...
Money flowed to the river!
The world reigned, peace!
Not crooks went to the house,
And folk favorites ...
All services are the upper class!
That's what our story was about.

Mom of the business woman became
She found her husband at once ...
Grandma "Party" found,
After all, it was not so old ...
Well, the granddaughter with that dowry
She became a guest called in the light ...
And the groom found her:
Oligarch seven blood!

The family has become a strong family
Troubles, sorrows, I did not know ...
Know, love and good
You can decorate your house!
Anger and meanness are not guaranteed,
Only good is science!
Only affection and good
We will make wealth!

Soviet fairy tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" - an original interpretation

Soviet fairy tale about red cap - original interpretation
Soviet fairy tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" - an original interpretation

Soviet fairy tale about "Red Red Riding Hood" - an original interpretation:

Fairy tales love everything in the world
Adults and children love
She teaches kindness
How to help friends in trouble
How to prevent robbery
How to live together together.

It was a saying
And the whole fairy tale is ahead
You sit quietly
And look carefully
Do not judge too strictly.

Girl Beauty
I lived with my mother
Mom her as a gift
Gave a hat.
And grandmother "hats"
I lived far
I rarely saw her
(Walking hard).

And her mother told her once
“Listen to the baby
I baked cupcake
Demolish my grandmother in a basket
Yes, ask about health.
Do not speak with a wolf toothy. ”

The girl took the basket in her hands
And cheerfully in the forest with a song went
I sang a song, to tear the flowers
She carried a basket with a cake.

Suddenly she met a wolf
The road to his grandmother showed him
"Hat" sang, walked slowly
I met a bunny, a squirrel, a bug.
I collected flowers, worships weaved.

Wolf at this time
I came to the house
I ate my grandmother
The cap was dressed
Lay down on the bed
"Wait a hat."

Here she is: “Tuk-tuk-tuk
Open the door rather,
Meet your granddaughter.
“Oh my granddaughter (the wolf says)
Pull the rope to yourself
The door will open
Come in. "

The girl entered the house rather
He sees, but the grandmother is not the same.
It looks painfully to the wolf.
The hunters can be heard close
How to call, and say that the beast is already here.
So I decided to pull time.

The wolf can not be frightened to her now.
“Grandma dear, you're sick
You have big eyes now "
“The eyes are large,
So it is better to watch
Know this a granddaughter
Do not ask from now on. ”

“Your ears have grown up
Became shaggy as if in wool "
“Better to hear you so I can
Suddenly in the trouble I will help. "
"Rats" scary
Eg the wolf
Well, where are the hunters?
What is the use of them?

"The teeth are large, why do you have?"
"Just with such, I will eat you."
Am! And "hats", no.
Here the hunters soon came
The wolf was immediately found.
He is so frightened.
Spat once, spat two
Granddaughter and grandmother are alive.

The beast of forgiveness asked
And he spoke everything folded
People forgave him all
Released to freedom.
The tasty cake was treated.
The wolf has been living in the forest since then
He remembers all kindness.
Squirrels echoes the Square
There is an end and fairy tales.

Tales about "Red Red Riding Hood" - short options

Tales about the red cap - short options
Tales about "Red Red Riding Hood" - short options

Tales about "Red Red Riding Hood" - short options:

"Once upon a time in the cold winter time"
The cap went into the forest, there was a terrible frost,
I will meet her a wolf, where and where, where, where,
He asked her his unsightly question.

And the red cap forgot the hat,
And a fur coat, and felt boots, your coupling,
Well, then in the summer she went out then
I froze like a gopher, because from the summer in the forest.

And she answers the wolf playfully,
You would have lent your fur coat,
I froze, you don’t see, I stand here like a diva,
And I would need to reach my grandmother.

And the wolf was a gentleman to see,
And he threw off the fur coat, and gave the hat,
It is worth what his mother gave birth to, he got it all,
And he died from the cold, such a fate.

"I am writing to you, why is it more ..."
I walked in the forest with a red hat,
Here the wolf accidentally appeared,
I almost died with fear.
He told me, I love you, hat,
I have long dreamed of eating a grandmother,
With me, there is an armful firewood,
It remains only to light a fire.
And if the path was indicated to me
Short, to go across
I would not touch you, dear
Why then do you, that is.

And I answered the wolf so
Go to the shot, there is a house,
And then he rushed off with a run,
I did not see him later.

"Lonely sail white
In the fog of the sea ",",
A red hat wanders through the forest
With a basket of full pies.

Then the wolf to meet the gray came out,
Asked where the grandmother lives
I met these above the roof,
I decided, a knife in your stomach!

And indicated the path to the left
Hunter, my friend lives there,
And the wolf boldly took up the case,
The hunter of the belly and ripped it off.

"I get out of the broad trouser -pants"
Knife, I stand here completely alone,
I see, here the cap is wandering alone,
Apparently, she went to her grandmother again.
And now I decided, here I will threaten her,
I will indicate the road, I'll go to the grandmother,
I will break the old grandmother,
There will be mine.
And here I go to the hat point blank,
And I get my sharp knife
And I say, Il Life, Il,
Quickly, show me here, point here.
The cap was not at all,
And she told where the grandmother lived,
I ran, there are hunters darkness,
And they shot, poor man, me.

I love when a hat in the forest
Wanders with a full basket of mushrooms,
I'm a wolf, and I really have a figure,
That she will not reach the grandmother.

And I will ask the red I have a hat,
How to get to my grandmother quickly,
I'll run, I swallow in slippers
I will meet the girl on the stove.

And the hunters are not afraid at all,
Although they roam the forest with a gun,
I will put on a handkerchief in the apron
I will leave the red hat later.

I will deceive a red hat, grandmother,
And the hunters of everyone will deceive,
And in the morning, of course for breakfast,
I will swallow all of them.

Van, you look at what hat
I went through the forest in red there,
She is probably a couple of a wolf,
There he wanders there in the morning.
You, Zin, really stunned all,
She went to her grandmother,
And cakes I kiss the basket
With you, you see, you took it.
Van, and the wolf will not accidentally eat a hat,
I'm so afraid for her?
Do not be afraid, zin, a gun in stock, after all,
I took one pistol with me.
Van, and the fairy tale will end successfully after all, after all,
And the wolf really will be killed?
Of course, Zin, how else?!
Well, I am with my friends to the store!


"Wandering in a redtings."
I'm a wolf, but I don’t find hats,
So everything is gray, and everything was silent,
But I am not so tolerable in my own
But suddenly I see from the bushes
It turns out red hat,
And I no longer need dreams
Ah, there would be a paw here,
Yes, I’ll be a little drunk
Only the grandmothers will eat,
And I will leave the hat for dessert,
She is so bitter-sweet.

And let everyone reproach me,
But I definitely know that
That I love people so much
I can even eat a yagu
Koshchei, Lesha, Kikimoru,
I will invite to my place,
And I will raise a degree with vodka,
So that it was not scary to me
Both grandmother and a hat to eat.

Buddy, hurry.
While the district is sleepingwith them
Nar from the soul,feeling of empty grievances.

Fearing worthless phrases,on a moth of a candle,
As if for the first timetake a lookand keep silent ...

Dawn will comewhispering.
Butwhatever you say -
It happens that a candle
Burningslightly dawn.

"Bades, hurry",
The wolf himself told himself
And find a hat,
While everyone is sleeping around.
Or maybe to dawn
She will still pass
So you catch her
And urgently right in the mouth.

And find grandmother,
And ask the hat,
Where the old lives
I will eat it forward.
Am I a wolf or not a wolf?
And in children I know a lot
I also love grandmothers
I break them. Here!

I am in the forest here of a mischievous ghoul,
Everyone knows about me here.
And the red hat is walking here,
And try it, broken off.

Ask to say, where the grandmother lives,
It immediately unfastifies with a halter,
He will tell the wolf to me, you are a beggar
Is there really so little Zakyk in the forest?

So I came up with this fairy tale
Told me, my eyes hurt,
I asked for a visit to the healer,
Knowing that the grandmother itself is.

And I believed me a red hat,
Took to be treated to her grandmother,
Now there is no grandmother or hat,
They do not quilted me with a nagike.

Funny fairy tales about the “Red Red Riding Hood” to raise the mood

Funny fairy tales about a red hat to raise the mood
Funny fairy tales about the “Red Red Riding Hood” to raise the mood

Funny fairy tales about the “Red Red Riding Hood” to raise the mood:

Hungry red cap
I was looking for prey in the forest,
A wolf, harmless paw,
The basket is on weight.

Under a white napkin satin
Lay cakes in it,
And the wild hat is red
I did not eat eleven days!

I sensed a scarlet hat
Confectionery products.
“For a long time,” he says, “I did not eat,
But finally, lunch! "

A wolf, more carefree children,
Rode along the path to the relatives,
And jumped with rosettes cream
In a wicker basket at the bottom.

But suddenly a kumachey cap
He was cut the path:
“Where are you going, Lapochka?
For the holiday, I suppose someone? "

“I have been in a hurry to my grandmother for a century,”
Braced, bewildered, a top. -
One of the old woman in the world I,
Native, bosom granddaughter. "

The hat has a crimson hat,
Hearing about the parish's dose,
As soon as she neutered unhealthy
Ringing in his stomach.

“Come on,” he says, “Darling,
I'll deprive you now
Your dear grandmother
I will surround my care!

And these hotels basket
I'll take it as soon as possible
And you jump into the rubber band here,
Heat your appetite! "

Purple hat bowed
Kindly to the ground
And, champion, like uncultured,
With the basket disappeared in the distance.

Rushed, shameless, to my grandmother,
Sat down and brazenly visiting
She is chewing sweets, chocolate,
The cookies crunch loudly.

The hostess is blind
The granddaughter strokes the cap
And the tea is stuck with the mint,
The steam room carries milk.

And the cap, know yourself cracks,
Raising the deafening fragile,
But this cracking is sharp
I heard one lumberjack.

He appeared, very alarmed,
Putting an ax on the porch,
And immediately caught with ice cream
A deceiver in a red cap!

The hat was coughed red,
Sensing that things are bad
And then the hiccups are terrible
She took her from fright.

The unfortunate baby was walking,
Ikala is eleven days
And the buns, sweets, candy, jumped,
Cookies and gingerbread in it.

Since then, a hat has not drove
And I went home to eat
To my favorite mommy with daddy
Forest path straight.

Red -haired hat.
It was sexy.
And her dear mother
I did not know how to keep.
"Kamasutra" daughter read
And she knew everything about sex.
The pies once a mother blinded.
And the daughter said:
“My mother is behind the forest
The pies will wait.
Five put here with cinnamon
And one put with mustard
And with pepper, my mother
Do not try to treat them! "
I suffered that pies
And the straighter settled.
The wolf is wandering towards her.
And he roars hungry.
He saw our hat
And grabbed her in an armful:
"Red hat now
I will devour, slowly. "
That basket opens
The cake takes out.
And throws into the distance into the bushes.
Wolf until the dark
The cake is looking for a cake.
He dures the bushes densely.
Red hat for a long time
With an old woman's cinema
They look, the pies are biting.
The wolf and do not remember.
The wolf broke the pie.
With pepper, the throat burned all.
From any now he is a hat
Rushes quickly without looking back.

I lived, my mother had a daughter,
She did not wear her daughter a handkerchief.
Mom, loving her daughter-lapchka,
She sewed her red hat.

Granny lived from them through the forest,
Mother baked a dedicest pie.
Go to the woman, spend,
On the way with the wolf, do not talk.

There is a stupid baby in the forest.
In the basket pies and a book.
Goes on flowers on the road collects,
And he does not know about his trouble.

Carries a pie as a gift,
The path lies through the forest.
And there behind the forest on the edge of the edge,
Grandma lives in a hut.

And the gray wolf will meet her ...
Seeing her, the wolf was silent.
He found out at the red hat:
She goes with a hotel to the grandmother.

And the cunning wolf asked her,
And he himself led everything with his nose.
With what filling is your pie
It has potatoes or cottage cheese?

Red hat said to him:
“Mom strictly ordered me
Do not trust the wolves in the forest,
There is a filling, I won’t give you. ”

The wolf realized that he would cut down grandmas,
Using the baby in a hat.
I put a girl in the car,
And he lured the neighboring forest.

I gave it to my friends.
I experienced pain and shame there.
There is no way to get through the grandmother
The view of the hat and the view of the hat.

Forest hunters passed
Red hat was released.
But the wolf flew, sent the news,
But now she can’t return her honor.

Although she was not captured for long,
But with pain he remembers the wolf.
And he may dug in the forests.
And looking for such fools.

The girl walked in a dark forest early in the morning
She was not afraid of anyone as if
But for her for a long time on the heels,
In a gray fur coat, a little boy was telephone.

The girl took the guy for a long time to the fly,
But her painful old woman was waiting for her
Distracted by the guy who is underway,
And the place is uncomfortable around.

Well, gray, on the heels, sighing,
About a basket with a pie in the shower, dreaming,
And the girl was the poet's dream,
In a dress-mini, with a red cap is dressed.

So they wandered through the forest all in dreams,
They escorted their shirt chirping.
Suddenly, the granny interrupted their hers' thoughts,
I went to the brooms of birches,

She went far into the thicket of the forest.
Having met my granddaughter, I immediately hugged it tightly.
- Oh, you, shelma, I was waiting for you yesterday!
Pirogov, I hope, baked a lot?

Gray understood that he had been hesitated for a long time,
And I trudged away home, Rory himself.
And the girl, casting a hot gaze after
I hinted about my path back!

Material fairy tale about the Red Red Riding Hood for adults

Material fairy tale about the red cap for adults
Material fairy tale about the Red Red Riding Hood for adults

Material fairy tale about the "Red Red Riding Hood" for adults:

In the morning, mom wakes up her daughter:
What, again staggering all night?
Well, get up, paskuda, quickly,
Pour the mash in the canister,
Take a couple of crackers
The grandmother is more likely.

Old woman, because in the morning she called,
So that she is dug.
Put the red hat,
Yes to the bend of your asshole,
From her such a stink
Already hesitated by a neighboring horse.

Do not be distracted on the way,
Come back as soon as possible
The houses of affairs are not in advance.
The hat thinks: “X .. in the mouth,
I will ventilate on the way ...
Yes, I will return later "

She approaches the mirror
Lips smears, an eyebrow fails,
I forgot about my ass,
So she did not wash her.
Red hat put on a hat
And, like a bird, flew ...

What is this trouble
Flies curl around me?
From the ass, it probably smells.
Grandmother will sniff out and gasp,
Will say: “What are you, mare,
For so many days the soft place has not soap? "

Give me, thinks, I'll go
I will wash it in the river
Here, washed, pierced,
Immediately the whole fish surfaced.
Crayfish were also poisoned
We got out with this light ...

Fortunately, there is no fishing supervision,
Oh, do not avoid shame,
If I suddenly saw who,
And, putting on your coat,
Quickly retired
She ran away, bitch daughter ...

Suddenly to meet the gray wolf,
This one knows in adult games.
"Hello, hat, good afternoon,
Give me a wave for the ass,
This is what I tell you
I give me ... I will plant it! "

“Listen, you are a goat
Would you go to the left?
In Popen, what, only it is?
I need something wrong
Another place itchs painfully "

“Well, so, turn around,
Yes, bend down lower.
So I will drive if you want
You can't turn your head! "
“I would be silent for now
After all, not like a donkey
That - yes!

Already at the seams, that place is cracking!
Yes, and your pod is good
I will give mash, if you help "
“Eh, the brave is good,
Wow, the soul will not stand
Well, molds are still half a glass ... "
“Maybe bring a pillow?
Can you go to bed, jackal?
And who promised to pour? "

“You have a priest, beauty,
Like a soldier's cap
Half -fifth size,
Anyway, come on, cholera.
I would be for mash and hedgehog
Planted, for courage ... "

Look at adultstoys
All the little animals were gathered.
The hat after listening to the advice,
All ended with a blowjob ...
“Well, hat, well done,
And now, to the aisle,
Brazhka Lei, not sorry for you? "
“But no, on the lip!
With what I will come to the grandmother,
Will I show my pun? "

“Okay, wait, slut,
You are left, I am to the right, -
So thought the Gray Wolf.
Nax ... I am this bargain?
I saw such in the coffin! "
Bzdil, and quickly ran away.

The hat goes through the forest,
Singing songs cheerfully.
And do not take her, foolishly,
What did the Gray Wolf plan ...
He flew into the hut
I ate a grandmother with giblets.
Did not chew, but swallowed,
Like a Nile crocodile
After all, you can’t cheat, -
Old, e ... mother!

Just threw a blanket
Hears - the hat screeches:
- Hey, lame set,
Open the gate!
- So my head is cracking,
I gnawed at Lishka!
Dern, a hat, for a rope,
Like a neighbor's trunk Levka!

The door opened, creaked,
The hat almost got off:
- Listen, old Karga,
You are black than a poker
Why are such ears?
- To listen to thieves' songs!
- Why is such a stomach?
- Bullah, here!
There are hunters from the party,
Returned home ...
They wandered to the grandmother with a crowd:

- Hello, hat, where is the granny?
-There is a bullets?
Stop fooling her!
I was going to give birth again!
- Yes, you, a hat, look,
Those who lie, wipe his eyes!

The wolf is neither alive nor dead
Crap and tremble.
Then the hunter ran up
Sharp pulled out a dagger,
The wolf has a bucket of the ass,
The grandmother was slightly injured ...
All, of course, were horrified,
- How did you not suffocate there?
- She stuck out her nose in the ass,
Directly gray under the tail!

At the end, everyone devoured
The hat was amused in chorus,
The mash drank in a circle
And they left the old woman ...
Now judge for yourself
Can I be friends with wolves?

Video: Gray Wolf and Red Red Riding Hood

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