Highly swollen - upper, lower: causes, treatment

Highly swollen - upper, lower: causes, treatment

If your upper or lower lip is swollen, then read the article. It describes the reasons, as well as what to do.

Even the slightest changes and ailments appearing on the face cause a person to concern in a person. A swollen lip is a defect that will pass after a while or, conversely, will bother for a long time if this is a sign of a disturbed process inside the body. In order to immediately start treatment, you need to identify the cause in a timely manner. Because of what this pathology may appear, read in this article.

The lip was very swollen in an adult from the outside, inside and hurts the upper, lower: the reason why the lips swell?

The lip was very swollen in an adult from the outside, inside and hurts
The lip was very swollen in an adult from the outside, inside and hurts

Swelling lips are a pathology formed as a result of the inflammatory process. If the adult's lip is very swollen - the reason:

ALLERGY. Such a pathology can be caused by:

  • Low quality cosmetics
  • Toothpaste
  • Low -quality food
  • Dentures
  • Medications

Symptoms of allergies:

  • Itching and burning
  • Redness of the skin around the mouth
  • The appearance of cracks on the lips
  • Rash
  • Blisters

Injuries and inflammation. The tumor can arise as a result:

  • Physical influence - bruise, bite, blow, piercing.
  • Cosmetic procedures - surgery for plastic, tattoo, glorification for rejuvenation.
  • Colds.
  • Tooth treatment - an unskilled dentist can incorrectly establish a seal, disrupt antiseptic procedures.
  • Herpes - as a result of hypothermia, the upper lip swells, subsequently bubbles form on it.
  • Burn, for example, from hot food.
  • Bite of beetles, mosquitoes, flies.

If the edema is inside and hurts - the upper, lower, then this is the reason why the lips swell:


  • This is an inflammatory process, which is mainly manifested in the lower lip area, as a result of infectious, burn, mechanical damage.
  • Stomatitis manifests itself in the form of reddened swelling, which itchs and hurts.
  • In the future, small ulcers are formed, covered with a white “crust”.

Read to another article on our website, which drugs help Get rid of stomatitis. So, how to get rid of the ailment of swollen lips and facilitate your condition, read on.

The lips of an adult were very swollen on the outside, inside for no reason and hurt: what to do with a swollen lower, upper lip than to treat?

The lips of an adult on the outside, inside for no reason and pain, were very swollen
The lips of an adult on the outside, inside for no reason and pain, were very swollen

When swelling of the lips appears, this is not only unpleasant, but also ugly. After all, the face, especially for a girl and a woman, is the main part of the body, which should always be beautiful. If the lips are very swollen in an adult outside, inside without reason and hurt, then what to do with a swollen lower, upper lip than to treat? Here are the methods of rapidly getting rid of edema:

  • Cold dressing in the form of compress, attached to the sore spot, will quickly help reduce the edema area and soften the pain. It is necessary to attach ice, a bottle with a hill. water or a cut of gauze, previously moistened in cold water.
  • Aloe dressing It will relieve inflammation, reduce pain and swelling. In the leaf of the aloe plant, make a longitudinal incision and “stick” the edema to the edema.
  • With allergic manifestations, Suprastin or Diazolin will help. It is enough to drink 1 tabletAnd if it is an allergy, then the edema will begin to subside for an hour.
  • Herpes will be cured by ointments Zovirax and Acyclovir.
  • Essential oils are used for burns, Chlorhexidin, Actovegin, Miramistin.
  • Bacterial infection Antibacterial drugs will be cured. But only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics.
  • With stomatitis, use products containing lidocaine. Be sure to exclude alcoholic beverages during treatment.
  • Soda solution It helps to remove edema. Dissolve in a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of sodastir, moisten a piece of gauze and apply to the lip on 15 minutes.
  • You can apply honey on the edematous site.
  • The compress from used tea packages helps.
  • Lnings from celandine juice and plantain Remove inflammation well.

In order to avoid swelling and complications, it is necessary to carry out prevention measures:

  • Make makeup and other face care only with the help of proven, high -quality cosmetics
  • Avoid stress
  • If ailments appear, use the services of only professional dental and cosmetic specialists
  • Monitor lip hygiene
  • Upon arrival home, it is imperative to wash off microbes from hand with soap

If you have tried all the methods, and nothing helps, then consult a doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment, in accordance with your ailment.

Swollen upper, lower lip in a child: causes

Swollen lower lip in a child
Swollen lower lip in a child

With the slightest edema of the upper lip in a child, parents ask the question: what is the reason and what to do with this? The kid can be capricious because of this, not sleep at night, refuse food. The reasons for the swollen upper, lower lip in a child:

  • Allergic reaction to dust, food, flowers, medicines, wool
  • Inflammatory process
  • Lack of hygiene - the child bites his nails, does not wash his hands, wipes with a dirty towel
  • Infection
  • Dental disease or gums
  • Habit of constantly biting lips
  • A bite of an insect
  • Bruise as a result of falling or impact in the mouth
  • Hot food or drink
  • The teeth are cut

A few tips to parents:

  • It is necessary to protect the child from all stinging insects in spring and summer.
  • If the edema appears, and you do not know the reason, you need to take the child to the doctor, or call the doctor to the house.
  • Operate the baby to gnaw your nails.
  • Tleas a man to wash your hands.

Even if you know the reason for the swollen lip at your child, then still seek advice to the pediatrician. Do not self -medicate. After all, even an ordinary bite of an insect can lead to unforeseen consequences for health. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

The lip is swollen, face and itching - allergies: what to do?

Swollen lip, face and itching
Swollen lip, face and itching

When an allergic reaction appears in the body, it is always unpleasant and entails unforeseen consequences. For example, can a lip, face and itch - what to do with allergies? Advice:

  • It is necessary to contact an allergist.

You can also try to eliminate at home this is an unpleasant symptom:

  • First you need to drink the drug from allergies: Suprastin, Diazolin, Zyrtek or others.

After that, you can perform local treatment. Select and make one of the procedures:

  • Process edema with a fermented milk product, best with sour cream.
  • Stir a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of cooled boiling water and wipe the edema. If there was no apple cider vinegar at hand, then it can be replaced with boric acid.
  • Make an infusion on the basis of chamomile, series or sage and wipe their face.
  • In the fight against itching, starch helps well. It is necessary to apply it to itching skin.
  • Drink decoctions of burdock and dandelion root.
  • Attach ice on 15 minutes.
  • Make lotions of green tea.
  • Wipe your face with cucumber juice.
  • Wipe your face with calendula infusion.
  • Make a compress from cold milk.
  • Make a compress from a decoction made from flax seeds: Bell 100g Seeds in a glass of boiling water, let it brew and strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Make an ointment from 3 grams sulfur powder, two tablespoons of birch tar and 100 grams ghee of pork fat. Melt the mixture in a water bath, cool. After solidification, before bedtime, apply to the swollen area.
  • Wipe the redness place with raw grated potatoes.
  • Drink a nettle broth instead of tea during 14 days.
  • Make a lotion from a sheet of plantain, or from gruel made of dried chopped sheet.

With allergies, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Use
  • Scratch itching places
  • Treat swelling with alcohol -containing
  • Mask inflammation with tonal creams and powder.

After consulting with the doctor, fulfill all his appointments. In addition to medical treatment, you can use one of the above tools or procedures.

The tooth hurts, the lip is swollen: the reason, what to do?

The tooth hurts, swollen lip
The tooth hurts, swollen lip

Inflammation of the oral cavity causes a lot of problems: speech impairment, discomfort during meals. Inflammation can also be accompanied by high body temperature. When swinging the gums, you must definitely consult a specialized doctor. These are the reasons why the lip can swell and at the same time get a tooth:

  • Damage to tissues during food intake
  • Damage while using a toothpick
  • Consequence after surgery
  • Burn
  • Elbation of the tooth of wisdom
  • Periodontitis
  • Flux

What to do? Here's the answer:

  • Be sure to make an appointment with a dentist to get a consultation.
  • Brush your teeth with therapeutic paste.
  • Rinse the oral cavity with various products suitable for this - chlorhexedin, furatsilin, soda or salt solution.
  • Drink an anesthetic tablet.
  • Exclude alcohol, tobacco, pickles, citrus fruits.
  • Rinse the mouth with a infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage.

It is important to undergo examination of the condition of the teeth 1 time every six months. Indeed, bacteria accumulate in sore teeth, as a result of which inflammation and such nuisance as edema of the lips and pain occur.

Herpes is swollen lip: what to do?

Herpes - swollen lip
Herpes - swollen lip

The causes of herpes are hypothermia, overwork, weak immunity, stress, insomnia, headaches. What to do if the lip is swollen with herpes? Here's the answer:

Such folk remedies can also help:

  • Swelling processing garlic juice
  • Applying a piece of onion to a sore spot
  • Reception on a teaspoon of aloe juice, several times a day
  • Application of ice
  • Lubrication of Kalanchoe juice
  • Treatment of a sick area with fir oil
  • Treatment of baking soda. Apply it to the sore every half an hour for 2 days

Also avoid kisses and replace the toothbrush after treatment. Do not self -medicate, consult a doctor. With a sick animal, go to the veterinarian for a consultation. The specialist will conduct an inspection, make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Good luck!

Video: What to do if the lip is swollen, and why does the edema occur?

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