Why does the child bit, bit his lips and cheeks? The child bites lips: psychosomatics - what to do?

Why does the child bit, bit his lips and cheeks? The child bites lips: psychosomatics - what to do?

The reasons for biting lips and cheeks in children.

A decent number of people, even in adulthood, encounter a bad habit, such as biting the lips and cheeks from the inside. In this article we will tell you what causes such a bad habit, and how to deal with it in children.  

Why is the child gnawing his lips?

It is worth noting that the reasons for the appearance of such a bad habit is a decent amount: 

  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body  
  • A feeling of negative emotions that a person by biting his lips and cheeks tries to eliminate  
  • Lip weathing and the appearance of crusts on them  
  • Diseases of the nervous system

As practice shows, even people who do not suffer from diseases of the nervous system and are characterized by a rather balanced character, often face the habit of biting the lips. This is due to the fact that in the wind lips can be very weathered and crusts will appear on them. At the same time, I would like to ripped off in every possible way and break the rough skin, which is rough and interferes.  

Over time, actions that were repeated today several times turn into a bad habit. Now a person is trying in every possible way to tear and tear off the skin, even if it is not rough, and the lips are not wealthy. In this case, getting rid of the habit is quite simple by constant self -control and distraction.  


The child bites lips and cheeks: psychosomatics

As for the psychological reasons for the appearance of this bad habit, everything is much more complicated here. According to psychologists, the reason lies in childhood. The fact is that very often children suffer from such a habit, starting from the age of 4 years. That is, this is a completely conscious age when the child speaks, and is fully aware of what he does. Why in childhood there is a habit that can accompany a person all his life?

Features of the development of habit:

  • These are problems in communicating with parents. Quite often, people grown in a non -loving family, in which quarrels, scandals, and misunderstanding are constantly present, suffer from such a bad habit. In such a family, usually a child is not allowed to express their opinion, believing that an adult is always right. That is, the child feels an inferior family member, and cannot express his emotions.
  • The child is forbidden to scream, cry, and even express some complaintsConsidering the child to be the child, he must obey parents. Thus, the child does not want him to be put in a corner, shouted, and punished. He tries to express his emotions and opinion not by words and aggression, because it is prohibited, but by self -aggression. That is, in this way, the child is trying to bring himself to his senses, and restrain the aggression aimed at parents.  
  • From time to time, such a manipulation is repeated. Bucking the lips and cheeks from the inside gives the child some reassurance, and also leads him to life. For example, a person is very angry, he has severe emotional pain, and he tries to drown her physical. Thus, he bites his cheeks, lips. Indeed, this is mainly due to the psychological reasons that you need to deal with.
The child is nervous
The child is nervous

The child bites his lips - what to do?

If you are a parent of such a baby, you need to see in which cases the child bites the lips. That is, if he quarrels with someone, it is a way to calm down or restrain his anger.


  • Invite your child not to scream, but to express his opinion and negative emotions with ordinary words. The child must be able to talk and say his problems. In addition, you need to try to change this habit of some other. In a situation where the child bites his lips, you need to switch his attention to something else. That is, to take it with something.
  • You can offer him a candy, or chewing gum. Of course, this is a replacement of one habit with another, but pretty good, safer way to get rid of a habit. Some psychologists advise spending more time actively, accumulating positive emotions. It is necessary to come up with some new hobby for the child. You can hand it to some kind of sports section or if it is a girl, it will not be superfluous to beadwork, modeling of plasticine or polymer clay. Thus, the child will be able to calm down and control his emotions without biting his lips, but with the help of manipulations with clay or some other needlework.  
  • Some experts recommend giving children sedatives. However, in fact, they just brake the work of the nervous system, but do not allow you to get rid of nervous ticks. Thus, sedatives will reduce the number of tense situations and reduce their number, but will not solve the problem. It is necessary to delve into the head of the child, and find the reason for the appearance of this habit. After that, try to eliminate it, and allow you to solve in other ways.  
Glasses lips
Glasses lips

The child bites lips and cheeks: consequences

Why is it harmful to bite your lips? The fact is that very often this leads to stomatitis, herpes, and inflammation. The wounds in the mouth are an excellent entrance gate to penetrate the infection. And in the case of children, the situation is aggravated, because the kids like to pull their fingers in their mouths, and even children of preschool age, who are about 5-6 years old.

Yes, they really wash their hands in kindergarten, but at the same time, if the child is in contact with other children, they constantly exchange toys, other objects with them, and some conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate on their hands. With weakened immunity, staphylococcus, as well as streptococcus, which is on the hands of each child, can penetrate the wound and cause serious inflammation.

Very often, such children suffer from stomatitis, and streptoderma. Thus, in the mouth, wounds can be observed on the lips, which very often provoke the occurrence of high temperature. Thus, the problem becomes not psychological, but physiological.  


The child bites his lips: punish or not?

On many resources you can find advice, constantly control the child and punish him. However, in fact, this does not give any results. This further exacerbates the psychological causes, and the child becomes confusing and incapable of monitoring his emotions.


  • In no case should you scold, pull, punish the child for gnawing his lips and cheeks. It is necessary to deal with the psychological cause, try to eliminate it. You need to come up with some kind of alternative. You can give your child some kind of toy.
  • Very often advised an interesting, unusual way. The bracelet is hung on the brush to the child in the form of an elastic band. As soon as the child begins to be nervous, it is necessary to click this elastic band. The fact is that this is not done with the aim of punishing, but to draw the attention of the baby to what he does.
  • After all, very often, if the habit has become constant and intrusive, then it is performed using the subconscious. The child does not realize what he does. The gum on the wrist makes it clear that this is not necessary. Thus, it makes him and allows you to eliminate the desire to bite your lips.  
  • Of course, it is quite difficult to deal with such a problem yourself, so you can seek help from a psychologist. Basically, they offer group classes or individual.
  • At the same time, the psychologist is trying to initially understand the causes of this bad habit, and adjust the behavior of the child. Very often, children's habits do not go anywhere, they turn into a more adult life.
  • The child, being a teenager and even adults, continues to bite his lips and cheeks, but in order to calm down. That is, it is one of the ways to relieve nervous tension, relax. Basically, classes with a psychologist imply the saturation of life with some positive emotions.
  • Even adults, psychologists recommend coming up with a hobby and spend a decent amount of time on it. Thus, a person saturates his life with positive emotions for such a purpose that there are fewer reasons to get nervous, bite his lips.  
Obsessive movements syndrome
Obsessive movements syndrome

How to wean a child to bit your lips?


  • Many psychologists believe that the habit of biting lips and cheeks is manifested since childhood, is a lack of love for the baby. Parents pay very little time and attention to their child. Perhaps he lacks tactfulness. Hug it more often, kiss, tell how you love.
  • You can just lie together before falling asleep, hugging. The child feels this love. Perhaps this somehow normalizes his emotional state. Quite often, this appears in children after the abolition of breastfeeding.
  • The fact is when the child is breastfeeding for a long time, for example, up to 2-3 years old, he gets used to it. The breast for him serves not only food, but also with reassurance. When the abolition of breastfeeding occurs, the child has to calm himself in some other way.
  • Very often, lips and cheeks come to the rescue. If this is due to the abolition of breastfeeding, try to switch the child's attention to something else. Perform the same ritual before bedtime so that the child falls asleep with you, and does not bite the lips and cheeks.
  • That is, you can tell him a fairy tale or sculpt something together. At the same time, try to cheer up the baby in every way and ask him to come up with the end of the fairy tale. When the child says, he will not have the opportunity to bite his lips and cheeks.  

The child bites lips and cheeks most often due to emotional instability. Help him calm down and find the reason for the problem.

Video: The child bites lips

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