The lip cracked in the middle and does not heal in an adult and the child: the causes, treatment - ointments and folk remedies, signs

The lip cracked in the middle and does not heal in an adult and the child: the causes, treatment - ointments and folk remedies, signs

The lip cracked in the middle not only spoils the appearance, but also causes painful sensations. You will learn about how dangerous the symptom is from the article.

The skin structure of our lips is very thin, delicate and sensitive. It is affected by negative effects: wind, heat, cold, etc.

If at the same time it is incorrectly care for the lips, there are sensations of weathing, discomfort, lips can peel and crack. To avoid this, you need to know and follow several simple rules.

Why did my lip cracked in the middle?

  1. A manifestation of vitamin deficiency. The lack of vitamins belonging to groups A, B, E leads to a violation of the elasticity of the skin on the lips, as a result of which cracks may appear. In turn, the reason vitaminosis Problems with the intestines and the endocrine system may become, which leads to metabolic disorders or malfunctions in the immune system. Hence, even slight damage to the lip can cause cracks.
  2. Such a bad habit as smoking, dries his lips. The same result may lead to their frequent licking, a strict diet or snack on the street. The skin of the lips is overdried, tightened, and the appearance of a crack is a logical result.
  3. The lip may crack as a result of use low -quality cosmetics Or those who have ended the expiration date. Perhaps the manifestation of allergies to decorative cosmetics, which can also cause cracks.
  4. Caries - One of the reasons why the lips crack. Bacteria that breed in a sore tooth apply to the lips, and if microtrauma appears on them, they are quite capable of enhancing the negative effect. The same applies to fungal diseases.
  5. The mucous membranes And their condition depends on how the endocrine system works. That's why the presence of diabetes It is also one of the reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lips. And a frequent desire to drink is overdles of lips. To fight cracks in this case, they recommend taking special drugs.
  6. If a person malocclusion, perhaps the accumulation of saliva in the corners of the lips, and therefore their excessive humidity. If the crack appeared on the lower lip, perhaps the body is too slaughtered and it is necessary to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Adverse weather conditions, a long stay in the open sun or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cold wind, sharp temperature changes. The lip cracked in the middle As a result of weathing and overdrying, dehydration of both general and directly the mucous membranes of the lips occurs.

    Due to external conditions
    Due to external conditions
  8. Adverse microflora, the presence of bacteria that destroy the structure of the skin on the lips, as a result of weakened immunity. The level of immunity is reduced, in addition to the above reasons, also due to overwork, chronic lack of sleep, hypothermia, etc.
  9. Chemical substancesMany food additives. Elementary familiar salt It can “corrode” the skin of the lips to ulcers, not to mention cracks.
  10. Influence allergens various origin, which the skin of the lips often negatively reacts to.
  11. Anyone mechanical exposure. The bitten lip, a random injection with a fork with a fork, a cut - any damage to the lip can lead to a crack.
From exposure
From exposure

How to treat a cracked lip in the middle: therapeutic agents

  • If a the lip cracked in the middle As a result of a fungal disease, you should use the appropriate drugs of antibacterial nature.
  • It can be Tetracycline or methyluracilla group, levomekol, Vishnevsky balm.
  • With a long absence of a positive effect, you can try Purelan-100based on Lanolin.
  • Before using the drug, you should disinfect a damaged place and not remove drying crusts on the lip.
  • You can use for softening and moisture Also with cream, petroleum jelly, lubricating the skin around the crack, without touching it directly.
We soften
We soften
  • Repeat this procedure several times a day. As an option - you can replace Vaseline with pork fat.

The lip cracked in the middle: how to smear?

How to smear if the lip cracked in the middle:

  1. Zinc  ointment It has an analgesic and disinfecting effect, removes the inflammatory process. From 3 to 5 times a day-and the wound will begin to heal. One “but”, check before using it, if you have an allergic reaction, suppuration in the wound.
  2. Solcoseryl Requires moisturizes after applied. It has an anesthetic effect, contributes to the speedy healing of a crack. Also follow the lack of an allergic reaction.
  3. Synthomycin. A fairly effective tool with an antiseptic and analgesic effect. In connection with many contraindications, this tool without consulting a doctor is better not to use.
  4. Bepanten. Recommended, including children, has an anti -inflammatory effect, regenerates soft tissues.

How to treat a cracked lip in the middle: folk remedies

The lip cracked in the middle:

  1. It is necessary to lubricate the crack honey. Its mitigating and bactericidal effect has a beneficial effect on healing. This method is good if you do not suffer from an allergy to the product.
  2. Use sour cream and olive oil, adding his couple of drops. Make a mask from this composition and leave it overnight. You can lubricate your lips with butter, and before going out into the street with a petroleum jelly. By the way, you can prepare a lip mask yourself from these components, taking three parts of the oil per verseic.
  3. The impact exerted is quite effective the ether of tea tree. If you add 2-3 droplets to almond or peach oil and apply to the wound, healing occurs for several days. If not, it means that the development of the inflammatory process is underway, and then medical consultation is needed.
  4. Mix vegetable oil with pulp of the fetus kiwi And apply this mixture on the lip for about 20 minutes. Rinse the mixture and dry your lips, and then moisten them with a special tool. If it does not help, resort to the help of a compress, which includes vitamins A, E.
  5. If a lip has cracked in a small child, especially - a baby, the reason is most likely in composition of breast milk. Therefore, mom should enrich her diet with vitamins. You can lubricate with cream, the main thing is that they do not contain fragrances and dyes.
  6. Home doctor - aloe flower It is a universal healing tool, including for labial cracks.
  7. Another universal remedy - tea rose petalswho recommend even babies with stomatitis. Soaked in warm milk for half an hour and lost until a homogeneous consistency, when applied to the lips, cracks heal well.

  8. Tincture of echination, moreover, not necessarily pharmacy, but also own production.Just fill out a third of a liter jar of crushed dry echinacea and pour alcohol, vodka, moonshine with any strong composition. Leave it for a couple of weeks to infuse and take to increase immunity Before you go to bed.

The lip cracked in the middle of the child: what to do?

  • How to do if the lip cracked in the middle of the child?Among the funds used to treat cracks on the lip in children, mothers recommend the same Bepanten, as well as Boroplus In the form of a cream. The only minus of the last remedy is strong sandalwood smell, Which not all children like.
  • Also, children described above are used using honey and petroleum jelly. They can lubricate the child's lips during sleep.
The child has
The child has

Before entering the street on the baby’s lips, you need to apply a special hygienic lipstick for children. All funds should be checked for the absence of allergies to them.

If the crack does not heal for a long time, you need to ensure that the child drinks a sufficient amount of liquid, eat foods with vitamin A. In addition, it is necessary to control that the air in the room where the child is located is not too dry.

How to prevent your lip in the middle cracked?

  • Take it a rule before going outside, lubricate the skin with special protective equipment (lipstick, balm, etc.) - so you moisten your lips and protect them from drying out. Periodically apply vegetable oils or propolis to the lips.
  • Do not forget about vitamins: natural, inherent in vegetables and fruits for the season, and as part of vitamin complexes purchased in pharmacies.
  • Put it masks Before going to bed, which, having absorbed, will prevent cracking on frosty days.
  • Smoking is very overdried, especially if it occurs in the open air, in combination with the effects of wind or sunlight. No better affects the skin of the lips and alcohol.
  • Large harm can cause poor -quality or overdue cosmetics. And do not borrow lipstick at a girlfriend - this is a purely individual remedy, like a toothbrush or comb.
Can be from poor -quality cosmetics
Can be from poor -quality cosmetics
  • If you notice that the lip cracked in the middle, this happens often, and it heals for a long time - consult with a specialist and strictly carry out the procedures recommended by him.

The lip cracked in the middle: is it necessary to treat?

  • Such a microtrauma seems to us that we do not stand close attention, many people ask the poet: the lip cracked in the middle - Do I need to treat?
  • You can answer this question both positively and negatively, depending on many circumstances.
  • So, if crack on the lip It once arose and quickly delayed by itself, and at the same time you do not feel special discomfort when eating, talking, facial facial movements-you should wait a day or two, without resorting to the help of drugs.
  • If the cracks began to appear often, even quickly healing, it is best to contact a specialist, because it is possible that the problem indicates problems in the body.
Should you treat a crack?
Should you treat a crack?
  • By eliminating the initial reason determined by the doctor, you thereby get rid of the appearance of cracks on the lips without additional efforts.
  • Well, and, of course, deep, not healing wounds, must be treated, again, having previously examined your body-whether everything is in order with it and there are no failures in the work of any organ.

The lip cracked in the middle: sign

Signs about what a crack on the lip means has developed in antiquity and have survived to this day.

  1. Has the lip cracked in the middle? A sign of recent ardent kisses. This is due to the fact that the girls have long applied honey or wax coating to the lips to protect them from wind or sunlight. Before the date, this layer was erased so that the lips were soft and natural. Deprived of familiar protection, and even under the influence of a hot kiss, the lips easily cracked, thereby giving out secrets of heart girls.
  2. Evil eye. Everyone has long known that the person who was "jinxed" becomes vulnerable For negative influences. And all these factors negatively affect health, including skin condition. Therefore, it was possible to interpret the appearance of a crack on the lip as one of the signs that the person was subjected to the evil eye.
  3. There is another interesting sign that warns about what needs to be done so that the lips do not crack. It is only necessary at the first spring thunder to kiss the earth. The sign says that such an action will protect the lips from cracking (and, by the way, from toothache) for a whole year.
  4. There is also an interpretation of sleep in which you saw a crack on the lip. Such a dream speaks of coming troubles: failures, separation, excessive money.

Video: How to treat cracks on the lips?

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Comments K. article

  1. You can take retinol palmitate inside. Often cracks on the lips are the cause of the lack of vitamin A in the body. And it is precisely as retinola palmitate vitamin A is best absorbed.

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