What ointment to smear herpes on the lips: the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips

What ointment to smear herpes on the lips: the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips

Herpes is a common disease. Almost 67 % of the population on the planet is sick. Especially often it spreads in the winter, when the immune system fails. Let's find out which ointment to smear herpes on the lips is better.

Such a disease as herpes on the lips is known to almost everyone. It is also called a cold. The virus is able to spread rapidly if you do not comply with elementary hygiene requirements. It is not very comfortable when small bubbles affect the lips, and immediately the question is, how to get rid of them?

The most effective method of treating herpesvirus infection on the lips is ointments and tablets. Preparations in the form of ointments, gels help locally, they cannot fully eliminate the virus in the body. But we are not talking about that, then we will consider in detail the topic: the best ointments and products for herpes on the lips.

What ointment to smear herpes on the lips - the best ointments and remedies for herpes

Getting rid of herpes on the lips in one day will not work. In any case, you will have to observe hygiene requirements so that the sore does not apply to more extensive zones of the face, and use pharmacy ointments that eliminate the external manifestations of the disease in a few days with proper treatment. To eliminate the disease, it is also recommended to use tablets, thanks to them you can quickly cope with the disease.

Herpes on the lips
Herpes on the lips

What are the best ointments and tools for herpes, we will consider further:

  1. Acyclovir- An effective drug, inexpensive, but in action is not inferior to expensive ointments. The advantage is a rather wide range of exposure to the manifestations of different skin ailments. In addition, the product has a powerful antiviral effect. Acyclovir is able to affect the cellular level on viral infections, and prevents them from spreading. The only thing that pregnant women are not recommended to use it is the possibility of penetrating the main active substance into all systems of the fetus. Acyclovir can also be found in breast milk. Therefore, the nursing for the duration of the drug is advised to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. Another ointment can cause peeling of the epidermis after prolonged use, in this case it is necessary to use moisturizing antiseptic cream to eliminate the problem.
  2. Zovirax- The tool in its active substance is completely similar to Acyclovir. The cream is more expensive because it contains propylene glycol. It is he who contributes to the effective penetration of Acyclovir into the epicenter of the virus. And due to its basis, Zovirax does not leave a fatty lips on the skin, is able to completely absorb into the problem areas. The disadvantage of the product is that Zovirax can cause allergenic reactions.
  3. Fenistil Pencivir- A powerful antiviral drug, the active substance, which is pencyclovir. If you only felt unpleasant itching and already know that this is a harbinger of the manifestation of herpes on the lips, then smear your lips at the place of itching with cream Fenistil Pencivir. So the virus will not develop and herpes will retreat immediately. If you miss this moment, then treatment will take time, as in the treatment of other ointments. Thanks to the petroleum jelly, paraffin and other auxiliary components in the drug, you will not feel when the treatment of delicate skin of the lips, there will be no scarring (in case of deep lesions by the virus). Frequent exacerbations of the disease are treated with this cream. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children up to twelve years.
  4. Panavir - The best ointment, but the price of the product ranges somewhere in the range of 800 rubles. This drug is created on the basis of natural components, it is suitable for those patients who do not tolerate synthetic substances. Panavir is able to destroy the virus and restore cells affected by the disease. The condition of the skin with its influence will only improve. But it is better for pregnant and lactating women to use the product only at the direction of the attending doctor. It is impossible for them to be excessively carried away with kidney pathologies, such patients are treated with gel under strict control by the doctor.
  5. Oksolin- The antiviral drug, the main active substance dioxotetrahydroachidetrahydronaftalin, has a wide range of effects on various manifestations. There is a different concentration of the medicine, which one to use the patient should indicate the doctor. Apply the product 2-3 times a day. Contraindications - individual intolerance.
  6. Tromantadin - It is a single percent ointment, it is effective in the early stages of herpes formation. Small the application with a thin layer 3 times a day. The course of therapeutic treatment usually lasts about 8 days. You can not use the drug for allergies to the components of the ointment and for herpetic infection at the stage of vesicula.
  7. Helepin - The active substance is the extract of the grass of the Canadian desmodium. The drug based on the natural component may have a concentration of 1 or 5%. What to choose for therapy, the doctor will prescribe. Herpes is treated for about a week with such a composition, the product should be applied about three times a day. Most often, ointment with 5 percentage composition is used for herpes treatment.
The best ointments from herpes on the lips
The best ointments from herpes on the lips

IMPORTANT: If herpes has serious consequences, then tablets are also used to cure it: Acyclovir, Valvir, Vayrova, Valocyclovir, Minker, Famvir.

The best ointments and remedies for herpes - how to apply the drug?

Whatever the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips, you will not cure the disease alone with drugs. You should also be able to and conduct treatment correctly. There are some rules for applying ointments, creams, which must be performed.

  1. At first, before applying the ointment to the affected area, you must necessarily to wash hands Under running water with soap, otherwise there is a danger of penetration of infection into inflamed areas of the skin.
  2. It is advisable to use the product to apply sterile cotton swabs. Ordinary cotton wool is not suitable for such a thing. Its fibers can damage the wound even more, then severe pain will occur.
  3. Not apply the same swab twiceOtherwise, the infection may spread even more. Do not spare the material, immediately after use throw it.
  4. When you apply cream, Do not touch the inflamed place anymore, even if the medicine is not absorbed, over time the drug must penetrate deep into the wounds on his ownThen there will be an effect.
How to wash your hands correctly before the procedure for applying cream from herpes?
How to wash your hands correctly before the procedure for applying cream from herpes?

If you are going to work, then first apply the ointment, give her time to absorb. Thanks to this, then there will be no trace of the product on the lips.

The best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips: herpes - treatment, tips

If you do not want herpes to spread, then in addition to the ointment and remedies for herpes on the lips, you should observe simple hygiene rules. It is thanks to these tips that the active phase of the disease will negate in just a few days.

  • Try not to use items without preliminary processing, which concerned the zones affected by herpes.
  • To protect yourself from the spread of infection, boil these items before re -use.
  • The same applies to bedding, towels, etc. You can not use dishes (forks, spoons, plates, cups), without washing them carefully.
  • Showing machine, toothbrush - these hygiene items are also subject to processing.
  • It is not recommended to use ointments after a patient with herpes to another person. During the active stage of pathology, you can not kiss the patient, engage in sexual joys in the form of oral sex.
  • In order not to spread herpesvirus infection to other areas of the skin, do not touch your fingers to the affected area. If you have already done this, then rinse off microorganisms with running water and soap.
  • Patients who use contact lenses should wash their hands before each removal of them, and before you wear them.
Herpes on the lips - treatment
Herpes on the lips - treatment

IMPORTANT: Young girls carefully try to hide herpes on their lips before going somewhere. They paint over the bubbles with foundation or powder. All this negatively affects the course of the disease. Most often in such cases, herpes spreads on the face further. Therefore, try not to use cosmetics to mask the problem, but simply treat the ailment with ointments or creams, observing hygiene requirements.

The best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips are a table

Below you will find a table with the best ointments and remedies from herpes on the lips.

The main active substance Name of the product In what form is presented? Where are they produced? Price
The main component is acyclovir "Acyclovir" In the form of ointment In Russia, in Belarus From 28 rubles
"Acyclovir-Akrikhin" In the form of ointment In Russia 37 rubles
"Acyclovir-Belupo" In the form of a cream In Croatia 69 rubles, 86 rubles.
"Acyclovir-Sandoz" In the form of a cream In Switzerland 85 rubles, 146 rubles
"Herperax" In the form of ointment In India 72 rubles
"Vivorax" In the form of a cream In India 102 rubles
"Zovirax" In the form of a cream In Great Britain 194 rubles
The main components are hydrocortisone, acyclovir "Zovirax Duo-Activ" In the form of a cream In Great Britain 339 rubles
Main components: lidocaine, interferon alpha-2b "Herpferon" In the form of ointment In Russia 252 rubles
Dokosanol "Erazaban" In the form of a cream IN THE USA 426 rubles
Penciklovir "Fenistil Pencivir" In the form of a cream In Switzerland 349 rubles
Ribavirin "Devirs" In the form of a cream In Russia 424 rubles
HEXED GLUCOOSID "Panavir" In the form of a gel In Russia 156 rubles
Allostatin "Allomedin" In the form of a gel In Russia 292 rubles

The best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips: reviews

Reviews about ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips:

  • Marina, 25 years old:The cold is just beginning, mypes rashes on my lips immediately appear. In the first -aid kit I keep Zovirax. I tried different drugs, but this one best suited me. I liked the fact that there are no characteristic fat traces of it at the site of a cold. And the tube is enough for a year, or even more.
  • Alexey, 19 years old:I always buy Acyclovir from herpes. Why pay a lot of money, if this ointment is effective. Herpes passes in 5-7 days. The only thing that needs to be removed the remains of the ointment is not completely absorbed and then ugly stains of yellowish on the lips are obtained. This confuses a little, especially when work requires constant communication with people.

Video: the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips - Acyclovir

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me that I have already tried all the ointments .. One result, it passed and again-well (((

  2. Catherine, have you tried strengthening immunity? With herpes, this is very important, there will be no immunity, sores will appear constantly. I myself suffered constantly, but when I began to engage in my health, specifically immunity, the situation began to change. The food corrected, she began to engage in yoga, pierced the course of immunomax and herpes disappeared. Those. I understand that he has not gone anywhere, but he does not appear on my lips or nose!

  3. Polina, apparently, your natural immunity in this case just worked. Because personally, my herpes did not even notice the influence of the immunomax. I keep a diary and in it I even note such garbage as flashes of herpes, because they are very affected by personal life. So, after the treatment, she analyzed and realized that the activity of the virus did not decrease.

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