Comic counters for adults - the best selection for a feast

Comic counters for adults - the best selection for a feast

A large selection of counters for adults - comic, funny, funny.

Comic counters for adults - the best selection

Comic counters for adults - the best selection
Comic counters for adults - the best selection

Comic counters for adults are the best selection:

Once three "businessmen"
The grandmas stole him awesome.
They will live sweetly in Nice.
And you, fool, drive!


At the plumbing of Ivan
Five lovers, three sofas.
One, two, three, four, five,
Who will sleep with anyone at night?


Here are the sisters.
Who could marry them,
And they count up to five:
Go to Tverskaya!


Someone stared a quarter.
I am a boss - you are a fool!
So everything to me to Balda,
You will be guilty!


He is an official, this one is a cop,
He is a banker, he is the president ...
So consider at least a whole year -
The extreme one is one people.


You yes, yes we are with you
Bank of a strange infusion,
Vobla tail and cucumber,
Lity, wings and crown.


Masha called her neighbor:
Once a glass, two glasses,
Stick, stick, cucumber ...
So the little man came out.


In a love triangle
The couples are created conditionally.
If there is a champion
The lagging man will come out.


After a trash was bitten,
Two missed her.
You will not drink further
After all, you will carry us!


One, two, three, four, five
The husband began to walk to the left.
I do not want to get around with him,
We will get divorced soon.


ATS-Baty, Exel-Moxel ...
Borsch, cutlets, cabbage soup, compote.
Dog dog dirty wet.
Dog life is a dog under the tail.


Christmas trees, fits, ates-bats ...
Porridge, coffee, tea, wine.
Roll up everything with a shovel -
Life is a penny, anyway.


Exel-Moxel, Christmas trees ...
You won’t find pearls at night!
I feel sorry for the dogs of homeless
And Kotov, echo!


Ata-bats, damn burning ...
It divorced the bad everywhere
I am the only so timid
In the middle of decent people.


Rondo with cream.
Waltz - Boston.
The course is left,
RUMB - per hundred.
Baba - with a cart.
The horse is in the coat.


Nostra-Coza-no, not that!
Need a vacation, do you hear a whistle?
Everything is in the air, fry the twist!

Better - solo.
Give the habit of.
This is a bastard
That - in general!
Babam - Glory!
Children are tea.
You are right,
Well, goodbye!


One morning on Facebook
Gathered by the beaks
Began to scold the beaks
And threaten to take away
All sweets, rattles
Multi -colored pillows
Game all prefixes
And at dinner, additives.
For unwashed noses,
For bunks of sausages,
In the closet hidden vodka
And by the hands of what is in the herring
Who ate herring with his hands?
Who spilled vodka in the buffet?
Who overshadowed sausages?
Who put on the cat cowards?
And now there is a mess around
And do not remove the underpants in any way.
The cat in shorts on the pillar climbed
Call the Ministry of Emergencies
Press the phone
Come out of the circle.


Once on Wednesday on Facebook
Byaks came to the beech
Well, the beeches are Syak
They do not let Byak be a visit.
Do not go on a call
The pie is not seducted for tea
For guests not a cup
And the shirts are not ironed.
Books broke his hands
Who will help on Facebook
If you want to help them
Come out of the circle away
To help us beuces
Come out of the circle away.


Gathered on Facebook
Beaks and nebuki
And scolded Buki Byak
And once-Edak, and once-so.
For unwashed noses,
For bunks of sausages,
Spilled vodka in the closet
And by the hands of what is in the herring
All along the way is unprinted
Scary and incomprehensible
In forty -eight floors ....
Who is not a beech, be healthy!


Everyone runs, fly and jump!
Years, hours, minutes;
And pressing tasks:
Output, loans, loans;
Everything is solved for
There is a president in Russia,
He will look - it will become bad
To everyone who was cheerful at the moment!
It will threaten someone with a finger-
All problems are resolved!


Talking about foreigners -
And in anxieties half a country!
Because half
They have long been here, as here!
It came - the reason
Everyone needs to eat something!
Economics for incense
Fraternal breathing peoples
No need to surprise
Everything is worse from year to year!


One, two, three, four, five,
A bunny came out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out
He shoots right at the bunny.
Bang Bang! Oh oh oh!
My bunny dies.
They brought him to the hospital,
He stole a mitten there,
They brought him to the ward
He stole chocolate there.
They brought him to the roof
He stole Uncle Misha there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.


The orange rolled
Named Malvinka,
I did not teach lessons
And I got a deuce.
And then she went for a walk,
I got a number five!

Noisy counters for adults tables

Noisy counters for adults tables
Noisy counters for adults tables

Noisy counters for adults tables:

We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the places at the table.
We ask the guests at the tables of everyone to sit down,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.
This holiday is a birthday,
Just a glorious anniversary
So that the fun continues
I’ll say to everyone: "Pour in!"
Dear people!
The table has been waiting for a long time.
Dear guests!
Something we are missing here ...
Maybe he doesn't bother to drink?
I am a male and female sex
I invite everyone to the table.
Dear guests!
We don't forget about dessert and to the table
We invite you.
Dear guests!
The table is so rich today
What attracts the eye.
Both snacks and wine
They have been waiting for you all for a long time.
Gifts, cards and congratulations
This causes a great sensation.
To extend the holiday to us,
The glasses should be poured.
(Guests fill the glasses.)
Before that danced together -
It became hot for everyone and stuffy.
It's time for us to cool the heat
And pour it with wine!
Pull it with a snack -
Unearthly, but very tasty!
The wine sparkles on the tables,
Does the toast languish on the lips?
Well, friends, faster at the table -
Both male and weaker sex.
Placed all free
Let's raise the New Year!
So that the guests' eyes shone and bending,
We want you to reinforce a little.
After a strong wine, you need a snack now.
We offer you to enjoy it,
We continue the anniversary evening.
We danced, have fun
And they sober up a little.
I ask everyone again at the table -
Both men and weaker sex.
We stretched the bones gloriously.
Isn't it time for us to dick?
So at the table, honest people!
Let's raise the toast in ...!
(name of the holiday)
Monashed merrily, cheerfully
Isn't it time to eat?
Drink the fault of the game?
Yes, to listen to a joking toast?
Go to the table as soon as possible
And fill the glasses!


Do not be modest today, respond to the Hall of Aries,
Well done and disruptions, where are the Taurus sitting in our country?
Where are the guys who guys? Gemini faster!
The zodiac has many signs, now I want to see crayfish!
You will respond together, the kings of animals, handsome lions!
We’ll see everything right, to the left, where is on the anniversary of the Virgin?
Raise your noses and show us, scales!
The queue for all laws stand and drink scorpions!
Here all the signs are great, all successful - archers.
Do not be strict to the host and respond, Capricorn!
Let them raise glasses, let it be more likely without the shyness of Aquarius!
Let the anniversary give smiles affectionate fish!


At the plumbing of Ivan
Five lovers, three sofas.
One, two, three, four, five,
Who will sleep with anyone at night?


Once, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's drop T -shirts!
Nine, ten - we sunbathe for a month!

I decided to count the raven:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six are a crow on the pillar,
Seven - a crow on the pipe,
Eight - sat on a poster,
Nine - feeds ...
Well, ten is a daw.
So the counters ended!

The fox has a housewarming
Waiting for guests in the forest fun.
The first guest learned about this
And a raccoon with a bouquet came.


Wolf with a fox of Kumovya:
"My gift is me!"
The first wolf wanted to come,
Yes, hesitated on the way.
“Here you have a feast
Am I the second one? "


The third is the bunny of the mischievous
Dragging the teapot of the custard
Here the fox will be glad-
She needs to treat guests.
Tea will brew strong, mint
Very tasty, fragrant.


Who is the fourth guest with us?
Aunt the mouse will come now.
“I was at the fair,
Brought a book of fairy tales
Read the children for the night,
The children will sleep stronger "


The fifth guest was touched by Mishka
Very small topty.
What about the gift? What's the question?
Bear brought sweet honey.


Wedgeegehole - guest sixth
- I ran into a thick forest.
There, I scored mushrooms a little
And he brought Lisa Lukoshko.


Gray donkey - Guest Seventh
Returns home.
He was thoughtful in the morning
And the gift forgot.
At home, right at the door:
"I'll run after him!"


Guest eighth to the fox goes
- A very important red cat.
The cat brings her a samovar
What sparkles as if heat.
"Guest Lisonka meet
Yes, pour stronger tea! "


And the ninth ball of the dog,
He brought the accordion to the fox.
"Hello Lisonka-Setrix,
Is it time for us to put up?
- We went across yesterday
At the master's court.
You came to the chicken coop in our
Well, I am the master's guard! "


Get to know the tenth guest
This is a striped tiger.
He promised not to bite
Do not rush to the beasts
The fox has a housewarming.
Let us let the tiger be fun?


Each rainbow color
He keeps a secret in himself.
Everyone here is a bully,
For flowers manufacturer.
On the fire of her sway
And they make out of fabric
All seven flowers flowers.
Do you want to learn?
If you want you to drill
Come out soon shit.


One, two, three, four, seven.
I went for a walk at all!
If your husband is remarkable with you
Dyuzhiy is not waiting for a husband somewhere.

Five, four, three, two ... zero!
Alcohol was fascin.
Guys on our collective farm
They don’t sow and do not plow ...

Nine, nine, eighteen
If only not to communicate ...
The secretaries are both two
They give birth to spring from me.


One, two, three ... already forty -five -
Better not count!
If you communicate with a scalpel -
It will be eighteen again!


Once - not immediately, two - never,
Three - four - spit from the evil eye!
Five - you are lying, your honor!
You still say: six!


One, two, three, four, five!
I begin to grab everyone!
For sticking abundantly
Appetizing places!
Muttering under the breath tough:
"Ah, what a beauty!"
One, two, three, four, five!
I continue to grab everyone!
Why did it become
Suddenly outraged someone?
One, two, three, four, five!
I hold out my hand again ...
I get a slap in
And I'm going to grab it again!


A month came out of the fog.
He took out. But not from the pocket.
Pulled out, used,
She shook it heartily. Removed.
He hid his thermometer.
He is healthy! From happiness
Shines straight to the ravine!
And who thought stupid things
In its own stupidity -
He and the fool himself!


Lush roundness
Walking in time, hesitates
Survey is said
Eyes staring.
Prominent by stupidity,
They will not go anywhere,
It is a pity that from reality
You cannot hide them.
Examined, weighed,
Licked licked, reptiles,
Someone is even dripping
Salunka from the mouth
Hard and sad
Difficult and confused
Send along the street
As many as two cakes.


Ata-battles, soldiers walked.
Ata-Baty, was April.
ATs-Baty, for soldiers
A brothel stood in the way.

But the soldiers are coming past
They don’t look at the brothel.
Why is it so? Seeimo,
The soldiers went to the parade.


Our Masha got up early
The dolls counted everyone:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two arins on the Perink,
Two tanyushki on the pillow,
And Parsley - he did not sleep!
He stayed with everyone:
The nesting dolls on the window
Arinka on the Perinka,
Tanyushka on the pillow
Our parsley did not sleep night!
The cap hung. Tired.


One two Three!

In the spring one beaver
Something ISster.
Do not think bad -
But the hut is new ...


Once upon a time there were irons
And they loved the pies.
At dinner, everyone could
Eat one big pie
Who does not believe is he
Come out of the circle.


The devils ran around the hall and counted the floors:
Once, two, three, four, multiply by four,
Divide, divide in half - it turns out 100 grams


In our little hut
Someone farted like a gun
Once, two, three go out
You will be true.


One two three four…
Everyone plays in this world.
You and I made friends
Either cursed, then put up,
But loved or not
The count will be given to the answer.


Once - two, you and me -
The game begins:
Someone older, someone younger
Someone teases, someone is crying.
One knows a lot of words
In words for everything is ready
For another I decided everything
I set the rules.

Three - four, the score went:
Someone is angry at someone
Someone in tears, someone in the door,
Someone lied, and someone believed.
Someone was often jealous
I waited at night;
Someone was somewhere with someone
And I forgot about the first.


Someone is drawn to dance
And the other home and sleep.
Someone has a hundred friends
Someone has no children.
Someone pays, someone spends
This one wants, enough!
The game quickly ended ...

Funny counters for adults

Funny counters for adults
Funny counters for adults

Funny counters for adults:

Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
The authorities sowed peas,
He was densely ugly
In the economy - not simple.


Trynians - Brynians, bells,
Only in Gazprom fellows,
All dreams have come true,
Prisons were saved.


Shirli-miralli, Sherry Brandy,
Modus, bath sheet, Vivevedy,
And you don't have to change it
For some, he is a reward.


Enik-Benik, ate dumplings
Five billions so,
But his legitimate broom
He refused to reproach.


Chiki-peiks, chicks-doors,
I bought the house on Costa Rica,
Five hundred hectares park,
To walk there a hippo.


Queenter Finter, Ena, Bene,
He spoke on the hairdryer
The governor is glad
The authorities are a devoted soldier.


Eni, Beni, Ricky, Paki,
Loves soup from a turtle
Every month he flies,
And with the Maldiv manages everything.


Feather, era, chukha, ryuha,
The hole does not go to him,
Circular is guaranteed,
Pay - she is like a whore.


Tsul, Bul-Bul, Kaliki-Provaki,
Dissatisfied - dog tail,
Let them extinguish a little
And go their own way.


Dora, Laura, tomato,
The thief was suddenly caught in the Duma,
The Dumsky was traded,
I chose the best.


Dorms, norms, constiturati,
All the little people, like money,
You can solve everything in the Duma,
You just have to pay.


Saluns and Balongs,
You are all visible through and through
Stand together in a row
Express the price list.

Stand to play:
Choose the governor.
Voevoda - from the people
Let it come out of the round dance.

You, good fellow
Become already at the end ...
Trynians-Brynians, Digi, Don,
But you are dear to you - over ...


One, two, three, four, five,
Adult, learn to count:
Not dollars, not rubles,
Life racing days.


Let's play hide and seek in the summer
We will create a carol in winter,
In the spring, he got into a puddle,
In the fall - a family dinner.


We are engaged diligently
Divide and compose correctly:
We subtract the negative
We multiply the positive!
I drink - and I will die
You drink - and die,
He drinks - and die,
And who does not drink?
It will die anyway.
That's what a sip is given to us.
Drink everything that gurgles
To the dregs!

The people will still drink a bit
And die out "on the hell"
All the people.
In the column, I remember the hall
We often escorted
But they were not poured there.
Give us health, God,
To drink everything we can,
And in our last journey
Do not forget to pour everyone.


Once upon a time there were three herring:
Kulia, Mulya and Balda.
Kulia, Mulya slept together,
And the bald was sleeping alone.

The coco-carcinated eggs broke
And thank you did not say
He sat on the horse and escaped.
He comes from the war.
- Mom, where are my pants?
And pants on the street
The chicken was sparkled.

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said: ku-ka-re-ku!
Give soap and perfume
So that roosters do not fight.

One two three four.
Count the holes in the cheese.
If there are many holes in the cheese,
So, cheese will be delicious.
If it has one hole,
So, it was delicious yesterday.

On the road, twisting his legs,
Yogi sat on the nails.
Thirty days do not eat, do not drink,
Anyway to you to drive.

Once upon a time there were irons
And they loved the pies.
At dinner, everyone could
Eat one big pie.
Who does not believe is he
Come out of the circle.

In our little hut
Someone farted like a gun.
Once, two, three - come out.
You will be true.

Tomorrow will fly from the sky
Blue, blue, blue whale,
If you believe, wait and wait,
And do not believe - come out!

The suitcase sailed across the sea
There was a sofa in the suitcase
An elephant rode on the couch.
Who does not believe - go out!

Who is cold and sneezing -
That microbes releases.
- Who is sick? Surrender!
- Come out, go, treat!

I will go outside,
I will catch the chicken there.
I will tie her by the tail -
It will be a steam locomotive!

Our "Progress" fell inappropriately,
Oxygen is not enough for everyone,
There is no more meat either,
You are now with us - lunch!

A stargazer lived on the moon,
He was counting to planets.
Mercury-one, Venus-two-s,
Three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven - uranium, the eighth - Neptune,
Nine - the farther - Pluto.
Who does not see - go out.

Cool counters for adults

Cool counters for adults
Cool counters for adults

Cool counters for adults:

Like at a festive table
We’ll start counting!
Here is the folk fun:
Hug a neighbor on the right!
Here's another fun:
You bite for everyone!
You don't lose time -
Drink a glass of vodka!
You got a Fant this:
Stomp with your right foot!
Grasp the neighbor's ear
And kiss him in the top of the head!
Let the owner not be jealous:
The guest will kiss the hostess!
Well, you, friend, do not be lazy -
I bow to the ground!
So as not to miss the neighbor,
He must tickle it!
There is no place for striptease,
But take off your subject!
Provide the service to us -
Show the goat's muzzle!
Show your flexibility -
Draw a swallow!
This guest without delay
He will read the poem!
There are many good guests here
They pat their hands!
Try for friends -
Pour the wine into their glasses!
Look at the neighbor
In the cheek, kissing three times!
You and your neighbor have a fine:
Drink on a brudershaft!
Listen more closely:
Eat something soon!
Well, then according to the program:
You moved your ears!
The neighbor has shock on the right -
Hit the barrel to him!
Do not be shy, play
And show everyone your tongue!
This guest is just a treasure
He and the mistress are glad to drink!
This one, look, is not behind -
Drinking with the owner is coming!
This guest is like in the picture
Let him dance a lezginka!
It will be more fun for all of us -
Smile like in Hollywood!


Psaki came out from Obama,
I put my hands in my pockets
I began to suddenly say:
- We must enslave the world ...

Merkel went out after her
Also with a mass of ideas,
To defeat Russia:
- We need to impose sanctions ...

Compromate dug Obama,
About the German Madama,
Merkel has nowhere to go
She needs to try now ...

Washington do not let you down
Yes, do not crash,
Suggests proposals
That Russia will be scared ...

Julia came here with a scythe
And she said: “My God!
There is no problem, I will help
I will give you my country ...

I will not overestimate prices,
Five billions will be enough,
But I need a first fee!
Pull your face and nose ”...

So three madam rallied,
The leader where Obama was,
"Porridge" began to be boiled,
And the troops everywhere enter ...

Only "stupid" Russia,
Does not welcome violence
Peacefully wants to decide everything
To avoid blood ...

Provocations - ignores,
With idiots - does not argue,
Silently waits for Europe
He will sit in a puddle, all over the ass ...

Putin is smart because a man,
Provocations of those car
He studied by heart
That's why sadness ...

Obama causes
That dumbbells raises
And everything groans, sighs,
He dreams like Putin ...

Only misery all attempts,
Obama has a handle of dry
The legs are thin, there is no torso,
Causes the athlete laughter ...

Psaki climbs out of leather,
Conducting faces to reporters,
In an interview, the nonsense is nonsense,
"Dished" the entire Internet ...

In general, they are in no way
It doesn’t succeed in any way
Quarrel two powers,
The right sector did not help either ...

So and Syak Yula Julia,
They will not win in any way
Not to see them like ears
Quarrels Khokhlov and Muscovites ...

Two people are one - one
Any strength will win!
Well, who is for the White House ...
It comes out of the game!


Here, you, girls, counters
For one who is over twenty.
Two and two: soon mommy would
Become so that the maiden does not stay.
And three - faster in August
Harvests, mushrooms, salting.
Four - more arrogance,
Husband foam on his birthday.
Five and six - a grumpy woman,
Life, socks and serials ...
After all, others only get married
And spite the boys.
Seven and eight are mortal boredom,
Phrases in the style of “what have I done,
Everyone walks, and I'm true
I wanted to marry early.
Nine, ten - birthdays
Stop counting for the holidays.
In forty -five suddenly insight
And you want romance.


Not to hit face in the mud - this time
Reply for your words are two
Going along the right path is three,
Living with everyone in the world is four,
Not to curse offenders - it's five,
Remember what an honor is six,
Not to break from problems - this is seven,
Do not give a friend, not to quit - this is eight,
Good and joy to sow is nine,
All the pros and cons of to weigh is ten.

Comic counters for adult women

Comic counters for adult women
Comic counters for adult women

Comic counters for adult women:

I say: one, two, three -
Look with a soft cat.
Husband tenderly hollow -
Play your paw.
I say: one, two, three -
Now meow, then freeze.
Where necessary, do not yawn!
Get the claws.


I say: one, two, three -
Where you need to lie.
How else to help you?
You are Eve daughter!
I say: one, two, three -
You are your heart.
You will pick up the right key
And take your own.


One, two, three, four, five!
It is necessary to trust less.
Back your ears with cotton
Do not open your mouth.
One, two, three, four, five!
Enough the bumps.
In general, the choice is yours -
Think, think your head!


Once - two, does not hurt the head,
Three - four, the sexiest in the world,
Five - six, men cannot be counted,
Seven - eight, mowing grandmas,
Nine - ten, I will weigh a little,
Eleven - twelve, the dance of the abdomen can be gathered,
Thirteen - fourteen, bastard from the matrix!

A month came out of the fog
A month came out of the fog,
He took out the money from his pocket.
He took out, put it, blew, spat,
I put the money in my pocket.
I will yell at night at night
I will count the money:
One two three four,
Three or four four,
And then four more,
Pieces of bucks. Hands wider
I have time to substitute.
Thank you all. Your mother.
The money fell.

One two three four,
They threw money to me
And from the windows, from the door.
Close the locks soon
To the back path
Their legs did not drown.


Eni-Beni, Ricky, the same
Boule-Bul-Bul, kalyaki-shmaki.
Sububenim Karambul,
There will be money.

Ninety - sixty - ninety
Ninety - sixty - ninety,
Earn money is easy.

Winning at the casino
Squirrels jump on a branch
The ball jumps in a roulette.
I will twist at the temple
The ball will go where I want.

Ten - nine - once - two - three,
Matrix, well, freeze!
Three - four, turn around
And turn around with freebie.

Tra-t-t, tra-t-tu,
I threw it to a half -pass.
Trawl, trawl,
I was called harmonious.

Ten - nine - eight - seven,
I'm beautiful at all.
Six and five, four - three,
Puzo is flat, look!
Losing weight
She ate dumplings.
I became thin,
Like a bar from a broom.
Not a gram of excess weight
In sour cream dumplings.
Fat in Natalia
With Vorgushkin nose.
Not a gram of excess,
All that is needed is in place.
Girl - class,
Though small stature.
Top Model
Oak, birch, ash, spruce.
I am just a top model.

One two Three,
All my fat, burn!

One, two, three, four, five,
I got married again.
Ten - nine - eight - seven,
He said that was good.
Five - fifteen - twenty -five,
We will fly together.
Shura-Mura, Taras-Bars,
There is no better in the world.

I go out of the gate
I meet a sweet one at once,
Here is such a beauty.

Sponsor - on the balcony
Once - a penny, two - a penny,
Three - a dozen, five - lemon.
The one who brings me money,
Jump right onto the balcony.

Prince Arthur
Kaldy-Baldes, Kurtur-Murtur,
Prince Arthur will love me.

And seven and six,
And cupcake and sex,
And there is money,
And there is an uncle.

Once- two to three- four- five,
I live in love again.
Eight - nine - three - four,
In the whole world, I am happier.
Twenty to three or three zero
I caught a crane.
Ten - nine - eight,
He webi wears me.
Thirty to twenty-six,
I am ready to love everyone. There is!

In the registry office
One, two, three, four, five,
Elya came out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out
He shoots right in Alechka,
PIF-PAF, oh-oh,
They go to the registry office with a crowd.

One, two, three, four, five,
I don’t give a damn about work.
Five - four - three - one,
I am a lord myself.
I have all the glider for the figure,
And no one will pull.
One, two, three, four, five,
I am glad to receive money.

Comic counters for adult men

Comic counters for adult men
Comic counters for adult men

Comic counters for adult men:

Once two, and three, four,
Open the wallet wider.
Five and six, and seven, and eight,
The sponsor of money will throw me.
Eight - seven and six, and five,
They should not be given.
Four - three and two - one,
In March, the store was opened.

I am the queen, here is my house.

One two three four,
I live in a large apartment.
Built the house
Tili-Bow, Tili-Bim,
I built myself a house.

Country house
Our cottage will be in!
The money will flow and flow,
And it will build itself
Click, whistle, here she is!

One two Three,
Out your snot.
Four and five
Away, chickenpox! Go back!
Six and seven,
Go completely.
Eight to nine, you are healthy,
We cancel the doctors!

Five - two - once and once - two - five,
How tired I am to blink.
Five - four - three - two - once,
The left eye became normal,
And behind him and the right eye,
I repeat again.

One, two, three, four, five,
I went through the world for a walk
Once in Paris,
Two - I'm in Rome,
Three - already in Yershalaim,
And four - I'm in Moscow,
Five - and I'm in Karaganda.

Once - two - three - four - six,
I have a car.
Three - four - five - six - seven,
Soft places in it are exactly seven.
Ten - nine - eight,
We ask a lot of money.
One, two, three, four, five,
We went for a walk.

Ein-Tswe-Dray, Kirdyk, Ku-Ku.
I'm running after Nagrik.
There Kirdyk and Ain, Cweh, Drey
They drove me a jeep. OK.


The body is sleeping, it is tired
After all, it thumped yesterday.
The brain is also not to the body,
His departments are sleeping quietly.
And the stomach sleeps tired,
Only the ulcers were not enough.
Only the liver cannot sleep -
It was necessary to get drunk like that.


The soldiers walked.
To war.
All are killed -
They fell into Buzin.


Uta Buta!
Half a minute
Build, company!
The war continues!

Comic counters for adults for the New Year

Comic counters for adults for the New Year
Comic counters for adults for the New Year

Comic counters for adults for the New Year:

Happy New Year - this time!
Configurations are two!
And in the morning so that you have
I didn’t hurt the head!
Thirdly, let it bring a year,
A lot of happiness to you again!
Let it always be lucky in everything,
Four and five!
And let the tears be,
Only from happiness from the eyes!
And, in-seventh, let them not forget
Never friends about you!
Let, in-winter, will not become for you,
This year is too complicated!
But in-native, he will not add,
He is new for you!
And the g-ties, and the g.
What else can you tell.
If something is not clear
Then start counting again.

One, two, three, four, five!
New Year is coming again
He is already on the road
Does not spare your legs!

Kamchatka, Sakhalin,
The seals are dancing among the ice floes,
Fishermen, oil workers,
Christmas trees, candles, gingerbread!
There are smokers, there are Japanese,
We will pour them a “blind”!
Severe Magadan,
Port city, given to us by God,
It does not freeze in the cold,
And the agama mines!
Native Vladivostok,
Will decorate the East!
The bridge above the golden horn,
The city is always young!
Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk,
New Year is joyful to everyone!
We look wider:
In the middle of the oriental cold weather
The city of light of eternal ice,
The center of Yakutia is large,
On New Year's Eve there is a feast with a mountain!
In Siberia we are again.
Here Baikal and Angara,
Electricity, paper,
Aircraft, fish, fur,
And a fun friendly laughter!
Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk,
Nickel is given to the diamond,
All give us chic and shine
Stainless progress!
Already Novosibirsk,
With Omsk ready,
Snow is frost and fluffy,
Freeze eyebrows!
Now the Urals
Everyone is useful to a mineral
In the New Year will fit!
Joyful faces!
New Year in Samara,
Chocolate here in bulk!
We will enjoy plenty
And swim in the hole!
Again interesting!
Here Moscow, St. Petersburg-
Important capitals,
Duma, deputies circle,
All big faces.
They will congratulate us and pour us
They will drink with us!
And the country has long been making noise
Children have fun!
Under the Kremlin chimes,
You will drink ten times and you are drunk!
In the morning everyone will find under the Christmas tree,
Sweet gifts,
Apparently there is a lot from the Christmas tree!
The stars shine brightly!
In ten belts, the country
Like fingers on the hands
And also Kaliningrad,
Our European facade!
We will build, sing, make friends,
It will become more fun to live!
Let Russia on the New Year,
Peace and joy will gain!


ATS - BATA, bearded
On a crispy snowball
Each other, like soldiers,
And in the hands of a duffel bag

Santa Claus in the cold
Sent on a hike.
New Year's life prose,
Oh, not easy to wait for them!


ATS - BATA, right, left!
Forests part.
Santa Claus
Bring miracles to the world.

Left, right, left, right!
New Year's marathon.
Hey Morozushko, my brave,
Get out of the column!


One two Three,
Shine Christmas tree!
Three two times.
Damn, the lantern went out.
Four five six.
To eat?
Six five four.
There is a salad in a uniform!
Seven eight nine.
Nine eight seven.
Something I broke the count
Drunk at all.
Ten - we boldly open the cork.
Eleven - pour into glasses.
Twelve - we raise together together,
Happy New Year, congratulations!

Original comic counters for adults

Original comic counters for adults
Original comic counters for adults

Original comic counters for adults:

One, two, three, four, five
I really want to sleep.
Once a pillow, two nightie
Three comfortable bed.
And four ... thought came
I brought five with me
Six ideas, seven sentences
Eight new expressions!
Nine - my dream took!

Ten, nine, eight, seven
I don't want to sleep at all
She counted six sheep
I combed five of them,
Four gave herbs
Three did not eat, alas ...
Two decided to sleep
Once ... already six in the morning!
All sheep went out
Goodbye a sweet dream!


But there was no sadness!
There was a sand castle.
They greeted a fairy tale in it
About a white bull,
And, on the stake was washing
I was pretty destroyed,
The old woman broadcast everything
What were the priest:
Both meat and dog,
Which is not true
What Pop found, however,
Some kind of flaw in her.
And swinging in the wind
In Karakulya, a board,
What ... "There was no sadness
There was a sand castle


Come on, on the fingers, three - four
They taught you to count at school
I fell in love, this time. Is it bad?
Now you should have been ready to clap your hands
Lgal ... and it was definitely
I am a woman, and this is my strength ...
And a lie ..., depending on what to count for it
And this, by the way, is already almost five ...
Didn't you lie? At least in salvation
After all, we are hiding by this all the time with a declension.


And immediately easier, and immediately pulls a cigarette
And do something for a vulgar
To which then there is a lie again
What can I say. Good!
Now I am in turn, I bent my fingers
Well, repent. Start, I think ....


My story is ordinary -
This is once!
Maybe I'm wrong ...
These are two.
The roar of the door is heard -
Here are three ...
Sounds of crying in the apartment,
All ... four ...
Lonely bed -
Again ... five ...
The heart is aching, it hurts. Tin!
This is six ...
Maybe he's not at all? -
How ... seven.
Autumn walks outside the window ...
Just eight.
The voice trembled on the chorus -
Time - nine ...
This weakness infuriates me!
Enough! Ten!

- Sorry. Not right, I miss ...
The line broke ...
- Be mine ...
Further - points ...

A fly sat in my ear,
And on the fly from above - flies!
My ear was combed ...
I am with my palm in my ear - Bukh!

And he almost lost his hearing:
The ear became deaf ...
Well, bitch - this fly!
Well, the bitches - this flies!


The sun, summer, the sea is the beach.
Storm, storm, thunderstorm - landscape.
The wind, the sail is a light breeze.
Scene, stand, club - striptease.
Bar, tequila - Muzzle.
We rested with you!


One or once!
Perform the order:
Work, do not give
Rightly serve the homeland!

Two - this is not a misfortune!
Happiness if we are together,
We have fun and sing!

Three! Feel free to look into the distance.
The world around is alarming.
Go, but carefully!

Two by two is four!
Difficult in this world
Find your love.
Know "Love is not carrots!"

Five! Better to observe
Than to participate in a fight.
There are always only “dogs”.

Six! We need to eat less.
Better to be thin
Strong, young!

Seven and I am already a family!
Since the soul is in place
We are happy together!

Eight! Do not ask for mercy.
We ourselves are a mustache
Do not joke with us!

Nine! Carefully!
Turn it. And here's the trouble
You will become a six then!

Ten is perfection.
Divided into two and five!
But it’s better to multiply!


One, two, three, four, five
I went to look for friends
By susks home
In abandoned corners
I am looking for them from each other,
On the roads in the wind
On cafes, on the Internet,
In conversations on greetings,
On vatsapam and on skype
Yes on different gold sites
There are no them here and there are no them there
In the morning, in the evenings
No on shops in the yard
I searched everywhere ...

This happens, life flies
Who will drive, who stars,
Who was covered with a copper basin
Who will cut the ends right away
That bicoline, that is many
That broom has a tongue!
You will live and not understand
What do you expect from a miracle?
Life shines with a smile of friendship
Without a guarantee for forever,
Someone is drunk, someone is narrowed
Someone is just a man!


Good morning, dear rain,
Are you standing or going?
So go. Let `s play:
Who will run faster
It will become a cloud and a bird.
Do you want to go to the sky? You're raining!
Hey, do not touch my hairstyle.
Do not smear the lipstick.
Life and since clowning.
Mascara, of course, flowed ...
This is a drop, not a tear.
No, not tears, I say.
You see, I get an umbrella.
You will become a "crybaby" call,
I will stand under an umbrella.
Frightened? Oh, hardly.
What, buddy, ran?


You are a pirate and I'm a pirate
We don't want to die
Who hangs on the ray
He lost today
You are a villain and I am a villain
You missed, I touched
Everything is in vain, we are to the weights
Do not go for the swans.


Twice two always four-
All the guys know in the world.
Well, if there are five-
We must re -count!
This conclusion is not for children
And for adults, aunt and uncle ...
Broke down the yeast-
We need to select the chips!

Counters for adults to raise the mood at the table

Counters for adults to raise the mood at the table
Counters for adults to raise the mood at the table

Counters for adults to raise the mood at the table:

Putin is eternal! But not me.
I am with a bean - vinaigrette.
Pour! And eat
But do not bother me to love.

I will fly for the clouds, -
Touched me!
I will charge the double -barreled man
I shoot duck in the sky.
The duck is dead.
“Tsyp, Tsyp, Tsyp” - tells me.
Eat the bird vinaigrette.
Putin is eternal! But not me.

He got up from the couch for an hour.
In two in the kitchen, I stole sausages,
At three sour cream ate from the bowl,
He washed at four,
I rode five on the rug,
At six I dragged herring from the tub,
At seven I played with mice in hide and seek,
Eight sly eyes squinted,
At nine ate and listened to fairy tales,
At ten went to the couch to sleep,
Because get up at an hour.

The centipede has fell ill the legs:
Ten aching and buzzing,
Five lame and hurt.
Help the centipede
Count the sick legs.

Once upon a time there were a vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you consider them together,
Three and two, of course, five!
You just know what is the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!

Along the path, along the path
Four prudes were walking.
And towards peas
Three potatoes passed.
If every Ponaroshka
Give for breakfast on potatoes,
Then one of the prudes
What will get? Peas.

The carriage was driving
On the old bridge.
The bridge fell apart
The carriage is to the bottom.
I don't feel sorry for the carriage to me
I don't feel sorry for the bridge for me
But I feel sorry for the princess
And the white horse.

Skinny pike from the river
The fishermen dragged.
Pike is worse than a predatory
Than the horror story of Kashchei.
We gave her vegetables
And thoroughly fat.
Pike slapped her tail
As if clicking a whip,
And with such a stroke strong
I split the table into chips.

One, two, three, four, five,
Six seven eight nine ten.
The king ordered me to hang me.
But the queen did not give
And hung the king.
The king hung, hung, hung,
The wind blew, it flew off
And flew into the trash.
And Boris lived in the trash -
Chairman of the dead rats,
And his wife Larisa -
Wonderful rat.
He rode the devil on the barrel.
Witch on a cart
Nuts clicked.
The devil fell from the barrel,
He hit the witch.
The witch was Yabeda
The brownie called.
The brownie filed a whistle
Come on, my friend!

Original counters for adult contests

Original counters for adult contests
Original counters for adult contests

Original counters for adult contests:

Two nipples walked
In the birch forest
And the hats lost
At twelve o'clock
And there was some uncle
And he picked up the hats
And the nipples shouted:
Stolen! Stolen! Stolen!
And at night they dreamed
Some kind of terrible dream:
As if under a bed
Players playing
And the girls are dancing
With a loose scythe,
And nipples steal
Sausages with sausage.


I will go outside,
I will catch the chicken there.
I will tie her by the tail -
It will be a steam locomotive!


I bought a cat
New boots.
I bought her cowards
I combed her a mustache.
Just how to wear them?
The tail has nowhere to put!


Tryndi-Bryndi, balalaika,
The mistress sits at the table.
Tryndi-Bryndi, sausage.
Ah, I am pride and beauty!

Tryndi-Bryndi Balalaika
A woman sits under the table
And in the chair a crocodile
I swallowed all the dishes
And jumped into the ceiling
Having pinched a navel!


I love green flies
And fried worms,
Fat belching
And the meat of the dead.
Oh what grace:
The skin is removed from the dead man,
And then chew her,
Wrap with warm pus ... Fu!


A guest sits at the table -
His nail is in his head.
I scored him so that the guest would not leave.
Very deep.


There is a basin on the table,
And the eye lies in the pelvis.
And the knife is also lying -
I brought him!


Who will repeat behind me
He dives into the restroom
And in the restroom red light,
You dive, but I don't!
And in the restroom, the light went out,
You dive like a rooster.


Old old woman
And the old woman is 40 years old
She goes to the toilet.
The toilet breaks -
The old woman is fading.


You are no longer a friend to me
I am no longer a friend.
Take your toys
And do not write in my pot!
Give my poop
Take your papers!
Mom will buy me a goat
I don't show you!
And the goat's name is Maroussia,
I am fighting her myself.


By the motive of the song "Together to walk in the vastness" together "
Together to walk along the lawns, on the lawns
And pour the flowers with acetone, acetone.


Fried chicken, soared chicken,
I went to Nevsky for a walk.
He was caught, arrested
They ordered a passport to show.
He took out a passport
He moved in the face
And he prepared to run
Behind him is a chase, four horses
And a policeman without panties.


Interpretation on the subject of a lullaby
Sleep my joy, fall asleep
Lights went out in the house,
Eyes on the shelf are lying
The ears in the saucepan boil.
The leg in the toilet sticks out
The hand on the couch lies,
Sleep my joy fall asleep
Lights went out in the house ....


From the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh
Where are we going with the heel?
On a meat processing plant.
Did you take a fork (spoon, knife)?
Of course not!
Then we go back!


From the song "Sweet the Blue Nights"
Sweet the barrels with gasoline.
We are pioneers, children of Georgians.
Dad is approaching with a thick belt,
Cloud of Pioneer - Let's take it off!
Click Pioneer - Let's take it off ...


On the motive songs about musketeers
So far, to the stages, we will analyze the school,
We’ll strangle teachers, and we will guide the head teacher,
Director will be forced to write control,
And if he does not write, give him under his ass.
English teachers will go into the toilet,
Let go, let it swim the English diver.
And if he does not swim, he will fly out the window:
Let him fly away by English g ....


Song from a pioneer camp on a motive from "elusive avengers":
Fatigue is forgotten, the child is swaying,
And again, the boys knock on our wall.
And we have no peace either at night or day,
On bunks, on bunks, on beds, in beds
Bad with a belt.

There is a pasta in your pocket and you have to have time
Sweep boys and heat the mop (another option ... and watch dreams).
And we have no peace either at night or day,
On bunks, on bunks, on beds, in beds
Bad with a belt.


Motorcycle Cycle Cycle
I tossed it all the way.
All the way about ..

There were poop on the road
We saw someone's legs
We ran away to the toilet -
There is a priest, there are no papers!


A plane, a plane, take me on flight,
And in flight empty, cabbage has grown,
And in the cabbage, the general washed his diapers!


The first of May is the chicken chicken!
And the rooster squinted a sausage!

Attention attention!
Says Germany.
Today under the bridge
They caught Hitler with a tail!


-Chizhik-flood, where were you?
- I drank vodka in the bazaar!
I drank a glass, drank two -
Spin in the head!


At the window there is a wife -
She does not need help:
The glass will tear off the lips
And she is a cold corpse ...


It’s good to be a cat, good with a dog
Where I want to write, where I want to poke.
I sway the hole, lay the poop,
I will pull the ass with a tongue - you do not need a piece of paper.


The king gathered on a campaign,
I ate sour cabbage soup.
In the campaign of a frost ... I,
And he died on the same day.


Two sailors were sitting,
They smoked cigarettes.
One missed -
I gave the dog
The dog ran
She said to the boss.
The boss was surprised
And it failed to the barrel.


There was a tram
Tenth room,
And in the tram
Someone died!
Pulling the dead man,
Tsynians-Brynians TsA-tsa!


There was a car in a dark forest
For some interest.
Go to the letter "Es"!
And on the beanger star
There are trains
If the train does not pass
The driver will go crazy


In the kitchen, grandmas fought, raised sausages.
A goal, a goal, a goal, football begins.

Madame Turlurley,
I love you!
I will sell panties,
And I will buy you!


The devils in the lake bathed,
The devils were pushed by the asses.
The devil was pushed
And the devil drowned ...


There was a crocodile
The phone smoked.
The tube fell
And wrote:
Snot came out!


The king went abroad
And the queen in Leningrad.
The king sowed wheat there,
And the queen of grapes.
There was a lot of grapes,
And wheat - not shisha.
The king cried with resentment,
And the queen: "Ha ha ha!"


There was a house on grief-re-re-re
There was a well in the yard-re-re.
Grandfather-day-day lived in this house
In the red hat, dressed-deta.
Grandfather began to yell-smell
Mashenka began to dance-spris.


On the military road
The rooster was crooked
And after him are eighteen chickens.
He went to the restaurant,
To drink a glass,
And the chickens bought lemonade.

Santa Claus rushed into the nose!
The wind whistles in the cemetery,
Removing the jerk of the beggar drill.
Suddenly the coffin cover opened
The evil skeleton crawls out:
- How did you dare at such a time
To defile my office?!
The beggar apologized for a long time
I plunged my mouth with a finger,
And the diarrhea did not stop
He crawled through his ears ...
Then the skeleton burst out laughing,
He jumped into the coffin and disappeared.

I'll go to the bazaar
Repeat the letters AR:
There is a fence in the bazaar,
He will remind the word OR:
There is a hole on the fence
Therefore, we will say:
And there is also a toilet
Let's say the word Ir:
Let Moore be written:
We said Ra again:
Cat Cat meowed Moore,
So Love is in cats UR:
Lost time in vain:
But the letters of the row:
The time has come to the store:
Recall the word Ra again:
The bandit has a pen,
But we know Ro:
Where did you go Marie,
Better sing to us the song "RI":
I will put on Zero:
I'll lose - there will be RO:
We composed Moore,
But then with the word ru:


Here is a certain thing - so I'm a certain!
A crow slammed from the branch!
It’s funny to everyone, and she attacks her -
Well, you have to fall like that!

Grandfather Cyril tomorrow morning
I wet my legs in a puddle,
And today he is kaloshi
For my misfortune, I drank it!

What are this miracles -
A hare and fox in the sky,
And behind them a crocodile! ..
In vain, I smoked a broom.

I bought my wife a cap -
Well, what a fool am I!
And I would buy a fur coat
And I would not give an oak!

I am three hundred years old today -
This is true, not nonsense!
I'll take the gun
And I will kill a cuckoo!
The horse is zealous.

Long -haired
Ralls the field
Drings the niva.
Who is the horse
He will catch
With us in the stamps


Oblique, scythe,
Do not go barefoot
And go shut on
Blaze the paws,
If you are shod
The wolves of the hare will not find.
The bear will not find you ...
Come out - you burn!


Bunny Trushka
He ran across the field.
I ran into the garden
I found cabbage
I found carrots,
Sits. Glasses.
The owner is coming!


Goat was walking along the bridge
And wagged her tail.
Hooked on the railing,
I got right into the river.
Who does not believe is he
Come out of the circle!


Belchata came to the meadow
Bear, badger.
On green on the meadow
Come and you, my friend.


- Mouse, mouse - long tail,
You do not hide deeply -
Invites a cat to visit
Drink fresh milk.
The mouse in the mink squeaked:
- Let him look for an eccentric.
I took out a bomb of the lard
I can do without milk.
- What are you hiding, coward?
Get out of the mink!
Let's play cat-mouse.
Mouse are you!
And the cat is him!


The bees flew in the field
They swore, buzzed,
The bees sat on flowers.
We play - you drive.


Jump and bracket
Jump and bracket
Bunny rides -
Gray side.
On the forest
By snow
He sat down under the bushes,
He wanted to bury.
Whoever caught him leads him.


Cockerel, cockerel,
Show your peel.
The casing burns with fire.
How many feathers are on it?
One, two, three, four, five…
It is impossible to count!


The toad jumped, galloped,
I almost fell into the swamp.
Grandfather came out of the swamp
Two hundred eighty years.
He carried herbs and flowers.
Come out of the circle.


I sailed across the sea
In the suitcase
There was a sofa
On the sofa
The elephant rode.
Who does not believe -
Get out!


Horses, horses, horses, horses,
We sat on the balcony.
They drank tea, beat the cups,
In Turkish they said.


Eni, Beni, Ricky, still,
Urba, Urba, Senderbryaki,
Eus, Daus, Cosmodeus - bam!


Aene, Ben, slave,
Queenter, Finter, toad.
Aene, Bene, Res,
Queener, Finter, Tors!


Along the path, along the path
Four prudes were walking.
And towards peas
Three potatoes passed.
If every Ponaroshka
Give for breakfast on potatoes,
Then one of the prudes
What will get? Peas.


ATs-battles, soldiers walked,
Ata-battles, to the bazaar.
ATs-bats, what have you bought?
Ata-battles, samovar.
ATs-Baty, how much did you give?
Ata-battles, one hundred pennies.
ATs-battles, come out,
Ata-battles, quickly.


Behind the high mountains
There is a bear with pies.
Hello, Mishenka is a friend,
How much does a pie cost?
Pies are not sold,
They themselves are put in their mouths,
But who will take them,
He will go to drive.


One, two, three, four, five…
We can’t count friends.
And without a friend in life is tight,
Come out soon from the circle.


It rolls on the ditch
Blue dress,
On the side is a green bow.
The musician loves me.
The musician is young,
Call him Volodenka.


There was a merchant past the market
And stumbled against the basket.
And fell into the pit - bang!
Crushed forty flies.


We are funny guys,
We love to run and jump.
One, two, three, four, five -
You try to catch up with us.


Dora, Dora - tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden.
They began to think and guess
How to punish a thief.
We tied the hands and legs
And let them down on the road.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found the basket.
In this small basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Who do you want to give!


Yana came out
In the morning early
Water the flowers.
Since a flower, two flowers!
To everyone and every sip!
And you will drive you!


Two caring old women
The grandmothers baked buns.
All around the table sat down,
They got drunk tea, ate.
They wanted to play.
You catch! I run away!


Earring fell in the snow,
And after him Alyosha,
And after him Irinka,
And behind her Marinka.
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys are in the snow?


One two three four,
Count the holes in the cheese.
If there are many holes in the cheese,
So, cheese will be delicious.
If it has one hole,
So, it was delicious yesterday!


I threw my ball easily.
But my ball fell from heaven,
He rolled into a dark forest.
One, two, three, four, five,
I'm going to look for him.


Luno Road, Luno Road
The moon goes forward.
He has long to go there.
And now you to drive!


The car was driving a dark forest
For some interest.
Inte-Inte interest,
Go to the letter "Es"!
The letter "Es" did not fit -
Go to the letter "A".
The letter "A" is not good -
Go to the letter "Sha"!


The sun is in the sky!
Salt - on bread,
Cherry - in the garden,
And you are in sight!
No matter how you hide -
I will find,
I'm already going!


There is a bottle on the window,
And in a bottle of lemonade.
Who will take a bottle as soon as possible
That victory will be glad.


Once upon a time there were a vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you consider them together,
Three and two, of course, five!
You just know what is the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!


One two three four,
We sat in the apartment.
They drank tea, ate rolls,
They forgot with whom they were sitting.


Walked from the pay -in -law
Fat uncle Robinson,
And from the pay -outs on the crowd
He acquired an umbrella.
The umbrella is cheap, three -ruble,
But so healthy,
To hide under it
It would be possible three!


On the stove Kalachi,
Like fire, hot.
The boy came
Burned a finger.
I went to the bazaar
He did not say anyone.

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