Developing, funny and musical counters for children 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old

Developing, funny and musical counters for children 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old

The article contains the most popular and beloved children developing counters for children

Children have long used oral folk art in their fun and games. Counters, tongue twisters are exclusively children's folklore, the authors of which are sometimes children themselves. This explains the presence of incomprehensible words in short poems that are inexplicable for adult topics and situations. Composing a count, children can show remarkable imagination and ingenuity.

Counters for children 4, 5 years old

Kids at the age of 4-5 show a keen interest in various counters, tongue twisters, because by this age they already consciously take part in outdoor group games. Over time, the kids use counts to solve important controversial issues: who is the first to play with the new machine, who is the first to throw the ball.

By the age of five, the child is able to remember a dozen short counters, but at the same time is not at all interested in more “perfect” children's poetry. Parents should not worry: the children will grow up, and the fashion for the counters will pass. In the meantime, they are happy to learn short rhymes, offer them a choice collected in this section of the counts. Let the kids develop memory

Tongue twisters for children
Counters for children 4 - 5 years old
Bunny white, what did you do?
- I collected mushrooms in the forest!
- Where are you carrying mushrooms?
- I carry them to the rabbits.

Like ours at the river
Fishermen argue loudly:
They just caught fish,
And now the bags are empty!
And in the sun is a cunning cat,
Heat a thick stomach.
He knows where the whole fish is!
And we also know, here!
The fuss has begun
Cat fishers catch!
He outwitted fishermen,
I hid the catch in my stomach!

I like the ravens to fly in the sky,
The guys began to count all the raven.
Who counts the raven
Come out of the circle!

The fox has a housewarming
Waiting for guests in the forest fun.
The first guest learned about this
And a raccoon with a bouquet came

Autumn Honest Counter:
In the sky, a jackdaw, in the kitchen a rolling pin,
There was an ax of firewood to chop.
Anyway to you to drive!

Ane-Ben, slave,
In the swamp, a toad
I caught midges
It seemed little.
Ane-Ben, a prod
The heron arrived.
The toad jumped into the swamp.
The hunt broke!

The river is a sheep
Lost a ring.
The ring rolled
It stopped in a circle.
There are guys
Played hide and seek.
Who caught the ring
He became a detective!

Count to ten
And try to find us!
Turn away, close your eyes.
Chur, you can’t peep!

Tongue twisters share of children 4-5 years old
Counters for children 6 - 7 years old

Counters for children 6, 7 years old

It is very useful to learn with kids, but it is no less useful to know and pronounce short rhymes for children 6-7 years old.

Thanks to the learning of short poems, the child trains memory, study the account. The more unusual the plot, the easier the child will remember the uncomplicated lines.

This section contains counters up to five and ten, as well as funny counters for games.

Barana walked along the road
They soaked the legs in a puddle.
One, two, three, four, five
We will wipe our legs!
Who is a handkerchief, some rags,
Who is a holey mitten!

Once, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's drop T -shirts!
Nine, ten - we sunbathe for a month!

Tongue Twisters
Counters for children 8-9 years old
One, two, three, four, five!
I learned to count!
He held out Kolka's hand to me:
"Count how many fingers!"
What can not be counted here:
"One, two, three, four, five!"

One, two, three, four, five!
We can’t count friends!
And without a friend in life is tight!
Take care of each other!

Cockerel, cockerel!
Show your peel!
The casing burns with fire
How many crossings are on it?
One, two, three, four, five!
It is not possible to count!

One, two, three, four, five!
We need to count the spoons!
One, two, three, four, five!
We need to count forks!
Tablespoons, forks, spoons, forks ...
Sawdles rustle in my head!

One, two, three, four, five!
I can count everything:
And the salacks on the mountain,
And strollers in the yard
And girls and boys,
Their sisters and brother,
And shelves in the gastronom
And the windows in our house!

Counts up to 10

I decided to count the raven:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six are a crow on the pillar,
Seven - a crow on the pipe,
Eight - sat on a poster,
Nine - feeds ...
Well, ten is a daw.
So the counters ended!

Once, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's drop T -shirts!
Nine, ten - we sunbathe for a month!

Counters for children 6-7 years old
Funny counters for children

Counters for children 8 years old

Schoolchildren use counters when there is a need for an honest and fair choice. Kids and older children rely only on honest lot. The guys can even brag about the knowledge of another interesting poem with friends, or announce the beginning of a new game.

Counters for schoolchildren have a longer and more complex text, and the fashion for easily pronounced rhymes passes. Each student has a favorite counter that he certainly uses during playing with peers.

The most popular children's counters sounding on school changes and playgrounds are presented in this section.

Counters for children 8 years old
Funny counters for children
One two three four-
I was taught literacy:
Do not count, do not write
Only ride a field.

I galloped, I galloped
I broke the scabbard
She began to get sick,
She began to regret her mother

She regretted, scolded
And she sent for a doctor.
Doctor rides on a bull
With a balalaika in the hand.

And you first come out!

Once, two, tire, four,
Five, six, seven,
Eight nine ten.
Sums over
White month!
Who will reach the month
He will go hiding!

One two three four,
They lived midges in the apartment.
The Sam-Dye went to them,
The cross - a big spider.
Five, six, seven, eight,
We are asking for a spider
You, glutton, do not go!
Well, Mishenka, drive.

Counters for children 8 years old
Counters for children 8 years old
Once Malinka, two raspberries,
I ate Marinka berries,
And in the basket of Marinka
There was nothing left.
Who will go to the berry
That basket will find.

Walked, passed
Not found,
Came out,

Gnomic was looking for gold!
And the cap lost!
He sat down, cried - how to be?!
Come out! Drive you!

Primes, others,
Saluns boys
They began to play,
Choose water.
Well, you, Dodon,
Go away!

They sat on a bench -
Tsar, prince,
King, Korolevich,
And who are you?

I took it, but I went out.

Counting for children
Counters for children 9 - 10 years old

Counting for children 9, 10 years old

It is useful to know and pronounce counters, because they expand figurative thinking, horizons, help in memorizing letters, numbers, and train memory. Counters develop a speech apparatus, a child’s diction, which positively affects speech: it becomes more clearly and expressive.

Counters for children 9-10 years old
Counters for children 9-10 years old
Hush, mice, a cat on the roof, and kittens are even higher.
The cat went for milk, and kittens are somersault.
The cat came without milk, and Kha ha ha kittens.

The cat is sitting in a cold,
In green in the garden.
Gray mustache scratches his paw,
But I'm not afraid of him!
I twisted my tail back and forth
The gray mouse caught.

Point, commas,
Minus, face curve.
Stick-stick, cucumber,
So the little man came out.

A cat came out by the cat
For the cat Kotovich - for Peter Petrovich!
He is Usat and strip
Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

Do you want a cat, milk?
We are far from home,
A long-long path awaits us.
Here on the left, turn
Do you see a bridge through the river?
I caught you by the tail!

Shvinchik, Brinchik went out,
He entered the boyar yard
There the boyars are sewing hats,
They put them on the window.

There was a cuckoo past the forest
For some interest.
Choose the letter "C".
The letter "C" did not fit
Choose the letter "A".

Once, two - there were ducklings.
Three, four - went home.
The fifth traveled after them,
The sixth fled in front
And the seventh is behind everyone,
Frightened, squealed:
- Where are you, where are you?
- Not food
- We’ll look for us here.

There are no lazy people in our class,
Only Vasya Nikolaev.
He comes to the lesson
Falls asleep like a marf.
Lodyr, a loafer, a lezboka,
I missed three lessons,
The fourth was late
The fifth disappeared somewhere,
On the sixth interfered with study,
I went to be treated at the seventh,
I played football at the eighth,
I did not come to the ninth.
On the tenth, core faces
On the fourteenth too,
On the twentieth I saw a dream
On the thirties is expelled.

Tongue twisters for children
Tongue twisters for children
In the thief
On the edge of the edge
Two cuckoos:

Bring me flour
I am for refreshments
I bake cookies.
You go, carry flour!

Funny counters for children

Counters with light humor will like children of both primary and senior school age, because they will definitely help to be distracted by a break from complex lessons.

One two three four,
Five, six, seven, eight -
The grandmother walks
With a long nose,
And for her grandfather.
How old is grandfather?
Speak as soon as possible
Do not delay people!

Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains,
Behind iron pillars
On the hill of the tower,
The lock is hanging on the doors,
You follow the key
And get a lock.

Along the river, along the gum,
A guy is going on a log.
The guy sees: in the depths
The old oak lies at the bottom.
The guy immediately jumped into the water
He put his hand under the deck
Under the column - Nora ...
You have to go out.

Hest hair - a hand hurts,
Letter to write - the hand hurts,
Wearing water - a hand hurts,
Cook porridge - hand hurts,
And the porridge is ready - the hand is healthy.

Counters for children 4-5 years old
Counters for children 4 - 5 years old
Tarya-Maria went to the forest,
She ate cones - ordered us.
And we do not eat cones,
We will give Tare-Mar!

A counting starts:
On the birch of the village of Galka,
Two crows, sparrow,
Three magpies, nightingale.

One, two, three, four, five,
We were going to play.
Forty of us flew to us
And I told you to drive.

The whip was floating at the whip,
Fried a balloon.
Help him find it -
Count to ten.


Counting developing with words
Counting developing with words
There was a grandmother from Zamorya, carried the bodies.
In that body lay mushrooms,
To whom - a mushroom, to whom - two,
And you, a child, are the whole body.

Eni, Beni, Ricky, still,
EUS, BAUS, Krasnades - Bats!
You drive this class!

Developing counters for children

Developing counters for children

Knowing counters, nannies and educators will be able to easily involve the guys in the game. Learn with the children!

Rain. rain. stop doing that,
Do not urine path
I’ll go for a walk anyway
I will put on a steering wheel

The car was driving a dark forest
For some interest.
Inte-Inte interest,
Go to the letter "Es".

Mandarin was rolled according to the name of Irinka,
I did not go to school - I received 2,
And when I went for a walk, I got the number 5,
And when I went home, I got the number 0!

Rain, rain, water,
Do not miss anyone!
There will be a cloud, there will be a thunder,
Come out soon!

Counters for children 10 years old
The karatyist was traveling on the cart,
He cut nuts.
To whom 2, to 3,
And you will be the driver.

On the road twisting his legs
Yogi sat on the nails.
Thirty days do not eat, do not drink
Anyway to you to drive.

Counting for children
One two three four.
They lived mice in the apartment.
They drank tea, washed the cups,
Three money paid.
Who does not want to pay
to drive it.

The horse is zealous
Long -haired
Ralls the field
Drings the niva.
Who will catch the horse
He plays with us for stems.

Hey! Ivan,
Come in a glass,
Cut the lemon
And go out!

One, two, three, four, five,
We will play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
Go to, drive!

In the porch, they were sitting:
Tsar, prince,
King, Korolevich,
Shoemaker, tailor ...
Who will you be?
Speak as soon as possible
Do not delay
Good and honest people!

ATs-battles, soldiers walked,
Ata-battles, to the bazaar.
ATs-bats, what have you bought?
Ata-battles, samovar.

ATs-Baty, what is he?
Ata-battles, gold.
ATs-Baty, how much does it cost?
ATs-battles, three rubles.

ATs-Baty, who comes out?
Ata-battles, it's me.

One, two, three, four, five-
A bunny came out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out
He shoots right at the bunny.
PIF-PAF, oh-oh,
My bunny dies.
They brought him to the hospital,
He stole a mitten there.
N -vezed him in the buffet,
He stole a hundred sweets there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.

The man rode along the road
I broke the wheel on the threshold ...
How many nails do you need?
Don't think for a long time
Speak quickly.

Bells, bells,
Pils flew
On the morning dew,
In the green strip.
We sat on the barn.
Run, catch up!

Musical counters for children
There was a cuckoo past the forest
For some interest
Inti, sex, interest
Go to the letter "C"
And on the beanger star
Sends trains
If the train does not work
The passenger will go crazy.

So the train did not go,
The passenger is crazy.
He climbed onto the ceiling
He tore off his navel.

And his wife is in response
"I have no green!"

Musical counters for children

This section contains popular children's musical counters or sentences, without which no group game is complete. The child will not have a question with them: “Why do I drive?”

We are going to play
Well, who to start?
One two Three,
You start

The suitcase sailed across the sea
There was a sofa in the suitcase
An elephant rode on the couch.
Who does not believe - go out!

Funny developing counters for children
We had kittens
One, two, three, four, five,
Come to us guys
View and count.

Since the kitten is the whiteest
Two kitten is the most daring
Three kitten is the smartest
And four are the most noisy

Five looks three and two
The same tail and head
Also a spot on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

We have good kittens
One, two, three, four, five
Come to us guys
See and count!

In this small basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Whoever you want, give it!

A German came out of the fog
I took a knife out of my pocket
I will cut, I will beat -
Who will you be friends with?

A month came out of the fog,
He took out a knife from his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
Anyway to you to drive!

Eniki Beni ate dumplings
Eniki Beniki-Kleets!
The Russian sailor came out.

Russian folk counters for children

For a long time, those times were forgotten when the adults were used in the distribution of work: on hunting, during fishing, harvesting. Some types of work, especially difficult or dangerous for health, did not agree to perform of their own free will. The revenue came to the rescue. It is not insulting and fair if the work falls on the account.

Sometimes non -existent words or abracadabra were used in the text count. This is explained simply: people believed in the power of the word, therefore they came up with peculiar spells. What were Russian folk counters? Read this section.

  • Asik, Masik, wine gutter, prince, king, cups, spoons, honey,sugar
  • I take a berry, black currant, a priest in a glass, mother in sleeve, a gray bear honey on a shoulder blade; Take, Bear, run after me
  • Gori, firewood, hotly, Zakharka will come, on the written sledges, on the mare herself, wife on the cow, children on calves, on ripples, on pegy dogs
  • Ivan the Bolvan, the milk was chatting, but did not wrap it up, he gave his wife, his wife She spilled, the bull gave birth, the bull whistled, shook behind the hens, the hens fly, the heads are racking, Ivan picks up
  • The apple rolled around the garden, whoever lifts it, he will come out
  • KOVA, NOVA, what is it savvy? Golden, podopolite, Median finger, with a golden Hands for the stove
  • Edges, hump, slice
  • Kuzka and Vaska went to Vyatka, bought two hats about four corners - there is an angle, a corner here, a brush on a middle, on the back of the head of a whip (pull the hair in a card game)
  • Kulia, Kulia, Baba, did not get their eyes, go to the kut, there are girls there, you they will give money, either a handle of a handle, or a crest in the forehead
  • An owl flew from Krasnoye Selo, a sova sat on four stakes
  • Odian, Othersian, Troachanes, Cherychan, Padan, incense, Sukman, Dukman,levurda, Drux
  • Lon, Popino, Mervikira, Gayns, Dain, was stumbled, displayed, Rybchin, Dybchin, Klek
  • Pen, era, chukha, ruffle, heel, honeycomb, willow, oak, poppy, crosses
  • Pervanchiki, friends, rolled kolobanchiki, for five bonfires Half of the firewood, Shurin rode, carved a skull, a bald skull - he went out, went over there
  • Pervachiki, friends, boaters on the deck; Predatan, another day, on the deck
  • Brought -up, five hundred judge, sexton boat, shark a cat, bluethe leg, the prefers, burned, flew across the sea, the church fell behind the sea, the church became, kum and kuma, a shelf of wine, he and straw, wild onion - over there
  • Perevets, friends, swans by nam, bush of whistle, pig, Polyanka, sewn, went out, he, Rodion, go over!

Counters of tongue twisters for children

Studying the tongue twisters and pronouncing them at a fast pace, in addition to entertaining function, helps to improve diction, develops speech. A child who memorizes or reads tongue twisters learns faster to formulate a beautiful even speech, pronounces all the letters, without “swallowing” them.

The tongue twisters presented in this section are divided into categories depending on the complexity of the pronunciation.

The tongue twisters for the letter “P” and the hissing consonants are considered obligatory for reading, thanks to which diction improves. After the child begins to easily cope with simple tongue twisters, he can be offered to read more intricate texts. So that the study does not cause boredom, in the section there are also funny tongue twisters.

Counting for children
Counting for children

Tongue twisters to the letter p

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass
Do not rub firewood on the yard.

Karl at Clara stole corals,
Clara at Karl stole a clarinet.

The otter ducked into a bucket from the otter.
The otter in a bucket of water drowned.

The ships were maneuveled, maneuamed,
Yes, they did not catch.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees Greek - in the Rak River.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer by the hand of Greek - DAC!

Tell us about the purchases
About what about purchases?
About purchases, about purchases,
About my purchases.

In the bowels of the tundra
Others in the leggings
Tireless in buckets
Cedar nuclei!
Tearing from otter
In the tundra, hetras
I will pull it out
cedar nuclei
I will pull out the hetra
Open the face
Nuclei in buckets
I extinguish in the tundra!

Sawing sounds with hiss

Tongue twister for the letter f

Frightened by a teddy bear
Hedgehog with Hedgehog and Yezhonk,
Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

Tongue twister for the letter h

Four turtles have four turtles.
Four black, chumazenny drawings
Drawing a drawing with black ink.

On the edge of the hut
Old women-bolts live.
Each old woman has a basket,
In every basket, a cat,
Cats in the baskets sew boots to the old women.

FROM shila Sasha Sasha's hat,
Sashka with a cap the bump.

Two puppies, cheek cheek,
Pierce the brush in the corner.

Sasha walked along the highway
And sucked drying.

Rustles in a hut
Yellow dervish from Algeria
And, juggling with knives,
A thing eats figs.

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
I put on a cuckoo hood.
How funny in the hood!

Funny tongue twisters for entertainment

The mouse climbed under the lid,
To gnaw under the lid,
The mouse is probably a lid -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

Skinny, weak -wing koshchei
Drags a box of vegetables.

The parrot spoke of the parrot:
I am a parrot, a parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!

I cunning a magpie catch the hassle,
And forty -forty - forty maxims.

Children's counters are funny
Complex tongue twisters for children

Complex tongue twisters

(it is better to learn them by heart to speak without hesitation)

A tongue twister about the Chinese

There were three Chinese-yak, yak-cydrak, yak-cydrak-zidron-zydroni,
And three more Chinese women-chick, chip-drip, chip-drip-lamponies.
Yak got married on a chip, yak-cydrak on a chip-double,
Yak-Zidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsype-Drype-Lumbling.
They had children: Yak with Tsypa - Shah,
The yak-cydrak with a chick-drip-Shah-Sharah,
Yak-Zidrak-Zidroni with chip-drip-lamponi-Shah-Shari-Sharoni.

Kira and Fira
There was a feast in the apartment:
Fakir ate marshmallows and
Kefir drank fakir.
And Fira and Kira
They didn’t drink kefir
They did not eat marshmallows -
They fed Fakira
There is no apricot, coconut, radishes,
Paltus, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, a longboat and a cable,

Thermos, press, Hindus-mattress,
There is no bass, taste, weight and demand,
There is no interest - there is no question.

“If you did not live near the blackberry,
But if you lived near the strawberry,
then it means strawberry jam to you familiar
And not the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry,
then, the blackberry jam is familiar to you,
And not the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a blackberry,
And if you lived near the strawberry
And if you did not regret the time on the forest,
then, the obsequious jam, blackberry,
Strawberry jam you ate daily. "

Tensor in English with translation
Counting for children in English

Counting for children in English with translation

Studying the tongue twisters in English and their pronunciation contributes to the development of speech in terms of pronouncing unusual children for Russian -speaking children. The children studying English who are 6 years old can also practice in pronouncing tongue twisters in English.

How Much Wood Wood a Woodchuck Chuck
IF A Woodchuck COULD Chuck Wood?

How many firewood would be abandoned
If the groundhog could throw firewood?

Can You Imagine An Imaginary Menagerie Manager
Managing An Imaginary Menagerie?

You can imagine an imaginary head of the zoo,
Which leads an imaginary zoo?

Any Noise Annoys An Oyster
but noisier noise annos an oyster most.

Any noise annoys oyster,

She Sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore,
The Shells She Sells Are the Sea-Shore Shells, I’m Sure.

She sells sea shells on the seashore,
The shells that she sells is sea shells, I'm sure.

Video: about waking children's songs and counters in English

Invite the children funny and funny skeletons-readers. Let them develop in a playful way.

Video: Counting up to ten

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