Self -sufficient person: concept, signs. How to become a self -sufficient person?

Self -sufficient person: concept, signs. How to become a self -sufficient person?

In this article we will find out who such self -sufficient people are how to recognize them and become like that himself.

Everyone today has probably heard of self -sufficient people. But who are they? Why are they called that? How to determine whether a self -sufficient person? Let's find out.

Self -sufficient person: concept, signs

Modern women
Modern women

A self -sufficient person is a person who adequately evaluates himself and has inner dignity. Often such people are compared with egoists, but is it so? Where is that line between self -sufficiency and egoism?

A self -sufficient person is always distinguished by several signs:

  • He is calm

He will never envy, be jealous, or show aggression. He does not lend itself to external factors and looks at the whole world, as it were, he is not interested in conflicts, because he is not going to prove anything to anyone, as well as arguing.

  • He does not know how to be jealous

Jealousy is a sense of insecure people when it seems to them that they are worse than others and their beloved will definitely leave. Even if a self -sufficient person finds himself in such a situation, he will let go calmly, because he has his own values \u200b\u200binside, and not another person.

Jealousy is not always present only in the relationship of a man and a woman. It can be a mother and a son, when, for example, she does not accept her daughter -in -law. It seems to her that she is not at all the one who needs her son. Father may be jealous of his son -in -law, when it seems to him that he does not care about his daughter so well. And then every parent in this situation forgets that in his youth he made mistakes.

  • He does not manipulate
What does self -sufficiency mean?
What does self -sufficiency mean?

A self -sufficient person will never impose his desires to others. Children who cannot accept the new husband of a mother or father’s wife just do not have this feeling. Perhaps parents simply could not explain that they also have the right to happiness, and then manipulations are used.

When parents do not have a sense of self -sufficiency, they feel guilty and abandon their happiness. For children, this behavior is excusable, and adults should not come across provocations. In the future, when a child becomes an adult, he will manipulate a husband or wife. In this way, he will, as it were, “beg” with love - to arrange constant tantrums, put pressure on pity.

It turns out that self -sufficiency is selfishness? No. This is not true. Self -sufficiency is when a person just knows what he wants and can achieve this without manipulations. If he needs help, he will ask her, but he will never depend on another. He is ready and help, not for something, but simply because he has something to give.

  • He helps

Often such people create assistance funds for others, give money for operations to children or transfer to orphanages. And they are not looking for fame from this. Egoists are not capable of this.

  • He does not live

Unless, of course, he is not a famous person. In any case, even the famous will not tell everyone about his personal life and the life of children. He will not brag about his achievements and charity.

  • Smoothly goes to the goal
Achieving fir -up by a self -sufficient person
Achieving fir -up by a self -sufficient person

Such people do not need PR to prove their significance. They are independent of other people's assessments. They consider it important inside themselves and they do not consider something necessary.

Another self -sufficient person understands well that not all people are smart. He does not try to prove that the smartest is. In many ways, it depends on age and education, but still. If a person tries to prove to someone that he is smarter, then he cannot be called self-sufficient.

  • He does not need someone else's approval

Self -sufficient people accept themselves as it is. In childhood, the opinion of our parents is important to us, at an older age we listen to friends, and often we advance on our desires. We choose partners who are more like not even us, but to society and accept all its rules. However, with age, there is an understanding that the profession, husband, wife and other features of life we \u200b\u200bneed, and not to anyone else there. And a person understands that it is necessary to live in such a way that it is comfortable, and not so that society accepts.

How to become a self -sufficient person?

It seems very difficult to be self -sufficient. However, many strive for this, because self -sufficient person is independent from anyone and from anything.

Despite the fact that not all people become self -sufficient, yet they adopt some qualities. So, in order to become a self -sufficient person, you need to develop the following qualities in yourself:

How to develop self -sufficiency?
How to develop self -sufficiency?
  • Learn to make decisions yourself. Train your courage in different situations, learn to say no and not be afraid to offend a person. This will help you harden your personality and satisfy your own needs.
  • Learn to be independent. The mood and spiritual mood do not depend on the surrounding circumstances. Various caustic remarks, neglect or other life circumstances will not be forced to worry.
  • Choose the job to your liking. It is very difficult to find a way for yourself. However, if you do this all the same, then in your life there will be a lot of happiness, and you will also gain shine in your eyes.
  • Follow the balance in relations with your favorite. Love is not a reason to forget about yourself and your hobbies. This will remain unique and not to might in love.
  • Find a wide range of communication. Much acquaintances, constant communication do not allow to close in itself and remain without new information. It’s even a little flirt with someone.
  • Learn to be mysterious. It is very simple - do not tell everything and everyone. Always leave a little secret. It gives mystery, as well as sexuality.
  • Set the boundaries. You always need to set priorities in relationships and what is unacceptable to immediately discuss with a partner. The conversation should be soft, but hard.
  • Take care of yourself. Love and care for themselves always give energy and joy.
  • Learn to control emotions. Constant tantrums indicate self -doubt. So learn to restrain yourself and not show your emotions. How to do it correctly the article will tell: "How to learn to control your emotions?".

Self -sufficient people are the worst - is it true?

Self -sufficient - terrible people
Self -sufficient - terrible people

A self -sufficient person is a terrible person. Some really think so. Yes, they are independent and live according to their own rules. If you remove them from society, then they will live well without it.

You can be very dear to such a person, but he does not intend to become unhappy because of you. He will just leave, because people with the universe will not lose anything inside.

Yes, it may seem that self -sufficiency is bad, but in fact, such people are only independent. In fact, this is both a gift and a curse at the same time, because it is quite possible that a person will remain lonely.

Self -sufficient person according to the zodiac sign: a rating of self -sufficiency of the zodiac signs

Depending on the zodiac sign, people can differ in different levels of self -sufficiency. Yes, a self -sufficient person is a strong person. So, we have placed the signs of the zodiac depending on their level of self -sufficiency.

  • Virgo

The Virgin approaches the relationship as an analyst. It is difficult for her to trust a person and she will be very careful with him. While Virgo did not understand whether it was possible to trust a person, she will stay from him at a distance. This is not the easiest person in a relationship. Virgo will only fall in love when the defense weakens, and for this she needs a person who will trust her.

  • Scorpion

Scorpio is one of the most emotional signs and sometimes, it is difficult for him to decide what he wants. It can be cold and detached, and after 5 minutes passionate hot. In this regard, he is unpredictable. Emotionally Scorpio in a relationship often depleted and quickly leaves. Only when an emotionally representative of the sign will be ready for relations, he will succeed.

  • Sagittarius

Energetic sign. It is distinguished by love for freedom. It is very interesting, but unstable. He always strives for adventures and obtaining his dose of adrenaline. He is always in motion. In a relationship, he needs a person to match him, otherwise nothing will work out, because the partner will not like to live like that, or the Sagittarius himself will leave him, considering it too boring.

  • Aquarius

These are secretive people. They are not inclined to let someone into their world. It becomes more complicated from the fact that Aquarius tries to maintain a distance. He needs one to whom he can trust and feel comfortable, being vulnerable to fall in love and love.

  • Twins

Very indecisive and too emotional. It is tiring to communicate with them, but this means that they love with their hearts and trust their feelings. The twin in love gives himself to the relationship completely. Such love can scare, but this is not available to everyone.

  • a lion
When is a self -sufficient person?
When is a self -sufficient person?

Leo does not need his partner too much and he must understand this so that there is no feeling that they do not like him. Despite the fact that the representative of the sign himself rarely reaches for people, everything is attracted to him. It is impossible not to love him, because he is so interesting and bright. But the price may be too high.

  • Aries

It is distinguished by activity and passion. He is completely devoted to love if he really loves. He will help in everything and will never leave alone. By the way, he will achieve the relationship stubbornly. If he set a goal for himself, then be sure he will achieve her.

  • Taurus

Honest and devoted sign. If he loves, then these are not just words, but a real feeling. In a relationship, he is very devoted to his loved one. This is very difficult to meet. So, if Taurus fell in love with you, then do not let him go. Keep as strong as possible.

  • Scales

Libra wants to always make a loved one happy and for this they are ready for anything. Libra will try to make sure to be sure of the happiness of their partner. It is always easy to love them, because they are sincere and always want to answer their feelings.

  • Fish

This is most likely the most loving sign. He lives deeply all emotions and it is easy for him to express his feelings. Fish are always open and do not hide anything. They go through any difficulties and still return to a loved one. Such love happens only once in a life.

  • Crayfish

Supreme is what is what you should expect from them. They are sensitive and unconditionally love. They know how to forgive others and endure a lot. You can always rely on them and even no matter what time the time is now. They will always help. Cancer is a real embodiment of love.

Video: Self -sufficiency. Know your demons. Part one. Anna Boginskaya

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