How are human feelings differ from his emotions: comparison, psychology, a brief description of characteristics and properties. A list of positive and negative feelings and emotions: a decryption table. Is it possible and how to control emotions and feelings: education of emotions and feelings

How are human feelings differ from his emotions: comparison, psychology, a brief description of characteristics and properties. A list of positive and negative feelings and emotions: a decryption table. Is it possible and how to control emotions and feelings: education of emotions and feelings

In this article you will get acquainted with feelings and emotions.

We fall in love, rejoice, angry, indignant, hate, love - and all this is called emotions and feelings. Let's talk about them in this article.

What is, and what feelings and emotions are: definition, name

Manifestation of emotions and feelings

Emotions - The instant reaction of a person to what is happening around him. Emotions appear in a person on an animal level, appear and disappear. A manifestation of emotions can be:

  • Surrounding
  • Sadness
  • Joy
  • Despondency
  • Indifference
  • Anger

The senses - These are also emotions, but on an ongoing basis, they last for a long time. Feelings arise in the process of long thinking, experiences, on the basis of life experience. There are feelings:

  • The largest and most constant feeling is love, but most likely, not men and women, but mother and child, and vice versa.
  • A sense of duty to parents, family.
  • Feeling of devotion to the spouse.
  • A sense of responsibility for the family and children.
  • Some people are familiar with the feeling of inspiration at interesting work.

List of positive and negative feelings and emotions: a decryption table

Negative and positive emotions

Positive emotions and feelings:

  • Joy
  • Delight
  • Pleasure
  • Pride
  • Glee
  • Confidence
  • Sympathy
  • Confidence
  • Delight
  • Attachment
  • Gratitude
  • Respect
  • Tenderness
  • Taping
  • Bliss
  • Anticipation
  • Pure conscience
  • A sense of security

Negative emotions and feelings:

  • Gloat
  • Dissatisfaction with something
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Sorrow
  • Yearning
  • Surrounding
  • Fear
  • Despair
  • Resentment
  • Fright
  • A pity
  • Fear
  • Sympathy
  • Regret
  • Hostility
  • Annoyance
  • Hatred
  • Anger
  • Disturbance
  • Despondency
  • Jealousy
  • Envy
  • Boredom
  • Anger
  • Horror
  • Uncertainty
  • Shame
  • Mistrust
  • Rage
  • Confusion
  • Disgust
  • Contempt
  • Disappointment
  • Repentance
  • Bitterness
  • Intolerance

This is not all the emotions and feelings manifested by a person. All manifestations of emotions cannot be calculated, like two or three colors composed together, from which a third, completely new color appears.

Emotions and feelings are called positive, because when they manifest them, they enjoy a person, and negative - dissatisfaction. From the list of emotions, we see that there are much more negative emotions than positive ones.

Types, classification of feelings and emotions

The main feelings and emotions, and derivatives from them

Emotions are the momentary manifestations of our reaction to actions from the outside. With such emotions as discontent, surprise, joy, fear and anger, we are born. If a small child is uncomfortable - he cries, fed, quipped - he rejoices.

But not all emotions are innate, some can be acquired in certain life situations. Even the kids understand this, arranging a hysteria if they want to achieve anything.

The main manifestations of emotions and feelings are 5, and derivatives come from them:

  1. Joy, and from her went: delight, fun, surprise, tenderness, gratitude, inspiration, hobby, peace.
  2. Love further: love, trust, tenderness, bliss.
  3. Sadness, and went: disappointment, sadness, regret, despair, loneliness, depression, bitterness.
  4. Anger, and it went further: rage, irritation, anger, hatred, revenge, indignation, resentment, envy.
  5. Fear, and its derivatives: anxiety, excitement, anxiety, fright, shame, wine, horror, revenge.

All emotions, except for those with which we are born, are acquired on our life path.

Why more emotions than feelings?

Expression of emotions and feelings

Emotions are temporary states, and even for one hour they can change dozens. In order for emotion to go to life you need to wait long, sometimes years. And if the feeling has appeared with us, it can last decades, while emotion lasts a couple of seconds, respectively, there are much more emotions than feelings.

How are human feelings differ from his emotions: comparison, psychology, a brief description of characteristics and properties

How to find out what feeling is and what emotions?

  • We control with feelings, and it is very difficult to control emotions, most often it is impossible.
  • Feelings are manifested on the basis of constant simple emotions, and emotions are momentary.
  • Feelings are formed in the process of life experience, and we are born with emotions.
  • The feeling cannot be realized, and we are aware of emotions, more often in the past tense.
  • Feelings are durable, and emotions arise for a short time in response to some action from the outside. We express our emotions with a cry, laughter, cry, hysteria.
  • Feelings arise from emotions, and for such a transition of emotions to feelings, time needs.

The border between feelings and emotions is very difficult to determine. Sometimes for a long time we cannot understand what condition we really have - emotions or feeling. An example of this, love and love.

The functions and role of emotions and feelings in the psychology, human life, the connection of emotions and feelings with the body: description, external manifestations

Anger brought to affect

Emotions are not only words, but there may be actions. Everyone knows how the smile of another acts on one person. If a smiling person is sincere, he can infect with his smile and others. Thanks to emotions, we better understand each other.

Feelings and emotions are manifested by 4 species:

  • The feeling itself
  • Manifestation of mood
  • Passion
  • Affect

Feeling - negative or positive manifestation of human properties.

Mood - The background for the actions of the human psyche.

Passion - The feeling is strong and rather long.

Affect - A very strong feeling, lasting a short time.

Following this classification:

  • Surprise is a feeling, and amazement, bliss is the same feeling, but brought to affect
  • Anger - feeling, rage - a feeling brought to affect
  • Joy - feeling, delight - a feeling brought to affect

Words expressing feelings and emotions: List

Expression on the face

We are born with some emotions. Emotions are well manifested on our face. A small child who does not know how to speak already shows his emotions perfectly.

The expression of the simplest emotions and feelings:

  • Apathy is complete indifference.
  • Higherness is the loss of all hopes.
  • Anxiety is a manifestation of anxiety, excitement, bad forebodings.
  • Fun - I want to laugh.
  • Indignation is dissatisfaction with all.
  • Highness is a contemptuous attitude towards other people.
  • Sadness is a condition when it seems that everything is in gray tones.
  • Pity is a sense of compassion for others.
  • Envy is a test of bitterness from what others do, but you do not.
  • Anger is indignation, and the desire to make unpleasant object to another object.
  • Fright - a reaction to a sudden danger.
  • Enjoyment is a feeling associated with the satisfaction of your interests.
  • Hatred is a strong anger to another object.
  • Loneliness is a state when there is no one to talk to heart to.
  • Sorrow is a state of longing for the past or present.
  • Shame - experiences about an unworthy act.
  • Happiness is a state of internal satisfaction with something.
  • Anxiety is a condition caused by internal stress.
  • Surprise is a quick reaction to a sudden event.
  • Horror is a strong fear in a collision with a threatening object.
  • Fury is a manifestation of anger in aggressive form.

Louule Viilma - a woman lives with emotions, a man with feelings: what does this mean?

Depending on the prevailing emotions, each person has its own diseases

Louule Viilma - Estonian doctor gynecologist and a big expert on the human soul, author of 8 books. In her articles, she i tried to convey to people that our health is associated with the state of mind, our emotions are associated with diseases, and only we, adjusting our emotions, are able to cure ourselves.

The fact that a woman lives with emotions, and a man can be learned from Louul Viilm's book “The Beginning of Male and Female”. If someone is interested, you can read here.

Is it possible and how to control emotions and feelings: education of emotions and feelings

Emotions can be directed in the right direction from childhood

Thanks to emotions and feelings, our life becomes interesting, but at the same time, excessive emotions affect our health and psyche, so we need to learn how to manage our emotions.

How to manage emotions?

  • First, you need to admit to yourself that not all the emotions that you have positive.
  • Express each manifestation of negative emotions.
  • Do not take all negative emotions at your own expense. If the boss shouted at you - this does not mean that you are a bad worker, maybe he had a bad mood.
  • To control your negative emotions and prevent them from the next time.
  • Learn to control your explosive nature and manifestation of violent emotions, for example, with the help of simple ways of meditation, special trainings.
  • Now there are a bunch of books and films with which you can learn to control your emotions.

So, we learned a little more, and met our feelings and emotions.

Video: Disney cartoon for children of a puzzle, our emotions

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