Why is it important to be able to control your emotions? How to control your emotions: psychologists' advice

Why is it important to be able to control your emotions? How to control your emotions: psychologists' advice

Emotions are always very good, but it is important to learn to cope with them in difficult life situations. How to deal with its sudden feelings will tell our article.

Thanks to emotions, we become people. But sometimes it becomes not entirely appropriate to show feelings, because they interfere with sensibly and eventually errors appear. Let's figure out how to properly control your emotions and why do you need it at all?

Why is it important to be able to control your emotions?

Why is it important to be able to control emotions?
Why is it important to be able to control emotions?

Before you understand how to control your emotions, it is important to understand why this is generally required. First of all, control avoids many problems and stress. Usually people do not control their emotions. When a person does not know how to control himself, he becomes like a car without brakes. As a result, an accident inevitably occurs. To learn how to control emotions is to take over yourself, as well as over other people.

All surrounding people feel when there is a person nearby who is able to influence them. I mean, he knows how to lead or play with emotions.

If you do not learn to control emotions, then some consequences will come for sure:

  • Negative thinking is formed. When a person is emotionally suppressed, he is more than the rest of the influence of others. So, in order not to spread the negative, you need to control yourself.
  • Inner concern appears. If a person is constantly negative, then this leads to his degradation emotionally. Simply, then the inability to control emotions leads to a decline in mental strength and physical.
  • Loss of friends and acquaintances. No one will like it when a person is constantly in a bad mood. This repels and friends do not try to communicate with such people. Therefore, in order to maintain friendship, learn to control yourself.
  • Isolation from society. When a person does not know how to control himself, he looks like a beast. He becomes inadequate and no one understands him.
  • Loss of control over feelings. It is important to control yourself so as not to harm anyone, including yourself. If you do not follow your feelings, then you can lose a lot.
  • Human life harm. Often, a strong imbalance in emotionally leads to serious losses, for example, this is manifested in harm or suicide.
Why can I be able to control yourself?
Why can I be able to control yourself?

By the way, it is important to control and not suppress emotions. If you always choose the second option, then the problems will clearly not be solved. Most likely, you are just afraid of the consequences. So, if a person does not know how to control himself, then he will have a lot of unresolved problems and urgent emotional discharge is required. This is true, because first everything will have to be reset and only then begin to control yourself.

Psychologists recommend splating out emotions by talking with who is ready to listen. If you always suppress yourself, then inevitably in the end, this approach will lead to negative consequences, because suppression is not control. When suppressed, emotions inside are accumulating and eventually come out, and far from the best way - in the form of hysteria, a strong scandal.

How to control your emotions: psychologists' advice

We have already figured out why it is important to control ourselves, but how to control your emotions? There are some tips from psychologists that will help you in any situation:

  • Do not swing

Always adjust the intensity of your emotions as a temperature on a thermostat. It should never be too hot or cold. Must observe the balance for good health.

For example, too strong delight can be inappropriate, like too aggressive behavior. A person who knows how to manage is always trying to prevent disharmony inside.

  • Stop and think
How to control yourself?
How to control yourself?

It seems to be "exploding" now? This is a very dangerous condition and it is better to get out of it as soon as possible. Instead of a quick reaction to the situation, think about what can be used to resolve the issue. Cool down a little and think. Focus on the problem and begin to analyze it. The pause will allow you to think objectively and discard emotions. Then there is a sure solution.

  • Avoid too much emotional overload

When a person is loaded emotionally, he is strongly captured by a particular feeling. This is immediately noticeable in the physical state - the heart begins to beat faster, breathes, knees tremble and sick. Feel something like that? This means that you are overloaded. Your task at such a moment gather and process information in parts. Return to yourself as quickly as possible. Well, when the head “sober up”, then give an assessment of the situation and solve the problem.

  • Practice deep breathing

When you are emotionally overloaded, your heart and all muscles work actively. You are strongly strained and feel broken. So that there are no such jumps, learn to breathe deeply. Thanks to oxygen, the brain will be able to relax. The technique is quite simple: put off all things and sit calmly, close your eyes and slowly inhale through your nose and count to five, and then hold your breath for a couple of seconds and exhale with a score also to five. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

  • Avoid emotional companies

People often infect each other with their emotions, and therefore it is better to avoid negative people. You will not even notice how to accept their point of view. The same applies to too emotional people. So that you always have harmony inside, it is better to avoid such personalities.

  • Think not about the problem, but about ways to solve
Think about ways to solve the problem
Think about ways to solve the problem

To negative situations, people often respond to the corresponding ones. Yes, sadness and anger for different circumstances are normal, but irrational. Never hide on your thoughts about the problem itself, it is better to consider your further actions.

Apply all your imagination to find a solution. As long as you do this, emotions will not be so important and in any situation you will remain the winner.

How to control your emotions in a relationship: Tips

Do you often have that you first shout at your husband, and then regret it? Maybe you say some offensive things that you yourself do not believe in? Then you definitely need to figure out how to control your emotions.

In a relationship, this skill is very important, but how to purchase it? In fact, there is only one advice - to work on yourself constantly. Without this, nothing will work out, and a few simple rules will help you cope with any situations:

  • Do not dramatize

Often women simply “pump” the situation and from any little thing a big scandal is obtained. For example, he did not call you. Does this mean that he does not give a damn about you, he does not love you? Of course not. But completely different thoughts climb into my head.

Keep in mind that resentment or anger is not even manifested at the event, but on how you feel about it. Learn to be more positive and reasoning wider. Your man may have an important project at work and he has no time, maybe he simply does not want you to miss him. Or he just forgot to do this, this happens too, and you should not make a reason for great resentment from this. Be easier! No need to dramatize.

  • Take care of your emotional state

Imagine that you are very tired and are already on the verge of a breakdown. And then the husband came home an hour later. You immediately “lower” all the dogs on him, splash out everything that accumulated inside at work and all the fatigue.

That is, it turns out that you fell into a person, although he is not even to blame. He simply was not at that moment nearby. So, you must take care of yourself and your own well -being. Then the husband will be happy, because instead of your tantrums, he will see a smile.

  • Be a good and happy wife
Be happy
Be happy

Try to achieve this. Yes, it will be difficult, but in the end it can become your second nature and it will be easy for you to always give a positive to a man. Read more books, watch films, communicate with people who, in your opinion, have achieved success.

Change your image, because you didn’t choose it, you just had to behave. In other words, become the one you want. It will become a habit very quickly and you yourself will not notice how you have changed.

  • Analyze the results and intentions

Each of your action carries kindness. For example, the wife screams at her husband to achieve from him an understanding of her sensations. Do you think this gives this results? Of course not. In this case, the husband simply begins to ignore and stand his ground.

Every time you want to shout, think about, do you need it? What do you want to achieve? Ask these questions always, and not just act automatically.

  • Calculate up to 10 and take a deep breath

When a stressful situation arises, I immediately want to either attack or run away. Therefore, a woman mainly arranges a scandal, or leaves offended. Both behavior options are not true.

Remember always that a person does not begin to think rationally immediately, but a little later. Therefore, first slowly count to 10 and then react.

  • Go to another room and beat the pillow
Do not Cry
Do not Cry

The most extreme case for a splash of negativity is the use of a pillow. Take it, beat or burden your face and shout loudly. Be sure that there are enough several minutes to feel normally again. Now you are ready to talk and resolve issues.

Remember that it is impossible to control everything, so just humble yourself with the situation and own yourself.

How to control your emotions at work?

Often people have a question of how to control their emotions at work, because this is not just a good tone, but a sign of professionalism. How to restrain yourself correctly?

Each large company today teaches its employees and requires a polite smile from them, a friendly attitude to customers. When working with people, it is very important to control yourself and not express your personal opinion.

  • Irritation

Of course, no matter how hard you try, to love all people will not work. There will always be those that are annoying, even if there is no reason for this. If you have such a person surrounded and you just cannot but contact him, then try to understand what exactly you do not like. This is quite difficult, because it seems that everything is infuriated simply, but you have to try.

If the reason is found - tell me about it and discuss the problem together. Then it will be much easier to work together.

If you come across customers who annoy you, then you give them the highest quality service and be friendly. Imagine that between you a wall where a person cannot break through. Do not pay attention to your feelings, do your job and it will be much easier for you.

  • Anger
Anger at work
Anger at work

This is another strong emotion. Unlike irritation, it is difficult to control. To suppress anger, you will have to spend a lot of energy and, in the end, it still fails completely.

Of course, it is necessary to work on anger and, first of all, start with yourself. Think, are you definitely experiencing anger? Maybe this is a fear with such a protective reaction? Well, then find out the reasons for such a reaction. You must understand that understanding the causes is the key to success.

Anger must be thrown out, for example, imagine that you are spreading over a person, but only mentally. Or think that you are having a rebuff. Do not be afraid to fantasize, the brighter the fantasy, the better.

If you can’t get distracted, then start talking slowly, focus on intonation. This will switch a little.

  • Tears

It is difficult to restrain tears. We can squeeze the jaw so as not to say excess or fists in your pockets, so as not to beat the interlocutor, but it is almost impossible to get tears.

In this case, be sure to think about the reasons. Maybe you just have stress or strong fatigue and you are already passing your nerves?

When you find the reason, then try to deal with it. Never blame yourself for what happened. The fact is that there are even people who are specifically looking for, on whom to throw out their emotions. They immediately notice whether a person is vulnerable, whether he will be able to repulse. You are not to blame for this. This is his choice and you have nothing to do with it.

Just do not succumb to provocation and do not attach any value. You must understand that this is a person like that and let him speak as he wants, but you do not react and do not give a slack so that you can not get to you.

The main thing is that you recognize the problem. This is extremely important for your health. This will be the first step for the ability to control yourself.

Video: Brian Tracy. How to manage your emotions 100%? The key to success

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