With what cereal and on what broth the broth is boiled: do you need to add tomato paste, how to replace the barley? Secrets of cooking a delicious bribeon: recipes

With what cereal and on what broth the broth is boiled: do you need to add tomato paste, how to replace the barley? Secrets of cooking a delicious bribeon: recipes

With which cereal can you cook a pickle? Look for options, recipes and secrets in the article.

Salted cucumbers and pearl barley are the most popular associations with a brine. There are recipes where, in addition to pearl barley, it is recommended to add rice. If the first cereal gives the bribberry a rich, rich taste, then rice grains absorb excess calorie content. A more satisfying pickle will be with meat. Anyone is used: beef on bones, chicken fillet, pork ribs, turkey, duck. More exotic recipes offer to use meat, fish or venison meat.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Do I need to add potatoes to the hodgepodge?". You will find out if this vegetable is needed in such a soup, and how to cook a hodgepodge with potatoes.

To prepare a delicious pickle, each housewife collects recipes and interesting tips. Our great -grandmothers passed them to their daughters. They cooked earlier and now they cook such soup with great pleasure. This article describes the secrets of preparing such a soup. Read further.

Secrets of cooking a delicious bribe

A delicious pickle
A delicious pickle

In the brine, the aftertaste of the sourness, which is given salted cucumbers. Fresh are not suitable! In extreme cases, they can be replaced with pickled rods, but if they do not contain vinegar. The sharp taste of the spicy brine will completely ruin the dish. Here are the secrets of cooking a delicious bribeon:

  • This soup should have a rich, spicy taste.
  • Many cooks add a set of greens - parsley, dill, basil, Pasternak.
  • Ideally combined with a brine tarragon.
  • Savory It will help the body to learn a rich soup well.
  • The herbs take fresh or dried, but the laying time is different.
  • Roots (parsley, celery) and lavrushka You need to boil with the broth. Cook the chopped greens for about ten minutes, and put the dried at the very end of the coat of the soup along with black pepper and garlic.
  • Many cooks add both types of greenery directly to the plate.

Interesting: To cook the pickle in the old fashioned way, use turnip or brutsy.

The meat is suitable from different parts of the body of the animal, for example, on the brain bone and brisket. From the bone you will get a good navar, and the second piece will supply it with fats. The budget recipe of the brine is a meat broth on giblets or kidneys.

You need to cook white roots in advance and put in the soup half ready to boil a little more. Otherwise, the broth will lose saturation and color.

With what cereal and on what broth can a brine boil?

Before cooking the brine, the type of broth is chosen. The choice of other products will depend on it. You can make a beef broth or on pork smoked ribs. The barley is first boiled separately until half -cooked, and then added to the meat broth so as not to get a tasteless and ugly blue fluid color in the soup. The traditional recipe for Russian people is a pickle on pearl barley crook with sauer cucumbers.

Below you will find several different recipes. They are all tasty and simple in cooking.

Soak the barley for the brine or not: how much is the pearl barley in the soup?

Pension cereal has great benefit for children and adults. Those who do not like barley are simply afraid that cooking from this cereal takes away a whole day. Sin the cereals for a long time need to be preserved vitamins and minerals.

How to properly boil a barley for soup? How much is it cooking?

  • The cooking time of the pearl barley depends on the soaking, product quality and cooking method.
  • If it does not soak it, then it is cooked 60 minutes. If you soaked, then it is reduced for ten minutes.
  • For a brine soup, pearl barley is prepared within 1 hour.but necessarily washed and soaked in cold fluid for 3 hours.
  • In a slow cooker, the average is the coating time of the pearl barley fifty minutes. After which the product is checked for readiness every five minutes.
  • Group "In bags" is prepared about forty minutes. After cooking, rinse the welded product is not necessary.

Culinary Council: For soup, pearl barley can be pre -frying in a pan. The finished cereal keeps the broth in the brine transparent.

Proportions: Three cups of water are taken for 1 cup of pearl barley.

Crouping cooking recipe:  

  1. Wash the grains well under the tap in a colander or sieve.
  2. Put in a saucepan with water and flatten along the bottom.
  3. After turning on the gas, wait for a boil.
  4. Reduce the switch on the burner to the minimum value.
  5. Cover the container with a lid.
  6. Let it boil. If at the required time the barley is not yet soft, then boil ten minutes.

How to cook a barley for a brine gear fast?  

  1. Sort out, wash the cereal.
  2. In a deep bowl, pour it with water from the tap.
  3. Let it stand thirty minutes.
  4. Put the cereal into the saucepan along with the liquid in which it was soaked and pour hot boiled water (200 ml).
  5. Turn on a strong fire, let it boil.
  6. Reduce the gas for minimal value.
  7. Boil for about half an hour.
  8. Put in the soup.

Palvka is polished and polished barley grains. The name of the cereal comes from the word "pearl"what it means "pearl". High -quality grains of pearl barley cereals are white or with a yellowish tint, oval shape. Dry bit is easy to scoop up with a spoon. AT 100 gr. pearl barley contains:  

  • Squirrels: 2.4 gr
  • Fat: 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 28.2 gr
  • Calorie content: 123 kcal

The barley contains b, a, k vitamins. From minerals in it there is: magnesium, selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, choline, phosphorus, sodium, potassium. The pickle is a rich source of fiber and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Basically, it is prepared after the holidays in order to gradually wean from fatty foods.

How to replace the barley in the brine?

You can replace any other cereal in a pickle.
You can replace any other cereal in a pickle.

Each cereal gives the brine a special taste. How to replace the barley in the brine? Here is a list of cereals:

  • Rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Cereals
  • Bulgur

Buckwheat and rice are universal products that are great for replacing barley. You can use even surpluses of evening porridge. Barley cereal poorly saturates the soup, but is suitable for those who follow their weight. If the choice fell on Hercules, then the flakes should be taken precisely those that need to be boiled (unsweetened), and not just pour boiling water.

How is meat combined with croup for a brine? Read more:

  1. Kidneys and beef - pearl barley
  2. Gutted turkey, chicken - rice
  3. Duck and goose - barley
  4. Vegetarian pickle - buckwheat, rice

Standard set of ingredients for vegetable navar in a brine. onions, carrots, cucumbers, olives or olives, cereals, mushrooms.Vegetables for the broth are fried in a stewpan. The order is classic: onions, carrots, and then cucumbers are added to them.If the curtains need to be salt, then during the cooking of meat this is not done. Salt only after adding frying.

The meat is thrown into a pan in the first place. It is washed, treated, poured with liquid and put on strong fire. The preparation of each stage of the brine must be monitored. After the boiling start, the foam is removed with a spoon. They reduce the fire and boil for about an hour.

Do I need to add tomato paste to the pickle?

The brine should be refueled with home sour cream, but many cooks add a tomato. Paste in the process of brewing. Any top -quality tomato is suitable. Two or three spoons are enough. Pasta goes well with rice. The soup will be a delicious, reddish tint.

Cabbage soup and porridge: a classic recipe for a brine soup with barley and salted cucumbers

Soup pickle with barley and salted cucumbers
Soup pickle with barley and salted cucumbers

Delicious soup is obtained according to the recipe of our grandmothers who loved to speak "Swers and porridge - our food". It is cooked in beef broth. Here is a classic recipe for a brine soup with barley and salted cucumbers:

On the three liters of water you will need:

  • Bastard of beef - 0.6 kg
  • Onions - 1 pc. (large)
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Barrel pickles - 3 pcs.
  • Palovka - 40 gr.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • RAS. Oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Lavrushka - 3 pcs.
  • Black pepper with peas - 5 pcs.
  • Green twigs of dill and parsley - to taste


  1. Treat the cereal and pour water for 3 hours.
  2. Rinse the meat, remove the films and remove the veins, put in an enameled container. Pour water and let it boil over high heat.
  3. Remove the foam. Weaken the gas. Boil 2 hours.
  4. Remove the finished product, remove the pulp from the seeds and cut into cubes.
  5. Fold in a bowl, cover with a lid and leave.
  6. Clean and chop in small pieces of onion.
  7. Wash the carrots, clean and grate on the tech board.
  8. Dissolve the oil in the stewpan. Throw the onion and fry until half -cooked. Put the carrots. Fry until golden.
  9. Cut cucumbers into strips.
  10. Express in a pan (along with vegetables or separately) for half an hour, adding 1/3 of Art. water.
  11. Take soaked cereal, rinse again and cook.
  12. Peel and cut the potatoes.
  13. When the broth boils, put potatoes and cereals.
  14. Wait for repeated boiling and boil 25 min.
  15. Put fried vegetables and cucumbers. If necessary, add the brine. Boil no more than seven minutes.
  16. Add the meat last. Salt the soup, throw spices, pepper and lavrushka.
  17. Two minutes later, turn off the gas. Leave to infuse under the lid for half an hour.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Video: Leningrad Brassor. Very tasty!

How to cook a pickle soup in a slow cooker with pork ribs: Recipe

Multicar is the savior of a modern mistress. Even if an inexperienced cook is mistaken in some point of a complex recipe, the multicooker eliminates that the dish will turn out to be inedible. Including a pickle. Soup in a slow cooker will boil much faster, saving precious time. This "miracle-board" supports the necessary temperature, and the products do not boil once again. How to cook a brine in a slow cooker with pork ribs? Here is the prescription:

For a three -liter pan, you will need:

  • Pork ribs - 500 gr.
  • Potato - 5 pcs.
  • Palovka - 2 tablespoons
  • A medium -sized carrot
  • Salted cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Onions-1 pc.
  • TOMATO. Pasta - 1 tbsp.
  • Green branches of dill and parsley

In this recipe, salt will not be needed, as the brine will regulate the taste. If the cucumbers are too salty, then you can do without brine.

Do this:  

  1. Prepare the pearl barley, as shown above.
  2. Wash and peel the peel from vegetables: potatoes, carrots and onions.
  3. Chop the onion in small pieces, rub the carrots, potatoes with cubes.
  4. Rinse and treat the meat. Cut.
  5. Prepare a multicooker bowl.
  6. Fry the beam with carrots in oil in “Frying” mode for five minutes. Add volume. Paste.
  7. Mix. Put chopped cucumbers.
  8. Throw the meat in the same mode.
  9. Mix. Add potatoes and barley.
  10. Pepper. Stir and sweat for a couple of minutes.
  11. Put the device into standby mode. Pour the frying with water.
  12. Add the brine to taste. Most importantly, do not overlay!
  13. Cook in the "Soup" or "Extinguishing" for a couple of hours.
  14. At the end, add a lavrushka and fresh greens.

This recipe differs from the classic only in that all vegetables and meat are cooked in advance, and then poured with water. Do not worry that because of this the soup will not work. The bribberries do not lose taste, but it will be even better.

How to cook rice soup briber with kidneys: recipe, how much rice is cooked in a soup?

Rice soup pickle with kidneys
Rice soup pickle with kidneys

Why mess with the barley if you can put rice porridge remaining in the evening in the future pickle? Ready rice is put in the broth after other ingredients have boiled. Boiled rice is re -boiled over low heat to level the temperature of the products, otherwise it will spoil the pickle with its viscous consistency. If there is only dry rice at hand, it is washed as well as pearl barley to remove dirt and other impurities. Pour the washed cereal into the boiled broth in front of the potatoes.

  • The total time of cooking rice in the broth is half an hour.

This cereal releases starch into the broth and absorbs the liquid, increasing in size during boiling of the brine. In order not to get thick porridge in the end, it is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions. The brine with rice is prepared at a time. With repeated heating, the cereal is boiled. Therefore, the number of products is not as large as in a classic recipe.

  • The complexity of the preparation of a brinestal with rice and kidneys is the average. Together with the preparation of cereals and kidneys, it will take about three hours.

How to boil a rice soup with a kidneys? Here is the prescription:


  • Young potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Salted cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Long rice - 70 gr.
  • Kidneys - 250 gr.
  • TOMATO. Pasta - half a glass
  • RAS. OIL
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Lavrushka

Do this:

  1. The kidneys must be soaked for two hours.
  2. Clean them (very good) and boil.
  3. Wash the rice and pour cold water.
  4. While the rice is soaked, prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion and carrots in any format.
  5. Pass on the onion with carrots to the raises. oil.
  6. Cut the cucumber and throw it to the onion with carrots.
  7. Stew five minutes.
  8. Pour the tomato. Paste, simmer five minutes.
  9. Turn off the fire and pepper.
  10. For this recipe, you will need only one liter of water. Put a pot of water on the fire.
  11. Wait for a boil, throw the rice and chopped potatoes into the bar.
  12. Add the kidneys. Do not forget to remove foam.
  13. For five to seven min. Until the end of cooking, lay fried vegetables and lavrushka. You can not salt.
  14. Bring to a boil. Let me brew.

Tasty soup with rice and kidneys is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Soup pickle with rice. Classic recipe

Vegetarian pickle: recipe

The vegetarian version of the brine is considered a dietary dish. It is easiest to cook, since you do not need to mess with meat. Interestingly, in the recipe it is recommended to take tomato juice, not paste. A good vegan pickle in the heat. The taste of sourness tones and gives strength. It is not necessary to add barley or other cereal to summer soup. Here is the prescription:

Two liters of vegetable broth will need:  

  • Potatoes - 400 gr.
  • Salted cucumbers - 300 gr. + Cucumber brine 200 ml.
  • Large carrot
  • Onion head
  • RAS. Oil - for frying
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Step -by -step recipe:

  1. Wash, clean and cut potatoes with bars.
  2. Put cook in a saucepan with vegetable broth.
  3. Clean and chop the onion.
  4. Wash, clean and grate the carrot on a coarse grater.
  5. Fry with a ray in a saucepan.
  6. Cut the cucumbers and add to the roasting.
  7. Fuck vegetables for a couple of min. And transfer to the broth.
  8. Cook the soup until the vegetables become soft.
  9. In ten minutes Until readiness, dilute with a brine from cucumbers.

The soup is prepared for about an hour. Serve the finished dish with finely chopped green twigs of dill or parsley and sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook soup a brine from dried mushrooms and barley: recipe

Soup pickle of dried mushrooms and pearl barley
Soup pickle of dried mushrooms and pearl barley

Believers have long been replacing meat with mushrooms on fasting days. The varieties rich in protein are chosen - white, oils and others. Forest, freshly combined mushrooms are preferable to garden or frozen. You can collect a mushroom crop in the fall, dry and cook a brine on dried mushrooms in winter.

What mushrooms can be taken on a pickle? Champignons have a weak aroma, so they should not be added to the soup. The taste will improve if the mushrooms are cut into slices and dry on a baking sheet 15 minutes. The temperature of the oven - 180 degrees. Here are which mushrooms are suitable:

  • White mushrooms
  • Supplies
  • Chanterelles
  • Oil
  • Supply
  • Redcles
  • Mokhoviki
  • Smors

The procedure for cooking mushrooms in the bribberry is different. On dried - make the broth, and fresh are added to the soup with vegetables. How to boil a brine brine of dried mushrooms and pearl barley? Here is the prescription:  

Two liters of water will need:

  • Fresh mushrooms - 300 gr. or 50 gr. dried
  • Potatoes - 50 gr.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions (turnips) - 1 head
  • Cucumber brine - ¼ cup
  • Palvka - ½ cup
  • Lavrushka - 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper (peas) - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Do this:

  1. Wash the barley under running water.
  2. Cook for 20–40 min.
  3. Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse and cut into pieces. Prepare dried mushrooms in advance: pour boiling water and soak at 8-10 hours. In the same water, cook half an hour.
  4. When the mushroom broth boils, put potatoes in it, cleaned and sliced \u200b\u200bby slices.
  5. Cook seven min.
  6. Clean and fry the beam with carrots in oil. Add to the soup. Cook eight min.
  7. Finely chop or grate the salty barrels.
  8. Add to boiling broth.
  9. Put the barley in the soup. Add pepper and brine, constantly trying so as not to overdo it.
  10. Cook seven min.

The most fragrant and rich will turn out soup on chanterelles or white mushrooms.

Brier with chicken and millet: recipe, how much is millet in a soup?

Boister with chicken and millet
Boister with chicken and millet

In the Old Slavonic cuisine, a bribeon was called a "caliber", which was prepared from meat, fish or chicken. Sometimes caviar was added to the broth. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol wrote that "a pickle is a chicken pie with porridge, brine and chopped eggs." Now the chicken in the brine is rarely used, but this bird in Russian cooking is the most popular. It is easier to buy than the same pork ribs or kidneys. A brinker with chicken and millet is a budget option.

Free dishes help lose excess weight and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. High -quality cereal has a bright, gold color, and, in no case, should not be white. Millet is stored for no more than a year. If the expiration date was exceeded, then it will make the soup bitter.

How much is the millet cooked in a soup? Read more:

  • In millet, black grains may come across that will crunch on the teeth if they are not removed.
  • After you have crossed the cereal, it must be poured with water and washed.
  • Rate on a small sieve. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • To get rid of a fat film, millet is soaked for twenty minutes.
  • The water after repeated washing should be clean. Then the cereal is ready for cooking.
  • The millet in the soup swells stronger than pearl barley and rice - as much as five times! It is cooked before softening for about forty minutes.

Take chicken from any part of the bird: hips, fillet, wings, etc. Suitable and gutted. Here is a recipe for a brine with chicken and millet:

Components for a brine with millet and chicken 2.5 liters of water:

  • Chicken - 500 gr.
  • Medium -sized potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber brine - 200 ml.
  • Salt cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Big carrots - 1 pc.
  • Millet-3-4 tablespoons
  • Onion Turnip - 1 pc.
  • Plant oil - for frying
  • Lavrushka-2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, fragrant pepper - to taste

Do this:

  1. Boil chicken broth in advance. Pour cold water into the enameled container ( 2.5 liters) and put the prepared meat. Remove the foam and do not allow strong boiling to make the soup transparent. Cook an hour or one and a half over low heat.
  2. Add the washed millet to the cooked broth.
  3. Wash and clean the raw potatoes. Add to the soup. Cook 25 min.
  4. Fry the onion to transparency. Clean the carrots and divide into three equal parts. This will be the secret of the soup. Rub one part on a grater, the second - cut into strips, and the third with circles. Fuck with onions, as necessary for pouring oil.
  5. Cut the cucumbers. Five min. Mix with carrots and onions.
  6. Season the soup obtained by roasting.
  7. Add the brine and bring to a boil. You can dilute a glass of water.
  8. Pepper and put a bay leaf. Hold the gas for a couple of min. And turn off.
  9. Leave to infuse ten minutes.

Households will definitely evaluate such an unusual bribery recipe. Offer it with sour cream.

Video: Brillier with barley. Recipe with chicken

Brirer pickered recipe

Brushin with meatballs
Brushin with meatballs

Meat beef meatballs make a pickle as the king of the dinner or festive dinner. It combines the first and second dish at the same time. Fictionals are prepared from store minced meat in advance, that is, there will be no need to make meat broth. Here is a recipe for a brine with meatballs:

Four liters of water will be needed:

  • Beef mining - 500 gr.
  • Palvka - 80 gr.
  • Potato - 100 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cucumbers (salty) - 5 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • TOMATO. Pasta - 4 tbsp.
  • Cucumber brine - 1 cup
  • Dried dill and parsley - to taste
  • Lavrushka - to taste
  • SALT

Do this:  

  1. Rinse and soak the barley for eight hours.
  2. Put in boiling water. Cook in a pan.
  3. Add dry lavrushka in 20 min. Until the finished pearl barley. Boil the cereal 30 minutes.
  4. Make a refueling from a ray, carrots and cucumbers. After passing, add a tomato. Paste and brine in a pan. Express five minutes.
  5. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  6. Defrost the minced meat in advance.
  7. Drive a raw egg into it, put salt and seasonings. Mix and blind meatballs.
  8. Put the potatoes in the soup and cook until half-eating.
  9. Put on the meatballs.
  10. In five min. Add vegetables before the end of cooking.
  11. Pepper, salt to taste and turn off the gas.
  12. Insist ten to twenty minutes.

Rassolniki can be harvested for the winter in banks. Stosive housewives use even outgrown cucumbers from their garden in recipes. You do not need to sterilize cans for soup, since you will fill the contents in hot form.

  • To do this, boil the barley separately and prepare the vegetables.
  • Then put everything together in a pan and stand out for 15-20 minutes. Roll this mixture.
  • In winter, weld meat broth, lay out the contents of a half-liter can, add greens, salty cucumbers.
  • Ready.
  • Thanks to the workpiece, you cook the pickle in just a few minutes.
  • Such a sunset is priceless and will save your time.
  • To start cooking soup from a can, the mixture should brew.

If you do not want to waste time preparing meat broth, then you can make a stew in advance and roll up separately, or put out the finished meat with barley and vegetables and also roll up. In general, you can make seasonings for the first dishes for the winter in banks - It is convenient and very much saves time during cooking. Enjoy your meal!

Video: The most delicious pickle, which you will cook more than once. The recipe is always tasty!

Video: Brier with barley and salty cucumbers!

Video: Brushier with giblets. Secrets of mixing broths

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