Do I need to add potatoes to the hodgepodge: does this vegetable need such a soup? How to cook a hodgepodge with potatoes: step -by -step recipe

Do I need to add potatoes to the hodgepodge: does this vegetable need such a soup? How to cook a hodgepodge with potatoes: step -by -step recipe

Do they put potatoes in a hodgepodge? Can such a delicious soup without potatoes be boiled?

Solyanka - This is one of the most beloved first dishes. After all, it contains different types of sausages, smoked meats, and pickled cucumbers give incredible sourness. The aroma from the rich honeycomb is felt all over the house.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "What to do if you interrupted the soup?". You will find proven ways and tips.

From this article you will learn whether to put potatoes in a hodgepodge. We will also publish other secrets of preparing this delicious soup. Read further.

Do they put potatoes in a hodgepodge: does this vegetable need such a soup?

On the question of whether they put potatoes in a hodgepodge, whether this vegetable is needed in such a soup, there is a lot of discussions. Someone adds potatoes, others-no. In fact, there is no potato in the classic recipe for real hodgepodge. Not any institution of real Russian cuisine in a hodgepodge will find potatoes. After all, it should be very thick, viscous, close to the second in consistency. Therefore, the potatoes there are clearly superfluous. Someone still adds potatoes for the satiety of the dish. But, if the soup is correctly prepared and put all the necessary ingredients, then no one will remain hungry.

Which hodgepodge is necessarily included in the recipe for potatoes: is it possible to put potatoes and how much?


Although this is not a classic recipe, but rather a variety of dishes, many housewives adore such a recipe. What honeycomb is the prescription of potatoes?

  • More precisely the recipe in which there is a potato called "Villagers".
  • It is believed that potatoes are a second bread or "eating of the villain."
  • This recipe will need approximately 200 grams of potatoes.
  • First clean, cut into small pieces and put on cooking on 10-15 min. On a minimum fire.

While the potatoes are cooked, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients.

A team meat honeycomb with potatoes and smoked meats - how to cook: a classic recipe with pork and potatoes, step by step

The secret of manufacturing is delicious and rich honeycombs are finely chopped ingredients. Then the taste will turn out to be unrealistic. Also, salted cucumbers give sourness, but the nuance is not to overdo it with acidity. The national meat hodgepodge with potatoes and smoked meats is prepared. Here is a classic recipe with pork and potatoes, step by step:

  • First clean the potatoes, approximately 200 grams. Cut with small pieces enough.
  • Clean two pieces. onion And cut into cubes.
  • One big carrot Rub on the tech board with thin strips.
  • Put potatoes in boiling water and boil 15 minutes.
  • Then cut 200 grams of sauer or pickled cucumbers Also thin strips.
  • Grind 500 grams of different meat products - Sausage, smoked sausages or briskets. Cut into small pieces.
  • In a frying pan with the plant. oil We set to fry onion. Through 2-3 min. Add grated carrots there and constantly mix.
  • Then gradually add meat products And fry until the crust appears.
  • Add 50 grams of tomato paste, a little water from the pan and mix.
  • At the end we put it cucumbers. All this is stewed up to 10 minutes Mixing over low heat periodically.
  • After that, we send the entire mixture from the pan to the pan with potatoes. Complete the spices and lavrushka. Boil at a minimum 7-8 min.
  • At the end, add green branches of dill or parsley to taste. For lovers, you can put butter and lemon.

We cover the finished hodgepodge with a lid and let it stand 10-15 min. Enjoy your meal!

Video: salts team meat (soup). Simple recipe for a very tasty honeycomb

Solyanka soup - potatoes, cabbage, sausage or sausages: recipe with photo


Such a recipe literally shifts out, it is simply impossible to abandon the additive! Soup salt with potatoes, cabbage, sausage or sausages is incredibly tasty. This is especially relevant, this is a calorie dish in winter, when it is cold. The body receives a lot of calories and warms quickly. Here is a recipe with a photo:

You will need:

  • Sauerkraut - 150 gr.
  • Potatoes - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr.
  • Sausage Sausage-200 gr.
  • Cucumbers sauer or pickled - 6 pcs.
  • Pasta tomato. -2-3 tablespoons
  • Spices, green twigs of dill or parsley - to taste

Do this:

  • We clean the potatoes, cut into small cubes. Pour into cold water, put fragrant pepper and lavrushka. We salt the liquid a little and boil approximately 15 minutes.
  • We cut all meat products and smoked meats with thin strips. We put in a frying pan and fry in sunflower oil until a rosemen appears. Then pour the entire mixture into a pan with potatoes. Boil over minimum heat.
Cut the meat and smoked meats and fry in a pan
Cut the meat and smoked meats and fry in a pan
  • In the same pan, fry the bow until golden crust.
  • Add cucumbers and constantly interfere with a spoon.
  • Then we pour the tomato and extinguish until the darkening.
  • Pour into a saucepan, then add sauerkraut. Salt, pepper to taste.
Salt and pepper the hodgepodge
Salt and pepper the hodgepodge
  • We bring the hodgepodge to a boil under the lid.
  • Add green branches of dill or parsley to taste. The hodgepodge is ready!

You can serve with the addition of olives or lemon slices. Depends on taste preferences. Enjoy your meal!

Video: a team of a hodgepodge with potatoes. A delicious recipe

Solyanka without potatoes: recipe

This is a classic recipe. You can serve a hodgepodge without potatoes both on the festive table and for everyday lunch or dinner. Here is the prescription:


  • Pork - 500 gr.
  • Half-cocked sausage-200 gr.
  • Ribs - 300 gr.
  • Sausages - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Sauer or pickled cucumbers-3-4 pieces
  • Tomato. Pasta - 2 tbsp.
  • Spices - to taste
  • Maslins without bones - 100 gr.
  • Lemonchik - to taste

Cooking process:

  • We put meat and smoked foods, put the ribs, bring to a boil.
  • Add the peeled onion (1 pc) to the saucepan and cook at a minimum 2 hours. In the end, put the lavrushka and pepper with peas.
  • We take out the meat from the liquid. Cut it with small cubes. Cut smoked sausage on thin straws.
  • Cut salted cucumbers on slices. Put in a pan and extinguish 5-7 minutes. Then add to the broth.
  • The second onion mode is half rings and fry until golden crust. After that, pour the tomato. Paste and extinguish 3-4 minutes. We send the entire mixture to a pan with broth. Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat, smoked, olives, spices are also added to a container with boiling soup.
  • Cooking a hodgepodge another 10-15 minutes And under the lid, let it brew.

The classic recipe for a honeycomb without potatoes is ready. Serve hot, adding a slice of lemon to taste, a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Solyanka: recipe with chicken, mushrooms and potatoes

SOLYAK with chicken
SOLYAK with chicken

The recipe for this hodgepodge is very tasty and hearty. The aroma of mushrooms gives richness and density.
You will need chicken fillet or one third of the carcass carcass. You can add to taste provencal herbs, dried garlic and herbs. Mushrooms are perfect honey mushrooms - approximately 200 grams. It will also be needed half of cabbage and one tomato. Potatoesdo not put much - 2 medium -sized pieces are enough.

Here is a recipe with chicken, mushrooms and potatoes:

  • First chop the cabbage.
  • We clean, cut the potatoes with small cubes.
  • Cut the onion-hier in cubes.
  • Grind the peeled carrots on the tech board.
  • Cut the tomato slices.
  • Thawed mushrooms and chicken are washed under the tap. And also cut into small cubes.
  • We put all the ingredients in the cauldron, pour 3-4 glasses of water. Add spices to taste, crushed twigs of dill and parsley and dried garlic.
  • Stew for an hour on a minimum fire.

Such a hodgepodge is very thick and rich. Great for the second dish.

Recipe for fish honeycomb from salmon and potatoes

Fish honeycomb from salmon and potatoes
Fish honeycomb from salmon and potatoes

For a fan of fish products, this option of a hodgepodge is perfect. This is a very simple and quick recipe. Despite this, all the same, such soup is called a royal dish. Here is a recipe for fish honeycomb from salmon and potatoes:


  • Salmon - 2 steaks
  • Potato-2-3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sauer or pickled cucumbers-2-3 pcs.
  • Onions-1 pc.
  • Cleaned tomatoes (without skin) - 1 bank
  • Capers
  • Lavrushka, pepper peas
  • Salt, Provencal herbs - to taste

Do this:

  • We put a pot of water on the fire and boil the fish.
  • We throw a lavrushka, pepper, salt and herbs to taste. Boil approximately 15 minutes.
  • After that we take out the fish, clean it from the seeds. We filter the broth.
  • We cut the potatoes into cubes and put in the broth. When it is almost cooked, we send a jar of cleaned and cut tomatoes and pieces of fish fillet into a pan.
  • Cut sauer or pickled cucumbers in thin and long stripes and send to the soup.
  • At the end, add the capers.
  • Close with a lid and bring to a boiling state. After cooking, let it brew approximately 10-15 min.

Add greens, pieces of olives and lemon to the table. If desired, you can add sour cream. The hodgepodge with fish fillet is ready.

Solyanka in Georgian without potatoes: recipe

This recipe helps to prepare a dish that turns out to be rich and hearty. You can regulate the consistency of the soup, making more rare or thick. Here is a recipe for solar cargo without potatoes:

You will need:

  • Beef or pork - 250 gr.
  • Onions-1 pc.
  • Tomato. Pasta - 20 gr.
  • Salted cucumbers - 50 gr.
  • South sauce - 10 gr.
  • Wine vinegar - 4g.
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Greens
  • Spices - to taste

Advice: South sauce is sold in stores. It is made on the basis of tomato, apple puree, with the addition of spices and sugar. If you do not find it in the store, you can replace it with any emergency ketchup or tomato sauce (sweet or neutral). You can simply add more tomato paste and half a teaspoon of sugar to the soup.

Cooking process:

  • To begin with, we clean and my onion. Shink into small pieces.
  • Cut cucumbers with small cubes.
  • We clean the garlic and finely chop.
  • We also cut the greens finely.
  • We take the beef, thoroughly wash out and cut into small pieces.
  • Pour a little sunflower oil or fat into a pan. Warm up. Then we put the onion and fry until golden.
  • Add the meat to the pan and fry approximately 10 min. On a minimum fire.
  • Put the tomato into the fried mass. Paste and gradually mix.
  • After that, add 1 tablespoon Flour and pass about 5 min.
  • We dilute all this approximately 1 glass of broth. Mix thoroughly.
  • After that, add chopped cucumbers, garlic, pour wine vinegar and southern sauce. Cook 5 more minutes.
  • At the end, add greens.

Solyanka in Georgian is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Pendant Solyanka Meat: Recipe


Another recipe for delicious meat honeycomb. To prepare it, you will need the kidneys - beef or pork. It will turn out very tasty and unusual in taste. Here is the prescription:

  • First you need to rinse the kidneys in advance, clean from the veins and the ducts. Then sprinkle them abundantly with soda and leave them at 20-30 min. After that, rinse well under water. Then fill up with salt and sprinkle with vinegar, from this a foam will appear and leave the offal in this mixture again for 20 min. Then rinse under water. After this procedure, the smell from the kidneys will not remain.
  • In a pan, heated and watered with sunflower oil, we put the kidneys. They need to be cut into small pieces. Also add sausages or sausages to this mass, and extinguish 15-20 min.
  • We cut the onion with small cubes and send it to the pan.
  • We cut the pickled or sauer cucumbers into thin strips and also put it in a frying pan. Stew gradually - 5-7 min.
  • Then we put it in this mass 2 tablespoons tomato. pastes and stewing more 5 minutes.
  • Put the finished mixture in a heated meat broth, add chopped green branches of dill or parsley and cook approximately 10 min.
  • When it is ready, set aside - brew a little.

Serve with olives and half lemon. Capers are also perfect. If desired, you can add sour cream. Ready, pleasant appetite!


Video: Classic hodgepodge with potatoes and sausage

Video: Solyanka - recipes from Ivlev

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