The wrong product was sent with Aliexpress: what to do?

The wrong product was sent with Aliexpress: what to do?

To date, situations in which Aliexpress The wrong product that they ordered has become a pattern. Almost daily, a large number of people complain of this online store.

Some people notice that they received the wrong package with Aliexpress, while still in the post office, others, as soon as they come home, but the third and only after some time. At the same time, buyers are often lost and cannot independently find a way out of the current situation. Often they have the idea that since it happened, it is worth leaving this product for yourself or to give someone.

Why was the wrong product sent with Aliexpress?

However, despite the seemingly seemingly difficulty, following a few simple tips, you can forever forget that the money will have to be given not for the thing you ordered. First you need to understand why such a situation as sending the wrong product is generally possible.

If you have not previously encountered an online platform AliexpressWe recommend reading an article on how to register and start making purchases on the site.

An unpleasant phenomenon with an erroneous order occurs for several reasons:

  1. The seller can confuse orders. Online store Aliexpress It is very popular among buyers of many countries, so a large number of orders accumulate in the site’s basket daily. In a hurry, managers can confuse addresses and send parcels not for those people. Thus, your order will go to another person, and you will receive someone's order.
  2. Courier error. Managers of online stores often resort to small tricks and, in order not to constantly go to the post office, use courier delivery services. Couriers come and at the same time take a large number of packages. Then they take everything to the mail and, in order to also save their time, entrust all the care of sending to the postal workers. As a result, a big confusion may occur.
  3. Fraudulent scheme. More rarely, but there are also cases when an unscrupulous seller with Aliexpress it intends to send its customers an incorrect product. Sometimes it can be an identical product that costs a little cheaper, but it looks approximately the same, and there are situations that instead of the goods a person receives garbage.
  4. The package was already opened. Another unpleasant situation that everyone who uses the services of mail can get into when the package has opened before you. In this case, such a part of the goods will be stolen, or it will become damaged.
You can get an order that does not meet your expectations
You can get an order that does not meet your expectations

The most common goods that are at risk are considered:

  • equipment and its components (household appliances, electrical engineering, wires and adapters);
  • goods of high cost (if this product has a cheaper analogue, it is likely that it will be sent to it);
  • a large number of identical things in one order (it is possible that a smaller amount will come than will be indicated in the check).

The wrong product was sent with Aliexpress: what to do?

  • In situations where the goods have already been delivered to the post office and the probability is not excluded that it is not the one that was in the order, there are several options for actions from buyers.

Do not receive and do not pay for the parcel with Aliexpress, if you have suspicions that the wrong product has been sent. Any package must indicate the weight and dimensions that the seller wrote before sending. All these data, as a consumer, have the right to find out before you pay for the parcel. Also, it will not be superfluous to ask the mail employee to additionally weigh the parcel in order to verify the data.

If it suddenly turns out that your suspicions were unnecessary, the parcel has external flaws, the wrong weight or dimensions is indicated, it is necessary to make the knowledgeable:

  1. Ask to invite the enviable department of the post office or his deputy. Only with their presence, you will be allowed to open the parcel and make sure that the goods sent are in line with the order.
  2. All actions of the opening of the parcel must be fixed without fail. A video camera is suitable for this. In the absence of a phone or camera, do not open and do not take the package. Come to the post office later, with a technique on which the whole process can be shot.
  3. If after the autopsy it is found that the goods are really replaced, spoiled or there is not enough detail in it, the head of the separation must draw up the relevant act and send the parcel back.

Most often, the video shot when opening the parcel will be your only evidence of fraud on the part of the managers of the online store. Therefore, every time just in case, it is necessary to remove the unpacking of any product on the camera. Even if you are completely sure that the goods came correct. If you still do not manage to make a video for some reason, it is advisable to take a large number of photos. Among them there should be a photo with a description of the goods and the check.

The wrong product was sent with Aliexpress: how to return the money if the goods have already been received and paid?

  • Upon receipt of goods that you did not order, you need to open a dispute. But still, it is very difficult to get a refund, and in some situations it is not at all possible.
Open the dispute
Open the dispute
  • The return of 100% of the payment can be counted most often only if you can send the goods back and, if it is removed to the camera, that it does not fully comply with the order.
  • There is a small chance of outlining the full amount and without sending the goods back. For this you need provide video and photo, as evidence, about the fact of fraud.
  • Partial compensation from managers of the online store Aliexpress it can be obtained if a similar product has arrived for ordered, which is made of bad material or has not a complete complete set. The amount of the amount of money will depend on the goods and the degree of inconsistency of the parcel upon receipt.
Choose what return do you want to get
Choose what return do you want to get

Remember that by paying and receiving the wrong product, sent from Aliexpress, It will be more difficult to return it back. Also, in any case, the buyer will pay for the reverse reference in any situation. Therefore, the most profitable option, when the package has already been paid, ask for compensation from Aliexpress store workers.

To do this, you need to write in round -the -clock technical support of the site and briefly state the details of the situation. It should not be forgotten that people from many countries buy and return goods to this online store daily, so the more clearly and more briefly you will initially describe your problem (immediately attach the video and photo evidence), the faster you can get help.

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Video: What to do if the wrong product was sent with Alespress?

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