What does the children's size 2t, 3t, 4t on Aliexpress mean: how to determine the right size, where to see the information?

What does the children's size 2t, 3t, 4t on Aliexpress mean: how to determine the right size, where to see the information?

To find out the children's size on AliexpressOpen the page with the product on the site. More details are described in the article.

Sellers in the online store Aliexpress For a long time they have been offered in various catalogs children's clothing of their own production, which is made in specialized factories. In such industries, only natural fabrics are used, but artificial fibers are added and cut only according to the right patterns.

In another article on our website, read about tips on how to make the first order for Aliexpress.

Often there are errors when placing an order related to the size. In order not to have a return of clothing, you need to find out how to correctly determine the size of children's things on Aliexpress. We will talk about this in this article. Read further.

How to determine the desired size if the seller indicated the dimensional grid of another country?

Read another on our site article about the support service. This service may be needed if you need to find out something about the seller’s work if he does not answer, or in case of controversial questions.

Most often, sellers who are on Aliexpress, work for the United States, so they establish American children's sizes so that it is easier for residents of this country to find out the size and order the goods. Clients from Russia immediately face misunderstanding when they see American dimensions and for this they have to verify the size with Russian dimensional lines. So that there are no such problems, you need to immediately know where and how to check and watch Russian dimensions. How to determine the desired size if the seller indicated the dimensional grid of another country?

There are two ways that allow you to extremely accurately determine the children's Russian size if foreign sizes are indicated:

Method number 1:

We determine the desired size if the seller indicated the dimensional grid of another country
We determine the desired size if the seller indicated the dimensional grid of another country
  • You need to go down the pages of the goods, there will be displayed a detailed description of it.
Description of children's sizes for Aliexpress
Description of children's sizes for Aliexpress
  • In all the cards of the goods there are its photos, a complete description of all the materials from which the product is made, and of course there should be a children's dimensional table.
This is where you can see the dimensions table for Aliexpress
This is where you can see the dimensions table for Aliexpress
  • The standard version of the table is only American to attention, but sometimes there can be Russian sizes, and their correspondence to children's growth.
  • If the product is a sweater or any other similar thing, then the table will indicate: its length, breast volume and sleeve length (in centimeters).
  • With the same accuracy, the seller indicates the length of the jeans, the length of the seam, the chest girth, growth and other characteristics that will help in determining the size.
  • The buyer needs to know only all the necessary parameters of the child, so as not to make mistakes when ordering clothes.

Method number 2:

We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
  • The second method is that you need to use the Russian dimensional grid, determining the desired children's size.
We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
We determine the children's size for Aliexpress
  • Each individual age group has its own sizes. Dimensional nets in children and babies are indicated only by weight, height and months.
  • In order not to make a mistake when buying children's clothing with Aliexpress, it is necessary to remove the measurements from the child, and compare these measurements with a dimensional grid.

From an early age to the very end of adolescence, children grow strongly and change. It also affects the dimensional grid, which entirely depends on the size of the child. For example, already starting from two years, new dimensional designations are already selected for children.

Where to see information about children's sizes on Aliexpress?

When the buyer is on Aliexpress Makes the purchase of children's clothing, it must definitely choose the size of clothing, without this there will be no confirmation of the order and purchase. Children's clothing, as well as adult clothing, is determined in size, and all sizes are concluded in the dimensional table, and it, in turn, is established by the seller. Where to see information about children's sizes on Aliexpress?

This is where you can see information about children's sizes on Aliexpress
This is where you can see information about children's sizes on Aliexpress
Tab with information about children's sizes on Aliexpress
Tab with information about children's sizes on Aliexpress

The children's size table is always available if you open the card of the right product. It is displayed, as a rule, always on the right side of the image of the goods and is below its price. Click on this active link and a new page or tab will open. It is in this place that you can see information about children's sizes.

What does the children's size 2t, 3t, 4t on Aliexpress mean?

In the designation of these children's sizes on Aliexpress everything is very simple:

  • The size 2t Means that such a thing is intended for children who have been for two years.
  • The size 3T He says that such a thing for a child is three years old.
  • 4t - This size will indicate a thing intended for a four -year -old child.

It is not necessary to verify some parameters and dimensions of the body. There are no guarantees that the child will be able to fit into the standard dimensional grid. To determine the size, there are enough parameters such as 2T, 3T, 4T and others.

Video: children's sizes, growth growth - what kind of children's size 1?

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