Vomiting and nausea in chickenpox in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment. Can chickenpox disease begin with vomiting?

Vomiting and nausea in chickenpox in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment. Can chickenpox disease begin with vomiting?

Few people know that with chickenpox in adults and children there can be vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Read more in the article.

Chickenpox - a viral disease, a herpes group transmitted through the air. An infected person, without external signs of the disease, becomes a carrier and distributor of infection. The weak immunity of the child is stronger than the risk of infection with smallpox. Therefore, if the baby was not ill with chickenpox, then he can catch the virus, both from another child and from a sick adult.

Read in another article on our website about when you can wash, swim with chickenpox. You will learn whether it is possible to wash yourself during this disease and rinse the potassium permanganate.

This disease in an adult occurs in severe form, with critical temperature, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Complications can be avoided if you know the causes of the disease and the rules of prevention. Read in the article what to do with vomiting, nausea and diarrhea with chickenpox in adults and children. Below are recommendations and useful tips.

The onset of the disease: can there be vomiting, nausea, other symptoms with chickenpox in adults?

The onset of the disease: vomiting, nausea, other symptoms in chickenpox in adults
The onset of the disease: vomiting, nausea, other symptoms in chickenpox in adults

At the first rash of the bubble rash, the beginning of the disease, you should clog the alarm and consult a doctor. After infection and before rash passes from 10 to 20 days (depends on the protective properties of the body).

  • In the early days, red spots appear that turn into blisters, they quickly spread over the surface of the body.
  • After a week, bubbles burst and begin to dry out.
  • On the tenth day, the patient does not infect others, the virus is weakened, immunity to chicken infection is produced.
  • The skin itchs and itchs greatly, combing the bubbles is prohibited, they grow, sores are formed at the site of the wound, and subsequently traces of the skin remain for life.

Can there be vomiting, nausea, other symptoms in chickenpox in adults? The weakened immunity does not have time to fight, he is sick and gags appear. Such symptoms indicate a severe degree of infection, it will not work to cope alone with the situation, you need a therapist. If you see the symptoms previous vomiting:

  • The head is spinning and hurt
  • Weakness and malaise
  • Temperature rise
  • Refusal of food
  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea

In this case, the doctor’s call is required!

It is worth knowing:Secondary infection with chickenpox requires antibiotics.

Vomiting, nausea and diarrhea in chickenpox in adults: causes

The following states should be attributed to the reasons for the appearance of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea in adults:

  • Body poisoning with toxins produced by the virus (life products)
  • Taking drugs - often antibiotics cause a similar reaction of the body
  • The pathological process of the course of the disease, internal organs are infected
  • Bacterial infection can be added to the virus (staphylococcus)
  • Breakfound against chickenpox - this is how the reaction to the vaccine may occur

If the liquid stool is short -term in OSPE, then there is an individual reaction to this infection. This is the action of toxic substances produced by microbes and bacteria. Frequent vomiting, a sign of the spread of infection throughout the body. Perhaps the lesion is already on all organs.

A thick rash is already visible on the skin, in the oral cavity and throat. At this time, nausea may appear. The severe form of herpes causes the patient abundant vomiting and frequent diarrhea. It is necessary to call a doctor to the house, he will determine the degree of disease and may require hospitalization. The fact is that the virus causes complications in the body. It is necessary to take tests and perform other examinations in order to know about the possible lesion of the brain or other organs.

Treatment of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea with chickenpox in adults

Treatment of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea with chickenpox in adults
Treatment of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea with chickenpox in adults

If an adult with chickenpox is worried about vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, then you need to call a doctor to the house. He will prescribe an examination, diagnosis, if necessary and prescribes treatment. The doctor usually recommends the following:

  • Taking antibiotics in intestinal disorders - if necessary, if the diarrhea does not pass for a long time
  • The antipyretic should be taken at elevated temperatures - from 38 degrees and above
  • Exclude the use of previous drugs, if they were prescribed - perhaps nausea is associated with an overdose of medicines
  • During illness, all tablets are important to review with a doctor and leave only the necessary for treatment
  • Intake of anti -war drugs - only a doctor prescribes, self -medication is dangerous
  • Taking drugs against diarrhea is also necessary only as prescribed by the doctor
  • With abdominal pain, painkillers will help-no-shpa and others
  • Restoration of intestinal flora with probiotics
  • Introduction of drugs against viruses and to strengthen immunity
  • Abundant drink-during intoxication, replenishment of water balance, you need to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day
  • Reception of sorbents - "activated carbon", "Smecta"
  • Refusal of fried and fatty foods
  • Fiber use - cereals, vegetables and fruits

Water should be drunk regularly (every hour in a glass) and preferably mineral so that dehydration of the body does not occur. Thanks to the mineral water, the water and salt balance in the body is restored. You can add a spoonful of fresh lemon juice to the water. He calms the gag, nausea passes. It is worth noting that toxins and infection from the body are excreted with the liquid.

Advice: Process the pimples with green. The places of new foci will be immediately visible (pink color against the background of green).

Traditional medicine: Treatment of vomiting and nausea with chickenpox

Along with drug therapy, traditional medicine methods are used. It is also effective treatment of vomiting and nausea with chickenpox:

  • Put a warm heating pad on the stomach for half an hour - reduces pain, the patient should lie on his back.
  • Brew herbal tea from chamomile: 1 tablespoon of flowers per 1 liter of water, pour boiling water and insist for half an hour. Such a tincture will calm the intestines.
  • In 300 ml of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of potato starch. Take the mixture 1 tablespoon every hour until the diarrhea stops.
  • Daily use of 10 gooseberry berries will have an astringent effect in the intestines.
  • Boil the rice to make liquid porridge. Drink a tablespoon every two hours during the day.

Such funds help to cope with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. But remember that traditional medicine methods are used as a supplement to treatment with the drugs that the doctor prescribed to you.

Complications with chickenpox

Despite the fact that many people think that chickenpox is an ordinary disease that almost every person is sick in their lives, it has serious complications. They arise in 5% of cases. The complications with chickenpox include:

  • General blood poisoning (sepsis)
  • The risk of getting pneumonia, severe complication and requires hospitalization under the supervision of medical staff
  • Damage to brain cells, meningitis.
  • Vision falls
  • Stomatitis in acute form
  • Laryngitis caused by herpes infection
  • Joint inflammation

It is worth noting that these complications can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, when diarrhea and vomiting with nausea with chickenpox appear, you should call a doctor to the house so that he can determine whether these symptoms are caused by a complication or is it just a reaction of the body to the disease itself.

People with chickenpox who have chronic diseases should know that when infected with the virus, the probability of exacerbation of the underlying disease increases. Information about infection of loved ones cannot be ignored.

Advice: During the period of chickenpox, do not visit sick friends and loved ones, in order to avoid infection. After all, subsequently, you will become the focus of infection and infect your household.

Prevention of chickenpox

Prevention of chickenpox
Prevention of chickenpox

As you know, it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat. Therefore, prevention with chickenpox has an important role:

The vaccine is recommended to be done primarily to those who are at risk - to young children and adults who did not hurt in childhood.

Nausea, diarrhea in children with chickenpox in front of the rash: can the disease begin with vomiting?

Chickenpox in children with strong immunity passes in a mild form. They have no diarrhea and nausea before the rash and after the appearance of rashes are not observed. The reason for concern is high temperature, cramps in the stomach, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Can the disease begin with vomiting?

  • The answer - yes, maybe.
  • Usually the child is sluggish and refuses to eat, he is driving to bed.
  • Coordination of movement is disturbed.
  • Numerous pimples (more than usual) speak of severe intoxication in the patient.

A pediatrician should be called a house to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is forbidden to give medicines on your own. Waiting for the pediatrician:

  • Switch the baby's attention to something pleasant, stress increases vomiting.
  • Brew tincture from chamomile and let the child drink. Chamomile will relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and stop itching.
  • Water should only be drunk with small, not frequent sips, a plentiful drink will cause a new vomiting. But dehydration cannot be allowed, because with vomiting and feces there is a significant loss of water balance.
  • Put the child on his side, so he will not choke in the vomit.

Important: The doctor’s decision on the hospital should not be specified in order to avoid serious complications. If the doctor offers to go to the hospital, agree unconditionally.

It is worth noting that doctors often prescribe antibiotics with viral drugs. These drugs help only in the fight against microbes, for viruses they are useless. The intestinal tract disorders can be associated with the use of antimicrobial drugs. After all, antibiotics kill not only poor, but also useful bacteria in the intestines, which is why a liquid chair in a child is observed.

You will need rehabilitation on the restoration of intestinal flora, you should use probiotics "Linex" or "Hilak", you can drink delicious yogurts or kefir. Liquid stools can be accompanied not only by spasms in the intestines, but by mucus and even blood in feces. Complaints of pain in tummy are an indication for taking painkillers. Measures for intestinal tract disorders:

  • Compliance with the diet
  • Consumption of jelly and rice decoction
  • Drinking teas based on herbs
  • Mineral water in small portions

The heat in children is removed with antipyretic drugs - Nurofen in suspension, etc. The appearance on the skin of pustules with chickenpox indicates infection with staphylococci or streptococci. Vomiting and diarrhea are directly related to these microbes. Antibacterial drugs, together with rinse the oral mucosa, accelerate the recovery of the baby.

If the child was infected with the virus again, only an experienced pediatrician will provide proper and timely help. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease, you can get serious health consequences. Remember this, and inform the doctor about all your conditions in the disease. If a child is sick, then follow his behavior and well -being. If he deteriorated, immediately inform the doctor. Vomiting during infection is a serious and exhausting condition. Only high -quality and effective treatment will accelerate recovery. Good luck!

Video: What to do if the child has vomiting, nausea, liquid chair?

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