How many days is the incubation period, the contrast of chickenpox in children and adults?

How many days is the incubation period, the contrast of chickenpox in children and adults?

The timing of infection and incubation period of chickenpox in adults and children.

Chickenpox is a viral ailment that is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is mainly found among the child population, most often children from 3 to 7 years old are sick. Of course, the disease occurs in adolescents and adults, but infection is much less common. In this article we will tell you what the duration of the incubation period under chickenpox. 

How much is the incubation period of chickenpox in children?

Basically, everyone is interested in the question when you can get infected with chickenpox, if there was contact with a sick child? There are several main situations during which you can get infected with chickenpox. To infect the child with chickenpox, it is necessary that particles of saliva that contains the virus fall into the body, on the mucous membrane of the child. The other way is not tolerated by chickenpox. In addition, the virus itself is very unstable, and in an ordinary environment it quickly dies.

How much incubation period of chickenpox in children:

  • On average in the air, outside the human body, it lives for about 10 minutes. Accordingly, it is quite difficult to become infected after contact with the dishes, or some objects of the patient. Only if there is one spoon with him.
  • Of course, the maximum risk appears just in children's educational, school and preschool institutions, where children are closely in contact with each other.
  • The child can cough, sneeze and just talk with a classmate. If droplets of saliva fall on the mucous membranes of the child, then he will become ill with one hundred percent probability. 

Do children have been sick with chickenpox up to 1 year old?

There are such cases, but there are very few of them. This is due to the fact that up to 1 year in the body, the child has maternal immunity.

Do children have been sick with chickenpox up to 1 year old:

  • Accordingly, there is a very low probability that a child can get sick. This can happen if the child has immunodeficiency.
  • A child can be born with chickenpox, if the mother was infected on the eve of the birth.
  • There were also cases that immediately after infection of the mother in a child, chickenpox was asymptomatic, but at the same time they were found in the bloodantibodies.  

Chickenpox: a period of infection in children

At the age of 7 years, you can become infected with chickenpox, but it is much more difficult to do this than in a preschool educational institution. Schoolchildren are more carefully treated with their health, wash their hands, monitor hygiene, and are in no hurry to exchange common objects, in particular dishes, or pens.

Chickenpox, a period of contagiousness in children:

  • Many mothers have a question when you can become infected with chickenpox? In fact, from a sick child you can get infected one day before the appearance of rashes, and within 5 days after the appearance of the last bubbles. The period is contagious when there are papules, vesicles, and wounds with a crust on the child’s body. 
  • That is, until a rash appeared on the child’s body, it is quite difficult to get an illness from him. All educational institutions have a quarantine, which is 21 days.
  • If 5 days have passed already after the appearance of the latest rashes, it is almost impossible to become infected from the child. Accordingly, it is necessary to be careful precisely during this period. 
  • It is believed that people who have been ill with chickenpox cannot re -become infected with it. However, there are cases when repeated episodes of infection are found. This happens when the antibodies in the blood are very few, and the disease proceeded in a very mild form. Accordingly, the immune memory is weak, and a person can get sick again. 
A rash in a child
A rash in a child

Incubation period of chickenpox in adults

Oddly enough, the virus in the body remains for life. Repeatedly, as indicated above, a person can get sick, but the probability is extremely small. Instead, another ailment may manifest itself, such as girling lichen. Both chickenpox and girdle lichen are caused by type 3 herpes virus. For everyone who has become ill with chickenpox at a more mature age, girdle lichen can occur. It is in no way connected with mushrooms, bacteria. This is a viral ailment that appears against the backdrop of chickenpox infection. 

The incubation period of chickenpox in adults:

  • The maximum period in which a person can get chickenpox after 30 years is 21 days. There are even cases when the virus was in the body, he did not show himself in any way, for 23 daysth.
  • In some countries, vaccination against chickenpox is included in the vaccination calendar. In our country, the vaccine is not introduced for free, and it is not in the calendar. Accordingly, you can instill a child yourself, but at the same time you will have to buy a vaccine for his own money.
  • In many European and American countries, this vaccine is included in the calendar, and is made to children at a certain age. It is worth noting that there are European countries that are against such vaccinations. Doctors are afraid that all the people who are inhabited from chickenpox can hurt in old age with shingles. Since 1995, the United States has arisen as a windmill.
  • A healthy child was brought into a family with a sick baby in order to catch the disease. This happened after the US was vaccinated against chickenpox in the obligatory calendar. Parents did not want to vaccinate children, as it was a new medicine, so they preferred that the baby gets sick of chickenpox at an early age. It is proved that children of preschool age, much easier to tolerate the disease than adults and adolescents. However, scientists note that the vaccine contains inactive proteins of chickenpox, respectively, the child cannot get sick after the introduction of the vaccine. 

Chickenpox: incubation period, infection for children

If you want to acquire immunity, it is necessary to get sick. But the disease that occurs as a result of infection and infection from a sick child can become fatal.

Chickenpox, incubation period, infection for children:

  • Of course, at preschool age, chickenpox is quite calmly transferred, many children do not even have a temperature, and rashes are not too thick. That is, only a few papules filled with liquid appear.
  • In general, the child feels good and cheerful. Basically, children, patients with chickenpox, are not hospitalized, they are treated on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. But there are cases when a child is still hospitalized. This is necessary if the family is large, or a resident of the hostel fell ill. In this case, a person is forced to specialize so that he does not infect other people.
  • Some specific processing of objects, skin and utensils is not required, due to the instability of the virus outside the human body. That is, it is enough to prevent frequent ventilation, and wiping tables. Process objects with some disinfectants, orquartz The room is notneed. 

Black chickenpox Infection in adults

It is believed that in adults the incubation period of chickenpox is much longer than in children. This is due to the maturity of immunity and the stability of the body. That is why it is necessary that adults are in contact with children as little as possible.

The contrast of chickenpox in adults:

  • In children under 14 years of age, the incubation period is usually 2 weeks. This is due to the fact that children usually immediately get sick, the disease is pronounced. That is, rashes appear quickly enough.
  • In an adult, on the contrary, the virus can fall into the body, but do not show itself for 10-14 days. Only then minor rashes can manifest.
  • Despite a small amount of rashes in adults, there are other symptoms that weight the course of the disease. This is a high temperature, severe itching, dizziness and pain.
  • Despite the fact that children have much more rashes, in general, the kids tolerate the ailment well. In people under the age of 30 years, the incubation period is approximately 13-17 days.

The period of infection of chickenpox in children from the patient

Usually, some factors affect the duration of the incubation period. Below, consider the most common of them.

What depends on the period of infection of chickenpox in children from the patient:

  • Concentration of the virus that fell into the body 
  • Health status, in particular immunity 
  • Circumstances in which infection occurred 

The fact is that usually a child who picked up a chickenpox in the room is very quickly infected with the appearance of bubbles. If the virus was in open space, the child may not get sick at all, or he will have a fairly long period when there will be no rashes on the skin, or minor manifestations will appear. Usually the rash appears about 12-14 days after contact with the carrier of the virus. If after 3 weeks you have not found any traces on the child’s body, then the baby has not infected. 

Unfortunately, the entire incubation period of chickenpox does not show itself, that is, quite inert, latent. Accordingly, the ailment can only be noticed when rashes appear on the body. It is worth noting that in general, the disease is divided into several periods: 

  • Incubation 
  • Programal  
  • Brown formation 
Chickenpox in an adult
Chickenpox in an adult

At the very initial stage, a virus lives in a person for some time, but does not show itself. At the second stage, rashes appear, and nand the third stage, these rashes are delayed, turning into wounds with crusts. Behind this period is a complete recovery. 

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