Is it possible to walk a child who is ill chickenpox: on what day can you walk with chickenpox?

Is it possible to walk a child who is ill chickenpox: on what day can you walk with chickenpox?

Pediatrician doctors are convinced that the child should breathe fresh air every day. Even in case of illness, children should go out into the street.

When the question concerns the child’s walk during chickenpox, there is no unequivocal answer. If you want to know whether it is possible to walk in the fresh air, read this article.

Features of chickenpox in children

Among the children, chickenpox is very common. Most people were ill with her in childhood.

Features of chickenpox in children:

  • Most often, children are sick with chickenpox, age up to 13 years;
  • Symptoms of the disease do not immediately appear. While lasting the incubation period (from 7 to 21 days), the child does not feel any changes;
  • The initial stage of the disease is manifested in increasing body temperature to +39 ° C. The patient complains of headaches and weakness;
  • Immediately after increasing the temperature, the body appears rashes. Literally immediately they turn into bubbles with muddy liquid. This is the main sign of chickenpox;
  • The disease finds waves. After the first blisters come in, new ones will appear in their place (after a few days);
  • As soon as the appearance of new abscesses ceases, we can say that the child began to recover;
  • If the children have been ill with chickenpox, they are produced antibodies. The probability of re -infected is reduced to 99%.
  • Outnels can appear not only in open areas of the skin. Often their formation is noted on the mucous membrane and on the genitals. Bubbles were also seen on the internal organs. Fortunately, such cases are rare, and they talk about the overly severe stage of the disease.

At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor so that he prescribes comprehensive treatment. Adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations so as not to aggravate the condition of the child.

Basic information about the disease
Basic information about the disease

Can I walk with chickenpox in children?

  • The most important reason why a child with chickenpox should not be contacted with other people is a strong susceptibility to the virus. If a person has not encountered him earlier, then he will definitely get sick.
  • Infectious pathogens are moved by air flows, which provokes this name of the disease. They can move to a distance of up to 100 m. There are no obstacles for the virus, whether it be trees, transport or room.
  • He is able to move through ventilation mines and elevator cabs. In the air, the virus persists up to 10 minutes. The main reasons for its destruction are the sun and warmth.

In children, chickenpox flows in a mild form. However, there are several groups of people in whom the disease proceeds in a complicated form:

  • Children, up to 1 year old. They have not yet formed a completely immune system, so chickenpox can cause complications in the work of internal organs;
  • Pregnant womenwho never hurt chickenpox. This can cause problems with the development of the fetus;
  • Teenagers and adults. If they are not ill with chickenpox at an early age, their disease can cause problems with the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system;
  • People with weakened immunity. Those who have detected HIV syndrome or organs were transplanted is likely to re -become infected with the virus.

If a small child is sick with chickenpox, it is unsafe for him to walk in the fresh air. When vesicles appear, sensitivity to ultraviolet rays increases. If the rays of the sun falls on the skin, the severity of the disease will aggravate.

The danger of walking for a child with chickenpox

  • If your child has just begun to get chickenpox, he is contraindicated for walking in the fresh air. At this time, body temperature increases significantly, and the state of health worsens.
  • If you ignore this ban, you can provoke the occurrence of a cold or other infectious disease. This is due to a strong weakening of immunity.
  • When the child begins to feel better, he can allow him to walk in the fresh air. Cool air and scattered sunlight positively affect health. The only condition is to walk with your child in secluded places so as not to provoke a flash of chickenpox.
You need to walk in secluded places
You need to walk in secluded places

The danger of walks with chickenpox for others

A child who is sick with chickenpox is able to infect others at a distance of 20 m. That is why he should avoid places where a large number of people accumulate: shopping complexes, playgrounds, markets.

If a person who is infected with chickenpox will have weakened immunity, the disease can provoke other health problems:

  • bilateral pneumonia;
  • encephalitis - brain disease;

How much can you walk with chickenpox?

  • The child begins to be a carrier of the virus a few days before the appearance of the first rashes. It is dangerous to others until the fifth day after the last wave of bubbles on the body is completed.
  • To track the appearance of new rashes, it is customary to lubricate them zelenka. The temperature will increase from 2 to 8 days, so the child himself will not want to go out.
  • Many parents are interested in the question, if the child has chickenpox, how many days can you walk? If the disease proceeds without complications, the quarantine must hold up to 10 days. In the case of severe stage of chickenpox, the duration of quarantine follows increase by 14-21 days(also take into account the 5-day period after the appearance of the last rash).
  • It is best to walk with chickenpox in the winter and in the offseason, to exclude walks on hot summer days. It is important that the street be on the street low solar activity, lack of precipitation and wind. When making a decision, to go for a walk or not, take into account the condition of the child.
Walk, given the main indications
Walk, given the main indications

How to walk on the street with chickenpox: Important rules

  • Children are very active. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to sit in imprisonment for several weeks. If the room has a high temperature, itching will be very strong. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the room of a sick child every day.
  • When fresh air enters the room, it will reduce the symptoms of the disease, and improve the mood of the sick. Some parents, walking with children with chickenpox, put on a mask on them. They believe that they reduce the risk of the transfer of the virus to others. However, this is a wrong opinion. The microscopic parts of the virus penetrate the holes in the mask, and the risk of infection remains unchanged.

There are several rules that you should adhere to, going for a walk during chickenpox:

  • Put on your child clothes that are suitable under weather conditions. When the street is warm, do not smoke too much. Itching will increase from sweat.
  • Put on clothing made of natural fabrics. It will be better to pass air. It is better if the fabric is soft so that itching and inflammation do not intensify during friction.
  • In the summer do not forget to put on a child headbal and sunglasses. This is due to the fact that in children suffering from chickenpox, photophobia intensifies. Try to avoid walks in the period when active sunlight is on the street.
  • Do not let the child swim in reservoirs. They are not pure water. Once on the inflamed skin of the child, it will only aggravate his condition.
  • Give preference closed shoes.
  • Walk around closed territories or through the streets where there is no large crowd of people.
  • Allow the child play calm games. Activity will provoke sweating and itching.
  • Watch the condition of the child. If he feels bad, his body temperature rose, immediately return home. Give him an antipyretic.

Even if the child has recovered, do not let him in a kindergarten or school for several weeks. After chickenpox, its immune system is weakened, therefore, vulnerability to other diseases increases.

Chickenpox: When can you walk and wash?

  • The opinions of doctors about bathing in chickenpox vary significantly. In European countries, doctors are convinced that a child cannot be forbidden to swim. Pure water will allow to wash off bacteria from his body that provoke new rashes.
  • Domestic doctors are of the opinion that it is better to refrain from bathing. They believe that taking a bath will only extend the treatment time. If the child suffers from severe itching, you can wipe his body a little a wet towel moistened in a weak potassium mortar.
Long bathing is better to transfer after overcoming the disease
Long bathing is better to transfer after overcoming the disease

As you can see, a child with chickenpox is allowed to walk in the fresh air. But, several rules must be observed. First, wait for the weakening of the symptoms. Secondly, give preference to places where there is no strong accumulation of people. Remember that it is important to coordinate all actions with the attending physician in order to maintain the health of the child. Be healthy.

Articles about children on the site:

Video: About chickenpox from Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. I would not walk only on the basis of the safety of other children. And so, of course, your business. I do not worry about my children at all, although they have not crossed them. It's just that the immunity is everything. We give vitamins immunity, harden, move a lot. So it is possible not to cling to the ailment))

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