Vaccination from chickenpox to children and adults - when it is made: contraindications, side effects. Is chickenpox vaccine required?

Vaccination from chickenpox to children and adults - when it is made: contraindications, side effects. Is chickenpox vaccine required?

Chickenpox is an insidious disease and, as a rule, many suffer from them in childhood. We will talk about vaccinations from this disease-when they are put and whether there can be any contraindications and side effects.

To date, the chickenpox vaccine has such a strain as VZV an eye, which turned out to be due to reproduction in different cellular crops. Each of the compositions received was carefully studied by scientists of different countries and approved by them. Sometimes it is allowed to put such a vaccine from 9 months. In Russia, Varilerix vaccine is currently actively used.

Why put a vaccination against chickenpox, is it necessary?

Chickenpox vaccination to children
Chickenpox vaccination to children

Today, chickenpox is considered the most contagious disease in the world. Almost all children and sometimes adults are ill. In addition to vaccination, there are no other measures to combat this ailment. If you introduce this and other vaccines at the same time, then nothing terrible will happen. The main thing is to do this in different places. The procedure is absolutely safe and characterized by high efficiency. Even if you use the same vaccines in a few weeks.

Despite everything, in order to cause the correct immune response, you need to increase the dose. This is usually done in a situation if a combination of the vaccine from chickenpox and measles/mumps/rubella is used. The optimal vaccination age is 1-2 years.

Is chickenpox vaccination effective and is it worth it to put it?

Vaccinations made on the basis of the Oka strain have been used since 1974. Excellent results, as well as its effectiveness, were confirmed as part of the program of children's immunization in different countries. Observations showed that more than 90% of adults who received the vaccine in childhood more than 20 years ago were still protected from chickenpox.

It is important to note that regardless of age, the dose of the vaccine will always be the same. But in the USA they can be introduced with a gap of weeks. This occurs in cases if a seron -commission is observed. If you study the US vaccination calendar, then children are additionally vaccinated at 6 years old.

The response of the body to the stag of the vaccine is the production of antibodies and 70-90% of children are protected against infection for 7-10 years. According to the research of the Japanese, immunity is enough for 20 years. After conducting studies of the outbreak of chickenpox in one of the hospitals, it was revealed that the effectiveness of the vaccine is 100%. Moreover, it allows it to be easier to endure the disease, because the body still produces the necessary antibodies.

It can be confidently argued that with a constant circulating virus, it turns out, as it were, “revaccination”, which makes immunity effective even longer. After one dose of the vaccine is introduced, a seron version is observed in almost 95% of cases.

According to studies, even with emergency vaccination, you can get a proper effect. This is done within 72-96 hours after contact with the patient. In any case, the effectiveness will be at the level of 90%, but this is already good. It is also important to note that the winding of the smallpox with vaccinated people is easier than that of unvaccinated people.

What can be a reaction to chickenpox vaccination?

Blood vaccination to the adult
Blood vaccination to the adult

In fact, vaccination is very good and the children practically do not react to it. Many who noted some manifestations to the vaccine simply talked about a local reaction. It is a slight redness or swelling at the injection site. There may be slight soreness, but all this passes quickly.

As a rule, the symptoms disappear themselves and can appear on the first day after vaccination. Moreover, in 0.1-5% of cases, general symptoms may appear-temperature, rash, itching, weakness and soreness in the lymph nodes may increase.

What complications can be after vaccination from chickenpox and are they even?

Especially rarely, after vaccination, girdle lichen in the initial form, encephalitis can develop, sensitivity increases, blood platelets decrease, and joints can also hurt. All these complications are manifested more than once, some may be absent, but as statistics show, in total, 15 out of 15 thousand people appear similar reactions. Agree, this is very little.

Only 5 cases have been identified when patients were infected with a vaccine virus.

What contraindications do the chickenpox have?

  • Everyone should know that vaccination is not put during illness or when it is exacerbated. First you need to recover and only then you can get a vaccine.
  • If the disease was an infectious nature, then after recovery you should wait with vaccination for 2-4 weeks. Diseases of the nervous system, for example, miningitis, are forced to postpone the vaccine for six months.
  • Vaccination is strictly prohibited in complex immunodeficiency states, when blood lymphocytes decrease to a critically low level and less. As a rule, such a situation is observed with tumors, AIDS, taking corticosteroids and so far.
  • Pregnancy or its planning is also a contraindication. If the patient will soon undergo an operation, then the vaccine is placed at least a month before the procedure.
  • The vaccine has another contraindication - if there is an allergy to the components of the drug or the past was difficult, then it cannot be placed.
  • If for six months the patient took immunoglobulin or a blood drug, it is also forbidden to immediately put a vaccine. To do this, you should take some time, and after it you can not take such drugs for another three weeks.

When can you get a vaccination against chickenpox, at what age?

As we said above, a vaccination against chickenpox is allowed to put children from one year old.

Video: Vpilery vaccinations - Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

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