How to knock down the temperature at chickenpox: a list of drugs, folk methods, reviews

How to knock down the temperature at chickenpox: a list of drugs, folk methods, reviews

Ways to reduce temperature at chickenpox.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease from which children mainly suffer. In most cases, the disease is transferred at the age of 3-10 years. It occurs after visiting the kindergarten during the accumulation of groups of children. In some babies, the disease is almost asymptomatic, with the exception of a characteristic rash. In addition to small bubbles that itching strongly, there are no additional symptoms, the child as a whole feels good. Like most viral ailments, chickenpox is easily tolerated. But some older children may have high temperature, weakness, drowsiness. Sometimes the temperature reaches 39-40 degrees. 

Should you knock down the temperature with chickenpox?

In childhood, chickenpox is easily tolerated, without serious consequences, and poor well -being. Complications can be in adults, and in severe form the ailment proceeds in adolescents, due to the surge of hormones. 

Forms of the flow of chickenpox: 

  • Light. It is characterized by a moderate amount of rashes, body temperature can remain at the normal level, and in general the disease does not bother the patient. 
  • Medium severity. There are much more rashes, they can merge into large foci, and cause discomfort due to severe itching and pain. In the period when the bubbles are filled with liquid, a large amount of substances that perceive the vesicles with pathogenic agents are released into the blood. The amount of histamine increases in the blood, as a result of which severe itching, edema, irritation is observed. The child constantly scratches the region. The temperature rises to level 38-39degrees. 
  • Heavy. There are a lot of rashes, they can be deployed on the head, body, even on the mucous membranes. In this case, not only local drugs, but also tablets are prescribed, for oppression of the virus. Children rarely have a severe form, due to flexible immunity. 

Whether to knock down the temperature with chickenpox:

  • Experts recommend when lifting a temperature of up to 38 degrees, it can not be shot down. With this level, the heat in the blood is released a large amount of antibodies.
  • There is a high probability that a child in the future will never get chickenpox in his life due to the presence of a sufficient amount of antibodies. If you constantly knock down the temperature, this can worsen the condition, and extend the disease.
  • At a reduced temperature, antibodies are poorly produced, so the child can get sick for a very long time, or subsequently get sick with chickenpox again, due to the low amount of antibodies. 

What temperature in the chickenpox to knock down?

You need to knock down the temperature when it rises above 38.5. There are cases in which the child is very sluggish, feels bad, and in general the temperature is difficult to transfer. Doctors recommend that children give an antipyretic, even with a little heat. 

What temperature to the chickenpox to knock down:

  • An increase in temperature with chickenpox can be constant, or wave -like. In severe form, the temperature lasts for a week, reaches high marks. But in this case, the body has a huge number of rashes that itch terribly.
  • It is they who are a temperature source. The main task in difficult course is to reduce the activity of the virus. To do this, the child is given acyclovir, use ointments for processing wounds. itantiherpetic A tool that quickly helps to cope with the virus, inhibiting its reproduction.
  • At a temperature of 38-39, its decrease is recommended, especially in children who suffer from diseases of the nervous system. In some babies, high temperature values \u200b\u200bcan be accompanied by convulsions, and trembling.
  • In no case should you bring to such a state. If you know that the child is prone to such manifestations at high temperature, it is better to give antipyretic drugs with a slight rise so that it does not reach high marks. 

Is it possible with a chickenpox compress at a temperature of 38?

Many parents use compresses and wiping to reduce heat. This is not the most successful way for chickenpox. There is a high risk of connecting a bacterial infection.

Is it possible with a chickenpox compress at a temperature of 38:

  • In this case, an infection enters the bubble, which provokes the occurrence of small pustules. It is in such cases that after the disease, small recesses and scars may remain. Therefore, the main task is to ensure the purity of the skin, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vesicles.
  • In no case should you use compresses with vinegar and lemon, vodka. Grandfather methods should be forgotten not only with chickenpox, but also at a temperature caused by other infections. The best option is a cool shower.
  • With chickenpox, it is not allowed to bathe the child for a long time so that the wounds do not soak, and the films do not go. In this case, the risk of connecting a bacterial infection increases. Therefore, hold the child in the shower for 5-10 minutes, and get a break with a towel. A cool shower is able to lower the temperature by 0.5-1 degrees. It is recommended to put the child in bed, cover with a warm veil, and open the balcony. At a temperature of 16-14 degrees, the child’s body cools, and the temperature drops quickly. 

What can not be shot down by the temperature in chickenpox in children?

Among pediatricians, there are practically no disputes regarding the used antipyretic drugs. There are many drugs whose work is based on several known active substances: ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgin, aspirin.

Than you can’t knock down the temperature at chickenpox:

  • Since chickenpox is a viral disease, it has a serious effect on the liver and internal organs.
  • After this ailment, prolonged recovery should be, during which it is recommended to give the child multivitamin preparations, feed with fresh fruits, vegetables to restore immunity.
  • Aspirin -based products, that is, acetylsalicylic acid, and children cannot be given with chickenpox. With this treatment, serious complications, liver diseases are observed. 

Is it possible to knock down the temperature with Nurofen with chickenpox?

I recommend that the doctors recommend this tool in extreme cases, especially if the temperature lasts several days, does not drop.

Is it possible to knock down the temperature with Nurofen with a chickenpox:

  • It is recommended to alternate paracetamol with ibuprofen so that the body does not get used to one drug. You cannot increase the norms to reduce temperature.
  • The daily amount of paracetamol for the child is low, it is sometimes not enough to reduce heat for a long period of time.
  • In this case, Ibuprofen is connected. It is recommended to reduce the concentration of this drug with chickenpox.

How to knock down the temperature with chickenpox in adolescents?

The temperature with chickenpox can increase in a spasmodic, usually preceding a new portion of rashes. The day before the rash, the temperature rises to the mark 38-39, the next day the bubbles appear on the body. In general, this situation can be observed for about 10 days. After that, the wounds are covered with a crust, the disease becomes not contagious. The amount of the virus is reduced in bubbles. The temperature at the stage of formation is usually absent. It is identified at the stage of occurrence or before rashes. 

How to knock down the temperature at chickenpox in adolescents:

  • Analgin is a medicine that has a serious load on the cardiovascular system. Children may have a lot of heart defects that are not diagnosed. In some cases, the intake of analgin leads to death. With chickenpox, this drug is also not recommended to reduce heat. 
  • The best option is paracetamol. Now on sale there are a lot of children's options, in the form of syrups, chewing, hissing tablets. They reduce the temperature as quickly as possible to comfortable norms. 

The temperature with chickenpox in children than to knock down without tablets?

As Dr. Komarovsky repeatedly pointed out, the basic principles of reduction of heat are a cool temperature in the room, and a large amount of drinking. Prepare compote, jelly, and unsweetened tea. It is necessary to double the amount of fluid. The child must constantly drink. It is with the liquid that a large amount of sweat and salts through the skin comes out.

The temperature with chickenpox in children than to knock down without tablets:

  • Try to change the underwear once a day. The same goes for bedding. When bubbles rupture, liquid contents flow from them, with a high concentration of viral particles. They are absorbed into bedding, can provoke new rashes. Therefore, bedding is recommended to be changed once every 2 days. This applies to personal towels that use the shower.
  • On these things, viral particles are preserved for a long time, which can cause the disease of one of the households. They also negatively affect the dynamics of the course of the disease in a child. But the replacement of bedding is recommended not only due to the presence of viral particles.
  • With an increase in temperature under the blanket, in bed, the child has a warm, humid environment that is ideal for the propagation of pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. This applies to staphylococci, streptococci, which in a small amount live on the skin. They cause a bacterial infection, and turn ordinary bubbles fromherpeviral liquid in abscesses, which leave visible scars behind. 

Temperature at chickenpox: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients who suffered chickenpox. 

Temperature at chickenpox, reviews:

Svetlana. I fell ill with chickenpox as a child, and I remember almost nothing. A couple of scars remained on his face. My daughter, who is 4 years old, grabbed chickenpox in the garden. The temperature was observed only a few days, but low. The temperature is notknocked down But wiped with cold water. In general, I felt good, and quickly suffered the disease. 

Olga. My son fell ill with chickenpox at 8 years old, infected at school. Later, the whole class was closed to quarantine. The temperature was held for 7 days, and in general it suffered very hard. There was a strong heat, reduced the temperature with paracetamol, and with candlesAnalm. There were scars in some places. Some of the wounds became inflamed due to what was combed. Later she began to give antihistamines to relieve itch. 

Alexei. I was ill with chickenpox at 19 years old. I felt terrible, the temperature lasted 4 days, and reached the level of 39.5. He shot down the heat with aspirin, and drank a lot of vitamins. The doctor prescribed Eden tablets, ointments for processing chickenpox:Levomekol and Acyclovir. On the sick leave was about two weeks. He suffered hard, scars remained on his neck and shoulders. 


Read on the topic:

No need to wrap the child at high temperature, even if he has a strong trembling. It is best for the child to walk around the room in panties, T -shirt or shorts. During this period, put on cotton clothes on it, which perfectly absorbs sweat.

Video: How to knock down the temperature with chickenpox?

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  1. Recently, I didn’t want to remember ... By the way, even an ordinary vitamin C confuses the temperature well, if you give increased dosages. We are now focusing on vitamins of immunomino. After all, prevention plays a big role ... Moreover, there is a lot of viruses and infections now ..

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