How to get rid of scars after chickenpox, operation, burn? How to get rid of scars at home? Ointments for the treatment of scars and scars

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox, operation, burn? How to get rid of scars at home? Ointments for the treatment of scars and scars

Methods of getting rid of scars.

Many people, after transferring heavy operations and ailments, often wonder about the removal of the resulting scars. The most common scars after surgery, burns, as well as chickenpox appear. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of them.

How to get rid of scars at home?

It is worth noting that the scars differ among themselves. The most ugly and dangerous are keloid scars. A large amount of connective tissue is formed in this area, thus, a kind of layering, a slide or bugr is obtained. That is, such scars are not even, but tuberous, which significantly spoils the appearance, and also gives the relief to the skin.

This situation is especially unpleasant in cases where the burn is in some prominent place. If the scars paint a man, then the scars look very unsympathetic on a gentle female body, everyone will agree. Therefore, it is advisable that the question arises, how to get rid of scars?

Treatment of scars from a burn: before and after
Treatment of scars from a burn: before and after

How to get rid of scars:

  • It all depends on the size of the scar, as well as its structure. If it is a keloid fabric, then fighting it is quite difficult. It is best to start the fight against scars at the stage of their formation. If this is a scar after surgery, then the use of absorbables will be the best option. One of them is contractubex. It includes onion extract, aloe, as well as heparin.
  • All these means prevent the formation of a huge amount of keloid fabric. That is, in this way you will be able to get rid of the layering of the fabric on each other, and at the place of the scar you will not get a huge amount of influx of fabrics. It will be smooth and inconspicuous. Such treatment must be used immediately after the seams are removed. It is especially advisable to use this tool after surgical interventions and cesarean section.
  • Indeed, many note that the use of such funds gives good results. Undoubtedly, this ointment can be used if the scar, but there are no chances for the complete disappearance of the scars. The main task of this cream is to prevent the formation of a large amount of scar, keloid fabric. What he copes with.
  • It is much more complicated if the fabric has already formed and the scar looks very unpleasant. In this case, using ointments and creams is almost useless. An ideal option will be the use of methods that are used in the office of a cosmetologist or even a plastic surgeon.
Scar after a burn
Scar after a burn

How to get rid of scars: List of ointments


  • From scars and scars Ointment folk healer
  • Shramoff - gel for aligning scars and scars
  • Gel for remodeling scars of phyto-bi-technology
  • Dermatics
  • Heparin ointment

How to get rid of scars with folk methods?


  • There are also folk methods that will help get rid of inconspicuous scars. You can do this with lemon juice. It is necessary to lubricate the skin with lemon juice daily. It is distinguished by bleaching properties and reduces pigmentation in the place of the resulting scars. However, lemon juice is useless in relation to keloid and deep scars.
  • You can fight scars with honey. It is also often applied, rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged skin. It is necessary to carry out manipulations twice a day.  It is best to use a kind of compress for these purposes, which is applied to the bandage. To do this, moisturize the fabric, apply a small amount of honey. Such a compress is applied to scars and left for one hour. It is necessary to use such compresses for a long time in order to light up the scar. It is also useless in the case of the formation of vast, keloid scars.  
  • You can cope with barely noticeable scars using oatmeal. It is necessary to take a handful of flakes, add honey and a small amount of lemon juice there. The resulting ointment is applied to the scar for about one hour. Washed off with cold water. It is advisable to massage this site, which will contribute to the absorption of scars.  
Folk recipes
Folk recipes

How to get rid of scars after a burn?

If the scar is old, and keloid, that is, it has a kind of relief that sticks out above the surface of the skin, then getting rid of it with ointments or folk remedies will not work. The fact is that in these places there is already excess fabric that must be removed. This can be done with several methods.

Methods, how to get rid of scars:

  • He copes well with deep scars laser. The essence of the procedure is that a stream of light is supplied to a neodymium laser with a certain frequency, thanks to which excess cells are destroyed. At the same time, pigmentation is reduced, the scar becomes lighter, its texture decreases, the relief decreases. It is quite difficult to completely get rid of this method from keloid scars that have a pronounced relief. With the help of a laser, it will be possible to get rid of scars in just a few procedures. It all depends on the density, as well as the relief of the scar. The less expressed, the faster you can get rid of it.  
  • Micodermabrazia. This is a regular peeling that can be carried out using fruit acids or other substances. The essence of the procedure is that the upper layers of the skin are removed, on which there is a layering of connective tissue. Using such a procedure, you can get rid of scars that arose after acne.  
  • Completely saying goodbye to scars and dents on the skin using one procedure will not work. That is, you will have to regularly visit a cosmetologist and conduct manipulations. Typically, microdermabrase is done once a month. In this way, you can get rid of scars after chickenpox and acne. Also, the use of this technique eliminates the scars that remained after plastic surgery. It is quite difficult to get rid of keloid scars in this way, because fruit acids do not penetrate the skin so deeply to completely remove excess connective tissue.  
Shram near the eye
Shram near the eye

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox?

The fact is that such scars differ from those that appear after burns. If after burns a keloid scar with the growth of connective tissue usually occurs, then an atrophic scar occurs during chickenpox.

There are no excess fabric inside. On the contrary, due to the fact that a bubble usually occurs on top of the wound, after the ripening of such a fabric, a peculiar fossa is obtained. There are not enough fabrics in this area. Accordingly, use contractubex, cocoa oil and other products that contribute to the absorption of keloid fabric, this is absolutely useless to the differences in the structure of scars and scars.  

Scars from chickenpox
Scars from chickenpox

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox:

  • Initially, it is necessary to prevent their formation. That is, to ensure the lack of irritation, as well as combing the wounds. If an adult can somehow explain that this cannot be scratched, then everything is more complicated with the child. What to do if the scars still formed? In this case, they must be dealt with. However, several other methods than with the elimination of scars after surgery or burns. The main task is on the contrary to improve the regeneration of the skin in this area.
  • It has proven itself to microdermabrizes. However, it will not completely allow dents, but only partially smooth the transition from dent to a healthy skin level. Thus, the scar will become less noticeable. Perfectly proven themselves fruit peelsthat can also be used in the treatment of such scars. At this place, the new skin will not grow, the only thing you can do is to align the border, make it less noticeable.
  • It is believed that one of the best methods for treating scars from traces of chickenpox is Using fillers. You will not surprise anyone with the use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology, to eliminate wrinkles, and increase the cheekbones. Exactly on the same principle, fillers work in the treatment of scars from chickenpox. Thus, the specialist introduces the needle under the hole, and puffs it. It turns out that the hole becomes filled, and it is not visible at all. The main disadvantage of fillers is that they are absorbed and over time it is necessary to repeat the procedure. That is, over time, your scars will return to the place again.
  • Another interesting and unusual method is the use of a kind of knitting. During the manipulation, a needle with a cutting canvas is introduced under the hole. Under the dent, the bottom is cut. A new connective tissue is formed between the connective tissue and the bottom, which grows, pushing the bottom. Thus, raising the level of the bottom is completely possible, and the pits are not visible. As a result of such a procedure, the skin is completely leveled.  
Scars from chickenpox and acne
Scars from chickenpox and acne

How to get rid of scars after surgery at home?

As for postoperative scars, it is desirable to fight them after the seams are removed. It is necessary that the wound is completely dragged and a small amount of scar tissue is formed. However, do not allow an omission of the situation. It is quite possible to remove postoperative scars if you fight them in time. In this case, folk methods will help. Ointments made of fresh grass, as well as oils, have proven themselves well.  

Recipes how to get rid of scars:

  • To prepare such a remedy, it is necessary to take a handful of St. John's wort herbs, it is desirable that it be fresh. After that, raw materials are crushed with a mortar to a gruel -like state. Next, a small amount of vegetable oil is introduced into this gruel. Such ointments are applied to the bandage. Usually fixed with adhesive plasters, and elastic bandages are put on top to tightly press the ointment to the scar.
  • You should not expect this kind of product to act quite quickly. It is usually necessary for several months to make the scar as inconspicuous as possible. Compresses made from essential oils have proven themselves well.
  • To do this, mix geranium oil, tea tree, as well as any citrus in equal amounts. Add the same amount of ordinary vegetable oil. The resulting means lubricate the scars. The bandage can not be used if you are not afraid to stain clothes.

There are also several rules that you should adhere to if you want to prevent the formation of obvious scars:  

  • Try not to scratch the wounds on which scars may form. In addition, do not wear clothes and peculiar pulling compresses.
  • The fact is that indeed, after cesarean section, young mothers to get rid of the abdomen, it is recommended to use pulling belts, panties and compression underwear.
  • However, few people know that when using such belts, the scar behaves much worse, and additional fabric is more enjoyed. Accordingly, during the sock of such a pulling bandage, noticeable scars may form.  
Tattoo on the scar
Tattoo on the scar

How to remove a scar on your face?

If initially the scar is quite large, there is a huge amount of fabric, then treating it with a variety of peels, and ointments are useless. In this case, even try such funds, because it is a waste of money. In this case, it is best to resort to surgical excision. At the moment, there are several methods of surgical operations to eliminate scars. The doctor selects the method depending on the condition of the patient.

  • Now the technique using silicone balls has become quite popular. A small ball is introduced through the micro -outlet into the skin, which is left for a while. Thanks to the appearance of an extraneous object, the skin is stretched. After excess fabric really appeared in this place, the scar is excised, and the skin areas are simply sewn together. As a result, instead of getting a huge embossed scar and a scar, just a small seam appears, which is much easier to get rid of than a large scar.
  • With burns, when scar, keloid tissue really prevails, surgical excision is often used, and even skin transplant. However, this technique is expensive, usually carried out with plastic surgeons when it is necessary to restore the face. In such cases, a scar is excised, a smooth area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is transplanted in its place. In this case, internal seams are performed, which become almost invisible with proper rehabilitation.  
  • As you can see, it is easier to prevent the appearance of scars than to engage in their treatment. Therefore, in such cases, try in a short time after removing the joints to apply funds to the scar that resolve scars and prevent the formation of keloid fabric. Also try not to scratch the scars, if the child has chickenpox, forbid him to tear off the crusts. Indeed, in their place, hillocks, pits often appear.  
Removing scars on the face: before and after
Removing scars on the face: before and after

Please note that the least successful way to combat scars is their disguise with a tattoo. The fact is that tattoos penetrate the fabric deep enough. Because of this, the pigment may not become so bright, pale. Thus, a short time after applying a tattoo, you can find that it has become much lighter, and the contours are fuzzy. In addition, very often fabrics under a keloid scar continue to grow. That is why the contour of the tattoo, its color may change. Thus, then you will have to get rid of tattoos with a laser method and do something with a scar.  

Video: How to get rid of scars?

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