How to remove itching with chickenpox in a child? How to smear acne and in the mouth of a child?

How to remove itching with chickenpox in a child? How to smear acne and in the mouth of a child?

Winds of smallpox is a common disease among children. It is accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the body.

To get rid of itching, you need to know what means to use. This article will talk about how to remove itching, and how to smear ulcers in the mouth.

How does chickenpox manifest in children?

  • The incubation period of chickenpox is 1.5-3 weeks. First, the child has increased body temperature. It can reach 38-39 ° C. After the child feels all colds, plus a rash appears on the body.
  • At first, rashes resemble ordinary small spots of red. After they turn into papules that are converted into bubbles with liquid inside. A few days after the bubble bursts, the crust appears. After falling off the crust on the body, a red spot remains.
  • Many are interested in the question of why itching appears with chickenpox? It's all about infectious fluid, which are filled with bubbles.

Why is it impossible to comb the rashes with chickenpox?

Strong itching with chickenpox leads to the fact that the child begins to actively itch.

If he does not stop, this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • Repeated infection;
  • Increase in the duration of the disease;
  • Other bacteria that provoke rotting may fall into an open wound;
  • Severe pain, because blisters will not heal;
  • Scars will remain after the retreat of the disease for life;
  • Slotting the virus in the body, which will lead to an increase in the number of rashes.
How to relieve severe itching?
Frequent question from sick and parents

How long is itching in chickenpox in children, how faster to get rid of it?

How long is itching with chickenpox in children? It is difficult to answer the duration of the duration. It all depends on the number of bubbles on the body and the speed of the appearance of new papules. If there are few rashes, then itching will disappear already through 5-7 days. If the Ospnings have formed in large quantities, the child will have to endure itching 10 days.

  • The child will cease to completely itch when the papules dry out, and new foci of infection will cease to form.
  • As soon as small rashes appeared on the child’s body, they must be immediately processed. Most often, parents use a solution of fucurcin or diamond greens.
  • This substances prevent the spread of papules, and help to dry the abscesses. However, there are other, no less effective drugs. It will be about them further.


Such substances can be used inward, or surrounded by them wounds. Everything must be done as prescribed by a doctor based on the age of the child. The self -medication should not be done, because this can provoke an overdose and undesirable reactions. Give preference to such means that will lower the likelihood of side effects.

The most effective antihistamines from itching with chickenpox include:

  • "Diazolin". A well -known inexpensive rescuer from all signs of allergies;
  • "Suprastin". It has a powerful sedative effect. It is produced in the form of tablets, and is suitable for children from 1 month. To make it more convenient for the child, open the tablets into the powder, and dilute with water. Can be added to soup or mashed potatoes;
  • "Loratadine". Helps relieve itching. You can not give children up to 2 years;
  • "Peritol". It has a sedative effect. Relieves nervousness, itching, and normalizes the child's sleep;
  • "Fenistil". Participates in blocking histamine receptors. Suitable for children from 1 month;
  • "Fexino" and "Telfast". It is allowed to give children from 6 years old;
  • "Cetizirin". You can give children from 1 year. In the morning and evening, give the child 5 drops of the drug.

It is better to give them to children at night. They will help relieve itch, which will positively affect the child’s dream. If your children suffer from diathesis or allergic reactions, antihistamines must be prescribed by a doctor.

Antiseptic drugs

Such funds allow you to dry rashes, and protect against secondary infection. They need to be used during the day, after the child takes the bath. The amount of application should be prescribed by the doctor based on the course of the disease.

Warn the doctor about using any drugs
Warn the doctor about using any drugs

Effective antiseptics against itching with chickenpox include:

  • "Furricin". It has a dark tint. Apply it with a cotton swab on inflammation. The tool is effective in the early stages of the disease, allowing you to track the number of new papules.
  • "Kalamin". This solution is based on herbs. It can be used for children from 1 year old. Helps to cope with inflammation and redness.
  • "Zindol". Drives rashes, inside which there is an infected liquid.
  • Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. A means of universal purpose. Fights with infection, and soothes the skin.

External funds

These drugs are more effective for removing itching with chickenpox. They combine anti -inflammatory, antipruritic and antiseptic effects.

  • "Acyclovir." The ointment should be applied no longer than 5 days. It is better to use it during the day, 5 times. Apply to the bubbles with a cotton swab;
  • "Irikar". A couple of applications and all painful and unpleasant sensations will become much less;
  • "Gistan". The composition contains soothing herbs. Can be used even on newborn children;
  • "La kri". Helps relieve swelling and inflammation. The best option for sensitive skin. Apply the cream to the papules 3-4 times a day;
  • "Viferon." It has an antiviral effect. This tool can be used not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the body;
  • "Fenistil." An effective remedy for itching and edema;
  • "Epigen". This drug can be replaced by green. During an acute course of the disease, apply the product 5 times a day, and when the chickenpox begins to retreat - 2 times. It is also allowed to apply to the mucous membranes of the body;
  • "Delassin". If you bought a drug in the form of a synthetic tannin, add it to the bath. Apply the product in the form of powder to the skin. Rub your palm, soft movements;
  • "Poksklin". The composition does not contain alcohol, which is capable of drying the skin. It is allowed to apply to the mucous membrane;
  • "Zovirax". Masaz or cream helps to fight rashes. The duration of use depends on the number of abscesses on the body. Itching disappears after a few minutes. It is better to use at night so that the child will better fall asleep.

Soothing drugs

Small children with chickenpox are rather restless. To normalize their nervous system, and relieve itching, it is recommended to use sedatives.

Xthey have proven themselves:

  • Tincture of valerian or motherwort. Add a few drops to tea or water. The amount depends on the age of the child. 1 drops are enough for one-year-old children, and 5 drops for 5-year-olds are enough.
  • "Leot". Suppose for children from 12 years old. It helps to reduce nervousness, and it is better to fall asleep.
  • "Edas." It does not harm young children.

Folk remedies

  • Some parents prefer natural remedies that effectively help get rid of itching with chickenpox. I have proven myself well chamomile, Lavender and calendula.
  • You need to make a decoction of herbs. Moisten a piece of cotton wool in it, and apply to rashes. Can be used tea tree oil. It will not only help relieve itching, but also dry inflammation.

There are several other, no less effective folk remedies:

  • Wetting and wiping olive oil.
  • Lotions with soda. Dilute in 100 ml of water 2 tsp. soda. Moisten in a solution of cotton wool, and apply to rashes. The procedure is carried out every day until the disease retreats.
  • Barley decoction. Soak the seeds in boiling water for 60 minutes. Strain and wipe the prepared tincture of the papule.

There are several recommendations that allows you to speed up recovery. First of all, give the child antiviral drugs. During illness in children, body temperature rises. If it is not shot down, you can provoke problems with the nervous and cardiovascular system.

The temperature above +38 ° C is allowed. If they are lower, then the body is fighting the virus. Do not give the children aspirin, because it negatively affects the state of the liver.

Chickenpox in children in the mouth: what to do, what to treat?

  • Chicken rashes in the mouth rarely appear in children. However, no one is safe from their appearance. Most often, small sores can be seen in the tongue, sky, gums and cheeks, the inside of the lips. The child feels pain and itching with chickenpox and rashes in the mouth.
  • The appearance of sores can be seen through 7-14 days After the onset of the disease. At first they have a rich red tint. After they form a film with a liquid inside.
  • After a few days, the abscesses burst, but do not dry. If you do not help the wounds to live, there is a high probability of re -infection. If the symptoms of chickenpox appear in the throat, they need to be treated when the child sleeps.
Strong unpleasant sensations are caused in the mouth
Strong unpleasant sensations are caused in the mouth


  • "Spray Miramistin". It is allowed to use young children and allergies;
  • Soda/boric acid solution. Dilute in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. soda. In the second options, mix ½ tsp. funds in 100 ml of water;
  • "Furatsilin." Add 2 tablets to a glass of boiling water, and cool the liquid. Each time for rinsing, prepare a new solution.

How to smear:

  • "Chlorophyllipt." Helps to accelerate healing and relieve pain. Apply a small amount of product with a cotton wool for rashes.
  • Mixture " Lizozima ”and Novocaine. If you carry out processing regularly, the disease will retreat faster. Let the child hold the mixture in his mouth for about 2 minutes, after which you need to spit.
  • "Solcoseryl". Helps activate the immune system. Apply to rashes 3 times a day until they completely disappear.
  • "Kalgel". Apply at least 3 times a day. Safe for young children from 1 month.

Some parents prefer folk remedies. To accelerate the healing of wounds in the mouth, use the following tips:

  • Infusion of dried parsley. There are many vitamin C that strengthens immunity. Pour 60 g of dry parsley with boiling water, and let it brew for 10 minutes. Let the child drink. Take such an infusion for 2 tsp. Three times a day.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. A sufficient amount of use is twice a day. It is better to do this half an hour after eating.

Chickenpox is a dangerous disease. Self -medication is not recommended not to harm health. It is better to undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor. If a person is ill with chickenpox, he has antibodies. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to infect again. According to statistics, only 1% of people were reused by chickenpox. You can also vaccinate from chickenpox, but this will not give you any guarantee. The probability of infection will be about 10-15%.

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Video: antipruritic methods from Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. We gave antihistamines, smeared green. But here it is no longer to relieve itching, but for understanding new or not. To make the child get ill and recover faster and recovered vitamins of the immunity plus plus. It does not cause allergies, since there is no artificial dyes in the composition of artificial dyes. But there is a zinc in the composition, it just helps to relieve inflammation and strengthen the body's resistance.

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