Runic put on luck and luck

Runic put on luck and luck

Is there a lot of good luck and luck? Definitely not, but the lack of fortune in our life is felt in a special way, because we need it in all areas of activity.

Unfortunately, only because of our desire is luck is not attracted and does not accompany us. But there is a way out - you can make runic stations for good luck. This is what will be discussed today.

Runes of good luck and luck

Any runic being consists of several runes that somehow attract luck and luck to a person, make it less vulnerable. Therefore, for starters, let's talk a little about which runes bring luck and luck.

  • "Kenaz" He is responsible not only for luck, but also for the creative potential of a person. If such a rune is properly used and activated, you can open the talents that have been “dozing” in a person until then.
Reveals talents
Reveals talents
  • "Fehu" - This rune also brings good luck, but in addition to this, it still acts as a “magnet” for money and other valuable goods. The Fehu rune also contributes to the accumulation of prosperity.
  • "Wuno". Such a rune acts a little differently than previously described, but it also brings good luck to a person and contributes to the fulfillment of his desires.
Fulfilling desires
Fulfilling desires
  • "Yera". In the literal translation of the rune means "crop". It helps a person receives well -deserved benefits.
For benefits
For benefits
  • "Dagaz." This rune is responsible for increasing wealth, benefits, but it is also applied to attract the goddess Fortune to its side.
We multiply wealth
We multiply wealth
  • "Inguz". Such a rune does not attract luck directly, but it helps that all the undertakings end in success.
Rune - designation
Rune - designation

Runic put on luck and luck "Madam Luck"

This is universal runic put on luck and luck, Therefore, using it, you can place Fortune in the area in which you need. So, you will need your own photo. You can do without it, but in this case you will have to draw, becoming on your body or on a sheet of paper.

The following runes need to be portrayed on the selected material:

  • "Wuno". It gives a person the opportunity to enjoy life without fear of failures and problems.
  • "Fehu." This rune will help you receive well -deserved benefits.
  • The bunch of "Tayvaz-nautiz-Ansuse" - Makes a person more aimed at the result, inspires confidence in him in his victory, success and favorable outcome of any situation.
  • "Mannase with Soul" They will attract Fortune's attention to your person.
  • "The bunch of Yera-Zirkal Uruz-Laguz-Ansuz." Such a ligament makes a person more decisive, gives him the opportunity to act non -standard, without fearing for the result.
  • "Laguz". Improves a person’s flair, thereby giving him the opportunity to choose the right options for actions.
Picture on paper
Picture on paper

Having stood on the selected material, be sure to say it and activate it. You can activate it as follows:

  • Air. Close your eyes, imagine that you already have what you need, what you want. Pick up full light air and exhale it on the photo, paper, etc.
  • Fire. Suitable for activating the runic stage on paper and photos. Take the paper, a photo with the depicted start and bring a candle to the flame. Take the photo over the flame and think about your goal, how it is realized
  • Land. Wrap the photo, paper depicted in a piece of clean fabric and bury for half an hour in the ground, then dig and use it according to the purpose

Runic put on luck and luck "Madam Luck 2"

  • This graphic spell is similar to the previous one, this is also seen by its name. However, such becoming more suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity.
  • You will need your photo, paper. You can also draw runes on your body.
For good luck
For good luck
  • So you need to portray the rune "Laguz", ligament "Yera-Zirkalnaya Uruz-Laguz-Ansuz" - We described them earlier.
  • It will also be necessary to portray a bunch Mannaz-Tyvaz-Sulu And a bunch "Fehu-Vunho."
  • Thereafter activate runic stabs One of the previously described methods and do not forget to stipulate him.

Runic put on luck and luck "flickering in the night"

This runic becoming this name is for a reason. “Flickering in the night” is not just a beautiful name for stava, this is the name of the deity, which on its own helps all lost souls to find their path, the right path that will lead them to success.

  • It is recommended to apply this runic on luck and luck precisely on a naked body, and not on a sheet of paper, a photo.
Apply to the body
Apply to the body

Apply such runes to the body:

  • "Laguz." The rune activates the intuition of a person, after he becomes able to understand how he needs to do in a particular situation.
  • "Kenaz." This is not just a rune that brings good luck, it is a symbol of flickering in the night. It must be applied as accurately and correctly as possible, otherwise, having become will not work.
  • Ryado. This rune will contribute to the fact that a person goes only safely and does not encounter problems.
  • "Fehu." Of course, in this runic stow it was not without a rune, which directly attracts luck and luck to a person.
  • Other runes can be applied if desired, which bring good luck to a person (were described earlier).
  • After saying, set and activate it in any way convenient for you.

Runic put on luck and luck from Anabella

  • Such a graphic spell can be used as universal or to attract fortune in work and career.
  • As in previous rituals, we need a sheet of paper, your photo or your body and pen.

On the selected material, we depict the following runes:

  • "Perth". One of the main runes of this stage. This rune calls for luck and luck to the side of a person
  • "Fehu" - This rune also attracts fortune and sets up a person to gain such work that he will like
  • "Yera". Such a rune will help ensure that the acquired work is constant and profitable. If you use this one as universal, “Yera” will make sure that luck always “goes” with you hand in hand
  • "Laguz-Rido-Kenaz" - Such a bunch will provide a person with success in all his endeavors
  • Mannas, rune, which is also responsible for attracting good luck and luck
  • "Algiz". Such a rune gives a person the protection of higher forces and the universe
  • "Berkana" is responsible for promotion, human growth
  • "Soul" gives a person the strength to carry out the planned
  • Runic, after application, is activated, otherwise the graphic spell from Anabella will not work.

Runic put on luck and luck "horseshoe"

Already by the name of this runic stage, it is clear that it attracts good luck, because it was the horseshoe that at all times was considered a symbol of luck and fortune.


Such runes will work:

  • "Perth". In this case, the rune will give a person clear thoughts, the opportunity to think clearly and rationally.
  • Ryado It will be responsible for making a person to make the right choice, will favorably affect intuition.
  • "Laguz." Will make a person invulnerable to complex circumstances.
  • "Dagaz" It will contribute to all the circumstances to be a person “into hand”.
  • "Pert-raid" Together they will open new doors to a person, new opportunities.
  • “Fehu (direct and mirror). " The runes will contribute to the fact that a person gets what he desired and deserved.
  • Having stood on luck and luck "horseshoe" It is applied either to the human body or on paper, photo, after stipulated and activated.

Runic put on luck in the exam

Lucking on the exam is necessary than ever, which is why the runic person is so popular on the exam. Such a person will help the student get a well -deserved assessment and will help ensure that the exam will pass as easily and quickly as possible. However, such a person will not work if a person does not make any effort to study well - this fact must be taken into account.

For exam
For exam
  • The first rune that needs to be applied to the body or piece of paper - "Tayvaz". She helps the student concentrate, aim at obtaining a good grade.
  • "Soul" In this stav, it acts as a magnet for fortune. It is precisely this rune that allows the student to get a good rating if he tries and makes at least minimal efforts
  • Rune "Ansuz" favorably affects the student’s mental abilities, “includes” the brain and makes him work on a good result
  • All these runes are recommended to be applied to their body, so they will work stronger.
  • It is necessary to activate them in any convenient way, while it should be remembered that they must be specified.

Thanks to the runic stations for good luck, you can not only attract fortune to your side, but also increase the available benefits.

Interesting articles on the site about fortune -telling:

Video: rune stations for all occasions

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    Thank you. Necessary and useful stations!

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