Romantic quest for two. Romantic quest in the apartment, for her husband: tasks, riddles, scripts, ideas

Romantic quest for two. Romantic quest in the apartment, for her husband: tasks, riddles, scripts, ideas

Tasks for a romantic quest.

Romantic quests are a great option for spending time in the company of a lover. It can be a quest for the Day of Lovers, or on the name of the partner. In this article we will talk about romantic quests for two.

Romantic quest for two

Typically, holidays such as Valentine's Day or anniversary are celebrated in pairs, without inviting guests. If you have prepared an unusual gift, you can not just hand it to the second half, but organize an interesting unusual quest. You will have to spend a little time to print cards with tasks, and hide the tips in different places. The optimal number of tasks is from 7 to 10. They should not be too simple, or very short, it is necessary that the man tinkers a little in search of his gift. At the initial stage, it is necessary to give a lover a card with an attached message. Help your chosen one and participate in the quest if the tasks are too complicated.

Romantic quest for two:

  • No need to have tips in the most prominent places. At the very beginning, you can hint the young man that his shirt needs to wash, recommend putting it in a washing machine. It is there that he will find a hint. Use interesting puzzles and reboses.
  • It is not necessary to conduct a similar quest in the room. You can start from work. Send him an interesting congratulation on an e-mail with a secret message about an unexpected gift.
  • In winter, you can cut snowflakes, attach them to the window. On the back of one of the snowflakes, write a riddle. Please note that snowflakes should not be one, but several, and only one of them is written a riddle. The remaining snowflakes should be empty. You can also place a riddle on the back of the window, gluing it with tape to the frame. This will complicate the task, forcing his lover to open all the windows in the house.
The beginning of the quest
The beginning of the quest
Cards for puzzles
Cards for puzzles

Romantic quest to search for a gift

You can print the message on paper with hearts, and write conditions on the back. In this message there should be the first clue to find the following. Thus, you will get a linear quest, performing tasks one after another, a person is looking for appropriate tips, proceeding to the implementation of the next stage.

Romantic quest for finding a gift:

  • At the initial stage, you can encrypt where the next hint is. For example, it can be an English or German word, after which a person receives an instruction and will be able to approach the following step.
  • You can use simple words, for the translation of which you do not need to use a dictionary, for example CAKE - this is a cake. Accordingly, it is necessary to look for the next hint in a cabinet or refrigerator with a cupcake, cake or dessert. Put a note in a prominent place so that a person does not have to rummage in the deposits of the refrigerator. It is at this place that leave the next hint.
  • The word-linking does not have to be in English or German. You can make a simple riddle or rebus. For example, "a pear hangs can not be eaten." Accordingly, this is a light bulb, you need to look for tips on lighting devices. It is best to place a hint in the area of \u200b\u200bthe table lamp so that the lover does not have to climb the stairs.
  • Although many girls want to complicate the task for lovers, so they attach tips on bulbs, at the ceiling. This can be done using double -sided tape or simply tied with a thread. Please note that it is impossible for paper or adhesive to the incandescent lamp. It is necessary to attach an encryption to the plafon or wire on which the chandelier is located.
Riddle about the refrigerator
Riddle about the refrigerator
A mystery about the TV
A mystery about the TV

Tasks of a romantic quest

Try to arrange tips throughout the apartment, touching the rooms from the bedroom to the bathroom. It is necessary that the lover is nervous, and look for tips in the whole apartment. It is better to hide them in advance, so you need to choose places in which usually a young man does not look if you live together.

Romantic quest tasks:

  • A place to store tips can be a mailbox, or a nightstand in the nearest supermarket, which is located near the house.
  • Do not forget to invest the key to your beloved. It is better to hide a hint in a storage cell early in the morning. Unnoticed for your loved one, put the key in your pocket or bag. Choose supermarkets with a large number of people so that there is no suspicion of a relatively busy cell. You can use a simpler option and hide the tips.
  • Attach tips at work in places that can be made in riddles. Remember that this method is suitable if you have access to the office of your beloved man, or often happens to his work.

For example, such a mystery:

Like a brave captain, and the screen burns on it. He breathes a bright rainbow, and he writes a computer on it, and draws all kinds of pictures without hesitation. At the top of this picture is posted ... (display).

At the back of the display, attach the next hint.

About the computer
About the computer

Another mystery that you can send by e -mail:

Why is this box, he drags paper into himself, and swallows letters, points, commas, a line to a line. He will print pictures, a clever master of jet ... (printer).


Romantic quest game

It is best to make a quest from simple tasks. It is considered an ideal option if it has about 30% complex, 30% simple tasks, 40% of the average level. Thus, a person in search of tips will not get tired, and the quest itself will not turn into a boring routine.

Romantic quest game, approximate stages:

  • Remember that it is best for these purposes to use not only riddles, but also outdoor games. Make your beloved dance for the next hint. Perhaps it will be a song or a poem. Try not all tasks are intellectual. It is necessary that some of them be sports, have an entertaining character. It is desirable that a person not only wanders around the apartment in search of another hint, but also ran, jumped, danced or sang songs.
  • Despite the fact that the apartments are a limited space, there are a lot of ways to hide tips. Moreover, these are not necessarily cabinets, bedside tables or household appliances.
  • If you do not want a lover to dig in the cabinets, you can hide tips in accessible places. For example, on the window. There are several ways to hide riddles, puzzles or tasks in this place.
Romantic mystery
Romantic mystery

You can encrypt the window using one of the riddles:

I have a large rectangle in my room, and an ordinary windowsill is nailed to it.

Hearing such a riddle, it is unlikely that anyone will have doubts that a secret item is a window.

To hide the hint, you can use the table. Typically, notes are glued from the back of the table, or put in a box. If this is a kitchen table, then you can put a hint in a napkin. Give free rein to your imagination.

The table can be encrypted with such a riddle:

We are sitting behind him, after him, he is needed for the whole family.

An excellent place to hide the hint is a mailbox. This option is suitable if the man lives with you, he has the keys to the mailbox.

You can encrypt it with such a riddle:

  • Narrow and iron mouth, quickly he steals letters. So you won’t get them if you don’t show them.

Romantic quest in the apartment

Remember that the main goal of the quest for lovers is not to arrange a brainstorming, checking the intellectual abilities of a lover, and an interesting way to hide a gift. Therefore, do not try to choose very complex puzzles, on which you will have to spend a lot of time. Indeed, most often a holiday dinner is carried out in the evening, after a hard day's day. It is unlikely that a young man who has been at work all day will want to spend his time on a solution to difficult tasks.

Romantic quest in the apartment:

  • The main advantage of the quest at home is in a large number of places where you can hide tips and gifts. On average, you will need about 30 minutes to organize a quest, print cards, choose tasks, hiding them in various places. It is necessary to come up with a quest that will take a person for about 30 minutes. The main caches that are used for tips: mirror, bed, window, lamp, shelf, box, TV, vacuum cleaner, suitcase, kettle. Here, almost all objects in the apartment in prominent places.

Be sure to prepare an interesting surprise at the end so that a person is rewarded for his efforts.

  • You can start a quest with a romantic dinner. Hide the first hint in the item that stands on the table. It can be a napkin, or a hodgepodge. Be sure to include tasks that contain memorable, interesting dates.
  • This may be the date of birth of a child, or your first meeting. For married people, this may be the date of marriage. Use riddles in verses. Below we present several of the most common riddles in which household items and things that are in the apartment are encrypted. Take advantage of love puzzles to make a riddle. You can prepare in advance, purchase balloons, and put empty bundles in them, but put the next hint in one of them.
Cards for tips
Cards for tips
Cards for tips
Cards for tips
A card for tasks
A card for tasks
Valentine's Day quest
Valentine's Day quest

Romantic quest for husband

Remember, it is not necessary that the man pass the quest in your presence. This may be an interesting task that is carried out not in the apartment, but on a pre -compiled route. To conduct this quest, you will have to try a bit and get confused. On average, the time of passing such a quest is about an hour and a half.

Romantic quest for her husband, script:

  • You need to agree with a taxi driver in advance, as well as organize a meeting in a cafe. Send your favorite message. This can be the usual text message in Waiber, Watsap or Telegrams. However, it is best to record a video appeal, and lay out a video on YouTube.
  • Send the link to your beloved, do not forget to limit access to watch the video exclusively your young man. Tell us in the video what will happen. In the end, tell me that a car will come for a loved one. Do not forget to warn that after watching the video, he must send a confirmation of viewing. It is from this moment that the quest will begin.
  • Call a taxi at the address where the young man is located, and indicate the route to the taxi driver. This can be a cafe in which you celebrated your first anniversary, or first met. You need to choose objects that are associated with your love story. This place where we first met, met, celebrated the birthday, the birthday of their child.
  • You can indicate several routes in the taxi, while asking the taxi driver not to open the outline. In every place, a man should expect an interesting surprise. If this is a cafe, then you need to book a table, order dessert and coffee. Do not forget to remind the taxi driver that he should wait for your lover. After the young man finds himself in a cafe, send him the next hint to the phone. Of course, it is not necessary that all the locations are far from each other. It is enough to bring a man to a cafe, and place tips in the nearest places. In one of the places you can meet your beloved and give a gift.
  • It can be a park, a square, a supermarket. Remember that a man should have enough time to pass the quest. This is, first of all, one of the ways to beautifully congratulate, cheer up to the beloved. Be sure to ask after each selfie task. So you can make sure that the person is in the right place and will be able to find all the tips.
For husband
For husband
Ready quest
Ready quest
Riddles for the quest
Riddles for the quest
Cards for puzzles
Cards for puzzles

Read on the topic:

It is best to organize a similar quest if a man has his own car. You can find out what time he will be in a specific place. Then you need to book a table in a cafe, and leave tips in different places, the coordinates of which you can send him in text messages. It can design them in the form of ordinary messages, or video features sent to Viber, WhatsApp or other messengers.

Video: Romantic quest for two

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Comments K. article

  1. Half of the rebuses cannot be solved. Too complicated.

  2. I paid 350 rubles. Where is the quest? And the check prnusla was 22, 09 rubles ... what is this?

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