Children's contests, games, lottery for children 7, 8, 9, 10 years old. Riddles for children's birthday with answers

Children's contests, games, lottery for children 7, 8, 9, 10 years old. Riddles for children's birthday with answers

A child’s birthday is an important event for both the baby and his parents. If you get a job and not be afraid to spend your personal time on the preparation of the event, you can create a bright holiday with many positive emotions. To remember such a day for a long time to the birthday and his guests.

Funny birthday contests with answers for parents

Children's birthday is a cheerful and joyful holiday. This day must be filled with many adventures, surprises, jokes and gifts. To celebrate the birthday of your child, it is not necessary to hire a professional animator and spend crazy amounts of money on the scenery, attributes and prizes. It is enough to show ingenuity, attach patience and then everything you need can be created independently.

children's birthday

A variety of contests based on guessing riddles will give the birthday and his guests bright emotions and the spirit of rivalry, when everyone wants to earn a welcome prize.

Competition "Guess the Cartoon" with answers for parents

In this competition, one presenter (one of the parents) reads “Winged Phrases” of animated characters. The second parent monitors who give the answer faster and gives him a special chip of bright cardboard.

According to the results of the competition, a child who collects more chips receives a symbolic prize (candy, keychain, notebook or felt -tip pens).

modern children are perfectly oriented in cartoons and love everything related to them
  • "Freedom of parrots! Freedom!" ( Kesha from the "Return of the Prodigal Parrot")
  • "Maybe we’ve already dinner already" ( Masha from "Masha and the Bear")
  • "It seems the rain is starting…" ( Piglet from "Winnie Pooh")
  • "A friend of a friend is a friend - everyone knows this" ( Barbos "Bobik visiting Barbos")
  • "You come in, if that!" ( The wolf from "lived a dog")
  • “I am a man at least where! In full vime, forces! " ( Carlson from "Baby and Carlson")
  • "Come out a vile coward!" ( Mice from "Cat Leopold")
  • “Congratulations, ball! You are the gangsters "( Cat from "Prostokvashino")

Contest "edible something" with answers for parents

In this competition, children will need only to describe and riddles to guess an edible vegetable or fruit. The promotion occurs in the same mode: the chips are given active for which the prize is ultimately issued.

prizes are the best way to stimulate a child to participate in competitions
  • This fruit grew up in the garden, sang in sunny weather. Attracts the fruit that OS and is called ( apricot)
  • It is a large fruit and heavy, it tastes very sweet. Attracts ripe children and strip ( watermelon)
  • This fruit is the food of the monkeys, it is from warm southern countries. He is the favorite fruit of children, bright sunny ( banana)
  • It grows a family on branches, there is a vine and fruits, like children. There is any of it so happy, it is juicy ( grape)
  • Juicy and ripe, tanned in the sun. Naps are circling next to her, because she is called ( pear)
  • Everyone knows this vegetable, he curled and is very important. Without it in the borsch, he is so empty and he is called ( cabbage)
  • We are used to this vegetable to eat every day. It grows in the ground in the garden and prefers a shadow. You add it to the okroshka, because it is tasty with ( potatoes)
  • Everyone knows this citrus, he is even sour, but important to everyone! ( lemon)
  • Kids do not like him, he cuts his eyes too much. He is so sore and elastic, on and white ( onion)
  • We know this fruit close, he pleases us every New Year with his sourness and calls under the Christmas tree. He is the brother of an orange, it is boring to live without ( mandarin)

Competitions can be held immediately after the feast, when the children are configured for funny entertainment. Such classes will be able to organize all the kids and not make anyone get bored, develop logic and associative thinking.

Most funny and funny birthday contests for a child

Active contests at the children's holiday will allow all guests to participate and receive prizes. The variety of existing competitions and tasks is impressive. For the event, some paraphernalia, jewelry and incentive prizes should be prepared.

Quest "Treasure Island" on the island of adventure

To conduct this competition, you should stock up on the necessary attributes:

  • draw a map of treasures (map or plan of the apartment, at home)
  • hide tips and valuable prize
  • stick the tablets on the door door and place the index arrows all over the house
  • prepare costumes for children: hats, cardboard swords, parrots and others
children's pirate quest

Parents need to hide a secret prize in the most unexpected place: on the mezzanine, in the closet, on the balcony, in bed. For children, an extremely confusing map is drawn, which depicts the entire territory of the apartment, divided into zones:

  • the beach of the dead
  • wild jungle
  • dark cave
  • aboriginal settlement and others.

Well, if each point on the map (room at home) will be one presenter. You can introduce your family and friends to the organization. Leaders are needed in order to give children to children if necessary, but not just like that, but for completed tasks. For example:

  • tell a verse
  • sing a song
  • perform an exercise
  • collect a puzzle
  • fill the puzzle

When the card is passed, and the treasure was found, celebrate this. In modern stores, you can easily be able to buy chocolate in the form of coins wrapped in gold foil.

A kilogram of such chocolates will be a wonderful treasure that children will be able to divide among themselves and get vivid impressions.

coins-chocolate for the competition, they are easy to buy in a store or order via the Internet

Competition for children's birthday "Festive lottery"

The secret and success of this draw is that each child will pull the treasured ticket and will be able to get his comic prize. You will not have to spend a lot of money on prizes, since all of them should be symbolic and funny, designed to give joy and smile. Lottery tickets should be exactly as much as the children are invited to the holiday.

an example of children's lottery ticket, in the middle of the asterisk you need to write a figure

Variants of prizes on the lottery:

  • At school, you need to get the best marks. Hold now notebook In a small cage
  • You're well a doubt well and a bright guest today. Keep a gift - lollipop And be satisfied!
  • You will need this prize, so as not to lose the keys. We wish you to remember this day of birth. ( trinket)
  • Here you have sweet chupa Chups,children's candy. It tastes pleasant to everyone in winter and summer
  • I give you as a gift animal,a very small toy
  • This is a very important thing, you will always come in handy torch.Darkness is not a barrier now, this is the most pleasant gift
  • Here cookie -it is useful, you can eat them
  • Here barrette,without doubt you need this decoration
  • You have a rare prize today - this wet wipes
  • You are haunted by success, here notebookyou are for you

Interesting and funny birthday games for children

Outdoor games will allow the kids not to sit still, and logical will be able to develop thinking and cause the spirit of rivalry.

funny birthday games

Game "Color perception"

To conduct this game, it is recommended to find two multi -colored hoops. If you have it, they can be replaced with ribbons. To do this, you will need at least two meters of red and two meters of green thick satin tape.

They need to be folded with a ring on the floor in the largest room. Task: to pick up things in the house that meet the color of the tapes and put them in the center of the circle.

All children are divided into two teams and the winners are the team that was able to find more objects.

Game "Hello tail"

To do this, prepare a watman size A1. On it you should beautifully draw a donkey or any other animal. The donkey should be without a tail (like a donkey of IA in a cartoon about "Winnie the Pooh"). Each child is blindfolded, a tail made of threads is awarded (weave yarn into a pigtail and fluff).

Children alternately approach the poster and attach the tail with a needle. The final result is always pleasing and causes happy emotions, since it is rarely that anyone manages to attach the tail to the right place.

game "Hello Tail" for children and adults

Try to capture joyful moments in this game with a camera, as it always pleases the children, makes you smile and laugh.


Funny and funny riddles for birthday with answers to children

Riddles - favorite heads for children. They always hide the answer, which everyone knows, but they do not always guess about it. You can choose a lot of diverse riddles for the competition and distribute chips for each correct answer. The winner will be the one who will have more chips.

Try to choose a symbolic gift that meets the specifics of the competition - a notebook for notes, a crossword puzzle or the “most intelligent” figurine.

kids are very fond of riddles, especially if they are rewarded with prizes


  • The pine has hollow, this hollow is warm. The nuts are accumulating round, shaggy and red in it lives ( squirrel)
  • In winter, he sniffs sweetly, and in the summer the search for a honey in the forest is a bee hive back ( bear)
  • He wanders hunger in the forest in the snow in the forest ( wolf)
  • Small gray prickly ball, to the mink mushrooms dragged ( hedgehog)
  • Very soft paws with a thick sharp claw, the tail was shaggy like a hat, we call it ( cat)
  • It flows around the round -down, she carries in herself a water ( river)
  • It so happened that it is important to others. We cry without him, we are hiding from him ( sun)
  • He was used to wearing a green striped jacket, scarlet inside he is like a poppy and it tastes sweet (it is sweet ( watermelon)
  • You put it on the table - it will be very full, it is gold as the sun and it is round as a sieve ( bread)
  • You love her for breakfast and for dinner too, erase for two cheeks with oil in a large spoon ( porridge)
children's birthday

It is very simple to give a holiday to the child if you try to invest all your strength into the organization and not be afraid to spend your time. Children are not spoiled by the money and stereotypes of creatures, inflated balls, contests and symbolic prizes will become great happiness for the kids and leave them a lot of impressions.

Video: "Competitions, games dancing for children's birthday"

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