Rating of the best board games for adult company: 35 interesting, cool and funny games

Rating of the best board games for adult company: 35 interesting, cool and funny games

The time spent in the family circle or with best friends is considered one of the best ways to relax. And if you combine such a pastime with interesting games, then minutes, and even hours, will run quietly. However, understanding the variety of board games and choosing the best is not so simple.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Games for entertainment in a home environment". You will find fascinating games for children and adults, if boring.

The most interesting board games for adults, as well as the criteria for their choice will be discussed in this article. Read further.


Criteria for choosing the best and cool games for adult company

The main goal of any game is the entertainment of everyone who takes part in it. Therefore, when choosing a “Sooper”, you need to pay special attention to its type and topic so that each of the participants receive the pleasure of the game. Moreover, it is of great importance how players are familiar with each other and how they interact. It must be borne in mind that board games are both family and children's and exclusively adults.

Here are the criteria for choosing the best and cool games for adult company:

  • For intellectual gatherings, it is better to select games with complex tasks that require mental work.
  • Noisy parties require light and fun games.
  • Of great importance is the game. If the company is gathering in a crowded place, for example, a cafe, then you should abandon outdoor and noisy games so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

We will help you choose the right games. Read further.

The purpose of entertainment and time for board games for adult company

Board games can perform a huge number of tasks associated with entertainment. For example, with their help you can arrange a vacation during a corporate party, brighten up a boring evening or even take fellow travelers while traveling. This means that when choosing a board game for the company of adults, you need to dwell on the one that will correspond to the place and purpose of its holding, as well as the time during which the audience will be able to play.

Number of participants for board games

"Tables" may differ in the number of participants who can simultaneously take part in the game. Therefore, choosing entertainment, you need to take into account the number of all those present people who want to play.

So, you can start choosing a game. Below we describe the names and rules of the most interesting, funny and best entertainment in the form of board games for adult company. Read further.

"Guess in 5 seconds": a popular board game for adults

"Guess in 5 seconds": a popular board game for adults

The game "Guess in 5 seconds" It is considered popular. Designed for adults. But both adults and children can participate in it. Great entertainment in order to unwind and distract during a long trip or just play in the company, at a party.

The game is a quiz consisting of questions with questions. In addition, the game field, clock and chips are necessary for this entertainment. The number of players can be from three to six people, and the duration is up to an hour.

Valera Time: Funny Board Game for Adult Company

This is an analogue of the game "Crocodile"which is from Holland. The main feature of this test is in the presence of an inflatable character. The game "Valera time" It consists of four thirty -minute rounds, during which players must perform various tasks using this main character. This is a funny board game for adult company.

It consists of a special set, in which, in addition to the inflatable "valera" there are cards with tasks and a form for calculating glasses.

"Red Dragon Tavern": Board Card Game for Adult Company

Funny card game "Tavern of the Red Dragon" Designed for a small company of adults (2-4 people). The game set consists of four decks of cards with different characters, cards with the names of drinks and tokens with coins. In general, this is a regular game of cards, with alcohol.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Card alcoholic Games". You will find out what you can play with friends, at the party.

"Friday": the most popular board game for a noisy company of adults

The game "Friday" Suitable for a noisy company of adults consisting of 2-6 people. This is one of the most popular board games.

  • According to the rules, one of the participants sticks a piece of paper on his forehead with some word in such a way that all those present know him except himself.

Next, a participant with a card on his forehead should ask the rest of the players leading questions, and receive answers to them in order to guess the word.

"Jaws": a cool and interesting board game for adults

Participants in the game "Jaws" put on caps that complicate speech. Then they begin to perform various verbal tasks, for example: describe the subject, explain the meaning of the word, etc. This is a cool and interesting board game for the company of adults. After the feast, between the feeding of the appetizers, when the guests are already impressed, it seems very exciting and ridiculous.

"Equipment": a board game for a large company of adults

"Equipment" - This is an adaptation of a famous game called "Activities". The essence of this table is to complete a variety of tasks recorded on special cards. Tasks for participants can be completely different - from modeling plasticine figures to the performance of songs and drawing. This board game is intended for a large company of adults. The number of participants can be from 2 to 16 people.

"Tram of fate": a new board game for adults

"Tram of fate" - This is a new board game of the conversational genre filled with black humor. Great for adult company. It can take part 3-13 people.

  • According to the rules of the game, each participant tried on the role of a switchman, obliged to believe the fate of the rest of the players.

While a certain of those present plays the role of the switchman, the rest of the players are divided into teams, which should convince the first to make decisions in their favor.

Tik-Tak-Bom Party: Cool board game for adults

"Tik-t-bum party" - This is a cool intellectual board game for adult company. Up to 12 people can participate in it.

  • The essence of the game is to complete various tasks written on special cards.
  • At the same time, the time of completion of the task for each player is limited.

All participants give each other an impromptu bomb, which will explode if you do not meet on time.

"500 evil cards": the funniest board game for adults

"500 evil cards": the funniest board game for adults

It's a game "500 evil cards" Designed for a small company - from 3 to 8 people. A question-answer passes according to the scheme. The game is present 500 cards With questions that the participants should answer, trying to come up with the funniest answer.

Manchec: Fun Battery Game for Adult Company

In Game "Manchec" take part in from 3 to 6 wishing. Players receive one of their own character, with whom they will have to go to the end, and try to win, reaching the tenth level. This is a cheerful board game for adult company. It has an emphasis on the youth audience, familiar with the principles of strategic games.

"Explosive kittens": modern board games for adults

This is a card game called "Explosive kittens"intended for a company of two to five people. Each circle lasts 15 minutes. The main mechanics of the game is that the player can accidentally pull a map with an explosive cat from the deck. If he does this, he loses, but he has the opportunity to cancel this card using the “neutralize” card, which is played out of the hand if there is.

The game belongs to modern board games for adults. It is popular with youth.

"Lead": a board game for a drunken company of adults

Another card game "Lead", something reminds of "Uno". Great board game for a drunken company of adults. Up to 10 people can participate in it. The deck consists of two types of cards: ordinary and special - giving the opportunity to make preference, replace the color or miss the move. Each party is coming 10-20 minutes.

"Russian lotto": board intellectual game for adults

One of the most famous and popular games that does not need a special performance. "Russian lotto" It is considered an intellectual game. The rules are also simple and known. Great for adults company.

  • Each participant in such a board game receives a card with a digital nearby.
  • Then the host begins to pull the barrels with numbers from the bag and call them.

The winner is the participant who closed his card before the rest.

"Firewood": an interesting board game for adults

This game called "Firewood" It is a Russian adaptation of the famous "Jenga". The number of participants does not matter, so if you wish, you can play even one. The purpose of this interesting board game for adult company is to build the highest tower as possible.

"Skrab": Intellectual game for adults on the table

"Scrub" - This is a very famous board game that develops logical, mental and creative abilities. The essence of this intellectual game for adult company is almost the same as that of an ordinary crosswordoque: compilation of words from special tokens with letters. It is convenient to play on a large table.

UNO: a board game for the company

Very popular and equally important, universal board game - "Uno". It is equally suitable for both the family circle, for the company and for offices with parties.

Bang: Active Board Game for Adult Company

"Bang" - A well -known board game made in the setting of the Wild West. The most curious is that the participants of this game for adults do not have a constant task, which changes depending on the rules and role of the player himself. At the same time, each participant will receive the ability to shoot from a pistol. The gaming kit consists of characters, game cards and patrons. The total time of such an active game can reach 40 minutes.

Jackal: a board game for a small company of adults

Jackal: a board game for a small company of adults
Jackal: a board game for a small company of adults

The game "Jackal" It is a pirate strategy. The process of playing in this table is somewhat reminiscent of chess. The task of each player is to build a chain of moves to get to a treasure with gold left on the island before the rest. The game set consists of four ships, coins and 117 chips. From two to four people can participate in such a board game for a small company.

Imadzhinarium: Intellectual Board Game for Adult Company

"Imadzhinarium" - This is an intellectual board game for adult company, well developing associative abilities. This entertainment will most like people who have creative thinking and developed imagination. The number of players can be from two to seven people, and the whole process of the game takes one hour.

"Resistance": a board game for an adult company with a psychological bias

There are a lot of games related to the psychological category. The most famous representative of such a genre is the well -known game "Mafia".

"Resistance" - This board game for adults with a psychological bias. It is an improved version of the famous "mafia." The only difference is that participants are not in this game. They can participate 5-10 people, and one circle lasts about an hour.

"Behind the side": Interesting board game

"Overboard" - Another psychological sweatshirt. Fans of adventure will appeal. The game set consists of cards of heroes, supplies, navigation, as well as icons of fatigue and wounds. Can participate 4-7 people, and the whole process lasts about an hour.

Participants in such an interesting board game need to get to the shore on a rescue boat. Only in addition to the very tests along the way, there are still some difficulties that simply solve.

"Ruff": board alcohol game

"Ruff" - This is an alcoholic board game designed only for adults. Participation in this entertainment can 4-9 people. The game circle lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. Such a game will turn drinking alcohol into an exciting process, full of excitement and mischief.

Either you need to fulfill the commissioning, or make a good sip of strong - the choice only for the player.

"Field party": Board game for adults

Another table, intended only for adults. "Field party"-This is a board card game, which can participate at the same time up to 10 people who want, and the circle lasts up to 30 minutes.

On each course, one card of some category opens. The winner takes a category card - she will give him a victorious point.

"Crocodile": Fascinating board game for adults

The very famous entertainment, which is perfect for both stormy parties and calm, family evenings. In addition, play in "Crocodile" You can both a team and together. This is an exciting board game for adult company.

It is interesting that you can independently make your changes and adjustments to the rules of the game, depending on the number of participants and their mood.

"Cord name": board game

"Code name" - This is a fairly light, team entertainment, very similar to the board game "Explosive kittens." The game set consists of chips of citizens and agents, as well as cards with code names. From two to eight people can participate in the game.

"Table Strategies": An interesting game

Strategies are one of the most popular board games. Entertainments of this type are considered intellectual and interesting, and they are best suited to those who like to think carefully.

Dead Season: Board Game for Adult Company

This game is called "Dead Season", It is an impressive table, made in the style of a zombie apocalypse. The essence of such a board game for adults company is survival in a world filled with zombies. The game set consists of tablets with locations, figures, tokens and cards.

"Game of Thrones": Game for the company

"Game of Thrones": Game for the company

As you can guess from the name, this game called "Game of Thrones"based on the plot of the famous series. Suitable for a small or large company. Participants should try to win the throne in any way, whether it is manipulation, bluff, diplomacy, lies or betrayal. The game set includes: maps, markers of the course, miniatures and chips.

Nefarius: a board game for a small company of adults

Nefarius -This is a board game-strategy designed for a small company of adults of the 2-6 people. Each player gets the opportunity to feel like a crazy scientist engaged in scientific discoveries, as well as espionage for other participants. The gaming set contains chips, players, playing field, maps of inventions, actions and laws, as well as figures of agents.

"Monopoly": An interesting board game for the company

A well -known and very popular board game called in the world "Monopoly". It is interesting to play it with a company of friends. At the moment, there are more than 20 different versions and adaptations of this economic strategy, thanks to which, everyone can choose the most suitable option for himself.

"Mafia": a board game for adults

"Mafia" - A very famous, classic sweatshirt, which definitely does not need to be presented. Another popular board of board games for adult company, which allows each participant to experience the consequences of different, economic situations and strategies. This entertainment is great for a variety of situations, whether it is gatherings with friends or party.

Oligarch cash flow: modern board game for adults

An interesting and intellectual economic strategy. This is a modern board game for adults called "Cash flow of the oligarch". The task of the players is to correctly invest money and conduct various financial transactions.

They can participate in the game 2-6 people. The most interesting thing is that the game party has no time restrictions, so it can be stretched even for a day.

"Industry": a board game for the company

Another economic table-game strategy for a company of friends called "Industry"This time from Russian developers. Each participant in the game gets the opportunity to try on the role of an industrialist, the times of the Russian Empire. Players, who can be from 2 to 4 people, will have to modernize their enterprises, take part in auctions and think over production chains. The player who has earned the greatest amount of money wins.

"My brain": a simple board game for adults

Simple board game called "Fuck my brain". It is intended only for adults, as it may contain a large number of obscene expressions. The essence is simple:

  • Players receive cards with various tasks and actions that need to be performed.

The catch is that many cards contain obscene words that need to be pronounced. Therefore, it is better for opponents of such vocabulary to go past this game right away.

"Swincop": Interesting board game

Interesting and funny board game called "Pigokal". Participants receive cards with images of different animal hybrids, after which the host begins to lay out on the table one map. The player who saw the card that he has, must quickly take it to himself, in a couple. The winner is the player who collected the largest number of cards.

In conclusion, it remains to add that there are a lot of board games and they are all different, almost every taste and color. Therefore, the choice is always for a person. But one thing can be said for sure: Games love everyone, both adults and children. After all, playing is a lot of fun. Good luck and cheerful pastime!

Video: The best games for the company! Party board games.

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