Recipes for fillings for pies with apples, potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, onion, egg, rice, liver, minced meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms, fruits

Recipes for fillings for pies with apples, potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, onion, egg, rice, liver, minced meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms, fruits

Recipes for fillings for pies.

Pies are a dish that is associated with the village, warm grandmother's hugs. Many housewives prefer fried pies, or yeast prepared in the furnace. In this article we will give the most delicious and popular recipes for pies. 

Fresh apples recipe for pies

Apples fill the shelves of shops and fairs in the autumn. It is in the fall that the housewives most often prepare pies, and the pies with apples. In order for the pastries to be very tasty, fragrant, it is necessary to properly prepare the filling. It is best to choose not very juicy and dense varieties for cooking, which in the process of cooking will not be collapsed and will not turn into mashed potatoes. 


  • 8 apples 
  • 2 tablespoons of butter 
  • 70 g of sugar 
  • Vanillin 
  • Cinnamon 

Recipe for filling for pies from fresh apples:

  • First you need to clean the apples from the skin and cut them with small cubes, about 1 by 1 cm in size. After that, heat the pan, lay out the butter, and the prepared pieces of fruit on it.
  • Cover with a lid and increase one minute. After that, remove the lid and mix. 3 minutes enough for the apples are covered with a layer of caramel. After that, enter sugar, add cinnamon.
  • Smuck a little more on fire, mixing all the time. Do not allow the formation of a dense brown crust. Cool the apples a little. If fruit contains a lot of iron, soon the pieces will begin to darken. To prevent this from happening, pour the surface with lemon juice. This willprevent The oxidation of iron inside the apples. 
  • Such a filling can be stored for about a day in the refrigerator. But it is best to cook it not in advance, but in the process of preparing the dough. If the filling is too liquid, add a little starch to it, chips of cookies or dry chips of the loaf.
  • These products quickly absorb excess moisture, and will not be felt in finished pastries. If the filling is too thick, you can add a little orange juice, or water. Remember that the filling should not be too wet, because in the process of preparation, burned areas will form, due to the fact that the mass follows from pastries.  
Bakery products
Bakery products

Fresh cabbage pies for pies: recipe

Cakes with cabbage are one of the most beloved among the inhabitants of our country. Indeed, cabbage is the cheapest vegetable that can be found in the store. The popularity of cabbage pies is due to their low price. To prepare a delicious filling, you need to know a few secrets. Very tasty pies with sauer or acidic cabbage. Do not use pickled vegetables for these purposes, since in the process of extinguishing and cooking, cabbage remains stiff and practically notstrives 

To prepare a filling of fresh cabbage, you will need the following products: 

  • Half cabbage cabbage weighing 1 kg 
  • Tablespoon of tomato pasta 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Fresh cabbage pies for pies, recipe:

  • Chop the vegetable with fine shavings with a tumbling. You can simplify your job, use the combine. Pour fat into a hot pan, and place the vegetable. The fire should be strong enough so that a small brown crust forms on the surface of the chips.
  • After that, reduce the heating, cover the lid. After 10 minutes, mix and add tomato paste. Cover again and simmer for 10 minutes. If the cabbage begins to burn due to fluid evaporation, you can add a little boiled water, lead the pepper.
  • Remember that the filling should not be too wet, so at the very end, if there is a lot of liquid in the dish with the filling, it is necessary to strengthen the fire, and achieve its evaporation. 
  • Using the previous recipe, you can cook sauerkraut, but in this case, tomato paste is not necessary.  
  • Remember, if you cook the filling of sauer vegetables, salt You can not add, or reduce its number. If the filling is too acidic, you can add quite a bit of sugar.

Pies filling potatoes: Recipe

Potato fillings are quite popular. Basically, housewives are trying to save, do not throw out products, so they often utilize the remains of yesterday's mashed potatoes. However, such a filling has a drawback - it can have an unpleasant taste, and too liquid consistency. Indeed, in the process of making mashed potatoes, milk, or a potato broth, is poured into it. Ideally, it is best to use the root crime welded in the peel. 


  • 10 potatoes 
  • Greens 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • One onion 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Pies for pies with potatoes, recipe:

  • To begin with, boil root crops in the peel. After cooking, pour cold water and remove the skin. Grind with a bush, add chopped greens, pepper, sun.
  • In a pan, in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the onion, enter into prepared vegetables, mix thoroughly.
  • The taste of such a filling is much more saturated than prepared from mashed potatoes. In addition, potatoes welded in the peel retains More useful elements and vitamins. 

This is a standard filling recipe that can be diversified, depending on the products available in the refrigerator. Often potatoes are combined with meat, mushrooms, liver. You can even use yesterday's cutlets. They are crushed in a meat grinder to the condition of minced meat. Such remains can be mixed with potato puree. You will get a great filling. Often, minced meat, grated hard cheese and even eggs are added to the potatoes. 


Pies filling - cabbage with mushrooms: recipe

You can supplement the filling of cabbage with mushrooms. This significantly diversifies the taste of pastries, making more saturated. 


  • Half a kilogram of cabbage 
  • 300 g of champignons 
  • 1 large onion 
  • 1 carrots 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Pies for pies cabbage with mushrooms, recipe:

  • It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the pan to heat and pour cabbage. Fry over high heat, reduce heating, cover with a lid. Stew cabbage until it becomes soft. Take off the fire and cool. 
  • In a separate vessel, heat the remaining vegetable oil, finely chop champignons and put in fat. Fry until the liquid released during cooking will evaporate.
  • Only after that it is necessary to introduce carrots and onions. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and increase another five minutes. Enter salt and spices, mix cabbage with prepared mushrooms. 

Pies filling - liver with potatoes: recipe

To prepare the filling for pies, you can use the following recipe. 


  • 1 kg of potatoes 
  • 400 g chicken liver 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Pies filling - liver with potatoes, recipe:

  • It is necessary to boil the potatoes in the peel, after preparation, drain the water and peel. In a separate bowl in vegetable oil, fry the liver along with chopped onions and carrots.
  • Cover with a lid and languish until cooked. Add spices, salt. Mix potatoes with prepared offal.
  • Previously turning the liver into minced meat, using a combine or meat grinder. You must get a kind of mashed potatoes. If there is no kitchen appliances, pieces of liver can be chopped on a grater. 

Egg pies: filling recipe

An egg with onions is one of the most common fillings for fried pies. The main advantage is simplicity, and a small amount of cooking time. 


  • 6 large chicken eggs 
  • A large bunch of onions 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Egg pies, filling recipe:

  • Boil the eggs screwed, cool them. Remove the shell, wash the egg, and chop in small pieces. You can use the grater. Grind the onion of the bow, enter into prepared eggs.
  • Mix with salt, pepper, pour a little vegetable oil. The main drawback of the filling is that it is dry. To make the taste more saturated and wet, add sour cream, mayonnaise. You can add 50 ml of sour cream to the recipe.
  • Thus, the mass will be better to glue, and do not get out of the dough. Often such a filling is complemented with grated cheese, eaten hot so that the cheese stretches, and made the filling more moist. 
With egg
With egg

Green onions: filling, recipe

Green onions as a filling for pies are often mixed with eggs and rice. This is not the only way to prepare such a filling. 


  • A large bunch of onions 
  • 250 g of Suluguni cheese 
  • A large bunch of dill 

Green onions, filling, recipe:

  • The filling is ideal for yeast dough products that are fried in a pan, as well as for baking of puff pastry.
  • It is necessary to wash the greens and finely chop it. You do not need to grind too much, since all the juice will be on the board, and not in the filling.
  • Cheese must be chopped on a grater, or chopped in a blender to a crumb state. Pour the greens, mix thoroughly. You can safely use for cooking pies. 
With greens
With greens

Rice pies: filling recipe

Rice- this is A common product on a table in our country. Pilaf, porridge are prepared from it, often added to the filling for pies, pies. This filling is suitable for puff pastry, or fresh. You can bake salty pies on yeast dough. 


  • 100 g of rice 
  • A large bunch of onions 
  • 250 g of minced meat 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • One large onion bulb 

Rice pies, filling recipe:

  • It is necessary to fill in rice with water and leave for about 5 hours. After that, boil for 10 minutes so that the rice is completely ready and soft.
  • Finely chop the onion and add to the rice. In a separate bowl in vegetable oil, fry the minced meat, salt, pepper. Do not forget to add onion onion, finely chopping it.
  • Cover with a lid and squeeze. As a result, the minced meat should turn into small round pieces similar to baby. Mix thoroughly with rice and can be used to make baking. 
With rice
With rice

Pies for canned fish pies

Canned fish- this is A very useful invention, as housewives can save a lot of time. In fact, this is one of the simplest and fastest fillings. 


  • 1 bank of canned fish in oil, 240-270 g 
  • 100 g of rice 
  • 1 large onion 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Greens 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Pies for canned fish pies:

  • It is necessary to drain the oil from canned food in a separate vessel, and crush the fish with a fork, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Boil the rice until cooked, having previously soaked for several hours. It is necessary that the cereal becomes completely soft. 
  • Next, mix the porridge with fishing rod, add chopped greens, and spices. To make the filling supple, prevent its scattering, you can pour in canned oil.
  • For these purposes, it is best to choose a quality product that contains large pieces of fillet. Some manufacturers save, so most of the can is a liquid, but not a fish. Try to give preference to trusted manufacturers who produce quality products. It is not necessary to pull out the bones, because in the process of preparing canned food they are boiled and become soft. 

Supervision for yeast chicken pies

Quite simple and standard is the preparation of filling for chicken pies. The main drawback is dry chicken fillet. Therefore, sometimes add additional products to make a taste saturated and not so fresh. 


  • 1 chicken quarter 
  • A bunch of greenery 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • One large onion 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • 100 g of rice 

Supervision for yeast chicken cakes:

  • It is necessary to boil the rice until cooked, rinse under running water and add salt. In the process of cooking rice, salt does not need to be added. Boil a quarter chicken in a pan.
  • Do not pour the broth, you can use it to cook the first dishes. After that, separate the meat from the bones, and turn into minced meat with a meat grinder. You can not grind the meat, but cut into small cubes.
  • Cut the onions with thin slides, fry until golden in oil, add prepared minced meat. After that, pour the prepared rice, pour a little broth, cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add greens and the necessary spices. Such a filling is not dry, but juicy, ideal for both baked products and for fried in a pan. 

Boiled chicken filling for pies

Many housewives do not want to add rice to the filling, motivating that these are carbohydrates that are in yeast test. Therefore, you can make the filling of chicken juicy, but without adding rice. 


  • 2 large carrots 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • 400 g of chicken 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Vegetable oil 

Boiled chicken filling for pies:

  • It is necessary to boil the chicken until cooked. It is best for these purposes to choose a carcass, hips, lower legs, a quarter will suit. Do not choose low -fat areas such as breasts. They are too dry, they contain little fat.
  • After separating the meat from the bones, it is necessary to chop it with small cubes. In a hot pan, fry carrots with onions until golden. It must be cut into cubes, and crushed the carrots on the shirt or fine grater.
  • As soon as the vegetables are incurred, shift the chicken to them, add spices, salt. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes. Please note if the filling seems too dry to you, you can pour in boiled water or broth. But most often, when adding onions and carrots, the filling is juicy, with a rich chicken taste. 

Nachinka from fruit for pies

The main disadvantage of baking with fruits is the possibility of flowing juice, and burning products. In addition, often fruits in the process of baking remain raw, which cannot but disappoint the hostesses. Therefore, we recommend using our fruit filling recipe. 


  • 300 g of fruits or berries 
  • 20 g starch 
  • Sugar 

Fruit filling for pies:

  • First you need to prepare fruits. If you use cherries, remove the seeds, after washing. Remove the tails from currants. Put in a pan and pour sugar. Turn on the slow fire and stir all the time.
  • Please note that in the process of boiling fruits with sugar, a large amount of juice is released. After that, sprinkle the surface of the fruit starch. Continue to stir again.
  • It is necessary to wait until the mass is brewed, it will look like jelly or thick jelly. There is no need to cook for a long time, since cherries, and currants are well baked in the oven, rarely remain raw. This is more characteristic of dense fruits. 
With fruits
With fruits

Carrot pies: filling recipe

Carrots contain a large amount of retinol, as well as vitamin C. However, not all children want to eat it in raw form. You can outwit the kids by preparing pies with carrots. 


  • Four large carrots 
  • 50 g butter 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • Some water 
  • A handful of raisins 

Carrot pies, filling recipe:

  • It is necessary to prepare raisins in advance by filling it with boiling water. This will make the berries soft and juicy. Peel the carrots, grind on a grater, and put in a pan.
  • Pour a little water and pour sugar. Cover with a lid, fit 10 minutes. After that, enter the butter, as well as raisins pre -flooded with boiling water, taste.
  • If the carrots remain a little harsh, you can hold a little more under the lid. Try to keep on fireuntil All liquid will not evaporate and the filling will not become dry. 
Bakery products
Bakery products

Piery filling recipe with mushrooms

Mushrooms are an excellent filling for any type of dough. This kind of minced meat goes well with the puff,non -exalted, or yeast test. Products can be baked in the oven, or fry in a large amount of oil. 


  • 500 g of champignons 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Recipe for filling for pies with mushrooms:

  • Pour the raw materials with cold water, let stand for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with cold water. This technique will allow dirt to move away from the surface of the legs. After that, cut into thin plates.
  • Pour into the pan, after pouring the oil. Before laying mushrooms, the vessel must be heated so that the oil is hot. Fry until the juice ceases to stand out. Add onions and fry over high heat.
  • It is necessary that the mushrooms are darkened, and a golden crust appears on the bow. Try the dish, add salt and spices. No need to dry the mushrooms too much, they should be juicy. But at the same time, the liquid in the process of cooking is completely boiled. 
With mushrooms
With mushrooms

Pies for pies from cottage cheese: recipe

One of the simplest and most affordable recipes is cakes with cottage cheese. The main advantage is that they can be made both salty and sweet. If you prepare the simplest filling for sweet pastries, you just need to add a little sugar, vanilla, any dried fruits or raisins to the cottage cheese. They are pre -soaked in boiling water. Very tasty filling with salty cottage cheese. 


  • 500 g of cottage cheese 
  • A large bunch of onions 
  • 100 g of solid cheese 
  • A large bunch of dill 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Pies for pies from cottage cheese, recipe:

  • Initially, you need to grate the cheese. Turn cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass. It should become pasty so that there are no grains inside. Pour the prepared cheese, rub.
  • Enter chopped greens. Add pepper if necessary. Most often, you do not need to salt such a dish, especially if the cottage cheese has a sour flavor. If it is neutral, enter a little more salt.
  • This kind of filling is ideal for products made from lavash, puff pastry. With such a filling, you can cook fast, delicious snacks for beer, for the arrival of guests. 
Bakery products
Bakery products

Pump up pies: recipe

Pumpkin- this is A very useful fruit that contains beta-carotene. With its help, porridge, pies and pies are prepared. 


  • 500 g of pumpkin 
  • Sugar 
  • Spices 
  • 100 g of milk 

Pump up pies, recipe:

  • It is necessary to clean the pumpkin from the skin and seeds. Cut the pulp in small cubes, pour water and tap it for 10 minutes.
  • After that, pour in milk and wait for its complete evaporation. Soft pieces of light pumpkin should turn out. Transfer them to a blender, thoroughly chop it to a puree state, enter sugar.
  • Often, pumpkin filling is combined with chips of cookies so that it becomes dryer. Mostly used for products that are prepared in the oven. 
With pumpkin
With pumpkin

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