Rosemary plant - growing home: choice of place, requirements, soil preparation

Rosemary plant - growing home: choice of place, requirements, soil preparation

If you plan to grow rosemary at home in a pot, then read the article. It describes the methods and give useful tips for each stage.

People are used to buying the necessary seasoning or products in the store, also applies to rosemary. The grass complements delicacies from meat and fish. Rosemary branches bring a sweet-sour taste into the dish, all because of the aroma of citrus and camphor.

Read on our website an article on how to grow greens on the windowsill all year round. You will find useful instructions and tips.

If you delve into history, then the plant is translated from lat. means "Sea freshness". The grass is distinguished by special properties: reduces anxiety and disorders, relieves tension in the nerves, improves digestion of food. Rosemary contains essential oils and tannins. It is permissible to grow at home, but knowledge of some nuances is necessary. Read more in this article.

What are the species and varieties of the plant rosemary?

Rosemary homemade
Rosemary homemade

The grosmarine gross grows in Italy, France, Spain. In the areas and regions of Russia, it is difficult to grow it to a bush, so they begin to germinate on their own, the best place is a window. There is also a different name of the plant - fighty grass.

A variety of rosemary allows you to choose the right option for yourself. The most popular species and varieties:

Name Characteristic
"Richard" The bushes reach up to 70 cm Up, well covered with leaves. The flowers have a light lilac shade. The view can grow in arid conditions, but it is better to endure a comfortable room temperature.
"Dewdrop" Grass is attributed to medicinal. Full maturation occurs after 1.5 months From seedlings. The stems reach up to 40 cm. up, the leaves have a dark green tint.
"Tenderness" The variety is well suited for germination in kashpo. Flowers are characterized by rich blue with needle leaves ( 4 cm). The plant needs sunlight.
"Ampel" Decorative variety. Adult rosemary has wavy shoots hanging to the bottom. Grass requires special care.
"Veshnyakovsky Semko" The leaves are dense and elongated. The flowers are small, shades from lilac to white, combined into single inflorescences. This species is not afraid of the arid climate, although it is important to good solar lighting, but does not tolerate low temperatures. It is advisable to germinate rosemary in kashpo, upward they reach up to 1.5 m.

The ordinary rosemary brings a pleasant smell of needles to the living room or at home, and stylishly decorates the window.

Rosemary plant: Requirements for growing a house in a pot

Solar grass can grow in areas with cool t °, within Russia. There are 2 ways:

  1. Transplanting in the winter in kashpo
  2. Germinate from the seeds

To grow plants, rosemary at home in a pot, it is important to prepare everything you need:

  • Drainage filler
  • Good Earth - rich in minerals and useful elements
  • Kashpo
  • Light source is not a direct hit
  • Constant ventilation
  • Time and a little patience

The usual rosemary needs a comfortable t ° With the relative humidity of the air, but the change of temperatures (especially minus values) is not desirable.

The choice of a place for growing plants rosemary at home

Rosemary homemade
Rosemary homemade

This plant loves sunlight, so they are suitable for the choice of a place for growing rosemary at home with particular seriousness. The grass is germinated on a window, on a balcony room or loggia. These are the best options for ordinary rosemary. These tips for the selection of a comfortable place must be adhered to, especially for beginner gardeners.

Indoor t ° And excellent lighting is the main conditions for successful plant germination. Therefore, it is important to select the sunny side (east or south), to which windows overlook. In the cold season, daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to provide additional lighting - electric lamps. When growing seasonings in the shade, there is a great probability of the death of rosemary, since the leaves will begin to turn yellow and gradually dry.

It is worth knowing: It is forbidden to put a pot near the batteries, this will negatively affect the basis, which will lead to drought and death of grass.

Rosemary pot: Choice for growing

The roots of the plant are branched - this must be taken into account when choosing a pot to plant it into a spacious container. An ideal solution for rosemary pots of ceramics or clay. It is not advisable to opt for growing on plastic and wooden pots, as this prevents normal air circulation, mold and decline is possible.

The main thing is to lay a pot on the bottom of the pot: expanded clay, aquarium soil or small pebbles. To prevent humidity, it is advisable to leave a small hole at the bottom of the pot.

Soil preparation for growing rosemary

Successful cultivation of an evergreen plant in a pots consists of a soil condition. Therefore, it is important to prepare it. Rosemary is not demanding, but it is still important to choose neutral and slightly alkaline land. For good air circulation, you need to add a small amount of sand. There is also a different option: the purchase of finished land for the house. flowers at a specialized outlet or combination of humus with the soil from your land.

So, as mentioned above, before planting a plant for growing, a land lump needs to be prepared. Earth is a favorable environment for the development of pests, so it is important to first process it before sowing:

  • Special drugs that are sold in any flower store. This method kills harmful bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Heat treatment: fry the ground in the oven at high temperatures for several hours.
  • The impact of the cold - bring the soil to a cold street for a week.

Place the drainage with a thin layer on the bottom of the pot. To create comfortable conditions, pour the ground in advance, 7 days before planting. In order for it to be perfectly saturated with oxygen, it is enough to hold it on paper, then pour it into a container to grow a flower.

Rosemary plant: growing from seeds at home

Rosemary: Growing from seeds at home
Rosemary: Growing from seeds at home

This method, which will allow a rosemary plant to grow independently at home. It is necessary to purchase seeds at a specialized outlet - a flower store. It is simple, most importantly, to choose the variety you need. There are some species that are hard and long. But in any case, you can germinate any seeds. This can be done in spring or autumn - the seeds will germinate at home in any case, cool outside the window or heat.

Prepare the conditions for sowing in advance:

  • Germination challenge - place the seeds in wet gauze for 4 days.
  • If necessary, shake the dried gauze with water (with a small amount, that the seed did not rot).
  • After 4-5 days The seed sprouts.
  • Make a recess in the ground (about see), place the seedlings there.
  • Pour the hole with a small amount of land, cover with a plastic film with holes (this will accelerate growth).
  • Put pots in a sunny place at air temperature +20 ° C.
  • Then, with a plentiful climb, move the seedlings to the window.

It is worth knowing: It is undesirable to plant seeds in one container, because this can cause competition in the root system.

Video: Rosemary - Growing from seeds

Growing rosemary from twigs, cuttings at home: Stages

The process of cuttings is light and simple at home. Start with the top of the grass - cut or take a separate line of seasonings. So, we grow rosemary from a twig, cuttings.

Preparatory/consistent stages:

  1. Cut off the lower leaves, put the petiole in the water ( up to 2 weeks) - this is necessary before the shoots are overgrown with roots. It is important to maintain the purity of water, constantly replacing it every 2-3 days.
  2. If the roots occur, plant the stalk in the ground (Kashpo). Make a small recess in advance, pour in the ground and do not abundantly water.
  3. Cut the upper parts of the grass for the full formation of roots, although this is not so important.

The best planting time is the beginning, in April. Divorce cutting a faster process, when compared with germination with seeds.

Video: Rosemary from cuttings. How to grow rosemary?

Creating favorable conditions of the house for growing rosemary home

Favorable conditions for the successful growth of home rosemary are an important stage. It is good for this grass that the humidity does not exceed 40%. The seasoning should not grow in the drought. The room should occasionally ventilate, avoiding draft and difference t °.

In the cold season, the ordinary rosemary "sleeps". Comfortable t °in the winter season - up to +15 ° C. Creating such conditions is simple: place flower pots near the window in the balcony room or on the loggia. In the vegetative period, it is important to ensure constant t °  +20-25 ° C.

Remember: Rosemary is a stable plant. The weakening of immunity occurs only in winter.

Lighting for grass is reinforced, but no more than 10 hours. In day. That's just it is worth making sure that the grass receives enough light from all sides. You need to occasionally twirl pots with grass 180 ° 1 p. In 3 days. In winter, additional light sources are used - special lamps or several small lamps.

Features of growing rosemary at home

It is easy to grow useful seasoning at home, if you care for it correctly. Features of growing a house:

  • This grass is propagated by cuttings or with seeds.
  • It was described above that these 2 processes are different. If the seeds must be germinated, then with cuttings everything is somewhat simpler, it is enough to plant the prepared escape into the fertile (rich in vitamins and microelements) Earth.
  • At home, grass can grow up to 1.5 meters up.
  • For splendor and growth control, it is important to cut excess leaves in the spring-autumn period.
  • A healthy shrub on the windowsill is usually about 60 cm. In height, which is quite normal.

Plant care is also important. Read further.

Rosemary Care for Home when growing a house

Care for rosemary home
Care for rosemary home

Rosemary Home ordinary, although not whimsical, but still, when growing a house, requires due attention. Without this, it will not be possible to grow a good flower. Plant care:

  • It is important to spill it in a timely manner with water: 2 times. In weeks. (winter) and 1 p. In 2 days. In warm weather, flavoring special top dressing 1 p. in a month.
  • It is important to ensure that the grass does not dry out.
  • Undesy and abundant watering is also undesirable. This is fraught with decay of the root, the death of grass.

Evergreen grass requires good lighting:

  • In the warm season, the pot is placed on the sunny side of your house on the windowsill.
  • In winter, artificial lighting is necessary, maximum for 6 hours. With a lack of light rays, the leaves dull and dry.

In the living area, it is important to monitor moisture. The necessary indicators can be achieved with timely ventilation, protecting from exposure to cold air.

Remember: Such grass is prone to various diseases in a closed and dry room.

Rosemary home: diseases and pests

It is not difficult to achieve a healthy appearance of this useful plant, subject to watering and good lighting rules. In addition to the fact that the rosemary of the home has an antibacterial effect, nevertheless, some diseases have not passed it. Here are the diseases and pests of the plant:

  • A pleasant coniferous smell is not felt - Strong watering. Slightly reduce soil moisturizing, but do not cross.
  • Powder - It is abundantly covered with light dots. In appearance, you can compare with flour spilled onto the plant. This is possible with strong humidity and dryness of the room.
  • Spider mite “You will see cobwebs on the leaves that begin to turn yellow.”
  • Aphid - The leaves turn into a tube, turn yellow.
  • Shield - Delasses on the stems and leaves of the plant.
  • Belkolka - Small moth with white wings. He eats the leaves, from which they begin to fade and turn yellow.

It is possible to eliminate pests yourself by spraying concentrated household soap or using means that can be bought in specialized flower stores. On the windowsill, such diseases can rarely be observed, unless the soil was infected initially (processing will help, as described above).

Home rosemary collection and storage after growing: Stages

Storage of home rosemary after growing
Storage of home rosemary after growing

The last pleasant stage after growing is harvesting. Gently collect the shoots of the plant, a special aroma is stored on its upper parts. Just carefully cut the tops of the twigs 15-20 cm long. Choose the most juicy and green branches.

Home rosemary grass perfectly complements many dishes, giving an intense sweet and sour taste. Useful properties are preserved for a long time even in a dried or frozen product.

The sequence of drying and storage of rosemary - stages:

  1. Rinse the stems thoroughly, dry on a towel, licking with a dry cloth.
  2. Put the prepared branches on the sheet, in advance its surface with parchment paper.
  3. Dry in a dark and well -ventilated place about 20 days, occasionally turning branches for uniform drying.
  4. Then tie dry twigs in a bundle and hang it in a pantry for storage.
  5. You need to store it no longer than 1 year. You can fold the twigs in a rag bag.
Dried rosemary
Dried rosemary

Gardeners and experienced housewives also dry rosemary in the oven:

  • Set the temperature to minimal indicators.
  • Keep the decomposed branches on the sheet on the upper shelf for 3-4 hours.
  • Then tie the twigs with a rope and lay it for storage in the pantry.

You can also dry grass in a dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Dried twigs of rosemary in the oven
Dried twigs of rosemary in the oven

It’s good to do vacuum freezing:

  • Rinse the twigs, put it on parchment until completely dry.
  • Fold them separately in the freezer.
  • When the grass is frozen, put it in a separate bag.

In winter, it is convenient to take the right amount of seasonings and use in cooking.

Errors in growing rosemary at home

Proper cultivation of a healthy rosemary plant on the balcony or window in the room of the house is not complicated. But you need to know some points of care for this grass. As the people say: easily and efforts can only be cultivated. Errors that are often made by flower growers:

  • It is forbidden to transplant grass. The care of evergreen grass requires a careful attitude, especially in the cold season, it is during this period that the immunity is weakened.
  • Bad light. It is also important to ensure proper light - by time until 10 o'clock. If necessary, you need to use additional light sources.
  • Poor Paul or, conversely, the oversaturation of soil with moisture. In fact, there are no special recommendations when watering. The main thing is not to pour or overdry the soil of the plant.
  • Lack of top dressing. It is necessary to take care of the fertilizer with useful trace elements that are in the public domain in the store.

Rosemary is not often grown at home on the windowsill. Its pleasant coniferous aroma fills the entire apartment, removing fatigue and pain. With the features of growing, it is worth maintaining a room comfortable temperature, relative humidity and a well -ventilated room. Only in this case will you grow a beautiful and fragrant plant, as well as spicy and useful seasonings for dishes and grass for treatment. Good luck!

Video: Secrets of Rosemary. How to grow useful spices from cuttings and seeds?

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