A story on the topic "Nature" for children - examples, texts for reading

A story on the topic

In our article you will find examples of stories on the topic "Nature". They will like school and preschool children.

Story on the topic "Nature" for children

Story on the theme of nature for children
Story on the topic "Nature" for children

The story on the topic "Nature" for children:


  • Not very far from the city on the picturesque and beautiful shore of a quiet rivulet, a family of bright and beautiful flowers lived. They gladly met the dawn and escorted sunsets, and greatly loved their beautiful and not touched by people a corner. Due to the fact that they were lucky, and the person’s leg did not step into the clearing, where they lived and grew, they managed to very much increase their number. Birds, moths and bugs with great pleasure flew to visit them to enjoy the surrounding beauty.
  • But somehow, when the sun was already sitting down and everything was going to rest, the flowers noticed that a car had stopped near their meadow. They were very alarmed, because they knew that people were driving “on iron horses”. And so it was, four friends came out of the car and began to admire the beauty of nature. Most of all they were impressed by a large flower clearing, which in the rays of the setting sun looked just fabulous. But since it went in the evening, they simply photographed her and left safely. The flowers were very happy about this progress, closed their bright petals and fell asleep. In the morning they were woke up by the rays of a warm sun, and everything was, as always, colorful moths flew to visit, and beetles came behind them. A happy life continued in the clearing.
  • And when the flowers were already relaxed, people came again. This time there were more. They drove their cars right into the clearing, while crushing many delicate stalks of flowers. In addition, they arranged a large picnic with goodies and a bonfire. The flowers were upset, but they could not do anything - they could only observe how their clearing clogs, and wait for the guests to leave. People stayed in the clearing until the evening, and then giving themselves huge bouquets, got into cars and left, leaving the garbage behind.
  • Since the night was already approaching, the flowers could not start cleaning their home, so they had to spend the night among the garbage. Waking up in the morning, they saw that the wind prompted pieces of paper and plastic throughout the clearing, and all this looked, to put it mildly, badly. They began to think what to do, and then they saw that their good neighbors were in a hurry to their aid. Birds, beetles and moths folded all the garbage in one heap outside the clearing, and the warm rain gave life -giving moisture so that the plants crushed by people come to life. The flowers were delighted with such help, and they bloomed even more abundant, making their house even more beautiful.
  • But after some time, people again came to the clearing, again arranged a picnic, after which they did not remove the garbage. Also, they did not forget to pick up flowers home. The inhabitants of the clearing were horrified, because with such their actions, people not only clogged the environment, but also reduced the number of flowers in the clearing. And the inhabitants of this paradise of the land realized that if they have nothing to do, then they would soon disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, in the morning, when a breeze looked at them to visit them, they asked him to transfer their small seeds to the farthest forest clearing. He did so.
  • Having settled in a new place, the flowers began to grow intensively, covering with bright buds the entire surrounding space. Soon, their new house again became like a fairy -tale place, where not only beautifully, but comfortably, and most importantly, there are no people with their garbage and barbaric attitude to nature.
  • Dear readers, remember that nature must be protected, otherwise our descendants may not see its especially beautiful copies. Therefore, if you find a beautiful clearing with flowers in the forest, then do not tear them with armfuls, do not trample, but just admire them from afar. So you will definitely keep the beauty of the world around your children.

The story on the topic "Everything is interconnected in nature"

The story on the topic in nature is interconnected
The story on the topic "Everything is interconnected in nature"

The story on the topic "In nature is everything interconnected":

  • For a long time, a fontanel lived in a forest ravine. Its water was life -giving, clean and tasty, so animals and people came to drink it. Rodnichka was very happy about this and tried to take only the most useful water from Mother Earth. Moisture from the spring also fed the surrounding earth, so the ravine in which he was located was always covered with a bright green carpet and large buds of flowers. The trees that grew nearby were also strong, had a beautiful and magnificent crown. On the day of the day, the spring murmured cheerfully and was glad that it helps the environment to be strong.
  • One morning, the boys came to the spring, they scored water and sat down to rest in the shade of trees. After some time, one boy came up with a thought-why not play right here by the water? At first, the boys just ran and laughed, and then took the sticks and began to play the winners. They ran in a flower clearing and knocked down the buds of flowers. The spring saw all this and cried quietly from his powerlessness.
  • Over time, the boys were tired of this game, and they decided to block the “road” for the sake of a joke. To do this, they collected many stones, small and large branches, and all this was thrown into the spring. The spring strengthened the flow of water, trying to get rid of all this, but, unfortunately, his strength was not enough. At first, the water seeped in small parts, and then stopped coming out from under the ground at all. The boys were glad that they were able to defeat the water element and went home.
  • The spring expected that other people would come to him tomorrow and the blockage would be disassembled from stones and branches, and he would again be able to murmur fun. But, unfortunately, no one came. The fontanel cried, but he could not do anything, so he met autumn, winter and spring. At the very beginning of summer, he began to notice how the ravine has yellowed, the flowers in the clearing grew smaller and not so bright. Even powerful trees began to drop their leaves. Everything around began to turn into a yellow desert due to a lack of moisture.
  • And the spring was already resigned to the fact that he would not be at all, as he heard human voices. Father and son came to a beautiful place once. The spring recognized them, they used to be here before. People looked around, and did not recognize the fascinating forest clearing. They immediately did not understand what could happen to such a beautiful and green ravine. But looking around, they realized that someone had blocked the path of the spring. They decided to free his water. They took up work together, and after a couple of hours there was no trace left.
  • The spring was delighted with his freedom and began to murmur quietly. After half a day, the murmur of water intensified, and the whole meadow received life -giving moisture. When after two weeks people again visited the ravine, the spring already gained strength and was the same as before. And the nature that surrounded him again became attractive - green and flowering. So the guys, the rash actions of people can lead to the fact that nature surrounding us will suffer greatly. After all, everything is interconnected in it, and even a small stream is a source of life for many plants.

Story on the topic "The role of animals in nature"

A story on the role of animals in nature
Story on the topic "The role of animals in nature"

A story on the topic "The role of animals in nature":

  • In a beautiful and large forest, animals, birds and plants lived a large family. They existed perfectly together, helping each other protect the common territory. And so it was until people appeared in their forest. They walked for a long time in the shade of trees, admired wild flowers, trees and shrubs. As for the animals, he hid, and patiently waited for the uninvited guests to leave their house.
  • While people wandered through the forest, flowers heard a conversation - they discussed the perfection of flowers and shrubs in the forest. The plants were very pleased with themselves and decided that they were special. When people left, they told the beasts and birds about this, they reported that from today they would be the main ones in the forest. The animals were offended, but did not say anything, and life flowed on, as usual, except that the plants began to demand more attention to themselves.
  • Over time, the plants caught fire so much that they decided that only they have the right to live in this forest. They ordered absolutely all animals to get out of the forest, and look for a new house. The animals consulted and went to live in a small forest. And since that time, everyone lived separately, only the animals were fine, and the plants did not go in the best way. They began to fade, stopped growing. The forest around them began to hurt and dry out a little. The plants were alarmed, they did not understand what was wrong, because they try not to clog the environment, take care of it, but it will still have a haste.
  • Therefore, they decided to collect a small meeting to decide what to do next. A wise mushroom-breeze came to the meeting, he did not say anything, but simply listened. And when I realized that the plants did not understand what they did, I decided to give them wise advice - to make peace with animals and again invite them to live in their forest. Plants began to grumble and resent, they did not want to admit that they were not entirely right. But the wise mushroom explained to them that the role of animals in nature is very large, and this balance should not be violated under any pretext. After all, it is animals that contribute to pollination of plants, and tolerate their seeds over long distances.
  • In addition, minks and fossa -pits that the animals tear out help water and air quickly get to the root system of plants, contributing to this faster growth.
  • The plants realized what a fatal mistake they made, so when they saw animals running past their house, they called out and apologized. And of course, they asked the animals to return to their forest. The animals thought a little and returned to the same habitat. Beasts and plants agreed not to quarrel, and live in the world, respecting each other.

Story on the topic "Nature and man"

Story on the theme of nature and man
Story on the topic "Nature and man"

The story on the topic "Nature and man":

  • Nature is the world around us, and we must protect it by all our own forces. After all, in which it is located, it depends on how we will live in the foreseeable future. But, unfortunately, most people think little about it, and live more like consumers, without helping nature to recover.
  • Example one: A person goes to the store on products and mechanically takes a large number of bags. Moreover, he could do a couple. But we are used to putting all the products in a separate bag. Therefore, we can calmly put one lemon in it, but they could put citrus, for example, to bananas or apples. Thus, we would need one bag less. Imagine how many of them will be on the country's scale.
  • Example second:For some reason, a person refuses to sort garbage. It is easier for him to throw everything into one bag and calmly carry it into a garbage container. But such laziness of one person leads to the fact that in the end, unorrailed garbage is taken to the landfill, and gradually begins to poison the soil there. And poisoned soil is poor -quality products that will negatively affect the human body.
  • An example of the third: Now all over the world there is an intense deforestation. Wood is needed for many industries. Everyone wants to live comfortably, and at the same time do not think about what harm the environment. It is so proven that one small tree can protect from landslides with its root system, the trees are planted in rows near the roads so that in winter they protect them from movements. Well, of course, do not forget about the ability of trees to cleanse the air we breathe.
  • From all this, we can draw a conclusionthat a person, as a rational being, must properly interact with nature. If you cut trees, do not forget to plant them, and in as many as possible. Such a simple measure will help maintain a balance, and then not you, and not nature, will not suffer. Learn to sort garbage, and teach this all your loved ones and acquaintances. And then he does not eat on the landfill, but at the processing plant, where he will be compactly layered and sent for processing.
  • In this case, he will not poison the soil, it is likely to give your garbage a second life - they will make it a new useful thing. And, of course, try to completely abandon plastic, because it can lie in the soil for a long time, breaking up into microparticles, which over time rise by the wind and fall into our respiratory tract. To avoid all this, a person should not just be a consumer who only takes everything necessary, he must do everything so that nature can recover on his own.

A small story on the topic "Nature"

Small story on the theme of nature
A small story on the topic "Nature"

A small story on the topic "Nature":

  • People, for the most part, love a certain time of the year. One likes winter with its snow -white decoration, others adore summer with its green carpets and blue sky. But if you look closely, you can see that nature is beautiful at any time of the year. Surely, trees grow near your house - fruit or decorative, and follow them. I want to take a sophisticated apricot for example.
  • In the spring, this tree is covered with odorous delicate buds, which, as they warm up, begin to increase and open. After a cold winter, this seems real magic. Over time, the tree begins to bloom and is covered with a white robe of flowers. This is a very beautiful sight, and, perhaps, it will be difficult to find a person who would not like such a picturesque picture before his eyes.
  • With the advent of summer, the apricot tree looks no less impressive. It puts on a green outfit that dilutes the fruits of orange. Their barrel is caressed by the rays of a warm sun, making them a real decoration. And even when the fruits fall to the ground, the tree remains beautiful because of the bright green foliage, which makes noise and sway even with the weaker breath of the breeze. There is something to be bewitching in this.
  • When autumn comes the tree radically changes, its foliage begins to turn yellow a little. First, small yellow spots appear on the leaves, then they begin to creep, gradually capturing the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe leaf. And gradually the tree changes its outfit for bright yellow with a light redhead. In the autumn, the tree looks fabulous. The leaves fly especially beautifully from the branches. When the wind begins to blow, they like golden droplets begin to spin in a bizarre dance, quietly sinking to the ground. By the end of autumn, a yellow carpet from leaves is formed under the tree, which contrasts noticeably with the dark branches of the tree. All this looks very beautiful.
  • Many will say that in the winter, the tree cannot be beautiful. But this is not so, you just need to see beauty. Go out the street when the snow falls. Believe me, nature will be able to surprise you. You will see how fluffy snowflakes quietly fall on the twigs of the tree, very quickly dressing it in a white outfit. An inconspicuous tree immediately becomes fabulous and beautiful. And when the sun appears from behind the clouds, the outfit will begin to sparkle, as if embroidered with small diamonds, and for a long time you will not be able to tear your eyes off such a miracle of nature.
  • As you can see, nature surrounding us is able to surprise at any time of the year, you just have to be a little more careful, and then you can see what is hidden from the eyes of other people.

Story on the topic "Russian Nature"

Story on the topic Russian nature
Story on the topic "Russian Nature"

Story on the topic "Russian Nature":

  • The nature of Russia is what it is? To imagine it to yourself, we must look at the map of our country - it is very large with us. Therefore, the Russian nature is very diverse, we have everything - seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, forests. If you think well, then we are very happy people, because we can see this beauty every day, at any time of the year. But we practically do not think about it, but we have natural symbols that are recognizable all over the world.
  • If we talk about animals, then this is a formidable brown bear. For all foreigners, he is a terrible animal, and for us he is most often a wise Toptyg - as it is depicted in fairy tales that mothers read to us since childhood. Well, of course, do not forget about the bully-wolf and a cunning fox. The most recognizable representatives of the plant world are birches. Most often they are associated with Russia.
  • As mentioned above, the nature of Russia is very diverse, so everyone can find a corner here that will delight with its beauty. To anyone who loves endless expanses, you must definitely visit the taiga with its power and silence. It is in this place that you can relax with your soul and body, and get closer to nature as much as possible. Lovers of the water element will probably like Lake Baikal, it will enchant you with its depth and crystal, clean water.
  • It is here that you will be able to understand how beautiful the virgin nature is. And do not forget about the northern regions of our large country - here you can see the northern lights with your own eyes. This is a natural phenomenon, it will like you to amaze with its beauty, and you will want to return to these places many more times. As you can see, the nature of our country is really beautiful and diverse, so try to get to know it better, and it is likely that you will begin to appreciate and protect it.

Story The topic "Take care of nature"

Story Topic Protect Nature
Story The topic "Take care of nature"

The story The topic "Take care of nature":

  • Winter. A cold, dank wind blows outside, it flies into all the cracks, as if indicating that everyone needs warmth. People wrapped in scarves and dressed in warm clothes are quickly moving through the streets of the city. A blizzard joined a strong wind. She rushes in snow, catching everything around with a white veil. People hurry home, not noticing the little birds who are trying to hide from the winter cold wherever they can.
  • The evil winter raged for three days and three nights, and all this time people are saddles home, and the birds were frozen in the cold. When everything was subsided, the earth and trees were covered with a thick layer of snow. The poor birds realized that they have nowhere to take food. And at the same time, people hurried about their business and did not pay attention to their problem. Then the birds decided to settle closer to human housing, in the hope that they would be noticed and understand.
  • But this did not help either. People further looked at them indifferently, and did not even think to help. Then the birds decided to fly around the whole town in the hope of finding at least one full feeding. But having spent almost all their forces on this, they with disappointment realized that there was no food. People were so outlined that they forgot about how much benefit the feathered friends bring them, and that they need to take care of them in winter.
  • Covering over the city, they made an important decision - from the last forces you need to get to the forest. Feeling into a flock, they flew to look for a new house. Having reached the place, they realized that not everything is so bad. In the forest in the snow, they found a lot of delicious seeds, and for a long time they ate well. The birds realized that they can quite calmly live away from people, and at the same time remain full. After each blowing, the turntable in the snow appeared a new portion of seeds, which the birds ate. And since people and cars did not move here, no one trampled their food into the mud and it was enough for everyone.
  • The birds survived in the forest until spring, and with the advent of warmth - they had even more food. The birds have already stopped remembering people how one unpleasant incident happened. In the morning, a car stopped near their forest, a man came out of it and began to feed the birds with grains. Some birds pushed to the treat and began to eat a treat. When the birds were distracted, the man threw a grid on them and caught. Then he transplanted them into a cage and took them.
  • The birds were worried, because they realized that the prisoners were taken to the city. Although they did not want this, they had to fly to the former habitat. And what was their surprise when they saw that their friends were not locked in a cage, but were trying to settle in wooden houses with feeders. Having flown around the whole city, they realized that there is a house for birds near each house. Calming away, they understood what was the matter. With the advent of spring, people began to process their plots, and when the first gentle tinned, they were attacked by pests. And what people did not do, pests did not disappear.
  • Over time, they realized that the cause of such an invasion is the lack of birds. After all, it was they who all the time helped people in the fight against pests, and contributed to that they had a good harvest. The birds decided to regret people, they forgave them their callousness and plunged into the city. Soon the natural balance was restored and everyone was happy.
  • Dear readers, if you do not want to get into a similar situation, do not forget to take care of the birds that live around you, especially when the cold occurs. Hang the feeders on the trees, and make sure that they always have food. After all, protecting nature, you also protect yourself.

Story on the topic "Phenomena of Nature"

Story on the topic of nature phenomenon
Story on the topic "Phenomena of Nature"

A story on the topic "Phenomena of Nature":

  • Our environment is a real magic that never ends. Indeed, with each shift of the pores, we can observe different natural phenomena, and all of them are charming in their own way. It is they who help us understand that now outside the window is spring, summer, autumn or winter.
  • The phenomena of nature in winter. With the advent of winter, everything around freezes. Some animals hibernate, plants and trees reduce their vital activity to a minimum, and try to survive the winter with minimal energy costs. Gradually, nights become frosty both the Earth, and the water resources freeze gradually. If the frosts last for a very long time, water sources are covered with a thick crust of ice - this phenomenon is called ice -start.
  • If the frosts are strong, the temperature does not fall below zero day and night all winter, ice -armed can last without obvious changes until spring. Another natural phenomenon associated with the transition of water to a solid state - ice icicles. We can see them after the sun warms the upper layer of snow cover. As a rule, they appear on the roofs of buildings. The temperature difference, which is observed with such a phenomenon, contributes to the fact that snow turns into water, which immediately freezes in the cold.
  • I would like to say separately about such a phenomenon of nature as snow. He can go weakly, without delivering any discomfort to people, or develop into snow storm, blizzard, snowstorm, snowstorm. Also in winter we can observe another interesting phenomenon - frost. She appears in the form of white fluffy plaque on the branches of trees and shrubs. The reason for its appearance is high humidity and a sharp decrease in temperature. And do not forget about thaw, which occurs periodically after severe frosts. It is manifested by an increase in temperature and melting ice and snow.
  • The phenomena of nature in the spring. Spring, as a rule, begins to manifest itself with such a natural phenomenon as Thermal winds. They appear in a certain territory during a sharp temperature difference - day or night. For example, when warm air masses meet cold. It is during this period that we can observe two more pronounced phenomena - ice drift and melting the snow cover.
  • As a rule, we see them in the afternoon with plus temperature indicators. At night, when the temperature goes into minus, everything freezes again. As soon as the temperature begins to hold on both day and night above zero, we can observe another spring phenomenon - flood. It can also be called a seasonal raising of the level of rivers and lakes. It increases due to intensive melting of snow, converted into water, it is absorbed into the soil, enters groundwater, and where in the rivers.
  • During the melting of snow, you can see the so -called tnetalins. This is nothing more than thin areas of snow, which under the influence of sunlight were transformed into water. Closer to the end of spring, when the trees are already starting to “wake up”, you can see and hear the first a thunderstorm is the peals of thunder and the sparkling of lightning. As a rule, this natural phenomenon is accompanied by precipitation in the form rain.
  • The phenomena of nature in the spring. Summer is green grass, an abundance of flowers, and fresh vegetables and fruits. In the summer, we can observe the loss warm rains. Due to the fact that warm air always strives to top, it warms up the upper air masses, therefore, when it rains in the summer, it is quite comfortable for humans. Also in the summer we can see a characteristic natural phenomenon for this time of the year - Rannitsa. It can be discerned when dark. This is nothing more than outbreaks of light that appear due to the approach of a thunderstorm. At the same time, thunder and lightning are invisible and inaudible.
  • Also in the summer you can often see Grad - This phenomenon is manifested in the form of precipitation from pieces of ice. Ice can be both small and large. But perhaps the most beautiful natural phenomenon of summer is the appearance rainbow. It can be seen in the sky after, or during the rain, when the sun shines. The sun's rays are refracted in droplets of moisture, and in the end we see a rainbow picture.
  • Very often in the summer we observe heat, temperature indicators rise above thirty degrees and the air warms up very much even in the upper air layers. And, of course, do not forget about such a phenomenon as dew. It appears on plants in the morning, when the temperature decreases as much as possible. This is nothing more than small transparent droplets that cover all plants.
  • Nature phenomena in the fall. Autumn begins with a gradual decrease in temperature. This is necessary so that plants can rebuild their rhythms in the cold season without unnecessary stress. It is during this period that the foliage of foliage on the trees begins, they begin to turn yellow and fall out over time - This phenomenon is called leaf fall. In the fall are very strongly expressed wind - they can be impulsive, with rain wet snow. If such a natural phenomenon occurs at minus temperature, then water, falling to the ground, trees and buildings immediately freezes, forming a thin crust of ice - this phenomenon is called ice rain.
  • In the fall, due to the temperature difference, you can observe fog - He can appear at any time of the day. In the second half of autumn, we can notice not very large frosts to minus three degrees. They contribute to the appearance of another natural phenomenon - hoarfrost. This is a thin layer of ice that forms on objects, buildings, and plants when temperature decreases. India disappears very quickly if the sun warms and humidity decreases.
  • Another fascinating autumn spectacle - autumn ice drift. At low temperature indicators, an ice crust forms on the water, but on a sunny day its integrity can be violated, and then you can observe as a river, or wind, they move pieces of ice along the water surface.
  • Nature phenomena that are independent of the time of year. Let's start with a hurricane. To say simply - this is a very strong wind that moves so quickly that this can lead to the destruction of buildings and injury to people. Such a natural phenomenon is better to wait out in a secluded corner, it is useless to fight it.
  • Another is not the best phenomenon - tornado. This is nothing more than a rapidly rotating funnel of sand, stones and moisture. She can easily raise a person into the air. And with air flows, transfer it to an impressive distance.
  • Now let's talk about earthquake. It is manifested by shocks from the ground. The reason for their appearance is the movement of tectonic plates of the Earth.
  • This natural phenomenon is not given to see everyone, but it is worth mentioning it in our article - eruption. When Magma is very heated in the vent of the volcano, it boils and begins to look for a way out. Initially, smoke and ashes appear over the volcano, and only after that does the lava appear.

Story Theme "Nature of the native land"

Story theme nature of the native land
Story Theme "Nature of the native land"

The story Theme "Nature of the native land":

  • So a person is arranged that he is closest to the place where he was born and raised. For each of us, this place is better on our planet, therefore the nature of our native land seems the most beautiful and enchanting. You can travel a lot, visit various beautiful places, and even admire their beauty, but only the nature of the native land will bring the maximum number of positive emotions. Many people ask the question - why is this happening?
  • Everything is very simple - we are controlled by our memory. At the subconscious level, we remember how we first walked here with my mother and admired the surrounding landscapes. Therefore, growing and visiting this place, we feel internal warmth, again we return with thoughts at that carefree time when the main thing in life was the presence of a mother nearby. And, probably, that's why we always are happy to return to cute places for our hearts.
  • But what is it, the nature of the native land? For all, it is different. Who sees her fabulous, a little mysterious, always giving new emotions. This category of people considers the surrounding nature a source of inspiration. There are people who come to their favorite corner to take a break from the hustle and gather their thoughts. For them, nature is a source of internal balance and tranquility. And, of course, there are people for whom the nature of their native land is a place of their active rest. They are engaged in swimming, climbing here, just playing sports. They believe that it is this place that gives them strength for new achievements.
  • From all this, one conclusion can be drawn - the natural native land is multifaceted, but always beautiful. She gives peace of mind to one people, to others inner strength, thirdly he makes more physically. Therefore, it is very important to protect it and contribute to its development, and then you will always have a corner where you can relax both soul and body.

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