Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "H" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

The method of healing many diseases that showed himself excellently: psychosomatic analysis - rapidly entered the best techniques for treating non -traditional medicine. This method allows you to thoroughly study and reveal the nature of the disease, its source of occurrence and interconnection with the emotional state of the patient.

The founder of psychosomatic technology is Louise Hay. It was she, having traveled an independent path from the disease to a complete recovery, that was able to prove to the modern world, the mutual dependence of these two states in the human body.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "n" - from neuralgia to unpleasant odor from the mouth

The given table covers the list of diseases to the letter “H”: their psychosomatic synthesis and phrases that eliminate errors in mental attitudes. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToL, M Follow the active link.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and violations in the internal organs and parts of the body Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Conscience tortured, there are not completely forgiven sins. Irritability from unpleasant communication.


Contacts with people bring me joyful feelings. I forgive myself imperfection. I approve and love myself.
Legs. The disease of the lower extremities

Fear of life changes is a refusal to move forward. Unrestrained position in society.


I have fun to keep up with the times. I confidently step on a new life path. Life leads me in the right way. I walk, only forward.


The adrenal glands Tangible indifference to their own development of personality. Excessive fearfulness. I love to perform actions related to the care of my body and soul. I am happy, the manifestation of bold acts.
Nose: Bleeding from the nose Desire, in any way to gain love and attention of others. The need for recognition of their personal qualities. A sense of unsuitability in everything. I am a delightful person. All my actions and decisions are good for me. People love me and need my services.
Narcolence Lack of desire for communication. Inability to resist difficulties. Eternal fears, fear. Detachment and hermit lifestyle. I entrust my fate for the forces of spiritual providence. The world chooses for me the safest life path, which I need to follow with joy and gratitude.
Nasopharynx: discharge Conviction in its sacrifice. Children's resentment. Sincere discomfort. I am calm and confidence in my own abilities - I observe the events that are happening in my life. Every day I have lived - brings happiness and peace.
Runny nose A prayer for support. Dead tears and experiences. Lack of understanding from close relatives. I show only love and care. My heart is a source of warmth and grace.
Nose: congestion Loss of significance in their own eyes. I consider myself a confident and necessary person.
Urinary incontinence Concealment of manifestation of emotions. Internal overstrain from feelings. I easily express my feelings and emotions. I like all the facets of my mood. My world is safe for me.
Nose Symbol of self -esteem. I trust my intuition.
Incurable diseases The influence of external treatment methods does not lead to success. The need for mental psychoanalysis. The disease that arose from frivolous events will become an empty and powerless burden. I believe in healing forces. I pass a healing stream through my own body and expel the disease from it. Wonderful grace, envelops my cured body.
Nails: gnaw A feeling of hatred for one of the parents. Overstated criticism to oneself. Torture, conviction of a hopeless situation. I boldly dispose of events in my life. I depend only on my own assessment. I approve and love myself.
Nerves Are the binder of the perception. I like to maintain acquaintance with people. I joyfully accept, any communication.
Nail Symbolizes the protection of something. My connection with the outside world is easily and relaxed. I get rid of the complexes.
Nervous breakdowns A manifestation of selfishness. Lack of tact. Inability to conduct a dialogue. Communication problems. I confidentially belong to those who expressed a desire - to communicate with me. My soul is eager to know new emotions. I'm safe. I have excellent health.
Legs They help a person promote a life path. Movement - gives me a desire: to live and enjoy life.
Nervousness Anxieties and fears about the life course. Doubt about the correctness of their actions. I am walking on the prestigious for me, the life path. The universe, protects my path and cares about my well -being. Time flows in a measured stream. My soul is filled with a bright light of love.
Neoplasms Soul fragmentation, crushed insults. Warming antipathy. A hidden feeling of anger. I give all offenders - forgiveness. I allow myself to be the way I like. I accept, freedom of other people. I am loved with my personality.
Indigestion Fright and horror. Anxious condition. Endless dissatisfaction with life. Resentment of fate. With a sense of deep gratitude, I absorb and absorb all the events overtaking me.
Nephritis Increased oppression from topical hardships and riots. Excessive grief. Everything is going well in my life. My plans are full of hope and confidence. I will realize only the ideas for me.
Accident Conviction of forced. Lack of self -preservation instinct. The uprising against the suppression of the will of man. My world is filled with harmony and friendliness. I deny the existence imposed on me earlier. I am a worthy person.
Violation of the psyche Intentional isolation from the world. Unwillingness to mix with reality. Embellure from related and family ties. My thoughts are in the present tense - here and now. My subconscious mind perceives everything that happens around - joyfully and without difficulty. I express my creative worldview dictated to me, nature.
Violation of equilibrium Mental inability. Lack of concentration. Absent -mindedness. I streamline my thoughts. My life is in complete safety. Divine forces give my fate - responsibility and care.
Neuralgia: sciatic nerve Insincerity, false feelings. Fears of financial costs or receiving remuneration. Inability to calculate the future. I realize my true purpose. I accept all the benefits in my life, without exception. The world surrounds me, harmless events.
The immobility of the neck Stubbornness. Lack of compromise solutions. I accept a different point of view. I am simply and easy to give me, communication with people.
Unpleasant odor: body Dislike of yourself. Resentment against people. Aggression and fear. I love my body and think it is the best gift of nature. My life is safe.
Unpleasant odor: oral cavity The stream of thoughts is littered, aggressive and evil prejudices. A feeling of irritability to all living things. I can easily let go of my past and memory of him. From this moment, my soul exudes only positive energy. My thoughts are filled with friendly and peaceful information.
Problems in life
Problems in life

In order to get the desired effect of recovery using this table, you should systematically control your thoughts and eradicate psychological subordination to negative thinking caused by suffering from malaise. He will cope with obsessive pathological thoughts, healing settings from the table will help. Each time, as soon as the subconscious mind tries to talk about the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the internal dialogue, talking positive phrases.

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