Simple and cold snacks on chips are delicious for a buffet: step -by -step recipes with photos. Original filling for snacks on chips: 10 options

Simple and cold snacks on chips are delicious for a buffet: step -by -step recipes with photos. Original filling for snacks on chips: 10 options

Make snacks on chips on the festive table. Your guests will be satisfied.

Everyone loves chips. A delicious treat has become an integral part of a modern culinary culture. What could be better than crunching saturated slices of this yummy while watching the series? However, simple chips can be bored. Despite the fact that the stores represent the most diverse types of this product, a person always wants something new. You can prepare a more complex dish using chips.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Shishlyk, meat on skewers: the best recipes for meat buffet snacks". You will learn how to deliciously cook pork, chicken, turkey, beef, minced meat, red fish, shrimp on skewers: recipes, and also how beautiful it is barbecue on skewers to the festive table.

There are a huge number of recipes for snacks from chips for every taste. Below are simple instructions for the preparation of excellent treats. Such dishes can be used on the festive table - quickly, tasty and original. Read further.

What chips can be used for quick, cold snacks?

Chips for a quick, cold snack
Chips for a quick, cold snack

Absolutely everyone will like dishes from chips. They look appetizing and decorate any gatherings at the table. But first, you should choose which chips will be used to prepare a quick and cold snack. And to simplify the choice, we brought their varieties:

  • From Lavash

These chips, as a rule, are prepared with their own hands. This is not difficult! Below will be the recipe. Of course, this process is a little less simple than buying a pack in a supermarket, but firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, snacks with these chips will be much less high-calorie.

  • Prungls

Classic chips. A well -known brand, a large selection of tastes for anyone, and most importantly - an ideal shape that will help prepare a very neat and beautiful dish - snacks on chips.

  • Nachos

Mexican chips from corn tortilla have a specific taste, but despite this quite original. Tastes could not be discussed. In addition, they can also be prepared independently by analogy with crisp from Lavash.

  • Standard - Leis and others

They will practically do not give in to other species. You can experiment with a variety of firms and shape to understand which will be more convenient in cooking and tastier in use specifically for you.

  • Useful chips - rice, carrot, corn

And such are found. Often they can be found in a healthy diet or a higher level. They are prepared from corn, rice, carrots and more. We advise you to try.

So, if you have already stocked up with packs of your favorite chips or decide what you will use to make your wonderful snacks, then it's time to start cooking. Read further.

How to make lavash chips: recipe

Lavash chips
Lavash chips

This delicacy is prepared incredibly quickly. A delicious crisp for conversation with loved ones for tea drinking or when watching a home theater with your favorite series, it is easy to make at home using the existing instruction. This type of chips is made in the oven. This action is similar to the creation of pizza, because chipsinki will be sprinkled with various spices and seasonings, delicious spices - melted cheese, parsley or dill, and maybe garlic. You will need it no more than 7-12 minutes.

How to make lavash chips? Here is the prescription:

  • Training. Comfortably place the products. Rinse the green branches, clean the garlic. Do not forget about bakery paper.


  • Preparation of Lavash. Cut the light thin lavash with kitchen scissors into pieces of medium size. Chop the greens. Rub the garlic and cheese with a grater.
  • Sauce - program nail. In order to make it, you need to mix vegetable oil with garlic and chopped herbs. Pick up and salt to your taste.
  • Drying - on a baking sheet you need to lay paper for baking. Put the chopped lavash on it is not close to each other. All pieces need to be lubricated with sauce, without eagerly sprinkled with cheese (optionally).
  • In preheated up to 180 ° C put a baking sheet and pull out the oven furnace after 6-8 min. Continuously follow the chips so that there are no burnt out coats from them. When the treat is browned, get and cool.

If you sprinkle them with cheese, you can leave it with your own hand -made chips and without filling from above, and without cheese you will get an ideal base for the snacks. By supplying chips from Lavash on the table as a ready -made independent dish, you can beautifully lay it out on a plate with a rose, zigzag, layers or rows. Boil your favorite warm tea or treat guests with soda.

A delicious cold appetizer on the chips of Prungls on a festive table with crab sticks: step -by -step recipe, photo

A delicious cold appetizer on the chips of Prungls on a festive table with crab sticks
A delicious cold appetizer on the chips of Prungls on a festive table with crab sticks

If you do not stop there, then it's time to learn new ideas for preparing the most exquisite and simple delicacies. Such a delicious cold appetizer on the chips of Prungls on the festive table will appeal to those who love seafood or crab salad. Here is a step -by -step recipe:

You will need:

  • Crab sticks
  • Cucumbers
  • Favorite cheese
  • Selected chips

Cook like this:

  • Crab sticks must be cut very finely.
  • Wash the cucumbers and rub on a grater.
  • Righten the cheese, but already on a small -tiric board.
  • Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise sauce. If you wish, you can salt and pepper what happened.
  • Next, we transfer the appetizing mass to our chips. It will turn out beautiful as in the photo above.

The dish is ready, you can serve to the table. Lay on a beautiful plate and treat your guests or households.

Simple cold cheese appetizer with tomatoes on chips: step -by -step recipe

Simple cold cheese appetizer with tomatoes on chips
Simple cold cheese appetizer with tomatoes on chips

The combination of cheese and tomatoes is classic in such recipes. And this is not surprising, because these are one of the most basic products in the kitchen, perfectly combined with each other. Here is a step -by -step recipe for a simple cold cheese snack with tomatoes on chips:

You will need:

  • A little bit of cheese
  • Tomatoes
  • Favorite greens to your taste
  • Salt pepper
  • Garlic
  • Mayonnaise sauce
  • Crisps
  • Olives or olives (it will turn out about four servings)

How to cook (it will take no more than 12 minutes):

  • We cut the tomatoes. If they were too juicy, then the juice needs to be drained.
  • Finely chop the greens.
  • Rub the cheese.
  • Mix chopped cheese, tomatoes, green twigs.
  • Add garlic. It must first be squeezed through a garlic -codium, or finely chopped by hand, or cut on a grater.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.
  • Add mayonnaise, stir everything thoroughly.
  • Put the resulting mass on your favorite chips. Decorate with butter.

When you serve these snacks, you should pay attention to one part. Since the chips can soak, it is better to lay out the filling immediately before leaning on the table, or the filling can be put on a salad bowl, and the chips themselves are put next to it. Guests, at their own request, will be able to independently put the filling on chips and eat immediately.

Yummy - a snack "God's cow" on chips for a buffet: step -by -step recipe

The appetizer
The appetizer "God's ladybug" on the chips for the buffet

It's great when the mistress through culinary art can show her creativity. We will tell you one way of delicious, and such an interesting version of the dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Here is a step -by -step recipe for the appetizers of God's cow on chips for a buffet:

The following ingredients will be needed:

  • Good chips (large, even - like prungls or others)
  • Cheese with the ability to quickly melt
  • Eggs
  • Mayonnaise sauce
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Maslinks
  • Fresh greens to taste
  • Salt, pepper, garlic

Do this:

  • First, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Next, proceed to the cooking process.
  • Boil the eggs screwed. In order for an unpleasant gray rim around the yolk, you need to cook the egg clearly 8 minutes after the water boils, and then immediately pour cold water.
  • Rub the flooded cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Clean the boiled egg and also rub on a coarse grater.
  • Cut the greens as small as you can. Leave about five branches in order to decorate the finished dish.
  • Combine cheese with eggs and herbs. Add mayonnaise with salt and other spices.
  • Mix.
  • Cherry tomatoes, from which we will make the Taurus of future “God's cows”, cut exactly along in half.
  • Cut three oils in half in half, after which once again and in half - the heads of our cute bugs are obtained. We use what remains of olives in order to make black dots on the “God's cows” bodies, cut them with very small pieces.
  • Put on chips one tablespoon of cheese and egg salad.

Form on top of chips with cheese and eggs directly “God's cows”. It is necessary to combine two parts of cherry tomatoes with fourth parts of olives. In the center of the plates, put the greens of parsley, dill and put there two more charming “ladybugs”.

With the help of a toothpick, mayonnaise remains to make the cute bugs the eyes. After that, dip small pieces of olives in one side into the sauce, fix them on the body of our bugs. Complete your composition with the help of living leaves of greenery. The snack must immediately be carried to the table to guests or relatives.

Snack on chips for children: step -by -step recipe

Snack on chips for children
Snack on chips for children

The recipe for kids should differ in tenderness and not be too overloaded with a huge amount of rich tastes. It is recommended to use lavash chips. Serve snacks in addition to the main dishes so as not to overload the baby stomach. You can also prepare with the children themselves. Here is a step -by -step recipe for snacks on chips for children:

  • To implement this dish, we need only 2 products: chips (prungls or other) and melting soft cheese with herbs. You can use the melted or soy.
  • We advise you to make this snack immediately before serving it to the table, because if you cook this yummy unnecessarily in advance, then the chips will definitely be soaked and will not deliciously crunch.
  • Put the melted cheese on chips. You can cut or rub, put in a microwave or preheated oven for several minutes, or if you have a desire, decorate the appetizer with greens, olives, small pieces of tomato to your taste.

It turns out not too harmful, not very high -calorie, but appetizing, thanks to cheese, a treat. Children will definitely appreciate and ask for supplements.

Fast snack "Chips with shrimp" for a buffet: step -by -step recipe for original snack "sandwiches" on the festive table

Fast snack
Fast snack "Chips with shrimp" for a buffet

Such a quick in the preparation of the “chips with shrimp” appetizers is perfect for a festive buffet. This is a real delicacy, because the dish looks luxurious, as if only from a restaurant. Chips with shrimp are a kind of redesigned version of food from Mediterranean cuisine. Here is a step -by -step recipe for original snack "sandwiches" on the festive table:

You will need:

  • Shrimps
  • Cottage cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Lemon
  • Crisps
  • Seasonings


  • Wipe the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve and mix with sour cream.
  • Add spices to your liking.
  • Gently put the resulting mass on chips.
  • Put the cooked shrimp on top.
  • Cut the lemon slices.
  • When serving next to each spoon of snacks, put this piece of lemon.

Advice: Thinly chopped strips of blue Yalta onions can be added to the filling. It will give the dish of unique piquancy.

For the sake of the absolute authenticity of taste, it is better to use not a cottage cheese, but Ricotta, in addition, then do not have to “invent” it from other products. In this case, sour cream and cottage cheese will not be needed. The lemon should be served with each portion, because during the process of use it is removed and pressed on top of the shrimp.

Tasty cold appetizer "Caviar on chips": step -by -step recipe

Tasty cold appetizer
Tasty cold appetizer "Caviar on chips"

Usually dishes with caviar are prepared for New Year, but why not please the family with this delicacy and on any other holiday? You can just practice now so that the delicacy is impeccable on the New Year's table. Here is a step -by -step recipe for making a delicious cold appetizer "Caviar on chips":


  • Favorite chips
  • Butter
  • Real caviar or in stores you can find an inexpensive plant analogue
  • Parsley for decoration

Cooking is extremely simple, almost like a sandwich:

  • On chips, spread the oil with a thin layer.
  • Gently lay out a little caviar on top: the bright taste of chips will complement this trio.
  • Cut the parsley and sprinkle on top.
  • You can also pinch the most beautiful leaves of parsley or dill and decorate the dishes with them.

The taste of chips will pleasantly shade luxurious caviar in this truly classic dish, and greens contribute to the better absorption of seafood by the body.

Simple cold appetizer on chips for beer with sprats: step -by -step recipe

Simple cold appetizer on chips for beer with sprats
Simple cold appetizer on chips for beer with sprats

Not a single beer feed is complete without a good snack, for example, from fish. Imagine how delicious it will be to prepare a snack from chips and sprats for this fenced wheat drink. Here is a step -by -step recipe for a simple cold snack on chips for beer with sprats:

You will need:

  • Crisps
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Cheeses to taste
  • Mayonnaise sauce
  • One bank of sprats

Preparation process step by step:

  • The egg and chees are three on a fine grater, garlic must be chopped.
  • Mix everything with mayonnaise sauce.
  • The so -called "Jewish snack" comes out.
  • Tomatoes need to be carefully cut into small slices.
  • On chips like “Prungls” or any you selected, lay out a cheese salad, lay the sprinkle on top, and leave a piece of tomato next to it.

Thus, a very appetizing crispy appetizer is obtained, capable of making diversity into the usual gatherings with friends for beer.

A delicious and original snack on chips with sausage and carrots in Korean for a buffet: step-by-step recipe

Tasty and original snack on chips with sausage and carrot in Korean for a buffet
Tasty snack on chips with sausage and carrot in Korean for a buffet

You have already been convinced that almost any classic combination of products can be put on chips: a salad with a crab, oil with caviar, cheese with herbs, etc. You can’t do without exquisite acuteness in Korean. It will turn out very original. Here is a step-by-step recipe for delicious and original snacks on chips with sausages and carrots in Korean for a buffet:

The following products are useful to create this snack:

  • Favorite chips
  • Korean carrot
  • Sales smoked
  • Solid varieties
  • Mayonnaise sauce

Somewhere about half an hour of your time-and a wonderful snack dish is ready:

  • Clean the sausage and thinly cut into small stripes.
  • Rub the cheeses on a coarse grater.
  • Then transfer the carrot in Korean, pre-prepared sausages and cheese into the cup.
  • Next, you need to refuel the resulting mass with mayonnaise sauce and mix well.
  • For those people who prefer more, it is possible to add a small amount of chopped garlic, but if the Korean carrot is already acute, then it makes no sense.
  • Next, we put the resulting salad carefully on chips.
  • When serving, it would be good to decorate the snack with fresh herbs.
  • It is also well suited to vegetables and some neutral products for harmonious absorption of the stomach.

It is better to take more green twigs of dill or parsley. Be careful with sausage, because this product is able to kill the entire taste bouquet, therefore, of course, the best choice would be the use of natural meat: boiled pork heart or chicken chest.

The cheese does not have to be solid, a dish with Brynza or Adyghe cheese comes out perfectly, but perfectly if it is smoked. Small filling will be ennobled by medium -cut olives or olives, but it is to taste and at will.

Speaks on skewers with chips: recipe

Speaks on skewers with chips
Speaks on skewers with chips

Usually such a dish is cooked with fried pieces of bread. If you do not have a large amount of time to fry thin bread slices, collect unnecessarily original combinations of products and cut them into salads, you can collect simple sandwiches with chips. Think over several options for such a dish in advance, remember them and quickly use them if necessary.

The ingredients can be chosen at all, for example:

  • White or red fish
  • Pastes (especially delicious will be cooked independently)
  • Soft or hard cheeses
  • Greens
  • Fan -tomato

How to cook this snack? Here is a recipe for snacks on skewers with chips:

  • First, it is necessary to cut the selected ingredients into small pieces suitable in size to chips.
  • Then lay them between the chips and fasten the resulting design with a skewer.
  • It is best to put vegetables (when used) in the middle and serve to the table immediately, because chips can quickly soak and lose crunch.

It turns out very satisfying and tasty ugly cakes.

Sunflower snack salad with chips: step -by -step recipe

Sunflower snack salad with chips
Sunflower snack salad with chips

Due to its bright color and original form, this salad, pleases everyone who saw and attracts general attention, likes both adults and children. It is not an ordinary complementary snack and is more like an independent dish. Such a dish resembles the sun, because the salad is laid out with a slide, and around the rays are laid out chipsins, which is the main accent on the plate. Here is a step -by -step recipe for a diner -off “Sunflower” with chips:


  • Eggs
  • Carrot
  • Canned corn
  • Chicken breast
  • Cucumber
  • Green onions
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Crisps

Step -by -step recipe:

  • Prepare all products in advance.
  • Pruditively weld ten eggs. Clean them.
  • Carrots also need to be boiled and cleaned.
  • Next, rinse the onions and cucumbers thoroughly, clean the garlic.
  • Cut cucumbers and carrots with cubes.
  • Open the corn and drain the liquid.
  • First you need to grind the products. Divide the protein and yolk in eggs. Cut the protein as finely as possible, crumble the yolk.
  • Chicken the meat also cut into small cubes. Often chop the onion.
    Rub the garlic on a grater or pass through a garlic -codium.
  • Squeeze the mayonnaise sauce and mix everything with each other, do not add only the yolk.
  • Now you need to salt and send everything to the refrigerator. Let the ingredients connect, creating a single unique taste.
  • After that, take out and put on a large plate the entire appetizing mass by the hemisphere. If necessary, use a spoon. Then - sprinkle with yolk.

And now the most interesting and responsible: gently spread the chips around the ball as if it are petals. Now the salad has turned into sunflower. You can decorate the top with olive -chopped olives for more similarity with seeds.

Eggplant snack on chips: the recipe is fast and tasty

Eggplant snack
Eggplant snack

There is nothing better than a jar of eggplant caviar closed for the winter. It can help out in the creation of crispy snacks on chips, because it is practically not necessary to cook. You can do it quickly, but it will turn out very tasty. Here is a recipe for eggplant snacks on chips:


  • Eggplant caviar
  • Crisps
  • Optionally: garlic, salt, fresh greens


  • Put eggplant caviar on your favorite chips.
  • Sprinkle with herbs.
  • Finely chop or grind the garlic in another way.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.

If you do not like caviar or do not have a stagnant jar to the occasion, then you can make an eggplant stew in a pan, adding roasting and zucchini.

In addition, chips can be made from the eggplant themselves and use for them any of the fillings that have already been mentioned above. To do this, thinly cut them and bake them in a preheated oven for several minutes. Then put the filling on them and serve. It will also turn out appetizing, as in the photo above.

Original filling for chips for snacks: 10 options

Original filling for chips for snacks
Original filling for chips for snacks

You can experiment with filling for such snacks endlessly. Surely, based on the proposed options, you will have your own ideas, and that there is even more space for imagination, several sets of ingredients are presented below. Cut and mix them in the form of a salad and use them as a universal filling.

Here are 10 options for original fillings for chips for snacks:

  • Snack on chips "cheese"

Ingredients: hard cheese, tomatoes, green twigs of dill or parsley, garlic, homemade mayonnaise sauce, chips to their liking, olives and olives for decoration

  • Square "Treasure Island"

Ingredients: crab sticks, green beam, hard cheese, red caviar, home or store mayonnaise sauce, chips to their liking.

  • Filling to the snack "Guests at the threshold"

Ingredients: grated raw carrots, “hard” cheese, garlic, homemade mayonnaise sauce, chips to their liking.

  • Filling to the appetizer "Paste"

Ingredients: Any meat paste, decoration olives, parsley, green onions, chips to their liking, mayonnaise sauce.

  • Filling to the snack on the chips "Sea Temptation"

Ingredients: flooded cheese, fresh tomatoes, crab sticks, dill and parsley, jewelry, homemade mayonnaise sauce, chips to their liking.

  • Filling for the snack "Viva Italy"

Ingredients: fresh tomato, capers, grated parmesan cheese, garlic, homemade mayonnaise sauce, spices and seasonings to their liking, slightly salted salmon, chips to their liking.

  • Surption on the chips "Sushi"

Ingredients: Boiled rice (you can pour quite a bit with soy sauce), salmon, a little of any cheese sauce.

  • Snack on chips "Tender"

Ingredients: shrimp, avocados, fresh herbs, tomatoes, homemade mayonnaise sauce, chips to their liking.

  • Filling to the snack on the Chips "Veganskaya"

Ingredients: avocado, tomato, soy cheese tofu, chips.

  • A snack on the Chips "Vegetarian"

Ingredients: mayonnaise, beans, canned peas, chips.

  • Submary appetizer "Sweet" (suitable for the base on lavash or useful types of chips, for example, rice)

Ingredients: yogurt, any small berries, nuts to their taste.

So, we presented you with a list of mouth -watering snacks on chips. But this does not mean that the options for fillings and dishes are over. A real mistress is now opening a whole world of various variations in the preparation of fast and tasty snacks that can be invented, endlessly, without tired. So, every time you can delight yourself with something new. We hope that you have learned a lot of new and interesting things, and now you can please your guests and households with delicious dishes - simple and appetizing. Make them easy and fast. Enjoy your meal!

Video: snacks on chips for the New Year!

Video: A snack on the Chips "Guest on the threshold". 5 minutes and ready!

Video: Delicious and simple snack on chips with chicken and tomatoes

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