Proximal chronic hemicracies: diagnostic criteria, symptoms and forecasts

Proximal chronic hemicracies: diagnostic criteria, symptoms and forecasts

Hemicracies are an abnormal disease with its complex symptoms.

Many people suffer from headache. Most do not go to a doctor’s consultation, they drink drugs with handfuls that do not help. The pains continue to torment, and other unpleasant symptoms appear. It is worth knowing that there is such a syndrome as a proximal chronic hemicrane.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "The first signs and symptoms of a stroke of the brain in women and men: First aid". You will learn to recognize the signs of an approaching stroke of the brain in women and men over 30, 40, 50 years old, young and elderly.

What kind of disease is proximal chronic hemicrane? What are her symptoms, forecasts? From this article you will learn about the etiology of this disease, as well as about prevention and treatment. Read further.

Migraine is a chronic paroxysmal hemicrane: what kind of illness is this anomaly?

Migraine - chronic paroxysmal hemicrane

Chronic paroxysmal hemicrane (HPG) - This word came from the ancient Greek. " hemicrania " And it means “half-headed”, due to the acute or pulsating sense of pain, which is felt on one side of the skull.

  • This type of migraine was first described in 1974.
  • In 1976, the case of the disease was examined in detail in 2 patients who were daily (i.e. chronically), single, limited attacks (i.e. paroxysmal) of one-sided headache. She was not tolerated to the other side.
  • Such a disease has been included in the classification system of the International Headache Society since 1988.
  • This phenomenon can be found much less often than cluster pain in the head. It is even called anomaly.

In general, such a disease is very ancient. It was known 4000 years ago. I suffered from this disease roman prosecutor Pontius Pilate From the novel "The Master and Margarita". She tormented the hero constantly. He just went crazy from her. Rumor has it that the writer himself suffered such a disease - Bulgakov.  

It is worth noting that the head can hurt with a concussion. In another article on our website, read about the symptoms, causes and signs, diagnosis, treatment of concussion, as well as on the prevention of injuries and other factors, risk factors. You will learn how to diagnose and provide first aid for a concussion.

Short symptoms of the primary head. Pain can be divided into soreness with activation of the autonomic nervous system and a sense of pain without autonomic activation. Pain in the cranial box with the activation of the autonomic nervous system includes chronic and episodic paroxysmal hemicacia, and Golovn. The pain on one side of a short -term nature involves the conjunctival "shelters" and lacrimation.

Continuois hemicrances (continuum), chronic paroxysmal hemicrances: diagnostic criteria, symptoms

Chronic paroxysmal hemicrane

There is also a classification of such a pathology - hemicrane Continua (continuum). Such a disease can often be detected in female. It hurts mainly in the temple and eye sockets. But in general, these pathologies are similar in symptoms.

Diagnostic criteria:

  • Attacks of severe, unilateral orbital abuse and/or temporary pain, always on the same side, lasting 20-45 minutes.
  • The frequency of attack is more than 7 p. in a day For a short period of time.

A sense of pain associated with at least 1 of the following signs/symptoms against the background of the symptomatic side:

Hemicemic can manifest itself in a non -chronic or chronic form, although the chronic type occurs 5 times more often. Non -chronic attacks are similar to constant, but can be less serious and less frequent. Before the development of chronic symptoms, many patients (42%) pass through non -chronic stages, with attacks that alternate with phases of complete remission. Doctors argue that after a non -chronic form, a constant phase of pain necessarily occurs. Nevertheless, approximately 20% of patients remain in the non -chronic stage for a long time.

Right -sided or left -sided paroxysmal hemicrania, continuum: etiology

The mechanism responsible for soreness with hemicacia remains unknown. Past medical history in patients with CPG, as a rule, is unreasonable. The history of the head or neck was revealed in approximately 20% of cases, but these results are similar to those that are detected with ordinary migraines. Sometimes attacks can be triggered by a violation of the flexion or turning mechanism of the head and external pressure on the transverse processes of the nerve root or occipital nerve. If we talk about a hereditary predisposition, then nothing is known about this, that is, if the mother has HPG, then it is not necessary that the daughter will also develop such a disease.

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of indomethacin in the cure of such pain has been proven. Read more more.

Attacks of paroxysmal hemicacia, hemicrane continua And Indomethacin: Treatment

Attacks of paroxysmal hemicacia

The duration of treatment depends on the type of CPG. Therapy can be performed constantly or in a short course, for 5-7 days exceeding the exacerbation period. The main goal is to stop attacks by paroxysmal hemicacia, hemicacia of continuum, and prevent their appearance. For treatment, such funds can be used:

  • Indomethacin.The drug that is preferred with hemicacia. Persistent therapist. The effect will appear after 1-2 days After the start of treatment. If indomethacin does not help, it may be necessary to make another diagnosis. There is no exact justification for this phenomenon.
  • Other drugs are an alternative. When rashes, itching, rhinitis and other allergic reactions to indomethacin appear, the neurologist will select other injections or tablets individually. Sometimes drugs from groups of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, calcium channels, steroids are effective.
  • Symptomatic drugs.With daily use of indomethacin, the likelihood of peptic ulcers on the gastric mucosa and 12-perimal intestine increases, therefore, antacids, H2-hytamin-blocking or proton pump blockers can be used as additional means.

What are the forecasts for this pathology? Read further.

Proximal chronic hemicrane: forecast, prevention

Patients in the chronic stage of proximal hemicacia may need lifelong treatment, but with lower doses of indomethacin. Long periods of remission are usually with a non -chronic stage, but they can also occur in patients with an established diagnosis of this disease in a chronic form. There were no cases of mortality with this disease.

It is worth noting the important role of the hypothalamus in HPG. Functional studies have shown the activation of the hypothalamus in cases of trigeminal vegetative disorders. CPG is a rare syndrome, but the number of diagnosed cases increases. The prevalence is unknown, but the relative frequency compared to the non-chronic form is reported by about 1-3%.

Forecasts are in preventive measures. If it is carried out correctly, then the pathology will begin to subside and the paroxysmal pain will become less. Preventive actions:

  • Refusal to drink vodka, wine and other alcoholic beverages
  • The exclusion of all factors that can provoke new pain attacks of Cephalgia: stress, nervous tension, etc.
  • It is important to eat and drink a lot of water properly

It is also necessary to exclude prolonged visual stress. Emotions are harmful, both good and bad. Therefore, try not to be nervous, not to laugh much or cry much.

Paroxysmal hemicrania: reviews

Paroxysmal hemicrania

If you are diagnosed with PG, then know that you are not alone with such a syndrome. Many people suffer from this pathology. Read the reviews of other people who live with such symptoms.

Valentina, 46 years old

I have hemicacia accompanied by redness of the skin epidermis of the face, eyeball, tears, swelling of the eyelids. I heard that ptosis (omission of the upper eyelid) and myos (narrowing of the pupil) may appear. The other day, the nasal sinuses even appeared. I used to suffer from a headache, but it was different. Now the head hurts more often and stronger. In addition, I suffer from increased sweating. The neurologist said it was because of the hemicem. The doctor appointed Indomethacin. The medicine helps, the pain is leaving.

Ekaterina, 28 years old

I was diagnosed with the pre -nine paroxysmal hemicrane. The syndrome began with rare periods of attacks (less than 2 p. At 12 months), which gradually became more frequent and moved into chronic. Then the pain bothered every day, several times. I turned to the therapist, talked about all the symptoms. After passing the general tests and examination of the head, the doctor sent to a neurologist who appointed Indomethacin. The medicine took 2 days and allergies began, I had to cancel. Now the doctor selects a non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agent.

Yaroslav, 30 years old

I have hemicacia manifested not only with pain in my head, but also with lacrimation, as well as with tide of the heat. I don’t want to drink pills yet, but the doctor said that there is no medical treatment for drug therapy. It is difficult to endure pain and other symptoms, so you have to drink the drug. The neurologist also prescribed as additional studies - MRI to exclude pathologies of the cervical spine. When I go through the diagnosis, I will have to go to the doctor again so that he will pick up the drug.

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