Why does the head hurt? Causes, first aid, drugs, prevention of headaches

Why does the head hurt? Causes, first aid, drugs, prevention of headaches

Headaches are familiar to almost every person. Most often, they are not harbingers of serious diseases. Painful sensations in the head can be signs of overwork or overstrain. But, sometimes migraine and other types of headaches, can be syndrome of more severe diseases.

Causes of headache

Pain in the templesThe cerebral cortex is very sensitive to various irritants. Moreover, such stimuli can be both internal and external:

  • Headaches can be caused by vascular damage at the base of the skull or large arteries. Violation of cerebral circulation is the main cause of painful sensations
  • Frequent and prolonged headaches can be caused by oxygen starvation and spasm of the vessels of the brain
  • Another cause of such pain is the change in the composition of the blood. If the blood becomes thick and viscous, then this leads to a slowdown in its movement through the vessels. So, the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the brain decreases
  • Also, one of the causes of chronic headaches include damage to cartilage or bone tissues of the spine

In addition, the causes of headaches are the influence of various fields in which a person spends a lot of time. Even a long conversation on a mobile phone can lead to pain in the head.

We live in the technogenic world, therefore (except for the "mobile phone"), a negative effect can have a negative effect on the body:

  • electro-magnetic fields of electric networks (so make sure that a power cable does not pass near your bed)
  • low and high-frequency sound noises
  • wireless data transfer fields (this is not advertised, but there are already studies that directly indicate the harm of Wi-Fi)

Important: alcohol poisoning is also a common cause of headache. The thing is that with the excessive use of drinks containing alcohols, the death of brain cells occurs.

  • Lack of sleep and frequent stay in a state of stress is also the reasons for the above problems
  • Headaches can also be caused by insufficient amounts of the developed hormones of neurotransmitters
  • The most terrible causes of headaches are the formation of malignant tumors and cysts in the brain
  • Also, the causes of pain in the head may be a concussion and meningitis

What processes occur in the brain with brain pain?

BrainThe brain is the most “classified” human organ at the moment. Therefore, it is impossible to say that the processes taking place in this organ with headaches are completely studied.

And if you take into account the fact that pain can occur for many reasons (they are described above). That descriptions of the processes passing with each of them will be drawn to a doctoral dissertation. Therefore, there will be only brief information below.

There are no pain receptors in the brain itself. They are located in the shell in which the brain is enclosed. Therefore, pains that occur in different parts of such a shell have different nature. And they are felt differently.

One of the causes of headache is vascular cramps. At the same time, the vessels in the head, due to various pathologies, narrow. This violation causes a deterioration in cells with oxygen and the proper removal of carbon dioxide.

In addition, narrowing of blood vessels deliver nutrients and oxygen to the head can be caused by violations in the cervical spine. The thing is that this part of the spine has a rather thin structure. And this despite the fact that impressive loads are on him.

Many nerve fibers, blood and lymph vessels pass through the cervical segment of the spine. Their compression, due to damage to the bone and cartilaginous parts of the cervical spine, is a common cause of headaches.

As for the headache caused by a long person in the area of \u200b\u200bsevere electromagnetic waves. Everything is simple here. Probably everyone knows that proteins, phospholipids (cell membranes) and water ions have a weak electromagnetic field. Such a field is necessary for the normal operation of these molecules.

But, being under the influence of an electromagnetic field, such molecules begin to behave, succumbing to its influence. Which negatively affects the work of the whole organism and brain in particular. The same, albeit to a lesser extent, concerns the action of cellular communication, Wi-Fi, etc. The radiation field is especially adversely affecting the brain.

Important: recently, headaches with a lack of glucose brain are very often associated. That is why it is believed that starvation can cause headaches. But, scientists have not yet been able to prove such a connection. True, there are no speakers of the opposite.

It is also important to remember that alcoholic beverages can cause headache. Firstly, they can be of poor quality, and act like poison. But, even high -quality alcohol can destroy the cells of the body. Alcohols lead to dehydration, destruction of blood vessels and other problems. Intoxication from excessive amount of alcohol can lead to severe headache.

Violation in the work of the vessels of the brain, as well as their destruction, may be associated with various pathologies, lack of sleep, concussion and other reasons. The headache develops due to the fact that the destroyed vessels cannot cause the right amount of nutrients and oxygen to the brain. As a result, he ceases to work normally. And the shell surrounding it “gives” the sign about this.

First aid for headache

MigraineSince the nature of headaches is different, it is necessary to approach the solution of this problem in different ways. The simplest and most effective solution for headaches can be the use of painkillers. But if analgesics are used for this purpose, then soon, the body can get used to such drugs and the desired effect of them will not be achieved. With frequent headaches, you need to seek a doctor’s consultation.

  • From a headache can help peace and self -massage of the head and neck. Massage of the temporal part can be carried out in conjunction with menthol ointment or balm "Asterisk"
  • The cool compress of the forehead or a warm compress of the heads are also able to relieve headache. The compress for pain in the temporal areas can be carried out using cinnamon tincture, fabric pierced
  • Fresh cabbage sheets relieves headache perfectly. It must be applied to the part of the head, where the hearth is located. Then wrap your head with a warm towel. You need to change cabbage as the sheet dries. Such a compress can be left overnight

Important: with headaches, it is important to abandon smoking and alcohol. These bad habits themselves can become the causes of pain. And also to negate the treatment of this problem. You can not apply ice to the head with pain.

Headache preparations


  • "Paracetamol" and "Panadol" - They are used for headaches of weak and medium intensity. Accepted from 500 ml to 4 g per day. You need to take no more than 1 g of this drug once
  • "Migrenol" - The composition of the drug includes paracetamol and caffeine, which enhances its effect. This drug needs to be used for headaches caused by reduced blood pressure. You need to take this product 2 tablets 4 times a day. The interval between receptions should be at least 4 hours
  • "Solpadein" - A drug based on paracetamol, caffeine and codeine. The effect of the drug is similar to the action of Migrenol. You need to take this product 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The interval between receptions should be at least 4 hours
  • "Analgin" - A popular painkiller based on metamizole sodium. It also has an antipyretic effect. Recently, many side effects have been revealed from taking analgin. Therefore, if there are alternatives, it is better to use them
  • "Pentalgin Plus", "Sedal-M" and "Piralgin" - Powerful means against headache. It is not recommended to use more than five days in a row. Take these products 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. Daily norm - 4 tablets
  • "Askofen-P", "COMOLE-PLUS" and "Citramon Ultra" - They are used for weak and medium headaches. Take 1-2 tablets three times a day. Daily norm of no more than 8 tablets
  • "Tempalgin" - Another popular agamizole of sodium. The caffeine included in this drug enhances the action of the active substance. Take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. In the absence of pain, the reception must be stopped
  • "Nurofen" - A very popular remedy against headache recently. It also has an antipyretic effect. Take one tablet 3-4 times a day
  • "Spasmalgon" and "Spazgan" - Excellent means for treating headaches caused by spasm of blood vessels. You need to take after eating 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day

Vitamins in headache


  • In order to prevent headaches, you need to include various minerals and vitamins in your diet. It is best that vitamins enter the body in natural form. That is, with food. To do this, you need to diversify your diet, include various healthy plant products and milk in it
  • To counteract migraine, you need to increase the products rich in vitamin B2 in your diet. According to the latest data, this vitamin reduces the risk of migraine by 48%. Thanks to riboflavin, metabolic processes in the body are left. This vitamin enhances the synthesis of nerve cells. Vitamin B2 is contained in large quantities in fish, dairy products, eggs and mushrooms
  • In a headache caused by hormonal malfunctions (most often a disadvantage of estrogen), it is necessary to increase products containing magnesium into the use of products. Such products include bananas, potatoes and chocolate
  • To counteract stress and overstrain, which can also lead to headaches, Coenzyme Q10 will help. This antioxidant, among other things, is responsible for the health of the vessels of the brain. Most of such a substance in fish (tuna and mackerel) and broccoli cabbage
  • Also, for the prevention of headaches, it is necessary to increase the consumption of vitamin E

Prevention of headaches


  • To prevent headaches caused by a disadvantage of oxygen flow into the brain, you need to ventilate the room more often and be more in the fresh air. It is advisable to make a rule of daily walks in the park or in the forest
  • It is also important to observe the daily routine. An eight -hour dream can become a doctor from many diseases. Including head diseases
  • A bath using aromatherapy, a warm compress of the head or a cool compress of foreheads also help to cope with this ailment
  • If headaches are caused by dehydration, then you need to increase the intake of fluid. It is important to eliminate stress and overstrain to get rid of the described illness from your life
  • A great remedy for the prevention of headaches is ginger tea. This drink in China is considered an "elixir from a thousand diseases." You can use it for the prevention of the described problems

Ginger tea recipe. To prepare such tea, wash the root of ginger and grate it on a fine grater. In a saucepan with boiling water, you need to put several teaspoons of chopped ginger. One spoon corresponds to one cup of tea. Let it boil the water for about two minutes, remove from the heat and let cool. You can drink ginger tea with mint, lemon or add green tea to boiling water.

Tips and reviews for headache

Daria, 29 years old. I use compresses with onions for headaches. This remedy told me my grandmother. To do this, take a large onion. Clean it from the husk and chop it fine. Then you need to wrap the crushed onion in a fabric napkin, attach pain to the hearth and wrap your head with a towel.

Video. How to relieve headache in five minutes

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  1. Most often, it is precisely because of the weather that this happens, especially in the fall, during this period I do not part with the ginkoma at all. I also try to limit coffee up to 1 time a day, so as not to aggravate the situation even more

  2. The article is good. Written for the layman in a simple and affordable language. A choice was provided from medicines to massage. Great!

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