Nausea, headache and vomiting in a child. Causes, symptoms and treatment of nausea in children

Nausea, headache and vomiting in a child. Causes, symptoms and treatment of nausea in children

If the child is sick, this can talk about serious problems not only with his stomach. The article on the causes of nausea in children and ways to eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

Nausea as a child’s condition can occur suddenly, for example, if it is rocking in transport, and it may be a symptom of a disease, that is, periodically manifest to one degree or another.

Signs of nausea in a child. How to determine that the child is sick?

Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting, although the painful state of the “nadit” may not lead to vomiting. How to determine that the child is sick:

  • he begins to worry
  • the skin turns pale
  • handles and legs are cold

If such a condition has appeared when you are in transport, then, obviously, the child was rocking. It is advisable to interrupt the trip and go out into the fresh air, let the baby pull out or just breathe.

The child may feel sick if he was rocked in the car.
The child may feel sick if he was rocked in the car.

Important: it is also good to give the child a little water, or offer an ugly lollipop, or a piece of apple or tangerine.

Perhaps the child swayed for a long time on a swing, and he was led by his vestibular apparatus.
Or, it overheated in the sun. Then your actions are to take the child into the shadow, cool with compresses, give a plentiful drink and put to sleep.

If the state of nausea appears in the child suddenly, first help him, calm, let him tear out, find a convenient position for him. Start analyze the cause of nausea that could provoke it. Maybe this:

  • medicines that the child takes for various reasons
  • food poisoning
  • intestinal infection
  • acute respiratory disease
  • stress

Perhaps you will not be able to find the cause of nausea in the child, excluding all the above reasons, especially if nausea is not accompanied by vomiting, liquid stool, elevated body temperature.

Important: repeatedly arising nausea in a child is an obligatory reason to see a doctor.

Why does the child have nausea and drowsiness?

It happens that the child is sick and at the same time he sets him sleep. He stops playing and can lie down on the sofa.
If this is not a poisoning of food, but you should know if there was a violation of the nutrition, then the possible causes of this condition may be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • neurological diseases
  • parasitic invasion (worms)
Nausea and drowsiness in a child is a sign of parasitic invasion.
Nausea and drowsiness in a child is a sign of parasitic invasion.

A mandatory examination by a doctor is recommended, a feces analysis on an egg-gang, ultrasound, and a consultation of a pediatric neuropathologist.

The causes of nausea and strong weakness in the child

  • Nausea in conjunction with severe weakness, sometimes with high body temperature, can be an indicator of acute intestinal or food poisoning. The child's body is intoxicated, because of this there is a breakdown. It is necessary to cause vomiting in the child, cleanse the stomach and intestines from a source of toxins, give abundant drink, even if the baby refuses and capricheses
  • Mineral substances are washed out with vomiting and liquid stools, and their restoration is necessary not only for the body to function normally, but also in order not to aggravate the condition of the baby.
    Another cause of nausea and strong weakness in a child is a viral infection
  • Currently, intestinal forms of influenza, rotovirus, pr., One of the symptoms of which is nausea and vomiting. In any case, a plentiful mineralized drink is something necessary than parents can first help the child. Further, their task is to monitor the condition of the child, and in the case of the slightest deterioration, immediately call a doctor or an ambulance
Nausea and weakness in a child can cause stress.
Nausea and weakness in a child can cause stress.

Also, nausea and weakness can be the result of suffered stress or nervous tension. If stress really took place, then peace, drink, sleep will help to alleviate the condition of the child.

Video: Does the child often have nausea and weakness?

What is the strong nausea in the child?

Strong nausea, which arose suddenly, may be due to:

  • viral infection
  • poisoning
  • an attack of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, so on)
  • acute appendicitis
  • other diseases
Strong nausea is an occasion to suspect the infection.
Strong nausea is an occasion to suspect the infection.

Strong nausea that occurs in the child from time to time regularly indicates digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which requires a mandatory visit to the doctor and regular treatment twice a year in courses, according to prescriptions.

High temperature and nausea in a child

Nausea, accompanied by high temperature, indicates either the body's poisoning, or a viral infection, or other diseases of a very serious nature (for example, meningitis).

Nausea and temperature are the consequences of intoxication of the body.
Nausea and temperature are the consequences of intoxication of the body.

The combination of these symptoms means the need for speedy medical help, establishing a diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment. This is especially true for children-breeding children.

It is impossible to underestimate the seriousness of the situation, since in young children all processes occur rapidly. Even if the cause of this condition of the child is an infection, it is necessary to prevent its further spread throughout the body. It is also necessary to remember parents about compliance with the drinking regime in such a period.

Poisoning of a child with food or other substances can, in addition to high temperature and nausea, have the following clinical picture:

  1. At first, the child is undermined, his condition and behavior are changing, he is moody and irritable
  2. The temperature rises, it can reach 39 degrees
  3. There may be pain in the lower abdomen
  4. Vomiting begins
  5. Frequent liquid stool with undigested food appears

Important: with the help of vomiting and diarrhea, the body itself is trying to get rid of toxins. However, it will be important here to drink, which contains mineral salts. For example, it is good to put a child with a “Reidron” powder. Then give the adsorbents and monitor the condition of the baby until the doctor arrives.

Abdominal pain and nausea in a child, causes

Abdominal pain and nausea in a child can mean:

  1. Inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (enteritis, pancreatitis and more)
  2. Acute appendicitis
Abdominal pain and nausea can talk about appendicitis.
Abdominal pain and nausea can talk about appendicitis.

As a rule, doctors do not advise to independently stop the pain syndrome until the exclusion of a surgical diagnosis. Again, you can’t do without a doctor.

Important: acute abdominal pain in the right bottom or around the navel, nausea are signs of appendicitis. Only the doctor will determine the further course of treatment and possible surgical intervention

Why does the child have nausea in the morning?

Nausea in the morning in a child may mean malfunctions with stomach and digestion, as well as increased intracranial pressure and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, the child may still have a headache.

Why does the child have nausea in the evenings?

If we exclude other factors that could cause nausea in a child (solar blow, stress, brain concussion, already diagnosed diseases), then in the evenings it may feel sick because of:

  1. Violations in the digestive system
  2. Endocrine disorders
  3. Disorders of a neurological nature

Important: repeating nausea in the evenings is an occasion to visit the pediatrician and, after his consultation, a children's gastroenterologist and other specialists.

What to give a child from nausea?

If the child is sick, you need to give him more water.
If the child is sick, you need to give him more water.
  • The first recommendation here is drinking. If the child is sick, then you need to drink it constantly
  • If you suspect poisoning, it is best to cause artificial vomiting. Then the body will be slightly cleansed, the child will become easier. To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda
  • If the child has overheated in the sun or received a thermal blow, then drinking is also included in the complex of saving measures in addition to cooling compresses and peace
  • One -time nausea can be removed by offering the child a salty cucumber, a piece of lemon, a piece of ginger under the tongue, green tea with sugar lemon. The usual mint candy is also suitable
  • At night, you can give your child tea from mint or lemon balm without sugar.

Video: Nausea and vomiting

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Comments K. article

  1. Of course, I have no longer a child, a teenager already, 14 years old. And he began to complain about headaches. Tomorrow we go to the doctor, I'm afraid of something. Calm me, huh?

  2. Marina, I'm more than sure that this is VSD. My nephew was like this, it was precisely this diagnosis. No need to be scared, everything is curable. Well, change a little lifestyle of the child, food and everything will be fine. The doctor prescribed Eltacin to them, the sister said that a very good drug helped him in recovery. The trip will not hurt at sea or to the rest house and the most important minimum of the computer, this is the harm for sure.

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