Headache in the back of the head: Types of pain and cause. Treatment of pain in the back of the head with folk remedies

Headache in the back of the head: Types of pain and cause. Treatment of pain in the back of the head with folk remedies

The nature of the pain in the back of the head, the causes of their occurrence. Traditional medicine in the fight against pain in the back of the head.

Perhaps every person at least once in his life experienced headaches. Such sensations are very unpleasant and painful. With them it is impossible to concentrate on something and do anything.

You can sometimes get rid of pain in the back of the head only with the help of drug intervention. However, before taking any measures, it is necessary to find out what caused these very feelings.

Causes of headache in the back of the head

What are the causes of a headache in the back of the head?
What are the causes of a headache in the back of the head?

Various kinds of violations and damage to the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders can provoke the appearance of pain in the nape. In addition, the occipital part of the head can also hurt due to heart disease, vascular system and neurological disorders.

The provocateurs of such painful sensations are most often:

  • violations in the cervical spine
  • change in blood pressure
  • problems with the occipital nerve
  • intracranial pressure
  • spasm of the brain vessels
  • transferred nervous overstrain and stress
  • long body stay in an unnatural and uncomfortable position
  • muscle overstrain
  • pathologies of bite or disease of the temporous member of the joints
  • poisoning and intoxication of the body
  • infection or colds
  • high body temperature

You can find out the cause of the occipital pain by their nature, intensity and the frequency of occurrence.

Pressing pain in the back of the head, reasons

Causes of pressure pain in the back of the head
Causes of pressure pain in the back of the head

The most frequent causative agents of a crushing pain in the occipital part of the head are cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis or intracranial pressure.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis
  • This violation is provoked by destruction of the intervertebral discs. As a result, a person feels constant pressing headaches in the back of the head, temples and neck. Often such pains are also accompanied by swit of the head, nausea, loss of orientation and hearing loss
  • Cervical osteochondrosis is sometimes accompanying the double objects and fog in the eyes. A person with cervical osteochondrosis, throwing his head back, can fall and be immobilized for a while. Moreover, he will be in full consciousness

Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis
  • This disease is caused by ossification of the connecting ligaments of the spine. Bone growths block normal turns and movements of the neck, which provoke the appearance of constant pain in the neck and nape, especially those exacerbated when the head is spinning
  • Sudden movements of the neck cause an increase in pain, and after their completion there remains a regular pressure stupid pain
  • Another obvious feature of cervical spondylosis is sleep disturbance or its complete absence

Intracranial pressure

Intracranial pressure
Intracranial pressure
  • Intracranial pressure is provoked by an increase or disadvantage of cerebrospinal fluid, brain edema, the occurrence of a tumor or an increase in blood concentration in the vessels of the brain
  • Such a disease is accompanied by pressing or bursting pain in the nape, temples, forehead during sleep, and aggravating when waking up
  • Pain in the occipital part of the head can be pulsating in nature, as well as be accompanied

Acute pain in the back of the head, reasons

The causes of acute head in the head in the back of the head
The causes of acute head in the head in the back of the head

Acute pain in the back of the head is observed with cervical migraine, cervical spondylosis, myogelosis of the cervical spine and neuralgia.

Cervical migraine

Cervical migraine
Cervical migraine
  • The cervical migraine in itself is a consequence of diseases of the cervical spine
  • Pain with cervical migraine is often acute, burning. Such pains can be both constant and pulsating


Miocolosis of the cervical region
Miogelosis of the cervical region
  • Myigelosis often occurs under the influence of drafts, stress, improper posture, and represents seals in the neck muscles
  • In addition to acute pain during myigelosis, dizziness, fatigue and stiffness in the shoulder zone may occur

Trick nerve neuralgia

Trick nerve neuralgia
Trick nerve neuralgia

Such a disease is often found in patients with osteochondrosis or spondylarthrosis. They begin to feel severe sharp pains in the cervical vertebrae, spreading to the eyes, ears, back and nape.

Dumb pain in the back of the head, reasons

Causes of dull pain in the back of the head
Causes of dull pain in the back of the head

Often dull pain in the occipital part of the head occurs due to cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis and bite disorders.

Problems with a bite

Violation of the bite
Violation of the bite
  • It would seem that such a simple, and at the same time, a fairly common dental problem, like a bite violation, can provoke unpleasant sensations and even pain in humans
  • In the process of chewing, a patient with incorrect bite often experiences pain in the neck, reflected in a dumb pain in the back of the head
  • Such sensations can last from several hours to several days
  • Incorrect bite is a problem that can lead not only to constant pains, but also to many other complications (speech deterioration, gum disease and face distortion)

Pulsating pain in the head, back of the head, causes

Pulsating pain in the back of the head
Pulsating pain in the back of the head

The causes of pulsations in the head and the back of the head can be many factors and diseases:

  • hypertension
  • neurology of the cervical spine
  • intracranial pressure
  • vascular system diseases
  • cervical migraine
  • tumors
  • incorrectly selected glasses or lenses
  • nose and ear diseases
  • menstruation

Hypertonic disease

  • Hypertension is one of the most common diseases found in people with their hearts
  • Hypertension occurs due to a predisposition to narrowing of blood vessels
  • Such a disease is often accompanied by a strong pulsation in the occipital part of the head, a rapid heartbeat, general malaise, dizziness and spontaneous nausea

Vascular pain

Vascular pain
Vascular pain
  • Pulsation in the occipital part of the head often occurs due to spasm of vessels passing inside or outside the skull
  • Pulsating pain can apply to both the back of the head and the frontal part of the head
  • In a state of movement, the pain intensifies, and at rest, weakens


Brain tumors
Brain tumors
  • The brain tumor, meningitis and other serious brain disturbances are often manifested in the form of a pulsating headache
  • In addition to pain, such diseases have a number of related symptoms: nausea, vomiting, weakness and dizziness


Incorrectly selected glasses
Incorrectly selected glasses
  • If glasses or lenses are selected incorrectly, then throughout the day a person has to strain his eyes repeatedly
  • Such loads can cause pulsations in the eyes, head, neck, as well as sensations of tightness of the scalp

Nose diseases, ear

Nose diseases
Nose diseases
  • Homeless, rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis media are rather frequent causes of headaches in children and adults
  • They are able to cause pulsation that pulls pain or sharp headache in the occipital and frontal part

Pain on the right side of the head, causes. Pain in the left side of the head, causes

Often, pain localized in one or another part of the head is caused by the use of very cold water or food, alcohol, drugs or nicotine, as well as a disease such as myositis.

Cervical myositis

Cervical myositis
Cervical myositis
  • The causes of myositis can be called hypothermia, a long stay in an uncomfortable position or various kinds of neck injuries
  • Headache in myositis basically appears while moving the head and turning of the neck

Pain in the back of the head during physical exertion

Pain in the back of the head during physical exertion
Pain in the back of the head during physical exertion
  • Very often some athletes or vice versa people who are far from sports, with strong physical exertion, can feel pain in the back of the head, frontal part, goosebumps or tingling in the head
  • Some people experience some kind of stifling of the head. It seems that the head was pulled off with a rope, or put a tight hat on it
  • All these signs are manifested due to a sharp spasm of vessels arising from strong physical overvoltage

Treatment of headache in the back of the head with folk methods

Treatment of headaches with folk remedies
Treatment of headaches with folk remedies

Before proceeding with more complex, radical means of traditional medicine, you need to try to get rid of headaches with the help of elementary things:

  • improte the room
  • eliminate all annoying loud sounds
  • try to increase humidity in the room
  • take a walk in the fresh air
  • refuse to drink alcohol, nicotine, drugs
  • clean the intestines
  • massage of the entire surface of the head, including whiskey
  • aromatherapy
  • massaging the temples, forehead and neck of aromatic maladers of lavender, rosemary and mint
  • tonic and relaxing herbal teas and infusions
  • compresses

Here are some of the most effective folk methods of getting rid of headaches:


Infusions of headaches in the back of the head
Infusions of headaches in the back of the head
  1. An infusion of St. John's wort. We take a glass of boiling water and pour a large spoonful of St. John's wort grass into it. Insist the grass and take one third of a glass before meals
  2. A decoction of chamomile by a smell of Besweight. In a glass of water we fall asleep a large spoonful of chamomile and boil it for five minutes. Insisted for a decoction for twenty minutes and strain it, we take a third of a glass after eating
  3. The tincture of the peony is evading. We take the crushed peony roots and fill them with vodka in a ratio of one to ten. We take a small spoon of infusion before meals
  4. A decoction of herbal fee. We take two tablespoons of the collection of clover clover, white lilacs and a rattle (proportions 4: 4: 2) and fill it with half a liter of boiling water. Offended a decoction for half an hour, filter the infusion. We take a decoction about six times a day half a glass
  5. A decoction of herbal collection No. 2. We take a tablespoon of collecting ordinary lilac flowers, a coil of meadow pink and thyme. Pour the grass with boiling water and let them brew for an hour. Drink the entire broth twice with an interval per hour
  6. Infusion of onion husk. Pour the husk of the bow with a glass of boiling water and insist an hour and a half. Drink the resulting infusion two times half a glass. It is recommended to brew a new infusion every day
  7. Propolis tincture. In a hundred grams of alcohol or vodka, add twenty grams of propolis. We take the infusion of forty drops at a time. You can drip them directly on bread
  8. Infusion of valerian. We take twenty grams of valerian roots and fill them into a glass of boiling water. Heat the mixture in a water bath under the lid for fifteen minutes. Let her brew for about forty -five minutes, filter. We take the infusion of valerian two large spoons thirty minutes after eating

Compresses and wraps

Headaches compresses
Headaches compresses
  1. At high pressure, cut fresh cucumber in circles and put it on the eyes
  2. Dip rye crumbs in vinegar, wrap it in a bandage, and apply in a sore spot
  3. Pour a large spoonful of salt into a liter jar of water and stir it thoroughly. In ten grams of camphor oil, pour one hundred grams of ammonia of ten percent alcohol, thoroughly shake everything. We drain all two solutions in one vessel, cover with something and chat until the flakes formed when combining mixtures are connected. We smear a mixture in a water bath and make a compress out of it to a sore spot for the whole night
  4. In half the liter of water, dissolve a large spoonful of salt. The fabric based on wool is uro in a solution of salt and apply to the lower back. Wrap the compress with a warm scarf and leave it overnight
  5. We apply the peel cleaned from the pulp to the temple. Keep the crust until the stove starts

Unusual ways to get rid of headache

Unusual methods of getting rid of headache
Unusual methods of getting rid of headache
  1. We put a green scarf on your head
  2. We determine which nostril in the nose breathes cleaner, alternately closing each. If the nostril from which the pain comes better, you need to close the breathing nostril and breathe the one that breathes worse
  3. We get in front of a large mirror and, without blinking, repeat to our reflection in it: “There are three at the expense, the head of the pain, pass! Once! There are three at the expense, the head of the pain, go through! Two! There are three at the expense of, the head is pain, go through. The headache passes. The headache has passed. Three!"
  4. We tap through the nose with a thumb with five to twenty minutes. After a couple of hours we repeat the ritual
  5. We brew tea in a cup. We dip a small spoon into a hot tea and apply it to the nose from the side of the pain. When the spoon cools down, we repeat the procedure. After that, we put it, packed from hot tea, a spoon to the earlobe from the same side. In the end, heat the fingertips on a hot cup and drink our tea

It is worth noting that the folk remedies would not be effective, it is first necessary to find out the cause of the pain. Only by eliminating it, you can get rid of once and for all
From painful headaches.

Video: Treatment of pain in the back of the head

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Comments K. article

  1. Interesting tips, but still self -hypnosis or tapping by the nose should not be the main in treatment. A competent doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, still more often the cause of the headache is the wrong vessel work and impaired blood circulation. I am now walking at the neurologist, otherwise my head was very bad, like flies began to appear before my eyes. Now the course of treatment with a vabobrail is approaching me by the end, so it is already better with the head, the pain is rarely very very, it seems that the blood circulation is established, which means the risk of a stroke is reduced.

  2. And even painkillers do not help me with a headache (((

  3. Nina, but in general, painkillers also harm our body, they also greatly affect the stomach. I myself went through it, so I know what I'm talking about. By the way, the doctor (to whom I eventually reached), Vazobra appointed me. You know, it is not only good in effectiveness (since headaches and dizziness, after the course, remained in the past), but it also has good tolerance. I'm happy.

  4. I take a ginkoma, I am escaping from the headaches of vascular origin. To improve cerebral circulation, it helps, it is based on gingko biloba extract, regulates the work of blood vessels and normalizes the pressure. When changing the weather, it also helps a lot.

  5. My topic ... as the pressure rises, it begins ... And I do compresses, and I lie on the relaxation, and I drink tablets with handfuls, if only it would let go faster. A terrible disease.

  6. I have a migraine, my head often starts to get sick at the most inopportune moment. I am very helping me very much at such moments. Previously, I drank other means-analgesics and so on, however, they, at best, begin to act after 40 minutes. And after 5 minutes, dialrapid facilitates the condition.

  7. thanks

  8. I had such pains against the background of weather dependence. Yes, probably, and now I would have tormented me, if not for the ginkoma (I take it courses), and not yoga. This is exactly what helps to cope .... Already for a long time I live without pain and noise in my ears, which cannot but rejoice))

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