Vaccinations for adults: what do they do from, why should everyone be vaccinated?

Vaccinations for adults: what do they do from, why should everyone be vaccinated?

From this article you will find out what vaccinations should be set for adults.

The vaccinations that we “passed” in childhood will not protect us all our lives. Some should be repeated, others require additional doses. This is worth remembering to avoid diseases that can be easily prevented by vaccination.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Why do people not want to make coronavirus vaccinations?". You will learn why the people of our country, as well as in Europe against this vaccination.

What diseases should adults do?

What and what do for adults are vaccinated?

Vaccinations for adults
Vaccinations for adults

Of course, vaccines best protect us from bacteria and viruses. They are safe, almost painless and can relieve many health problems, even save life. Provided that they are placed according to the established schemes. We believe that we will not have jaundice, that is, viral hepatitis, tetanus or influenza, and that epidemic mumps, rubella or chickenpox affect only children, so we do not vaccinate.

Read the article on our website about vaccination against HPV - is it effective and is it worth it to put it? When can you undergo vaccination from HPV and why is it necessary?

Meanwhile, doctors warn that the concept of “childhood illness” in medicine has ceased to act because adults suffer from them. What and from what are vaccinated to adults is described below. Read further.

Vaccination from pneumococcal infection, pneumonia to adults

Adults with weakened immunity, chronic patients, with a remote spleen, elderly people and smokers should be vaccinated against pneumococci. These bacteria cause otitis media, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Two types of pneumococcal vaccines are currently available - polysaccharide and conjugated. The doctor decides which vaccination against this infection is suitable for this patient, and in the case of indications for the administration of both drugs determines in what order and at what intervals they should be administered.

Introduction Scheme: Adults are a single dose of vaccine.

Vaccination for adults from whooping cough: Why should everyone be vaccinated?

Neither disease nor vaccination will lead to sustainable immunity against whooping cough. Adoption 4 doses In childhood gives immunization for 7-10 years. Such vaccination is especially recommended for pregnant women or those who plan pregnancy, as well as to all those who care for newborn and babies. The vaccination of persons carrying out care has a “cocoon effect” that protects children who have not yet been vaccinated. After all, they are easily infected and can get sick. Therefore, vaccinations for adults from whooping cough should be set.

Schedule: All adults every 10 years A booster dose of a combined vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.

Why should all adults be vaccinated from whooping cough?

  • Since the mid-90s, a steady increase in the incidence of coughing has been observed. Most of these cases fall on adolescents and adults. It is these people who are the main source of infection for newborn and young children without immunity.
  • For such small children, whooping cough can be severe, with neurological complications, such as cramps, brain edema, intracranial bleeding, hypoxic encephalopathy, irreversible consequences of mental retardation or epilepsy, and even death.
  • Vaccination from whooping cough is recommended for all adults, especially women planning pregnancy, pregnant women and their partners, as well as people in contact with newborn and babies.

It is worth knowing: Vaccination from whooping cough in the third trimester of pregnancy is safe and protects both a woman and a child who, in the first weeks after childbirth, is especially susceptible to complications with whooping cough.

Since there is no single vaccine against whooping cough, vaccination is carried out by combined immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.

Dipheria and tetanus vaccination to adults

Dipheria is a disease that everyone has long forgotten about. But still, cases of this disease are found. It’s easy to become infected with tetanus - even a small cut is enough when the wound is polluted by earth. This disease, which often ends with a fatal outcome, is caused by a toxin produced by bacteria in the soil and feces. Therefore, all adults need vaccination from diphtheria and tetanus. Everyone who was not vaccinated or who does not have data on such vaccination must be vaccinated.

Schedule: Three doses in the cycle: first the first, throughmonth - The second, through Six months after the second - the third. People who have undergone a vaccination course, every 10 years, should receive a booster dose, preferably a combined vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.

Hepatitis A, B, with adults: what is the schedule?

Hepatitis A vaccination (food jaundice) is recommended for adults with hepatitis B (the so -called implantable jaundice) or C (hepatitis C). The fact is that the imposition of viruses can aggravate the disease. In addition, people involved in the production and distribution of food, disposal of household and liquid waste, as well as people traveling to countries with a low standard of living and insufficient hygiene, must be vaccinated. After all, they can infect or infect themselves through food.

Who needs vaccination from hepatitis a, c, with:

  • Against hepatitis B. (We become infected through blood and sexually) all people who are not subject to compulsory vaccination should be vaccinated.
  • These are mainly those who are preparing for some medical procedures, manipulations, surgery, as well as pregnant, elderly, chronically patients infected with hepatitis C.
  • People who have never been sick and have never been vaccinated, a combined vaccine against hepatitis a and hepatitis B..

Schedule: Combined vaccine against hepatitis a + in - three doses with an interval of one month from the first and in 6 months From the second. For adults, you can use an accelerated schedule - the second dose after 7 days from the first, 21 days from the second and the fourth in a year. The fully completed vaccination cycle protects for life.

Identical schemes are used in case of vaccination against hepatitis B.. For vaccination against hepatitis a, Two doses with an interval in 6-12 months.

Vaccination against measles, epidemic mumps, rubella: why should adults do and to whom?

Vaccination against measles, epidemic mumps, rubella
Vaccination against measles, epidemic mumps, rubella

Today, only a combined vaccine is used against these diseases. Vaccinations against measles, epidemic mumps, rubella are placed by both children and adults. That's who needs such a vaccine:


  • Women planning pregnancy, not sick with this disease And not vaccinated against rubella. They must undergo vaccination, because this disease is the cause of developmental malformations, the death of the fetus, miscarriage. It should be borne in mind that vaccination should be completed at least 1 month before pregnancy.
  • Men who were not vaccinated and did not hurt mumps, since this can lead to male infertility. In addition to testicles, epidemic mumps affects all parenchymic organs - salivary glands, liver, spleen, thyroid gland. The older the person, the harder the disease.


  • A serious disease that can lead to pneumonia of even the brain.
  • Therefore, vaccination is recommended to all unvaccinated people.

Scheme: People who have never been vaccinated - two doses with an interval in 4 weeks, people who took one dose in childhood - one dose.

Why is it necessary to vaccinate from measles not only for children, but also for adults? Answer:

  • Curity is an acute viral infectious disease that is very easily spreading among people of all ages.
  • On average, one patient can infect 12-18 peoplenot possessing immunity.
  • This disease should not be underestimated, since Coria complications suffer before 30% of patients. They are mainly found in children up to 5 years and adults over 20 years oldas well as in people with weakened immunity.

Who should make measles vaccine? Answer:

  • First of all, people who were not vaccinated before and did not hurt measles are vaccinated.
  • Complete protection is provided by the introduction of 2 doses of the vaccine with an interval of at least 4 weeks, so people vaccinated with only one dose of the vaccine should take a second dose.

Currently, vaccination is carried out by a combined vaccine against measles, epidemic mumps and rubella. All registered vaccines are allowed for use in children and adults. As mentioned above, the full procedure consists of two doses of the vaccine introduced with the interval at least 4 weeks. It is not recommended to do during pregnancy, and a woman should not get pregnant during 1 month After vaccination.

Chickenpox vaccination to adults

Winds of smallpox is the most common infectious disease among children, which can result in inflammation of the cerebral membranes, brain and cerebellum with irreversible damage (violation of walking, equilibrium, vision). This is very dangerous for infected babies in the perinatal period. But the vaccination against chickenpox is also needed by adults.

That's who needs it:

  • Vaccination is recommended for healthy people, mainly women planning a child. Vaccination should be completed a month before pregnancy.

Schedule: 2 doses With the interval in 6 weeks.

Adult vaccination: flu vaccination

Adult vaccination: flu vaccination
Adult vaccination: flu vaccination

Influenza is a seasonal disease that is especially dangerous due to possible complications and outbreaks of the epidemic. Who needs vaccination? That's which of the adults should put such a vaccine:

  • Everyone should undergo vaccination, especially people who are especially vulnerable to infection - teachers, medical workers, sellers.
  • Pregnant women and young girls planning pregnancy should do this, since the disease can cause a miscarriage or death of the fetus.
  • Women in a position are best vaccinated in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but in the case of an influenza epidemic, the vaccine is administered regardless of a month.
  • Such vaccination is also important and chronic patients, people over 55 years old, with weakened immunity.

Schedule: One dose is accepted, preferably before the start of the flu season. Although vaccination should be done even during an ongoing epidemic.

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis, tick for adults: Scheme

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis is caused by a virus contained in the saliva of an infected tick. Symptoms (similar to flu) appear after 7-14 days After a bite. With age, the risk of complications (paresis, paralysis, depression, neurosis), and sometimes irreversible damage to the brain, increases. Who needs vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis, tick? All adults, namely:

  • Who likes to spend time in the bosom of nature (meadow, forest, park).

Scheme: Three intervals 1-3 months From the first and 5-12 months From the second. In the accelerated cycle: the second injection - after 14 days After the first, and the third - after 5-12 months.

The second dose immunizes almost one hundred percent, but only the third gives complete confidence. The first booster dose should be introduced 3 years later, subsequent - every 3-5 years, depending on the drug and the age of the patient.

Vaccination from coronavirus adults: contraindications, symptoms, how much does it work?

Coronavirus vaccination to adults
Coronavirus vaccination to adults

A vaccine is the main method to protect itself from illness and a complex course of pathology. Vaccination is used against most infectious diseases, and from this year - against Covid. Even if the patient with vaccination picks up the virus, the likelihood of complications of the disease will be almost zero.

Covid vaccination in adults is well tolerated. But has contraindications:

  • Carefully used in chronic pathologies of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, disorders of the endocrine system, epilepsy and diseases of the central nervous system.
  • If there is any chron. Pathology The decision on the production of vaccination is made individually, after consulting with the doctor.
  • Autoimmune and oncological pathologies. How the components of the drug on the course of oncopathology affects now before the end have not been studied before. Risks may appear due to the fact that the immunity of such patients is weak and unbalanced, the hit of foreign bodies can be launched by unwanted processes.
  • Covid vaccination is precisely contraindicated for children in age under 18 years,as well as The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The vaccine is also contraindicated in allergies to its components, exacerbation of the chron. pathologies, acute infections.

It is worth knowing: The vaccine is intended for patients who did not hurt this virus. In the recommendations Ministry of Health There is no indication for a preliminary study for the presence of immunoglobulins Igg and IgM. But this is the main way to find out if a person is ill.

Among the main steps for the preparation for vaccination are measurement t ° bodies and general consultation with the doctor. If during the last 14 days there was contact with infected coronavirus, or if the patient had symptoms covid or SARS - cough, temperature, general weakness, it is necessary to hand over before the procedure PCR test On Covid.

Symptoms of all are different, starting from their absence, and ending with an increase in temperature within 1-3 days.

How much is the vaccination? It is worth noting:

  • Russian experts say that human immunity after such a vaccine will be protected within 6 months.
  • However, recently American scientists concluded that after two vaccinations, a person receives immunity for life.

Who exactly is right is unknown. But it is important that if you are no more than a covid, then you need to get involved from this insidious disease.

What vaccinations cannot be done to adults?

All of the above vaccinations can be done by adults. But you must first make sure that you have not put them recently. Often people forget about it. All data is available to a district or family doctor in electronic form. If they are lost or they are not, then you will have to donate blood to antibodies to diseases such as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis. If there are antibodies in the blood, then there is immunity, then vaccination can not be carried out.

In what diseases can not be vaccinated for adults: when is a honey carrier issued?

Adults cannot be vaccinated if there are any contraindications for the procedure. What diseases can not be vaccinated for adults? When is the honey industry issued?

The ban on vaccination occurs at:

  • Strong allergic reaction On the past, the administration of the drug or suspicion that it may be allergic to its components. In this case, you should choose a vaccine with other components. If this cannot be done, it will be better to refuse vaccination.
  • Oncopathology and recently conducted chemotherapy.

Also, contraindications, because of which it can be better to postpone vaccination:

  • Any infections or chronic pathologies in the acute stage
  • High t ° - above 38.5 ° C
  • Pregnancy
  • Recently received injuries or operations

Caution should be vaccinated to people who have HIV-positive status.

Vaccinations for adults: reviews

Vaccinations for adults
Vaccinations for adults

If we are vaccinated for children without fail, since we are worried about their health, and without a vaccination certificate, the baby will not be accepted into kindergarten or school, then adults will not vaccinate themselves. However, if there are no contraindications, then experts advise doing this to protect their immunity and body from diseases. Read reviews about adult vaccinations:

Ekaterina, 25 years old

Coronavirus did not hurt. I decided to get a vaccine. Already set the second. After the first - the temperature rose to 38 degrees and lasted 3 days. I was in shock, but I was waiting for improvements. I felt good at the same time, went to work. There was only a feeling of heat a little. Then everything worked out. After the second vaccine I feel good, there was no temperature.

Anatoly, 18 years old

Recently they were vaccinated against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. There was a temperature one evening, now it’s normal. The doctor said that in a couple of months, you can get a vaccine from coronavirus.

Irina, 35 years old

Vaccinations were always afraid to put both children and herself. But, if all in childhood are set by his son and daughter, then he is not risk. I'm afraid of consequences, as there are chronic diseases. But recently I met the attending physician, he said to come to a consultation. Perhaps he will advise you to put a vaccine from coronavirus. Since my mother suffered this disease is difficult, and I am afraid to get sick too, it may be worth protecting my body with vaccination.

Video: Core vaccines for adults. Comments Komarovsky

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